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09-03 投稿



uncommonly 发音

英:[?n?kɑ?m?nli]  美:[?n?k?m?nli]

英:  美:

uncommonly 中文意思翻译



uncommonly 短语词组

1、uncommonly well ─── 非常好

uncommonly 词性/词形变化,uncommonly变形

形容词比较级: uncommoner |副词: uncommonly |形容词最高级: uncommonest |名词: uncommonness |

uncommonly 反义词


uncommonly 同义词

unique | special | unusual | scarce | aberrant | original | exceptional | occasional | especial | single |rare | valuable | surprising | unfamiliar | scare | singular | signal | different | distinctive | novel | infrequent

uncommonly 相似词语短语

1、incommodity ─── n.不便利之处;不舒适

2、uncommonness ─── 不寻常

3、uncomfortably ─── adv.不舒适地;不自在地;令人不快地

4、uncommended ─── 未修补

5、uncomely ─── adj.不标致的;不美的;不像样的

6、commoney ─── 科莫内

7、uncommendably ─── 不可修复的

8、uncommon ─── adj.不寻常的,罕有的;程度深的,特别大的;adv.异乎寻常地

9、commonly ─── adv.一般地;通常地;普通地

uncommonly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was kind to an uncommon degree. ─── 她的仁慈达到了罕有的程度。

2、Today, it is an uncommon time for my lovely soundbox to relax completely. ─── 今天,它难得的放纵了一次。在平时,我会吧音量开得小些。

3、Uncommon bcr/abl fusion gene may occur in typical Ph(+) CML patient. ─── 少见型bcr/abl融合基因可见于典型Ph染色体阳性CML患者并产生异常的RT PCR扩增带。

4、Their love story was something of a fairytale romance, and their love uncommonly intense and powerful. ─── 她希望把菲教养成一个真正的中国女孩,而不是新西兰人,她实在很不喜欢新西兰人。

5、It is not uncommon for people to jaywalk. ─── 人们任意穿越马路并非不常见。

6、Resistance to meropenem is uncommon in most bacteria. ─── 在大多数细菌中对美罗培南的抗药性是不常见的。

7、Giant cell (temporal) arteritis is uncommon before age 50. ─── 巨细胞动脉炎(颞动脉)在50岁以前较少见。

8、Everyone was uncommonly gay. ─── 每个人都极其愉快。

9、We herein present an uncommon, elderly case of VCD. ─── 我们报告一罕见之老年男性声带功能异常之病例。

10、That's not an uncommon response to the pain of migraines. ─── 对偏头痛的反应基本上是一样的。

11、She showed uncommon pleasure at his arrival. ─── 他的到来令她异常欢喜。

12、Although seemingly bizarre, the practice of Placentophagy is actually not as uncommon as it sounds. ─── 尽管离奇,但食胎盘的习惯并不是不常见的。

13、The broader use of "sick"is not so uncommon in England as some British critics affect to think. ─── 在英国,“sick”一词在广义上的用法并不像某些英国批评家假惺惺认定的那样不普遍。

14、A regular and common one can live uncommonly, depending on his inner thought and determination of realizing it. ─── 一个普普通通的人也可以生活的不普通,在于内心的想法和实现这个想法的决心。

15、It is not uncommon to see cars, tongas and rickshaws on the same road. ─── 在同一条道路上见到小轿车、双轮马车和人力车一点也不奇怪。

16、Be common in mind, do uncommon wok. ─── 以平常心,做非凡事。

17、As Scrooge looked fixedly at this uncommon thing, it became a knocker again. ─── 当史克鲁奇目不转晴地注视这个怪东西时,它又变成了一个门环。

18、During the Bosnian war, it was not uncommon to see tightly packed cars struggling over icy unpaved roads. ─── 在那场波斯尼亚战争中,看见塞的满满的车子在结冰的颠簸道路上行驶是司空见惯的事情。

19、It is not uncommon for college students to live at home. ─── 大学生住在家里并不少见。

20、Benevolence had singled him for uncommon benefits. ─── 仁慈的力量把他挑出来给以不同寻常的恩赐。

21、She likes writing about unordinary(unusual,uncommon) things. ─── 她喜欢写一些不同寻常的事.

22、Completely normal hearing is still uncommon. ─── 但要拥有完全正常的听力,仍可遇不可求。

23、This is all creating an uncommonly wide divergence in price targets for the second half of the year. ─── 上述因素使得各方在预计今年下半年的铜价时少有地出现了巨大分歧。

24、It is not uncommon for human to jaywalk. ─── 大部分人任意穿越马路并非不常用知识。

25、Pemphigus is an uncommon autoimmune skin disease. ─── 天疱疮是一种罕见的自身免疫性皮肤病。

26、She wore, what was very uncommon in the country, a mink fur coat. ─── 她穿一件貂皮大衣,这在那个国家是很少见的。

27、Not uncommonly they spend too much time alone and turn to alcohol and other substances as a means of self regulation. ─── 他们多数时候独处,并借助酒精或其他物质来进行自我调节,这些情形都很常见。

28、It is uncommon for healthy animals to cast their young. ─── 健康的小动物小产是不寻常的事。

29、Arlene combed the flea market for uncommon treasures. ─── 为了找寻奇珍异宝,雅琳在跳蚤市场展开地毯式搜索。

30、The sun was shining with uncommon lustre. ─── 太阳放射出异常的光彩。

31、They were using uncommonly flowery language. ─── 他们使用了异乎寻常的华丽词藻。

32、The guests took their seats at the table and began by making an uncommonly good meal. ─── 大家立刻入席,开始大嚼。

33、And yet I meant to be uncommonly clever in taking so decided a dislike to him, without any reason. ─── 可是我倒以为你这样对他深恶痛绝,固然说不上什么理由,却是非常聪明。

34、Kit was a shockheaded shambling awkward lad with an uncommonly wide mouth, very red cheeks, a turned-up nose. ─── 吉特是一个蓬头乱发的后生,走路踉跄,举止蠢笨,嘴巴阔得出奇,两颊深红,鼻孔朝天。

35、Lady Clavering likes to be asked for lunch, and is uncommonly kind, and monstrous hospitable. ─── 克拉弗林夫人欢迎人家要她招待午餐,而且她非常和气,也十分好客。

36、Experimentally, one form of such uncommon matter has been observed. ─── 人们已经在实验中观察到了这类不寻常物质的一种形式。

37、Does not bluster, but gets rid certainly uncommonly. ─── 不虚张声势,但出手一定不凡。

38、She's uncommon strong in the arms when she's up in this way. ─── 她发作的时候,两臂的力气非常大。

39、Beijing Century Uncommon Advertising Co., Ltd. ─── 北京世纪非凡广告公司

40、In Europe allergy to rice and buckwheat is uncommon. ─── 在欧洲,稻米和荞麦一般不引起敏感症。

41、Compression of nerve roots cranial to L4 is uncommon. ─── 压迫腰4神经根相对少见。

42、It is not uncommon now to spot young people wearing T-shirts with the word "Beijing" or "Shanghai" printed on them. ─── 在热闹的乌节路上,我们现在不难看见年轻人穿着印有“北京”或“上海”字样的T恤在闲逛。

43、But travel by train is not uncommon,especially for people who want to enjoy the landscape. ─── 但火车也是常有人坐的,特别是要想观看沿途风景的人愿意坐。

44、Being an exception; uncommon. ─── 例外的,异常的形成例外的;不寻常的

45、"Oh! yes, " said Elizabeth drily -- "Mr. Darcy is uncommonly kind to Mr. Bingley, and takes a prodigious deal of care of him. " ─── “噢,是呀,”伊丽莎白冷冷地说:“达西先生待彬格莱先生特别好,也照顾得他十二万分周到。”

46、"Urethrectomy is uncommonly performed in concert with cystectomy for lower tract TCC," the authors concluded. ─── 作者结论表示,下方尿道TCC患者不常同时进行尿道切除和膀胱切除术;

47、Even in this Birkenstock land, WALA is uncommonly chaste/rigorous. ─── 即使以德国人的标准,WALA的品管把关仍算严格到家。

48、He stares at the portrait with uncommon interest. ─── 他兴味盎然地瞅着那幅肖像。

49、There are too many uncommon words in his essay, it is very difficult to read. ─── 他文章中的冷字太多,看起来真费劲。

50、It is rarely uncommon to come across an eccentric in Broadway. ─── 在百老汇偶尔碰到一怪人并不罕见。

51、His dilemma was not a uncommon one in modern China. ─── 他的尴尬处境,在现代中国并不少见。

52、For some, it is not uncommon to take three to five showers in one visit! ─── 对于有些人来说,在一次洗澡的过程中要冲澡三到五次是很罕见的。

53、Concurrent jurisdiction is not uncommon in criminal law. ─── 并行司法管辖权在刑事法并不罕见。

54、The doctor's quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery. ─── 医生迅速地到达了,并且非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。

55、It is not uncommon for a great scholar to be ignorant in everyday affairs. ─── 一个伟大的学者,对日常事务无知,这种情况并不罕见。

56、"Oh!yes," said Elizabeth drily -- "Mr.Darcy is uncommonly kind to Mr. ─── “不,”费茨威廉上校说,“这份好处还得让我分享。

57、The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well. ─── 成功的秘诀在于将平凡的事情做得出奇得棒.

58、It is not uncommon for women to smoke in public. ─── 妇女在大众面前抽烟并非不常见。

59、Hereafter again with lend an astonishing effort, become an uncommon person. ─── 以后又凭借惊人的努力,成为一个非凡的人。

60、To his utter amazement he found the fruit to be uncommonly delicious. ─── 令他吃惊的是该水果非常甘甜可口。

61、Corporate salaries in the millions of dollars are not uncommon today. ─── 如今,数以百万美元计的薪金并不稀奇。

62、Besides, everyone agreed that the girl was uncommonly beautiful in appearance, and graceful in all her movements. ─── 再说人人都认为这姑娘相貌非凡,一举一动都彬彬有礼。

63、Extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma of head and neck is uncommon. ─── 它主要发生在肺部,头颈部的肺外小细胞癌相当少见。

64、He owed his greatest debt to his mother's uncommon character and ability. ─── 他将自己伟大的天赋都归于他母亲不凡的性格和能力。

65、The secret of success is to do the comon things uncommonly well! ─── 成功的秘诀是将平凡的事做得不平凡!

66、A chronic cough, defined as lasting more than eight weeks, is not uncommon. ─── 慢性咳嗽定义为咳嗽持续八周以上,在生活中并不少见。

67、Not only was she a singularly gifted witch,she was also an uncommonly kind woman. ─── 不仅是因为她是一位极有天赋的女巫,同时她也是一位非同凡响的女人.

68、It was a thoroughly dull party from the beginning, but if you will come I shall be uncommonly grateful. ─── 从一开始我就知道这是一次枯燥乏味的宴客。但是如果你能来的话,我是非常感激的。

69、He was an uncommonly lively and interesting father, I think now, but I really had little idea of that at the time. ─── 现在想来,他绝对是一个异常乐观活跃、趣味横生的父亲,但小时候的我对此却真的知之甚少。

70、Adhesions involving the aforementioned serous surfaces are not uncommon. ─── 上述浆膜表面的粘连亦非少见。

71、It is not uncommon to hear the man in the street gripe about hospital services. ─── 因此,我们也不时可以听到许多民众对医院的不满和投诉。

72、BYD's chairman, Wang Chuanfu, is lauded as a near-genius, and the company's workers are said to be uncommonly motivated. ─── 王传福,比亚迪的董事长,被当做一个近乎天才的人被称赞,而且比亚迪的员工据说也具有不同寻常的积极性。

73、It is not uncommon for clients to shed tears during a remapping session. ─── 在映射会话的过程中用户会流泪这并不罕见。

74、It's not uncommon to see snakes here. ─── 在此地看到蛇并不稀奇。

75、RCA is not uncommon in exudative AMD. ─── RCA形成在渗出型 AMD患眼中并不少见 ;

76、Mr. Bennet: Well, from the little I saw of him between the front door and his bedroom, I should say that he was an uncommonly fine specimen. ─── 班奈特先生:他呀,根据我陪他从大门到卧室的观察,我可以说,他是一个非常罕见的宝贝!

77、It is not uncommon for us to make mistakes. ─── 对我们而言,犯错误是再平常不过的事了。

78、He had an uncommon look, as though he were in love with life. ─── 他有一副不平凡的相貌,仿佛很热爱生活。

79、Not uncommonly, there is a great deal of rain in August. ─── 八月份降雨量大并非异常。

80、But that does not mean collisions are uncommon. ─── 但这并非表示恒星碰撞是不寻常的。

81、Is it uncommon for the best ocean steamers to be two or three days behind time? ─── 在横渡大洋的航线上,即使那些最好的客船迟到两三天也不算什么稀罕事!

82、Today, the most uncommon sort of preacher in the American Church is a repentance preacher. ─── 当今,在美国的教会?A传讲悔改信息的传道人凤毛麟角。

83、He was a man of uncommon intelligence, perception and charm. ─── 他是一个具有非凡才智、理解力和吸引力的人。

84、In fact, recent models of the young universe predict that the earliest stars are uncommonly heavy. ─── 事实上,最近的年轻宇宙模型预测,早期的恒星大多非常重。

85、Life is an abstract painting with uncommon meaning, which you can never understand. ─── 人生就是一幅永远都看不懂,但却意义非凡的抽象画。

86、We concluded that annular syphilid is not uncommon in Taiwan. ─── 我们的结论是环状梅器在台湾并不罕见。

87、A large mass-like pattern is an uncommon finding. ─── 以巨大肿瘤样的形能来表现是不常见的。

88、Intratumoral hemorrhage is extremely uncommon in retroperitoneal liposarcomas. ─── 但是,这种肿瘤极少数会发生肿瘤内出血。

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