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09-03 投稿



finn 发音

英:[fin]  美:[f?n]

英:  美:

finn 中文意思翻译



finn 网络释义

n. 芬兰人爱尔兰巨人

finn 词性/词形变化,finn变形


finn 短语词组

1、finn mccool ─── 找到mccool

2、ruder finn ─── 罗德公关公司

3、finn jones ─── 芬恩·琼斯

4、Huckleberry Finn ─── 费恩历险记(书名)

5、finn mcmissile ─── 找到麦克米塞尔

6、mickey finn n. ─── 加催眠药的饮料

7、Huck Finn ─── [网络] 哈克芬;哈克·费恩;芬恩

8、originals finn ─── 原始芬兰语

9、find finn ─── 查找finn

10、huckleberry finn book pdf ─── 哈克贝利·费恩图书pdf

11、finn balor ─── 找到巴洛尔

12、small finn ─── 小芬兰人

13、finn the human ─── 人类芬恩

14、huckleberry finn pdf ─── 哈克贝利·费恩pdf

15、finn wittrock ─── 找到维特洛克

16、finn and bones ─── 芬恩和博恩斯

finn 相似词语短语

1、fine ─── adj.好的;优良的;细小的,精美的;健康的;晴朗的;n.罚款;vt.罚款;澄清;adv.很好地;精巧地;n.(Fine)人名;(意)菲内;(英)法恩

2、finna ─── 找到

3、fin ─── n.鳍;鱼翅;鳍状物;vt.切除鳍;装上翅;vi.猛挥鳍;潜泳;n.(Fin)人名;(法)芬

4、finny ─── adj.多鱼的,似鱼的;有鳍的;n.(Finny)(美、印)奋丽(人名)

5、find ─── vt.查找,找到;发现;认为;感到;获得;vi.裁决;n.发现;n.(Find)人名;(丹)芬

6、Minn ─── abbr.明(minnesota);n.(Minn)人名;(俄、德、捷)米恩;(英)明;(缅)敏

7、fin. ─── abbr.完结(finish);金融(finance)

8、Finn ─── n.芬兰人;爱尔兰巨人

9、fini ─── n.(Fini)人名;(意)菲尼

finn 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As it turned out, not one Finn won in any of the races. ─── 可是事与愿违,没有一个芬兰运动员在赛跑项目上拿到了金牌。

2、"This was my first F1 point, so it's a nice feeling after such a tough race, " said the Finn. ─── 这是我在F1的首个积分,所以在经历了艰苦的比赛之后我的感觉非常好。

3、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ─── 哈克贝利 芬历险记

4、Finn picked up the intruder as if he were a rag doll, carting him to the other side of his enclosure which only opened last month. ─── 芬抱起这个入侵者就象捡起一只布娃娃,夹持着他走向它的围栏的另一端,这个围栏上个月刚刚启用。

5、"He's proved me wrong and got himself together," said BBC commentator Eddie Jordan, who was previously highly critical of Finn Raikkonen this season. ─── "他证明我错了,得到自己在一起,说:“英国广播公司评论员埃迪乔丹,谁曾强烈批评芬兰人莱科宁本赛季.

6、They slipped the undercover cop a Mickey Finn ─── 他们偷偷在那秘密警察的酒中搀了迷药。

7、She passed out soon after drinking the mickey finn Tom gave her. ─── 她喝了汤姆给她那杯下了药的酒之后,不久就昏倒了。

8、After hearing of a magical cure for warts, Tom and his best friend, Huckleberry Finn, head for the graveyard. ─── 在听说了某种治肿瘤的神奇疗法后,汤姆跟他最好的朋友哈克贝里.费恩便动身前往墓地。

9、Huckleberry Finn was there, with his dead cat. ─── 费恩在那儿等着,拿着他的死猫。

10、The Finn reckons his team has continued to improve in the last few races, but he feels its rivals have taken bigger steps forward. ─── 莱认为车队会在接下来的几场比赛中继续更新,但是他感觉对手们进步得更快。

11、small and middle sized family finn ─── 中小家族企业

12、Finn: What's it like not to feel anything?Estella: Let's say there was a little girl, and from the time she could understand, she was taught to fear... let's say she was taught to fear daylight. ─── 他开始了放浪形骸的打渔生活,这时一个绝佳的机会降临于他...幼时救过的一个犯人作为他的秘密赞助人(直到最后,犯人死时,他才知道真相),送他去纽约完成他儿时的梦想_开画展...

13、tech-innovation strategy of finn ─── 企业创新战略

14、Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village, Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunkard. ─── 不久汤姆遇到了村子里坏孩子哈克贝利 - 费恩,他是本镇一个酒鬼的儿子。

15、Finn: The Aquatic Centre is designed to look like a huge stingray. ─── 如果说北京奥运的“水立方”像是气泡,或者是一汪水的话,伦敦的水上运

16、"Huckleberry Finn, indeed! It ain't a name to open many doors, I judge! ─── “确实是哈克贝利 - 费恩,不过,冲你这名字,不会有很多人家愿意开门。

17、"Satisfied with the way thing went this morning, but a bit less happy about the afternoon would sum up my day," said the Finn. ─── “总的来说,我满意于今天上午取得的成绩,不过下午的情况不那么乐观。”芬兰人说。

18、Finn: Yes today we've just arrived in a part of London which is called Canary Wharf. It's on the River Thames. ─── 大家好,我是刘佳欢迎收听今天的都市掠影,今天我们来到了泰晤士河岛上,四周都是一些摩天高楼。

19、After 57 action packed laps which saw the safety car deployed on four occasions the Finn crossed the finishing line just 1.8 sec behind winner Fernando Alonso (Renault). ─── 在总共57圈紧张激烈的赛事中,场上事故频发,安全车先后出动了四次。冠军最后由雷诺车队车手阿隆索获得,而芬兰人雷克南过线时仅比冠军慢了1.8秒。

20、Then the Finn woman lifted Gerda on to the reindeer's back and it ran off as fast as it could. ─── 于是芬兰女人就把裘妲抱到驯鹿的背上。牠又尽全力的奔驰。

21、Vaid, Y.P. and W.D.L. Finn, "Static Shear and Liquefaction Potential," J. Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE, Vol. 105, No.GT10, pp.1233-1246 (1979). ─── 叶国梁,"台湾西部外海抽砂回填土壤动态特性之研究,"国立台湾海洋大学河海工程研究所,硕士论文,基隆,(1994).

22、Finn: Their promise - to stage the greenest games in Olympic history. ─── 举办奥运史上最绿色的奥运会。

23、Finn: Some of these films are given subtitles. ─── 和英格兰人看,都得专门加字幕。

24、Apart from an analysis of many affinities of Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield,their differences have also been focused. ─── 在分析哈克和霍尔顿的相似点的基础上,重点分析他们的不同点。这些异同点表明前世作家的作品必定会对后来的作品产生影响。

25、He has rightly praised "Huckleberry Finn", and Mark Twain's great incidental achievement, in it and his another work, of creating a prose-style suited to the American ethos. ─── 他正确地称赞了《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和马克·吐温无意中获得的伟大成就,在这部和其他作品里,创造了一种符合美国民族精神的散文文体。

26、He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon. ─── 他还发现乔 - 哈帕和哈克 - 费恩正在一条巷子里吃偷来的甜瓜。

27、Ms. Finn said that her attacker's family was on the police force and that she "did not feel safe" reporting what had happened. ─── 芬说,针对她的攻击者的家人供职于警察部门并且她若报告所发生的事情并“不会感到安全”。

28、Unfortunately it wasn't to be for the Finn. ─── 可惜芬兰人那天运气不够好。

29、Huckleberry Finn: Journey of Initiation ─── 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》:成长之旅

30、Perhaps, some surmised, Schumacher had been involved in the decision-making process, his call to switch Raikkonen to wet tyres destroying any hope the Finn had of scoring points? ─── 可能,有些猜测说舒马赫参与了决策过程,他让莱科宁使用雨胎毁掉了芬兰人拿分的希望。

31、"The Finn has never shown me he can lead a car's development," Coulthard, now Red Bull's reserve driver and a pundit for British TV, wrote in a column. ─── "芬兰人从来没有表现出我,他可能会导致汽车的发展,“库塔,现在红牛车队的后备车手和学者对英国电视台在一篇专栏。

32、Presently he stumbled upon Huck Finn the Red-Handed. ─── 一会儿他就碰到了血手大盗哈克·费恩。

33、Martin G R, Finn W D, Seed H B.Fundamentals for liquefaction under cyclic loading [J],Journal of Geotechnical engineering division, ASCE,1975,101(GT5):423-438. ─── 吴梦喜,楼志刚。波浪作用下海床的稳定性与液化分析[J],工程力学,待刊。

34、But the Finn insists he is not allowing the tension to influence his approach and is confident Ferrari will fight back. ─── 但是芬兰人坚持这些并没有更大的影响他的现在和他对法拉利回归的信心。

35、Olympic authorities didn't order the company to bow out, said Ricky Wu, senior associate at Ruder Finn Asia, which handles Li Ning's publicity. ─── 奥林匹克机构没有命令该公司退出,路德。芬亚洲公司的高级主管利基。吴说。他的公司负责李宁的公关。

36、Huckleberry Finn was there, with his dead cat. ─── 哈克贝利 - 费恩早已等候在那里,手里还拿着他那只死猫。

37、Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village, Huckleberry Finn , son of the town drunkard. ─── 不久汤姆遇到了村子里坏孩子哈克贝利-费恩,他是本镇一个酒鬼的儿子。

38、Like "Huckleberry Finn", "The Catcher in the Rye" is a coming-of-age novel. ─── 《麦田守望者》跟《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》一样,都是成长纪事小说。

39、One was killed along with an Austrian, a Canadian and a Finn. ─── 和一个澳大利亚人,加拿大人,一个芬兰人一起丧生(被杀)。

40、Lauri Dalla Valle: The star of our FA Youth Cup run last season, the Finn bagged 20 goals in all competitions for the U18s. ─── 上赛季青年祖宗杯的明星,芬兰人在U18的所有比赛中打进20球。

41、Ruder Finn also facilitated Cartier's sponsorship of the International Polo Event in Shanghai in 2008, and helped publicise the Cartier Women's Initiative Awards to promote women in business. ─── 他们去年在上海也协助由卡地亚赞助的国际马球活动,宣传卡地亚女创业家奖,以促进妇女创业。

42、Finn Kimi's replacement at Sauber was Massa. ─── 后来芬兰胖子的接替者就是调频。

43、The traditional criticism divides The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn into three units,emphasizing its moral and realistic significance. ─── 传统评论界将《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》分为三个单元,对其主题的理解也多限于作品的道德意义和现实批判意义。

44、Presently he stumbled upon Huck Finn the red-handed ─── 一会儿他就碰到了血手大盗哈克?费恩。

45、Eero Mantyranta, a Finn, was a double Olympic champion in cross-country skiing. ─── EeroMantyranta是芬兰的一名两度获冠的奥林匹克越野滑雪运动员。

46、Alongside fellow nominees including Roger Federer (tennis), Kaka (football) and Tiger Woods (golf), the Finn was selected following a ballot by the world's media. ─── 同时被提名的还包括费德勒(网球)、卡卡(足球)和老虎伍兹(高尔夫),他们都是由全球媒体的无记名投票选举出来的。

47、His novel trots out an Irish president named Finn ─── 他的小说展示了一个名叫芬的爱尔兰总统

48、Presently he stumbled upon Huck Finn the Red-Handed. ─── 不一会儿,他碰到了赤手大盗哈克·费恩。

49、Generally, the style of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is informal and colloquial which is mainly reflected at the three levels of phonology, lexicon and syntax. ─── 在句法层,其风格特征主要体现在句子短、结构简单.

50、But the Finn, whose love of partying is as well-documented as his monosyllabic approach to the media, said he will remain the same person. ─── 不过芬兰人以他往常的方式的告诉媒体们,他将仍然是原来的冰人。

51、Ernest Hemingway, whose own style is based on Twain’s once said, “All modern American literature comes from Huckleberry Finn. ─── 他们试图去建立新世界他们自己的文明,可又不得不引进欧洲传统的建筑、绘画和音乐风格。

52、Einar had a rival aboard the rebel ship, a Finn so skilled that his arrows seemed guided by sorcery. ─── 埃里克船上有一个芬兰人,正是埃纳尔对手,箭术高明,如有神助。

53、"I would have had no problem going up against Kimi Raikkonen," German Schumacher, 39, adds, refuting the common claim that he objected to having the Finn as his 2007 teammate. ─── “和基米莱科宁搭档对我来说没有任何问题。”来自德国现年三十九岁的舒马赫补充道,他的这一说法澄清了他反对在二零零七年和芬兰人搭档的说法。

54、Kimi Raikkonen might mentally have written off his chances of the title this year, but the Finn loves Silverstone and desperately wants victory here. ─── 基米-雷克南今年可能在心理上已经失去了夺冠的机会,但芬兰人很喜爱银石赛道,拼命地想要在这里赢得冠军。

55、His teammate Covar Leining fell behind the young Chinese 0.05 second in the yesterday's second practice match to place fourth, this Finn to serviced channel's entrance somewhat to worry. ─── 他的队友科瓦莱宁在昨天的第二次练习赛中落后小汉0.05秒排名第四,这位芬兰人对维修通道的入口有些担忧。

56、At the end of the day, I hope nothing happens and we can move on without any scandals. As a Finn, I hope Kimi can keep it. ─── 当一切结束之时,我希望什么也没发生,我们可以在没有丑闻的情况下继续前进。作为芬兰人,我希望基米能保留他的总冠军头衔。

57、Eric ordered the Finn to silence Einar and bring him toppling down from his lofty perch. ─── 埃里克命令这芬兰人取埃纳尔性命,把他从高处射下来。

58、Crowded House formed in 1985 when Neil Finn dissolved his former band Split Enz rather than carry on after his brother Tim, the group's founding member, left to pursue a solo career. ─── Crowded House成立于1985年,之前主唱Neil Finn参加过他哥哥Tim Finn发起成立并担任核心的另一个乐队Split Enz。

59、Frenchman Loeb predicts it would be difficult for the Finn to turn his hand to rallying, given its fundamental differences to circuit racing. ─── “如果这样一个优秀的车手来到拉力赛场,我们将会十分的欢迎他”塞巴斯蒂安勒称。

60、"In the last lap I made a mistake in the last corner, but we have a good race pace so hopefully we can fight back," the Finn added. ─── “在最后一圈的最后一个弯角的时候我犯了个错误,但是我们的比赛节奏很好所以我们很希望夺回位置。”芬兰人接着说道。

61、Around the time that Finn decided that he should light out for the territories, California became the land of milk and honey for gold - diggers. ─── 大约在芬恩决定火急赶往加利福尼亚的时候,加利福尼亚已成了淘金者的乐土。

62、It's only Huck Finn! ─── 只是哈克·费恩!

63、Finn: They would all have been there at the beginning of a new Parliamentary session. ─── 一轮新的会议。

64、Former chief scout and Kop defensive star Ron Yeats reckons the Finn was one of the club's greatest signings. ─── 前首席球探和利物浦传奇后卫叶芝也认为芬兰人是俱乐部最棒的签约。

65、Finn: Yes, he said he's only halfway up. He describes the Canary Wharf area as being like Sim City which is the computer game. ─── 他可真有意思,他说他虽然在最高的大楼里工作,可是他办公的地方却是在大楼的中段。

66、Ferrari driver Kimi Raikkonen was the biggest gainer on Hamilton at Silverstone as the Finn took his second win in a row. ─── 对汉密尔顿来说,银石赛道的最大的赢家是法拉利车手莱科宁,芬兰人赢得了他的连续第二个分站赛冠军。

67、But Finn's performance is extremely unstable, frequently when starting out early falls behind, can provide the help is really limited. ─── 但芬兰人的表现极不稳定,经常在发车时就早早掉队,能够提供的帮助实在有限。

68、The Finn took the chequered flag but the McLaren team were called to explain why an official seal from an electronic control box on Hakkinen's car was missing. ─── 哈基宁在比赛中第一个冲过终点,但是赛后组委会发现哈基宁赛车的电子控制箱上的官方印封不见了,麦克拉伦车队被要求对这一事件做出解释。

69、The 35-year-old Finn will leave on a free this summer after agreeing a two-year deal with German outfit Bayer Leverkusen. ─── 35岁的芬兰人会在这个夏季自由转会到愿意为他提供2年合同的德甲的勒沃库森。

70、Chester Finn of Fordham thinks the federal government needs greater power to set standards, while states should have more leeway in meeting them. ─── 佛德汉的彻斯特?芬认为,联邦政府需要更大的权力来制定标准,同时各州在达标的过程中应该有更多的回旋余地。

71、"What I'm seeing and hearing on the streets of Sana'a is sort of widespread panic and fear of what's coming in Yemen, " said Finn. ─── “我所看到和听到的萨那的街道是普遍恐慌和什么在也门未来的恐惧排序,”芬兰人说。

72、internationalization of the finn ─── 企业国际化

73、Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunkard. ─── 哈克贝利?费恩,他是本镇一个酒鬼的儿子。

74、"Stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn." ─── “路上和哈克贝利 - 费恩讲话耽搁了。”

75、Finn: He thinks it's like Sim City because everything here is so ordered and so planned. ─── 你玩过吗?是个非常流行的电脑游戏,可以随便设计自己喜欢的城市的样子。

76、Two of my partners are Brandon Lynne and Finn McKenty. ─── 和F.M是我的两个同伴。

77、In the last programme of our special Olympic series, Sun Chen and Finn Aberdein find out about some plans for the London 2012 Olympics. ─── 在奥林匹克专题系列节目的最后一辑,孙晨和方安介绍伦敦为2012年奥运制定的一些计划。

78、"Huck Finn the Red-Handed, and Joe Harper the Terror of the Seas." ─── “赤手大盗哈克 - 费恩,海上死神乔 - 哈帕。”

79、Unlike some other drivers, the Finn said he was not concerned about the safety implications of racing under floodlights. ─── 与其他车手不同,芬兰车手并不担心在路灯下比赛的安全性。

80、Instead, Jacques Villeneuve's accident on lap 59 set up the play that saw Michael Schumacher snatch second place from the Finn on the penultimate lap. ─── 取而代之的是,雅克-维伦纽夫在第59圈的事故造成了迈克尔-舒马赫在倒数第二圈的时候从芬兰人手中夺得了第二名的位置。

81、"I STOPPED TO TALK WITH HUCKLEBERRY FINN!" ─── “我路上和哈克贝利 - 费恩讲话耽搁了

82、While losing Hyypia could be compared with the exit of McAllister, the difference is that there are three brilliant centre-backs already at the club; the Finn's replacements are already bedded in. ─── 利物浦痛失海皮亚几乎可以和失去麦卡里斯特相提并论,不同的只是现在在中后卫位置上俱乐部已有三个不错的选择;芬兰人几乎已成为替补。

83、Wakeboarding had its beginnings in 1985. that year San Diego surfer Tony Finn created the “skurfer”-a cross between water skis and a surfboard. ─── 冲浪滑水始于1992年,那年在美国的圣地亚哥冲浪运动员东尼.芬创立了“滑浪板”介乎于滑水撬(板)与冲浪板的混合物。

84、The Finn will be available to partner Daniel Agger in the absence of Carragher against Toulouse tomorrow and against Derby County this weekend. ─── 在明天对阵图卢兹以及周末迎战德比郡的比赛中,芬兰人将会顶替卡拉格缺席的空缺和丹尼尔.阿格搭档中后卫。

85、In today's programme, Finn Aberdein interviews Lao Jianhua, the HSBC Designer in Residence at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. ─── 今天的节目里方安采访了由香港汇丰银行资助来伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的常驻艺术家劳建华。

86、With Ruder Finn’s continuous efforts, Emirates Airline is now regarded as one of the world’s leading airlines in China. ─── 与罗德的不断努力,阿联酋航空公司现在看来,这是一个世界领先的航空公司在中国。

87、"Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer swears they will keep mum about This and They wish They may Drop down dead in Their Tracks if They ever Tell and Rot. ─── 哈克 - 费恩和汤姆 - 索亚对天盟誓: 我们将恪守秘密,若有半点私心假意泄密,愿当场倒毙,尸骨无存。

88、Inherited victory from Hakkinen, after the Finn had an engine failure at the last lap of the race. ─── 在芬兰人最后一圈爆缸之后,舒马赫从哈基宁手中继承了胜利。

89、Ben FinnFinnegan: If we dont go after that treasure, its going to haunt us for the rest of our lives and you know it. ─── 本?费尼肯:如果我们不寻找宝藏,它会在我们地余生中留下阴影,你知道地。

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