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09-03 投稿



ecclesia 发音

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ecclesia 中文意思翻译



ecclesia 短语词组

1、ecclesia hollywood ─── 好莱坞教会

ecclesia 词性/词形变化,ecclesia变形


ecclesia 相似词语短语

1、ecclesiast ─── 传道会

2、eccles. ─── n.艾克尔斯(男子名)

3、ecclesiae ─── n.教堂,教会

4、eccles ─── n.艾克尔斯(男子名)

5、ecclesiarchs ─── 教会

6、Megalesia ─── 巨变。

7、ecclesial ─── adj.教会(机构)的

8、ecclesiasts ─── 教堂

9、ecclesiarch ─── n.教堂司事

ecclesia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dublin is not the only ecclesia which has received help from brothers and sisters from abroad. ─── 都柏林不是得到海外弟兄姐妹帮助的惟一教会。

2、Think of Luke assisting the ecclesia to grow spiritually after the departure of Paul and Silas. ─── 在保罗和西拉离开之后路加一直在那里帮助教会的成长。

3、We shall find ourselves wondering how we compare with them.Let's look to them as an example, encouraging us to lift ourselves to their standard, to bind ourselves together as a united ecclesia. ─── 在与他们比较的时候我们当自我省察,然后以他们为榜样,从中得到鼓励达到他们的标准,紧密地联系在一起成为一个团结的教会。

4、Here was an ecclesia of different backgrounds and problems, of different temperaments, interests and tastes - and we are no different!! ─── 这个教会中的成员有着不同的背景和各种问题,经历着不同的试探和诱惑,我们其实也是一样的!

5、James now contrasts two brethren in the ecclesia, the lowly brother and the rich brother. ─── 然后雅各拿教会里的两个弟兄来做对比,卑微的弟兄和富足的弟兄。

6、This is only the third meeting of the new Negril ecclesia. ─── 这只是内格尔新教会的第三次聚会。

7、In the book of Nehemiah we are shown the events of the building of the ecclesia in Jerusalem and the great Bible School they held. ─── 尼希米记记述了建立耶路撒冷教会的活动以及在那里举办的伟大的圣经学校。

8、Clearly he wants them (and us!) to act as citizens worthy of the Gospel, to be aware at all times of their privileged relationships and status in Christ's ecclesia. ─── 很显然他希望腓立比的信徒(或者今天的我们)所言所行能与福音的样式相称,时刻都能意识到他们在基督的教会中这种特别的领受恩惠的关系和地位。

9、Most of the members of the Christadelphian ecclesia in the main city of Belfast came from a Protestant background. ─── 主要城市贝尔法斯特的大多数基督弟兄教会都有新教徒背景。

10、term ecclesia come from? Do you remember? ─── 词从何而来?”还记得吗?

11、We send our greetings to you from the ecclesia in Hong Kong. ─── 香港教会的弟兄姐妹向大家主内问安。

12、This might make it possible for more of them to stay, so that this fledgling ecclesia can continue to grow. ─── 这可能使他们更多的人留下来,使这家年轻的教会继续成长。

13、The Port Maria ecclesia is one of the newest lightstands in Jamaica. ─── 玛利亚港教会是牙买加一盏最新的灯座。

14、1.On the first day of the week the members of the ecclesia met together to "break bread" (Acts 20:7). ─── 在每周的第一天教会的会员要聚集在一起“掰饼”(使徒行传20:7)。收藏指正

15、Czechoslovakian religious reformer who was excommunicated(1409) for attacking the corruption of the clergy. His De Ecclesia questioned the authority and infallibility of the Catholic Church. ─── 胡斯,约翰1372?-1415捷克斯洛伐克宗教改革者,1409年由于攻击牧师制度的堕落而被开除教籍。他在著作教会中对天主教会的权威和正确性提出了质疑

16、Every ecclesia who entered into the Northeast establish its missionary network. ─── 第三,基督教在近代东北传播与发展评析。

17、They would have liked to close the ecclesia's door, but Jesus tells the ecclesia that the Jews will eventually have to accept them as the true disciples (verse 9). ─── 他们会很想关上教会的门,但是耶稣告诉教会那些犹太人最终会不得不接受他们而成为真正的门徒( 启示录3:9)。

18、Groups Within the Ecclesia Go through each of the specific groups in the ecclesia that Peter addresses.What are the main points he makes to each group ? ─── * Servants * Wives * Husbands * Elders * Younger 教会中的群体: 找到彼得所提到的教会的每一个群体,彼得对他们分别说了些什么?

19、Maledictus sit ubicunque fuerit, sive in domo, sive in agro, sive in via, sive in semita, sive in silva, sive in aqua, sive in ecclesia. ─── 愿他无论身在何处,都下地狱,无论是在住宅里还是马厩里,在花园里还是田野里,在大道上还是小路上,在林中还是在水中,或者在教堂里。

20、when did anybody in an English ecclesia ever turn round to me just before the meeting and make comments like that. ─── 也就是说,他们已经准备好迎接真理。他们是追寻者,他们带着绝对真诚的追寻者。

21、Peter is emphasising the need for unity within the ecclesia. ─── 彼得强调的是教会团结的必要性。

22、In Greek, what does the term ecclesia originally refer to in classical Greek? ─── 在希腊语中,ecclesia原本指什么?,在古希腊语中?

23、Most of the members of the Christadelphian ecclesia in the main city of Belfast came from a Protestant background. ─── 主要城市贝尔法斯特的大多数基督弟兄教会都有新教徒背景。

24、The ecclesia at Free Hill is about 18 years old, and though small, bears faithful witness to the Gospel in the North Central part of the Island. ─── 自由山的教会已有18年的历史,虽然这家教会的规模不大,却在岛屿的中北部信实地见证福音。

25、MARTIN: Normally because our ecclesia is small we concentrate mainly on our area. ─── 马丁:一般来说,因为我们的教会还小,信徒主要集中在我们这个地区。

26、This might make it possible for more of them to stay, so that this fledgling ecclesia can continue to grow. ─── 这可能使他们更多的人留下来,使这家年轻的教会继续成长。

27、And the faith he proclaimed lives on in the hearts and the minds of the Kingston ecclesia. ─── 他宣布的信仰今天依然驻留在金斯敦教会人们的心里和思想上。

28、“(4). In causis in quibus tum Ecclesia tum civilis potestas aeque competentes sunt,quaeque dicuntur mixti fori,est locus praeventioni. ─── 在教会和世俗当局享有同等的管辖权的案件,即也被说成是混合管辖的案件中,享有优先管辖权。

29、She had previously taught at Ecclesia Bible College, as well as Theological Centre for Asia, Singapore. ─── 她曾经担任神召神学院及亚洲神学中心(新加坡)的讲师。

30、And then back in 1992, ten years ago already, I was baptized in Cambridge UK, in Cambridge ecclesia. ─── 接下来在1992年,距离今天已经十年了,我在英国剑桥的剑桥教会里受洗。

31、I was very impressed by the Belfast Ecclesia. If. ─── 贝尔法斯特教会给我留下了深刻的印象。

32、Alan and Mary Eyre still attend mid-week Bible class at Free Hill, but have changed their home ecclesia to Port Maria, which is just starting up. ─── 那些拥有运输工具的人花很多时间在各教会间周游,到处提供支持。牙买加的道路使旅行成为一种相当大的挑战。

33、"If he cannot arrange for such celebration to take place, the matter should be referred to the Pontifical Commission 'Ecclesia Dei. ─── 泰莱斯福尔枢机主教认为教宗的手谕是天主圣神的作为,为了使教友之间走向和谐。

34、Czechoslovakian religious reformer who was excommunicated(1409) for attacking the corruption of the clergy.His De Ecclesia questioned the authority and infallibility of the Catholic Church. ─── -1415捷克斯洛伐克宗教改革者,1409年由于攻击牧师制度的堕落而被开除教籍。

35、We send you the warm greetings of the brothers and sisters from my ecclesia at Brighton, South Australia, which takes great interest in your growth in the Truth. ─── 我们从澳大利亚南部的布莱顿的教会向你们致以热情的问候。我们的教会对你们在真道上的增长一直非常关注。

36、COMMENTARY: There is a light encircling Jamaica now. A ring of lampstands giving ample testimony to the gospel and there is a clear role for each individual ecclesia. ─── 解释词:现在有灯光环绕牙买加。环绕四周的一座座灯台正在为福音做丰盛的见证,每座教会都有明确的责任。

37、For several years the brothers and sisters of Belfast Ecclesia had to pass through a British checkpoint in order to attend Sunday meeting at the ecclesial hall. ─── 数年来贝尔法斯特教会的弟兄和姐妹必须经过英国的检查站才能去教堂参加周日聚会。

38、MARTIN: The ecclesia is a lighthouse and is supposed to be kept shining so that others can see the light and be drawn to following the light. ─── 马丁:教会是灯塔,理当不断发出光芒,使他人能看见光,受到吸引,跟随光。

39、From I Peter 2:18, Peter begins addressing specific groups within each ecclesia. ─── 从彼得前书2:18开始,彼得提到了教会的不同群体。

40、Although the family lives in isolation in Galway, they're a large family as a group of believers that almost outnumber the Waterford Ecclesia. ─── 虽然这个家庭孤独地生活在格威尔,但他们是一个大家庭,人数几乎占沃特福德教会的会员的全部。

41、One of the faults in the Jerusalem Ecclesia was a tendency to "respect persons". ─── 耶路撒冷教会的错误之一是倾向于“偏心待人”。

42、Here was an ecclesia of different backgrounds and problems, of different temperaments, interests and tastes - and we are no different! ! ─── 这个教会中的成员有着不同的背景和各种问题,经历着不同的试探和诱惑,我们其实也是一样的!

43、This letter of brotherly love is an intimate and familiar letter in which the apostle Paul pours out with delight the fullness of his heart for this ecclesia. ─── 这封爱之书信读起来是非常亲切劝慰的,保罗对此倾注了巨大的希望和对教会全心的爱,我们看到了保罗对他们的信心。

44、Greetings from the Tawa Ecclesia, Wellington, New Zealand. ─── 新西兰韦林顿的塔瓦教会向你们问好。

45、As a matter of fact, the rediscovered house of Peter is the first example of a domus- ecclesia in the Christian world. ─── 事实上,伯多禄的家的再发现,是第一个有关基督徒世界中聚会所的例证。

46、Yes, Paul does write to them ALL.He emphasizes the word “all” 9 times when writing to this ecclesia and 6 of those are in chapter 1. ─── 而这是保罗对他们所有人写的,“所有”这个词在这封书信中用过9次,而又6次都出现在了第一章。

47、She had previously taught at Ecclesia Bible College, as well as Theological Centre for Asia, Singapore. ─── 她曾经担任神召神学院及亚洲神学中心(新加坡)的讲师。

48、Broughton is another ecclesia that has been affected by emigration. ─── 布劳顿是另外一家受到移民影响的教会。

49、Let us now consider the high example set by the members of this Philippian ecclesia, an example that we would all do well to emulate. ─── 让我们思考一下腓立比教会为我们所竖立的榜样,这些都是值得我们效仿的。

50、We could say that Philadelphian was a one talent ecclesia. ─── 我们可以说非拉铁非是个有一千银子的教会。

51、This no doubt had a striking effect upon James who was converted to become one of the most influential leaders of the early ecclesia in Jerusalem. ─── 这对后来转变成为耶路撒冷早期教会最有影响力的领袖之一的雅各无疑是一大震撼。

52、On the first day of the week the members of the ecclesia met together to "break bread" (Acts 20:7). ─── 在每周的第一天教会的会员要聚集在一起“掰饼”(使徒行传20:7)。

53、The Jews who went to the synagogue in Philadelphia were opposed to the ecclesia. ─── 在非拉铁非进犹太教会堂的犹太人与教会是敌对的。

54、10.The “sons of God” here are the members of the ecclesia.“sons of God” is used both in the Old Testament (Gen 6v2) and the New Testament (1 John 3v1) to speak of the ecclesia. ─── 在这里,“神的众子”代表着教会的成员,圣经旧约(创世记6:2)和新约(约翰一书3:1)都用这种方式谈及教会。

55、The primitive simplicity and tranquility will grant one with incomparable happiness and relaxation. I start my journey when the first wisp of sunnshine sprinkling on the roof of ecclesia. ─── 科钦的古朴与恬静,会让人拥有无与伦比的愉悦和轻松,我从清晨第一缕阳光洒在教堂顶上时开始旅行。

56、The Port Maria ecclesia is one of the newest light stands in Jamaica. ─── 玛利亚港教会是牙买加一盏最新的灯座。

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