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09-03 投稿



glowering 发音

英:[?ɡla??r??]  美:[?ɡla??r??]

英:  美:

glowering 中文意思翻译




glowering 词性/词形变化,glowering变形

副词: gloweringly |动词现在分词: glowering |动词过去式: glowered |动词第三人称单数: glowers |动词过去分词: glowered |

glowering 相似词语短语

1、flowering ─── n.开花;饰以花;adj.开花的

2、powering ─── n.动力估计

3、lowering ─── n.(缓慢地)放下,降下;减少,降低;降下人或物;adj.乌云密布的,阴沉的;黑暗的,昏暗的;使低劣的;减少体力的

4、glowing ─── adj.灼热的;热情洋溢的;鲜艳的;v.发光;容光焕发(glow的ing形式);发热

5、cowering ─── v.畏缩(cower的ing形式)

6、plowtering ─── 犁耕

7、gloweringly ─── 怒目而视

8、dowering ─── n.天赋;嫁妆;亡夫遗产;vt.给以嫁妆;给以产业;n.(Dower)人名;(英)道尔

9、showering ─── [气象]阵雨

glowering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The boy would not go, but stood at the door glowering at his father. ─── 那男孩不肯走,他站在门口对他父亲怒目而视。

2、Snape set his glass down the table and sat back again, his hands upon the arms of his chair, smiling into Bellatrix's glowering face. ─── 纳西莎低声道谢,而贝拉一字未说,只是怒视着石内普。这看上去并不让他感到不安,正好相反,他看上去相当愉悦。

3、Then he withdrew to a corner and sat glowering at his wife. ─── 然后他溜到一个角落外,坐在那怒视着他的妻子。

4、Cobbled streets weave past baroque palaces, lively beer halls, glowering castles, and light-infused cathedrals. ─── 鹅卵石街道绕过巴洛克宫殿,活跃的啤酒城,怒目而视的城堡,以及灯火通明的大教堂。

5、1. He sat glowering at his opponent. ─── 他坐在那里怒视著对手.

6、At that time we both classes of students glower from your heart. ─── 那时我们班同学不约而同的从心里怒视您。

7、The two halt and glower at each other before one, always the miscreant, collapses to the ground dead. ─── 之后,挥舞长剑的英雄与恶棍不可避免的白刃相见,杀作一团;最终,倒在地上死掉的总是那位恶棍。

8、So that mean bully brooding and glowering in the background of all your high school yearbook photos? ─── 所以高中年鉴里,那些在你所有照片背景里摆着臭脸怒气冲冲的恶霸学生又会怎样呢?

9、Look at the appearance that her glower round glare cannot strike back however, I gave an evil energy of life at long last. ─── 看着她怒目圆瞪却无法反击的样子,我总算出了一口恶气。

10、The telephone rings, but the girls just glower at each other, silently daring the other to move first.Finally both guys jump up, and Michael wins. ─── 这时候电话响了,但是女孩们都看着对方,等着对方起来接电话。

11、At the end of the day, I led the Glowering Spot while I was well warmed up, thereby eliminating the burden of having to climb it the first thing in the morning, as I did with Simon. ─── 这天结束前,我充份暖身,先锋攀登上Glowering Spot,先此消去在一天的开始便爬这条路线,就像我和Simon爬的那次。

12、And when blizzard and 9 cities glower are opposite, demon animal is easy advocate Netease of incident other one party keeps silence all the time manner. ─── 而在暴雪和九城怒目相对时,魔兽易主事件另一方网易一直保持沉默态度。

13、they are just glower each other without fight. ─── 他们没有打架,只是站在那里互相怒目而视.

14、Snape set his glass down upon the table and sat back again, his hands upon the arms of his chair, smiling into Bellatrix's glowering face. ─── 斯内普把杯子放在桌上,身体往椅背上一靠,两只手搭在椅子的扶手上,笑眯眯地看着贝拉特里克斯那张怒气冲冲的脸。

15、stare angrily; look daggers at; glare at; glower at ─── 怒目而视

16、I'll miss the determined, glowering athlete who internalized pain but couldn't keep it from coming out sideways. ─── 我怀念这位决绝,面带怒容的运动员,他内化了所有的痛楚,但是无法抑制的其无心的流露。

17、Narcissa murmured a word of thanks, whilst(=while) Bellatrix said nothing, but continued to glower at Snape. ─── 纳西莎嘟哝了一句“谢谢”,贝拉特里克斯什么也没说,继续狠狠地瞪着斯内普。

18、The flat tall and slender head lamp headlamp is glowering likely. ─── 扁平细长的大灯像在怒目而视。

19、"Year" towards mother-in-law home glower moment, then head over the pastforward. ─── “年”朝婆婆家怒视片刻,随即狂叫着扑过去。

20、Contrary, haggle over every ounce for a bit bagatelle, frown is cold right, glower photograph is inspected, cannot self-effacing, so, we can live very tiredly, find a lot of trouble oneself. ─── 相反,为一点小事斤斤计较,横眉冷对,怒目相视,不能谦让,那么,我们就会活得很累,自寻许多烦恼。

21、glower tap ─── 灯丝抽头

22、So far things seemed to be peaceful-nothing more than a bit of glowering and boasting. ─── 目前为止,除了一些虎视眈眈的对视和一些牛皮话,一切都还算正常。

23、glower structure ─── 灯丝结构体

24、'You would not have been up to your father's weight, I fear,' he said, glowering as he remembered her cheek. He touched it, lightly. 'Does it still hurt?' ─── 想起她的脸颊,他瞋目而说:‘我怕你承受不了你父亲的压力。'他轻轻摸摸她的脸颊。‘还疼吗?'

25、The same is true in the current crisis for glowering corporate giants such as carmakers. ─── 同样的真实发生在这次危机之中,大反派就是那些被千夫所指的企业巨子,比如汽车制造商们。

26、When he opens the door, Harry Potter stands glowering at him, looking disheveled and strangely alluring in ratty Muggle clothing. ─── 当他打开门时,Harry Potter怒视着他,看起来邋里邋遢,还穿着一身破破烂烂的麻瓜衣服,看起来有种奇怪的魅力。

27、Be always glaring and glowering ─── 总爱跟别人瞪眼

28、glower at ─── 怒视

29、Charlie's glower lightened a shade. It was usually pretty clear on my face when I was telling the truth, and he believed me now. "Oh. Sorry." ─── 查理的怒容平复了一些。很容易看出来我说的是真话,他相信了我。“哦,对不起。”

30、The members of Club Med no longer need to glower across the table at each other. ─── 地中海俱乐部的每个成员不会再在谈判桌上怒目相视。

31、He sat glowering at his opponent. ─── 他坐在那里怒视著对手。

32、Then he withdrew to a corner and sat glowering at his wife. ─── 然后他溜到一个角落外,坐在那怒视着他的妻子。

33、"I like the tension in the painting," he said."It's an almost glowering look and yet there's vulnerability. ─── “我喜欢画中的张力”,他说:“这似乎是怒目而视且暗藏弱点。”

34、2. Stop glowering at me, I've done nothing wrong! ─── 别凶狠地瞪着我,我没有干坏事。

35、The flat tall and slender head lamp headlamp is glowering likely. ─── 扁平细长的大灯像在怒目而视。

36、the bad guy must glower and scheme; ─── 坏蛋必须有勇有谋;

37、Why are you always glowering at people? ─── 你怎么老爱跟人瞪眼?

38、!Glower I see her, she told the children that said: You see, your aunt to the seat, you push the non-me to sit down. ─── 看到我怒视着她时,她还跟那小孩说:你瞧,阿姨给你让座,你非推我坐下。

39、They didn't fight,just stood and glower each other. ─── 4.他们没有打架,只是站在那里互相怒目而视。

40、No fight,They just stand there and glower each other. ─── 他们没有打架,只是站在那里互相怒目而视。

41、Then he withdrew to a corner and sat glowering at his wife ─── 然后他溜到一个角落外,坐在那怒视着他的妻子。

42、Nernst's glower ─── 内伦斯特(氏)灯:红外分光光度计的一种光源灯

43、Effect of Boron and Zinc on Development and Honeydew Excretion of Aphis gossypii Glower ─── 微量元素硼锌对棉蚜生长发育和排蜜的影响

44、Noticing the salvation cadre, he suddenly became quiet, but remained glowering at his fellow-villagers from behind his spear. ─── 可是他看到县干部在场,不便进一步发作,只是紧握长矛,恶狠狠地瞪着那几个农民。

45、glower end ─── 灯丝端

46、Stop glowering at me, I've done nothing wrong! ─── 别恶狠狠地望着我,我没有干什么坏事!

47、The man-eater of other is an astonishment first, begin to be inspected to explorer glower photograph next! ─── 其它的食人族先是一阵错愕,然后开始对探险家怒目相视!

48、Anakin said nothing, but nodded his head glowering. ─── 阿纳金没有说话,只是恶狠狠瞪着对方,点了点头。

49、Even those guards, often kids themselves, who had befriended the prisoners, were silent and glowering ─── 那些过去和俘虏有说有笑的哨兵,大都还是小伙子,现在连他们也不怎么做声,板起面孔了。

50、Anakin said nothing, but nodded his head glowering . ─── 阿纳金什么也没说,只是愤怒地点了点头。

51、Certainly, the United States should not keep an army in Iraq just to glower at Iran and protect Iraq's perpetually squabbling politicians. ─── 当然,美国也不应该这么干:把一支部队放在伊拉克,目的只是对伊朗怒目而视、给那些为鸡毛蒜皮而吵闹不休的伊拉克政客们提供保护。

52、"What come out to also want to charge?"The pig thou dint glower Jing. ─── “什么出来也要收费?”猪古力瞪着眼睛。

53、So is a fierce, hostile glower or a series of frightened, bewildered glances. ─── 恶狠狠地瞪着眼睛或一连串受惊吓的、迷惑的瞟视也是如此。

54、It is better for such countries to prosper inside the market system than glower outside it. ─── 这些国家在市场体系内繁荣发展,总好于它们在市场体系外愤愤不平。

55、Before getting there, we still had to free climb the notorious Glowering Spot above Camp Five. ─── 在到达那里之前,我们仍然必须自由攀登知名第五营上面的Glowering Spot。

56、Stop glowering at me,I've done nothing wrong! ─── 别恶狠狠地望着我,我没有干什么坏事!

57、He waved a hand dismissively at the Leader, who was obliged to take his leave, glowering as he went at Trinket, who retaliated by pulling a face and sticking his tongue out at him. ─── 韦小宝向他伸伸舌头,扮个鬼脸,说道:“洪教主仙福永享,寿与天齐。”洪教主怒极,带了陆高轩等人,迳自去了。

58、We all looked up at the glowering sky. It certainly did look like rain. ─── 我们都抬起头,看着阴森森的天际。看起来确实是要下雨的样子。

59、She was glowering at Carlisle with a resentful expression. ─── 她正用忿恨的神情瞪着卡莱尔。

60、Nernst glower ─── 能斯脱灯丝能斯脱发光元件

61、He is the Southland's unofficial greeter, its one legitimate reality star, glowering down from signs and billboards across the city with his familiar fourth-quarter glare. ─── 他是美国南部非正式的迎宾员,在城市各个地方的地标和广告牌上都可以看到这位超级巨星那为人所熟知的第四节怒目而视的表情。

62、The presidency is less an office than a performance: Who saw the gloom and glower behind Eisenhower's incandescent grin? ─── 总统职务与其说是公务员,倒更像是演员:谁看得到艾森豪威尔炽热笑容背后的阴暗与愤怒?

63、He stumbled back, glowering at his attacker, who scowled horribly in return. ─── 他踉跄后退,冲着他的这个袭击者怒目而视,后者,作为回应,也在向他怒目相视。

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