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09-03 投稿


stub 发音

英:[st?b]  美:[st?b]

英:  美:

stub 中文意思翻译





stub 网络释义

n. 存根;烟蒂;树桩;断株vt. 踩熄;连根拔除n. (Stub)人名;(挪、瑞典)斯图布

stub 词性/词形变化,stub变形


stub 短语词组

stub out

1. 掐灭

He stubbed his cigarette out in an ash tray.


1、stub development ─── [计] 剩余部分开发

2、action stub ─── [电] 作用末段

3、stub card ─── [计] 存根卡片

4、cigar stub ─── 烟蒂

5、stub cable ─── [电] 短电缆

6、matching stub ─── [电] 匹配杆

7、quarte-wave stub ─── [电] 四分之一波长拉线

8、condition stub ─── [电] 条件分类

9、pencil stub ─── 铅笔头

10、non-dissipative stub ─── [电] 无耗拉线

11、stub end ─── [机] 电极头

12、stub matching ─── [电] 残段匹配

13、body stub ─── [计] 体存根

14、coaxial stub ─── [电] 同轴拉线

15、stub angle ─── [电] 残段角

16、stub bolt ─── [机] 螺木椿

17、double-stub tuner ─── [电] 双枝调谐器

18、application program stub ─── [计] 应用程序子例程集, 应用程序的附加程序

19、check stub ─── 支票存根

stub 常用词组

pay stub ─── 工资单;工资存根;工资单据

check stub ─── 支票存根

stub 相似词语短语

1、stob ─── n.长铁楔

2、snub ─── v.冷落;斥责;抵制;(使)(马、船等)停住;掐灭(香烟等);n.冷落;止住;adj.(鼻子)短平而上翘的

3、stum ─── n.未发酵的葡萄汁;重酿葡萄酒;vt.用防腐剂防止发酵过度

4、stud ─── n.种马;大头钉;饰纽;壁骨;vt.散布;用许多饰钮等装饰;adj.种马的;为配种而饲养的

5、stab ─── vt.刺;刺伤;戳;刺穿;直入;vi.刺;刺伤;戳;刺痛;n.刺;戳;尝试;突发的一阵;n.(Stab)人名;(泰)萨达

6、slub ─── n.粗纺线;搓捻;vt.粗纺;轻搓

7、stubs ─── n.[会计]存根(stub的复数形式);v.掐灭;挖出…的残根(stub的三单形式)

8、stun ─── vt.使震惊;打昏;给以深刻的印象;n.昏迷;打昏;惊倒;令人惊叹的事物

9、sub ─── n.潜水艇;地铁;替补队员;vi.代替

stub 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For example, a scrutiny of the check stub from the rent payment would reveal the need for debiting Rent Expense and crediting Cash . ─── 例如,检查支付租金的支票存根就会显现出:需要借记“租赁费”和贷记“现金”。

2、Do you have the ticket stub? ─── 你有票根吗?

3、Incompatible version of the RPC stub. ─── RPC 占位程序版本不兼容。

4、This makes since when you realize the stub is supposed to do as little as possible to have a minimum impact on runtime. ─── 因为你必须考虑到加壳以后对原程序在运行时间上的影响要最小。

5、The influence of the loading method on mid-long columns lies between long columns and stub columns, and it appears more close to latter ones. ─── 加载方式对钢管混凝土中长柱受力性能的影响介于短柱与长柱之间,但与短柱更接近。

6、The -a option, requiring no argument, instructs NASM to replace its powerful preprocessor with a stub preprocessor which does nothing. ─── -a选项不要求任何参数,通知NASM的强大的预处理器不进行任何处理。

7、Georgos repositioned the pencil stub. ─── 乔戈斯把铅笔头换了个位置。

8、His tail has long age been lost, leaving only the smallest stub, which he would constantly jerk and twitch. ─── 他的尾巴大部分也都不见了,只剩下一个短小的咎,却像是始终在不停地摇呀,摇呀。

9、For above ground installation, the receiver &launcher shall be horizontal, which center is about 1m high from ground, and shall be connected to underground pipe by nozzle stub and bend but not skewed crossing connection. ─── 地面安装时,收发球筒为卧式,中心距地面高度一般为1米左右,通过短管及弯管与地下管线连接,不宜采取斜交叉连接。

10、When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver the ticket stub. ─── 当你上了转乘的公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。

11、You can make the packer application that way fer sure -- and you might even be able to make the unpacker that way sometimes -- but you will really be much happier with C/C++/ASM for the stub part. ─── 你当然可以那样做你的加壳程序--而且你甚至可以在同样条件下做出解壳程序--但是,假如你用C/C++/ASM来编写你的程序段会更令人高兴。

12、The JAX-RPC precompiler generates a stub that greatly simplifies coding. ─── JAX-RPC预处理程序生成一个存根程序,极大简化了编码。

13、The WebSphere Portal stub in the installed runtime of your workspace should point to the installed portal server UTE location. ─── 您工作空间安装的运行时中的WebSphere Portal存根应该指向安装的portal服务器UTE位置。

14、The company is so cheap that we have to sharpen our pencil until they are down to little stub like this. ─── 公司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短。

15、The Publish Web Site utility compiles the Web site and strips the source code out of the files, leaving only stub files for the pages and compiled assemblies. ─── “发布网站”实用工具编译网站并从文件中去除源代码,从而只保留页和已编译程序集的存根文件。

16、Don't stub your cigarettes out on my mantelpiece! ─── 别在我的壁炉台上按灭烟头。

17、The factory returns a stub that uses the endpoint address passed on the method. ─── 工厂使用传递到方法的端点地址返回一个存根。

18、Just change the implementation of the stub library, and the calling application can stay the same. ─── 只需更改存根库的实现,调用应用程序就可以保持不变。

19、Pay stub: Basically a receipt for record-keeping. Identifies all of the items and amounts used in calculating the final amount of the pay check. ─── 工资存根:存档的收据。用来核算签发的支票金额和应付的相关项目金额。

20、For example, the ExIPC protocol stub for POP3 is expop. Dll. ─── 例如,POP3的ExIPC协议存根是expop.dll。

21、Bink, his fists clenched so tightly that his thumb jammed into the stub of his missing finger, strode toward the grinning youth standing behind Lookout Rock. ─── 宾克紧紧攥住拳头,大拇指死死抵住中指的断根处。他大步奔向眺望岩后那个嬉皮笑脸的小子。

22、The left-handed client often smudged the ink on the stub when he wrote his check. ─── 左撇子顾客在书写支票时往往会弄脏存根上的墨水字迹。

23、The stub received bad data. ─── 占位程序接收到错误数据。

24、She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub. ─── 她会坐在那儿用铅笔头画画。

25、You can link to the LSB stub libraries and to the LSB runtime linker; then the LSB-specified ABI alone can be used. ─── 您可以链接到LSB存根库和LSB运行时链接器;然后您可以仅仅使用LSB指定的ABI。

26、A New Kind of Stub Apply to the Core Bit ─── 一种新型齿柱在密闭PDC取心钻头上的应用

27、Show your ticket stub at the entrance. ─── 在入口处出示你的票根。

28、The stub articles are expected to seed the posting of more detailed information by Wikipedia users. ─── 存根的文章,预计种子张贴更详细的资料,由文字的用户。

29、L-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular stub column ─── L形钢管混凝土短柱

30、The stub is unable to get the call handle. ─── 占位程序无法取得调用句柄。

31、Using a Stub Data Table, you are able to specify a mapping between input parameters and the values returned, as well as any exceptions that should be thrown. ─── 使用Stub数据表你可以建立一个输入参数和返回值之间的映射关系表,同时还包括认识需要抛出的异常。

32、There are going to be parameters that are computed by the packing application and that will be embedded in the stub so it can do it's work at runtime. ─── 壳程序会计算出很多参数并且放置在文件头中以供运行时候使用。

33、Based on the analysis of the overall use cases for clustering EJB Containers, we present three clustering scenarios: Global Naming Service Based, Smart Home Interface Stub Based and Smart Remote Interface Stub Based Scenarios. ─── 依据EJB容器集群系统的总体用例图场景分析,得到基于全局名字服务、基于智能主接口存根以及基于全局智能远程接口存根的三种集群策略。

34、Area is the backbone area and cannot be a stub area. ─── 区域 是中枢区域,不能是存根区域。

35、People can be very dramatic. We'll stub our toe on the way out the door in the morning, and exclaim "Life sucks! " ─── 人们可以变得十分戏剧化,像是早晨用脚趾头踢开门出去,然后大喊“生活真该死”。

36、Butt welded and seamless pipe fitting Products: elbow,tee,nipple,stub end, MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETE... ─── 发布者:梁海龙所在地:浙江温州市行业:建筑、建材职位:业务主管工作年限:二年以上

37、His tail had long been lost, leaving only the smallest stub, which he would constantly jerk and twitch. ─── 它的尾巴早就没有了,只剩下一点根部,还不停地抽搐。

38、Front Stub Axle To Hub Bearing Nut ─── 前螺桩轴至轮毂轴承螺帽

39、All that was left was a little stub at the root. ─── 他想知道这究竟是怎么回事。

40、Mechanical property of axially compressed concrete filled circular CFRP-steel tube stub columns is analyzed based on experimental results. ─── 以试验为基础,对CFRP-钢管混凝土轴压短柱的受力性能进行了分析。

41、The original or stub of the external documents referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be coded in sequence, and the copies or stubs shall be bound into volumes. ─── 前项对外凭证之正本或存根均应依次编定字号,并应将其副本或存根,装订成册;

42、"This router has all of its interfaces in stub areas, which means it cannot be configured as an autonomous system boundary router. Change the area configuration before enabling the autonomous system boundary router setting. ─── "此路由器的所有接口都在存根区域,这意味着它不能作为自治系统边界路由器配置。请在启用自治系统边界路由器配置配置前更改区域配置。

43、The stub pitch for splines in this standard is twice the diametral pitch. ─── 在本标准中,花键的残余径节是径节的2倍。

44、Try performing a POST against your handler to see the response from the stub, as if you were trying to create a new entry in the database. ─── 如果正在数据库中创建新的条目,可尝试在处理程序上执行POST,来查看来自存根的响应。

45、He took a final puff at the clipped stub , and ground it out in practiced motions of the lifeless hand. ─── 他把夹住的烟蒂吸了最后一口,然后用那只没生命的假手熟练地把他捻熄。

46、Can be used to dynamically generate stub classes or other proxy classes directly in binary form, or to dynamically modify classes at load time. ─── 可以用来以二进制形式动态地直接生成存根类或其他代理类,或者动态地在装入时修改类。

47、In cases of equity carve-outs, a negative "stub value" indicates an extreme case of mispricing. ─── 在股权转让中,负的“自有价值”是显示不合理定价的一个极端的例子。

48、Value that indicates whether verbose warning messages are to be generated during compilation of a client proxy or a server stub. ─── 值,该值指示是否在编译客户端代理或服务器存根的过程中生成详细的警告消息。

49、To study the behavior of circular tube confined HSC stub columns,6 specimens were tested under cyclic axial compression. ─── 为研究圆钢管约束高强混凝土短柱的轴压力学性能,进行6个短柱试件在循环轴压荷载作用下的试验研究。

50、Code Generation and Reuse Ajax Stub ─── 代码产生与重用

51、When this stub is executed, it checks to see whether the needed routine is already in memory. ─── 当这个存根程序执行时,它会检查被调用的例程是否是已经在内存之中。

52、Do you need your parking stub validated? ─── 你的停车券要盖章(证明有效)?

53、"The area with ID is the backbone area and cannot be a stub area. ─── "标识为 的区域是中枢区域,不能是存根区域。

54、and after such transfer, the company shall record the name or title and the domicile of the transferee in the stub of the corporate bonds. ─── 转让后由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于公司债券存根簿。

55、OSPF stub or totally stubby Areas can only exist if adjacent to which of the following? ─── OSPF末节域或完全末节域通过下面选项的拿一个连接,才会存在。

56、The client application takes advantage of this dynamic stub generation capability; the stub is generated when the ORB requests it for them. ─── 客户机应用程序会利用这种动态存根生成能力;存根是在请求ORB时生成的。

57、Another man casts stub on the ground, start will cry: "Be darned! ─── 另外一个男子把烟蒂掷在地上,跳起来喊道:“岂有此理!

58、Faulcon jumped up and took a pencil stub down from his shelf. ─── 富尔康跳了起来,从他那架子上拿下了一个铅笔头儿。

59、A ticket stub entitling the holder to admission to a future event if the scheduled event is canceled because of rain. ─── 可继续使用的票根:一种票根,允许持有者如因原定的活动遇雨取消可以参加将来的活动。

60、The two parameters provide basis for the theoretical analysis of the removal of turbidity using stub tube fillers. ─── 两者为短管填料对浊度去除的理论分析提供了基础。

61、In the absence of any other actions on the part of the requestor, the default value is used as the endpoint address by the stub. ─── 请求程序方面在缺少任何其它动作时,存根就将默认值用作端点地址。

62、A null reference pointer was passed to the stub. ─── 向占位程序传送了空的索引指针。

63、Big picture is that there will be two projects, producing two distinct executables -- the packer stub and the packer application. Their configuration will be significantly different. ─── 大的方向是2个工程,处理2种不同的可执行文件---局部加壳和全部加壳。这2种配置有很大的区别。

64、If you stub your toe, it is no accident. ─── 如果你的脚趾断了,这不是偶然的。

65、As far as the client can tell, the stub object is the implementer of the interface. ─── 对于客户机而言,存根对象就是接口的实现者。

66、The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencils until they are down to little stub like this. ─── 公司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短

67、He pulled the stub of a pencil from behind his ear. ─── 他从他的耳朵后面抽出了一个铅笔头。

68、The additional toe protection is a necessity for a clumsy oaf like me who tends to stub his toe often. ─── 对于想我这样常常踢倒脚趾头的笨拙的人来说脚尖部分的而外保护是很必要的。

69、The calling code in the client does not have to know that the call is actually going through a stub. ─── 客户机的调用代码不需要知道调用实际上是通过存根进行的。

70、The method of calculating the height of each branch of the liquid stub tuner was studied, and calculating formulas were put forward and confirmed by the data of the experiment. ─── 同时,对液态调配器各支节匹配高度的计算方法进行了研究,提出了计算公式,并利用实验中测得的数据对计算公式进行了验证。

71、From here, please refer to the appropriate stub generator documentation for more information. ─── 以后,有关详细信息请参考适当的存根生成器文档。

72、Embedded Program Stub Technology Based on GCC ─── 基于GCC的嵌入式程序插装技术

73、It contains a number of methods that make it easier for a client to obtain a client side stub to the service. ─── 它包括多个方法,这些方法使客户机可以容易地获得服务的客户端存根。

74、Often it turns out to be a small stub process left running by an editor or Web browser after you ve closed the user interface. ─── 最终常常会发现,关闭用户界面后,编辑器或者Web浏览器还留下一个小的存根进程在运行。

75、On such a night even a ghost would stub its nose turning a corner.Cats would wish all their whiskers were like the antennae of insects. ─── 在这种夜里,鬼都得要碰鼻子拐弯,猫会自恨它的一嘴好胡子当不了昆虫的触须。

76、He caught his foot on a tree stub ─── 他的脚给树根绊了一下。

77、Make sure you get a baggage check stub. ─── 一定要拿到寄运行李的存根。

78、Soybean stub land, stub land of Melilotus suaveolens, melon field were preferred.The stub land of millet and cabbage should not be the nursery land to breed Larix kaempfiri. ─── 其他农茬首选大豆茬地、草木樨、瓜地茬,而谷子和白菜地茬不应作苗圃地繁育日本落叶松。

79、I have every cheque stub we've written since 1959. ─── 我有自1959年以来我们填写过的每一张支票存根。

80、Attaches an MS-DOS stub program to a Win32 program ─── 将MS-DOS存根(stub)程序附加到Win32程序

81、He threw the stub of his cigarette viciously into a spittoon, then picked up a cup of tea from the table and took a sip at it. ─── 何慎庵冷笑着说,将手里的香烟头用力掷在痰盂里,拿起茶杯来喝了一口。

82、He took a final puff at the clipped stub, and ground it out in practiced motions of the lifeless hand. ─── 他把夹住的烟蒂吸了最后一口,然后用那只没生命的假手熟练地把他捻熄。

83、As before, the client-side developer must use the stub to invoke the service from the client-side business logic. ─── 同前面一样,客户端开发人员必须使用存根调用客户端业务逻辑中的服务。

84、Open-circuited stub bandpass filters ─── 开路短截线带通滤波器

85、Once your application is built using the LSB headers and linked with the LSB stub libraries and runtime loader, you can start packaging your application the LSB way. ─── 一旦您使用LSB头来构建应用程序并与LSB存根库和运行时装入器链接后,您就可以开始以LSB的方式来打包应用程序。

86、Don't write with a pencil stub. ─── 别用铅笔头写。

87、The meshing between the rack on ball nut and the gear sector on stub shaft in ballrecirculating steering gear with variable ratio is discussed systematically. ─── 对变速比循环球式转向器齿条齿扇传动副的啮合问题进行了系统的探讨。

88、It has the advantages of high qualification rate, less stub bar, convenient operation and maintenance. ─── 具有切料合格率高,料头少、切料质量好等优点,且操作、维修方便。

89、It can be quite valuable during preliminary work to "stub" a relationship with a class defined for only one end. ─── 在预备工作期间,“根除”同一个仅仅为一个端点定义的类的联系是很有价值的。

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