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09-03 投稿



hooting 发音

英:[?hu?t??]  美:[?hu?t??]

英:  美:

hooting 中文意思翻译



hooting 短语词组

1、pant-hooting ─── [网络] 喘气

hooting 词性/词形变化,hooting变形

动词过去分词: hooted |动词现在分词: hooting |名词: hooter |动词过去式: hooted |动词第三人称单数: hoots |

hooting 相似词语短语

1、hooping ─── n.[建]箍筋,环箍钢筋;v.加箍于;包围(hoop的ing形式)

2、mooting ─── v.提出(问题)供讨论;使无实际意义(moot的现在分词)

3、footing ─── n.基础;立足处;社会关系;合计;v.步行;在…上行走;总计(foot的ing形式)

4、hoofing ─── n.(马等动物的)蹄;人的脚;v.步行;猛踢(球);跳舞

5、booting ─── n.引导,引导装入;v.猛踢;启动(计算机);车轮上装制动装置(boot的现在分词)

6、hooding ─── n.戴头罩;vt.罩上;用头巾覆盖(hood的ing形式)

7、hooking ─── v.挂钩(hook的ing形式)

8、shooting ─── n.射击;打猎;摄影;射门;v.射击(shoot的现在分词形式)

9、looting ─── n.抢劫;洗劫,趁乱打劫;v.打劫(loot的现在分词)

hooting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hey, Hoot, why do you do it, man? ─── 嘿,胡特,你为什么从军?

2、Hey, Hoot, Why do you do it, man? Why? It's some kind of war junkie? ─── 嘿,胡特,为啥你要从军?为啥?难道打仗也能上瘾吗?

3、hooting and tearing. ─── 嚎叫令人难忍。

4、A large North American owl (Strix varia) having barred, brownish plumage across the breast, a streaked belly, and a strident, hooting cry. ─── 一种北美洲大鸮枭(横斑林鸮鹀林鸮属),胸部有褐色的条纹羽毛,腹部有条纹,叫声刺耳似汽笛。

5、As before, the crowd began hooting, but now, rather than come near, they threw things. ─── 像先前一样,人群开始叫骂起来。但是,这回他们不走过来,而是投掷着东西。

6、make catcalls; boo and hoot ─── 喝倒彩

7、He do not care a hoot whether he pass his examination or not ─── 他一点也不在乎考试是否及格

8、You ought to meet her,she's a hoot! ─── 你应该见见她,她笑料十足!

9、He doesn't give a hoot whom he bawls out. ─── 不管骂谁他都满不在乎。

10、2. I don't care one single hoot what you said about him; I like him. ─── 你说的关于他的话我一点也不在乎,我就是喜欢他。

11、not worth a hoot ─── v. 毫无价值

12、Would Jane condemn a chimp for wanting to skip a group hooting event?Be a scientist: Just record the facts as accurately as possible. ─── 就像科学家那样:只要尽可能准确地记录下事实。

13、hoot sb. out of ─── v. 赶出某人

14、He couldn't play saxophone but hoot,which set us laughing. ─── 他根本不会吹萨克斯管,只吹出“嘟嘟”的声音,把我们大家逗得哈哈大笑。

15、I am shy, but once you get to know me, I'm a hoot! ─── 我很害羞,但是一旦你了解我就知道,我很无赖的!

16、A video roductio company want to hoot a educational film about day to day training at your club. Do you agree? ─── 一家音像制作公司想要拍摄俱乐部训练射门的片子,同意吗?

17、We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. ─── 我们去掳掠抢夺,毫不留情.

18、7.the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak, play dice, and dance.. ─── 城市的恶棍和状汉鸣响敲打他们的鼓,喝亚力酒,掷。

19、I don't give a hoot. ─── 我不介意。

20、Eddie: You know, I'll tell you something; I didn't really plan on settling down till...well never actually. But hey, what the heck, marriage'll be a hoot. ─── 埃迪:实话对你说吧,我不想就此安心。以前从没这么想过,婚姻是场儿戏。

21、In a string of shrill hoot of the horn sound, he quickly ran to her. ─── 在一串尖声鸣叫的喇叭声中,他快速地跑向她。

22、A video roductio company want to hoot a educational film about day to day training at your club.Do you agree? ─── 一家音像制作公司想要拍摄俱乐部训练射门的片子,同意吗?

23、I heard some owls hooting in the trees. ─── 我听见有几只猫头鹰在树上叫。

24、Waiting on a hooting star. ─── 守候著一颗流星;

25、An owl was hooting somewhere in the fields. ─── 一只猫头鹰在附近的田野里叫着。

26、Don't trample law and order under hoot. ─── 不要目无法纪。

27、The crowd was hooting and jeering at the speaker. ─── 人群发出嘘叫声嘲笑那个演说者。

28、They just think it's a hoot ," said Corrine Bayraktaroglu, co-organizer of the restroom gallery. ─── 他们觉得这很新鲜。

29、The explain of production: nylon body, nylon hoop with the steel ring, the steel hoot with steal ring ─── 产品说明尼龙主体,尼龙卡箍,外镶钢箍,尼龙螺帽,镶刚环

30、of a tugboat adds its grave and tender note. ─── 拖船的鸣笛声增添了它庄重而温柔的调子。

31、hoot at sb ─── 呵斥某人

32、hoot away ─── 哄走

33、hoot sb. off [away, out, down] ─── 以叫嚣把某人哄走[哄下台]

34、16. She looked an absolute hoot ! ─── 她看起来十分可笑!

35、Then they waited in silence for what seemed a long time. The hooting of a distant owl was all the sound that troubled the dead stillness. ─── 他们静静地等了似乎很长一段时间,除了远处猫头鹰的叫声外,周围是一片死寂。

36、The stroke of midnight is the cue for much cheering, hooting, whistling, kissing and the drinking of toasts. ─── 午夜的报时声是欢呼、叫嚷、口哨、拥吻和干杯的前奏。

37、An oppressive silence fell on the room, broken only by the monotonous whir of the electric fan and the occasional hoot of a car in the street, though even these sounded dull and drowsy. ─── 客厅里静得很,只有小风扇的单调的荷荷的声响。间或飞来了外边马路上汽车的喇叭叫,但也是像要睡去似的没有一丝儿劲。

38、hooting of an owl came over the hill--ominous sound! ─── 山那边传来猫头鹰的叫声——不吉利的声音!

39、He had the audience hooting with laughter. ─── 他令观众哄堂大笑。

40、A troop of strange children ran at heels, hooting after him, and pointing at his gray beard. ─── 一群陌生的孩子跟在他后面奔跑,朝他喊叫,指着他的花白胡子。

41、Tiantan people had a vague Shuiqu environment, dreams are all children across the land Huan hoot. ─── 恬淡的环境让人隐隐约约睡去,梦里全是孩子们回响在大地上的欢叫声。

42、"The hooting of an owl broke the silence now and again , giving Linda the creeps." ─── 我们搞到了一点点儿,但只是偶尔能搞到,而且从来都不是当前情况。

43、72. LL: Say, you know what else was a real hoot? Did you see that show on the comedy channel last night? ─── 你是指昨天晚上那喜剧节目频道播出的节目吗?我当然看了。

44、communicate by hooting and grunting, as of primates. ─── 像灵长类通过鸣叫或振动来交流。

45、A steam-launch pushed its leisurely way through the smooth waters of the river with an occasional majestic hoot. ─── 一条小火轮缓缓地冲破那光滑的水面,威风凛凛地叫了一声。

46、"Emmett, that skirt is a hoot!" (Bobbie Ann Mason) ─── “爱米特,那条裙子真是滑稽”(鲍比·安·梅森)

47、hooting cars ─── 喇叭大作的汽车

48、a hoot of laughter ─── 呵呵大笑

49、"It's amazing that nobody else has succeeded, "said Duggan, who plans quite an announcement. "It'll be a hoot," he predicted. ─── “居然没其他人办到,真让人惊讶”,有意将此事大肆宣传的杜根说。他还预言:“到时候一定会轰动。”

50、She could not help hooting when she was told to move to another city. ─── 当她得到调往另一城市工作的通知时,她不禁大笑起来。

51、In fact, with its solid platform and composed suspension, we found it was a downright hoot to drive in congested urban areas where extra power is wasted. ─── 事实上,其坚实的平台和组成暂停后,我们发现这是一个彻头彻尾的叫声推动在拥挤的城市地区,额外的电力浪费。

52、not care a hoot (in hell) ─── 完全不放在心上,一点也不在乎

53、We heard the distant hoot of an owl in the woods. ─── 我们听到远处树林里猫头鹰的叫声。

54、and we drift down a wooded path, the sounds of rutting passion growing fainter, mingling now with the night sounds of crickets and hoot owls... ─── 我们滑入一条树木茂盛的小路,激情的声音逐渐变淡,混入了夜晚间蟋蟀的声音和猫头鹰的叫声。

55、First floor: open kitchen, Haier two-door refrigerator, Haier exhaust hoot for cooking, Haier cooker, Haier microwave oven, Italy GB electric built-in oven, drinking water system. ─── 一楼:开放式欧式厨房,海尔双门冰箱,海尔抽油烟机,海尔厨灶,海尔家用微波炉,意大利gb烤箱,电磁炉,饮水系统。

56、The same effect is observed when we are passed by a fast-moving hooting car in the street, or when the observer is moving fast in relation to a stationary sound source (e.g. ─── 因为音调的高低是由频率(每秒振动的次数)决定的,所以开过来的机车汽笛的音调就比机车和观测者相对静止时间听起来就越变越低了。

57、but it was in vain he tried to play a tune, and instead of pocketing pence, the boys followed him hooting, laughing, and pelting. ─── 不光没有人给他一个子儿,那群孩子们跟着他起哄,嘲笑他,向他扔东西。

58、If this were a made-up story, it would begin at night, with a storm blowing and owls hooting and rattling noises under the bed. ─── 如果这是一个凭空编出来的故事,那么故事就会发生在深夜,外面狂风大作,电闪雷鸣,猫头鹰尖叫,床底下传出嘎啦啦的声音。

59、hoot a bad actor ─── 向蹩脚演员叫倒好.

60、He ddi not care a hoot whether he passed his examination or not . ─── 他一点也不在乎考试是否及格。

61、If we walk to church in this trim, the very children in the parish will hoot after us. ─── 假使我们这样打扮步行到教堂,教区里的孩子们必定要跟在后头喝倒采的。

62、The owl had stopped hooting and there was no reply from its mate over in the distant hills. ─── 猫头鹰停止了呼叫,远处的群山中也没有它的伙伴的回应。

63、We had no chickens but the noise of the neighbors' hens screeching and hooting and trespassing was enough for me to get the message. ─── 我们家没有养鸡,但是邻居家的母鸡的尖叫,鸣喊以及擅自侵入足以让我明白祖母的话的意思。

64、While some organisations or groups do not give a hoot, many people believe strongly in choosing an auspicious name that can help bring good“ feng shui” and overcome obstacles in life. ─── 一方面,很多机构或团体对华文名不甚重视,草率待之;另一方面,也有很多人却又特别“重视”、笃信姓名学,希望用传统的方块字来克服命运风水中的不顺。

65、A hook on the outer plate stripline strengthening plate is a fin cut from the plate surface of the outer plate stripline strengthening plate and bent in the end part to form the hoot. ─── 外板带线加强板上的挂钩是通过在外板带线加强板的板面上切割出肋片,再将所述肋片的端部折弯,形成挂钩;

66、not care a hoot ─── v. 毫不在乎

67、I don't give a hoot; She doesn't give a damn about her job. ─── 我并不关注;她不关注她的工作。

68、A owl was hooting in the garden . ─── 一只猫头鹰在花园里叫。

69、'It's fun, ' Mr. Thomas says, 'but I'm older than their parents, and I hear them at night when they're hooting and hollering. ' ─── 托马斯说,在那里生活很有意思,其实我比他们父母的年纪还要大,晚上却能听到他们的笑闹声。

70、You may see just two bright yellow eyes staring at you or hear a loud hoot. ─── 你可能只见过两只嫩黄的眼睛瞪着你或者听到猫头鹰的大叫声。

71、Hoot astonished situation, determined to gas-ho. ─── 叱诧风云,锐意气豪。

72、A hooting range was marked out for the militiawomen. ─── 为女民兵划出了一个射击场。

73、Mother will hoot when she hears . ─── 妈妈听见会笑死的。

74、His proposal isn't worth a hoot. ─── 他的建议毫无价值。

75、The ancient Romans believed if someone heard an owl hoot, he would soon die. ─── 古罗马人相信一旦有人听见猫头鹰的叫声,不久就会死掉。

76、There is again a traffic jam at the crossroads. Many people hoot to protest restlessly. ─── 十字路口又堵车了,很多人烦躁地鸣笛抗议。

77、I had to pinch my own leg to stop myself hooting with excitement. ─── 我必须拧一下自己的腿,以免兴奋得叫出声来。

78、Why did he hoot at me? ─── 他为什么对着我按喇叭?

79、" Hermione says, automatically lifting one hand so the small owl can perch on her finger, hooting inquiringly. ─── “Hermione说道,不由自主的抬起了一只手,所以那个小小的猫头鹰落在她的手指上,探询般的叫着。

80、While some organisations or groups do not give a hoot, many people believe strongly in choosing an auspicious name that can help bring good"feng shui"and overcome obstacles in life. ─── 一方面,很多机构或团体对华文名不甚重视,草率待之; 另一方面,也有很多人却又特别“重视”、笃信姓名学,希望用传统的方块字来克服命运风水中的不顺。

81、A motorcycle carrying two European sergeants raced past at a frantic speed, followed by an armoured car which advanced majestically, hooting like a soul in torment all the way along the road. ─── 一辆摩托脚踏车,坐着两个西捕,发疯似的在路上驰过。 接着又是装甲汽车威风凛凛地来了,鬼叫一样的喇叭声,一路不停地响着。

82、do not give a hoot about ─── 对 ... 根本不在乎; 毫不在意

83、LL: Say, you know what else was a real hoot? Did you see that show on the comedy channel last night? ─── 你是指昨天晚上那喜剧节目频道播出的节目吗?我当然看了。

84、But soon, as if to prove our guide Larson right, they begin to cry out, something between a growl, a hoot and a chirp. ─── 但随即,彷佛为了证实我们的导游拉森所言不假,牠们开始叫喊起来,那声音听起来像是混杂著狗吠声、猫头鹰的呼呼笑与小鸟尖促的鸣叫。

85、If this were a made-up story, it would begin at night, with a storm blowing and owls hooting and rattling noises under the bed. ─── 如果这是一个凭空编出来的故事,那么故事就会发生在深夜,外面狂风大作,电闪雷鸣,猫头鹰尖叫,床底下传出嘎啦啦的声音。

86、then they waited in silence for what seemed a long time . the hooting of a distant owl was all the sound that troubled the dead stillness. ─── 他们静静地等了似乎很长一段时间,除了远处猫头鹰的叫声外,周围是一片死寂。

87、He may also incite those upper class Tibetan reactionary to foment a riot and hoot away us. ─── 我们就是那几个兵;横直各有各的自由,你要打,我就防,你要攻,我就守。

88、Everyone is interested in death, but few of us outside of the order Strigiformes give a hoot about taxonomy. ─── 在韦伯字典的定义中,分类学为依据假设中的自然关系,对动植物所进行的规律分类。

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