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09-03 投稿


resuscitation 发音

英:[r??s?s??te??(?)n]  美:[r??s?s??te??(?)n]

英:  美:

resuscitation 中文意思翻译



resuscitation 常用词组

cardiopulmonary resuscitation ─── 心肺复苏术

mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ─── 口对口复苏法

resuscitation 词性/词形变化,resuscitation变形

动词过去分词: resuscitated |动词过去式: resuscitated |形容词: resuscitable |名词: resuscitation |动词第三人称单数: resuscitates |动词现在分词: resuscitating |

resuscitation 短语词组

1、resuscitation definition medical ─── 复苏定义医学

2、resuscitation bags ─── 复苏袋

3、resuscitation council uk login ─── 英国复苏委员会登录

4、Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation ─── 心肺脑复苏

5、resuscitation room ─── [医]复苏室

6、resuscitation cpr ─── 复苏心肺 ─── 复苏术

7、resuscitation hope ─── 复苏希望

8、cardiopulmonary resuscitation ─── 心肺复苏

9、resuscitation officer ─── 复苏官员

10、cardiac resuscitation ─── 心脏复苏术

11、Flagg resuscitation ─── [医] 弗拉格氏复苏(喉镜复苏术)

12、induce resuscitation ─── 诱导复苏

13、mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ─── 口对 ─── 口复苏

14、resuscitation cage ─── [医] 复苏支架

15、resuscitation device ─── 复苏装置

16、resuscitation bag/mask vi. ─── 掩饰;戴面具;化装vt. ─── 掩饰;戴面具;使模糊n.面具;口罩; ─── 掩饰;[计] ─── 掩膜

17、resuscitation journal ─── 复苏杂志

18、Drinker-Collins resuscitation ─── [医] 德-柯二氏复苏 ─── [术]

19、resuscitation of heart ─── [医] 心脏复苏

resuscitation 相似词语短语

1、resuscitated ─── 使(某人或某物)恢复知觉;苏醒(resuscitate的过去式和过去分词)

2、resuscitate ─── vt.使复苏;使复兴;vi.恢复;复兴

3、resuscitative ─── adj.使复生的;使复兴的

4、suscitation ─── 苏西塔克

5、recitation ─── n.背诵;朗诵;详述;背诵的诗

6、resupination ─── n.颠倒

7、resuscitating ─── v.使复苏;使苏醒(resuscitate的现在分词)

8、regurgitation ─── n.回流;反刍;流回

9、resuscitator ─── n.使复活的人;人工呼吸器

resuscitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Regarding in the field resuscitation, 31% answered that they won't do CPR because of fear of catching a contagious disease, legal problems and a lack of self confidence. ─── 再被问及现场如有人需要心肺复苏术时却有31%的回答是不会去做的,理由是怕传染病及医疗纠纷及本人自信心之不足。

2、It is proved by practice, early defibrillation may elevate obviously the successful rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. ─── 实践证明,早期除颤可以明显提高心肺复苏的成功率。

3、The laboratory and clinical research on cardiac arrest and resuscitation. ─── 心搏骤停与复苏的实验和临床研究.

4、The placement of urinary and gastric catheters should be considered as part of the resuscitation phase. A urine specimen should be submitted for routine laboratory analysis. ─── 导尿管和胃管的放置应该被看作复苏的一部分。应该常规做尿液检查。

5、As compared with the burn group,vascular permeability and MPO activity increased significantly,ATPase and stable metabolites of NO decreased significantly in the delayed resuscitation group. ─── 与烧伤组和早期复苏组相比 ,伤后 9h延迟复苏组大鼠肝脏的血管通透性和含水量明显增高 ,Na+-K+-ATP酶活性和Ca2 +-Mg2 +-ATP酶活性明显降低 ,MPO活性明显增高 ,NO代谢产物量明显减少。

6、Place victim on hard surface, such as floor or ground, or use the backboard found on the resuscitation cart or the headboard of the ho ital bed. ─── 将患者置于硬面上,如地板或地面,或采用救护车上的底板或病床床头板。

7、The economy needs vigorous resuscitation. ─── 该经济需要强劲的复兴。

8、Christians claim that Christ rose bodily from the dead, which was not a resuscitation, not a return from a near-death experience. ─── 基督徒传报基督肉身从死亡中复活,而不是苏醒,也不是从濒临死亡的经历中返回人间。

9、Those who had received cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or mechanical ventilator therapy before emergency HD had poor prognoses. ─── 于紧急血液透析前已接受心肺复苏术或呼吸器治疗者,结果都不好。

10、A number of resuscitation guidelines by different organizations (1,4 ) recognize the significant number of endotracheal tube dislodgments that occur following a successful placement. ─── 不同组织的复苏指南[1,4]认识到了大量发生在成功插管后的气管内导管移动现象。

11、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including heart attack or near drowning, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. ─── 在许多急救中,包括心脏病发作或溺水,在病人呼吸或心脏停止的情况下,心肺复苏术是一种救治生命的技巧。

12、The newspaper said paramedics performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the scene before taking him to the UCLA Medical Center hospital . ─── 报纸报道,救护人员在送他去医药中心医院前,现场对他进行了心脏复苏抢救。

13、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is another method often used to restore the beating of the heart. ─── 心肺复苏术是另一种常用的恢复心跳的方法。

14、Condusion:It should be given the following measures to gain the opportunity of resuscitation: immediately ... ─── 以维持心、脑、肺、肾等脏器的有效循环及功能,为休克复苏争取到宝贵的时机。

15、If the spacecraft has been unable to charge its batteries due to a positioning problem or failed component, it could be drained of power with no hope of resuscitation, Thorpe said. ─── 如果飞船一直无法收取其定位问题,由于电池组件或失败,它可与电力排水复苏无望,索普说.

16、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a skill that has significant impact on asystolic patient surial. ─── CPR是对心搏停止患者的存活有显著影响的一种方法。

17、If you are stingy about the resuscitation of your fellow,he would turn into ashes. ─── 如果在复活同伴的时候花钱太小气的话,同伴可是会变成灰的哦。

18、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is help for a stopped heart. ─── 心脏复苏,即CPR,是对暂停的心脏有帮助。

19、Indication:Palpitation, Dizziness, Placental dystocia, Bony swelling, TMJ pain, Heart attack(for resuscitation), Metritis(uterine inflammation), Uterine tumor. ─── 心悸,头晕,胎衣不下,骨骼胀大,下颏痛(张口不灵),强心(昏迷状态时使用),子宫炎,子宫瘤。

20、"Whole-body CT is recommended as a standard diagnostic method during the early resuscitation phase for patients with polytrauma. ─── 建议将全身CT作为多重创伤病患初期复苏期的标准诊断方法。

21、Each case of suspended animation requires certain fundamental knowledge by the physician as to different methods of resuscitation. ─── 对每一种晕厥的病例医生都需要具备某些复苏方的基本知识。

22、He was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. ─── 他进行了口对口的人工呼吸。

23、Inappropriate methods and delay in resuscitation were the principle factors of causing death. ─── 复苏方法不当和不及时是致死的主要原因。

24、The writer think that the fire from moxa cone is Warm but not Dry,it is able to Resolve Phlegm,Soften Hard Masses,Remove Blood Stasis,Reduce Resuscitation and Recuperate Depleted Yang. ─── 古人认为艾火之性温而不燥,能化痰消积、活血化瘀,急救时又能开窍启闭、回阳固脱。

25、After the historic events of the past fortnight, who would bet that AIG will be the last lumbering giant to need resuscitation? ─── 公司坚持认为他们是流动性不足的问题,而不是破产,但其借款规模表明问题远远不是短期现金流危机这么简单。

26、After initial resuscitation, specific treatment is directed at the underlying condition. Additional supportive care is guided by the type of shock. ─── 初期复苏后,特定疗法主要针对潜在病情,其他支持性治疗则根据休克类型而定。

27、AMS organizes basic courses on first aid and resuscitation for civil servants. Nevertheless, we also provide first aid talks for a fee for staff and members of non-profit-organizations on request. ─── 医疗辅助队为公务员筹办的基本急救课程和复苏治疗课程,亦会尽量应其他机构的请求提供收费的急救讲座。

28、Pull the chin forwards to make a clear airway. If patient is still not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately. ─── 想前拉其下颚以保证呼吸顺畅。如果病人还是没有呼吸,立刻进行嘴对嘴的人工呼吸。

29、Of the 36 SCA cases, 35 (97%) were witnessed, 34 (94%) received bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and 30 (83%) received an AED shock. ─── 在36名心脏骤停事件中,35例(97%)被目击到,34例(94%)接受了旁观人群的心肺复苏抢救,30例(83%)接受了自动体外除颤器的除颤治疗。

30、During resuscitation the initial electrocardiographic (EKG) recording showed pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT).Computed tomography scans of his brain after stabilization revealed SAH. ─── 开始急救时发现病患呈现无脉搏心室频脉,在病患恢复心跳血压后,随即安排脑部电脑断层扫瞄,发现颅内有蜘蛛膜下腔出血的变化。

31、Recovery of Ca 2+ Mg 2+ ATPase activity after CPR may prevent intracellular Ca 2+ accumulation in brain,and improve cerebral function associated with cerebral resuscitation. ─── 心肺复苏后,其脑组织Ca2+Mg2+ATP酶活性的恢复将有利于改善脑细胞内Ca2+超载,阻止脑细胞不可逆死亡,恢复脑细胞功能,从而达到脑复苏。

32、If the child does not respond, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). ─── 如无反应,开始心肺复苏。

33、Objective:To evaluate the prognostic value of cardiac oxygen utilization coefficient (O 2UCc) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). ─── :目的 :通过心肺复苏期间对心脏氧利用率 (O2 UCc)的测量来评估心脏复跳的可能性。

34、Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is helpful for a stopped heart. ─── 心肺救助或称CPR对于停止跳动的心脏很有帮助。

35、It summarized the progress and nursing care of basic life support,superior life support and continuous life support in adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation in recent years. ─── 对近年有关成人心肺复苏术中基础生命支持、高级生命支持、持续生命支持的进展及其护理进行综述。

36、They must even now be rushing her to the hospital for resuscitation and treatment. ─── 他们肯定在我说话这会儿正火速把她送往那家医院抢救治疗。

37、Thirty-five VFs occurred in CCU,5 in word and 15 in catheterization room.16/58 cases died because of cardiac pulmonal resuscitation (CPR) failure. ─── 35例室颤发生于CCU病房、15例发生于心导管室、3例发生于抢救室、5例发生于普通病房。

38、A restoring to life from a deathlike condition;resuscitation. ─── 回生,复活从象死的状态恢复为生命状态;

39、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped. ─── 心脏复苏术(CPR)可以挽救有些心脏忽然停止的人的生命。

40、However, studies on resuscitation using norepinephrine in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock are lacking. ─── 去甲肾上腺素用于进行性失血性休克治疗方面的研究甚少。

41、Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation or CPR is help for a stopped heart. It increases the chances of survival and reduces the danger of brain damage. ─── 心脏复苏术或者叫做CPR对已经停止的心脏很有帮助。它增加了存活的记录,减少了对脑部造成的损伤。

42、All the cases were cured, except 1 case of coma, who was confirmed by CT to have intracranial hemorrage, died after failure of resuscitation. ─── 其中以谵妄样精神障碍最为多见,但大多数症状不严重,均治愈,仅1例昏迷患者头颅 CT 检查证实有颅内出血,抢救无效后死亡。

43、The magneto necklace, made with addition of traditional Chinese medicines, relieves convulsion and induces resuscitation. ─── 中国传统药物配制的磁石项链,镇惊开窍。

44、Attempts were also made to use hypothermia for resuscitation from cardiac arrest and for management of head trauma. ─── 尝试也被做出由于心动停止和用于头创伤的管理把低温用于复活。

45、This article reviews the progress pf intrauterine resuscitation treatment for fetal distress. ─── 复习文献对胎儿窘迫宫内复苏治疗的研究进展进行综述。

46、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is help for astopped heart. ─── 心肺复苏,或者CPR,有益于复活已经停止跳动的心脏。

47、Gemmell said: "An anaesthetic can slow the heart rate and we can give patients drugs to counteract that, which could be regarded as resuscitation. ─── 基梅尔说,“麻醉会降低心率,我们可以给病人用药来抵消麻醉的作用,这也可以看作是一种复苏。”

48、One of those researchers is Harvard's Hasan Alam, who says the technique is called emergency preparation resuscitation. ─── 研究人员之一是哈佛大学的哈桑-阿拉姆,他把这项技术称为“急救准备复苏”。

49、A restoring to life from a deathlike condition; resuscitation. ─── 回生,复活从象死的状态恢复为生命状态;复活

50、In io tests can lead to an anaphylactic reaction, and therefore should be only administered by a trained allergist in the presence of resuscitation equipment. ─── 体内试验可导致过敏反应的发生,因此只能在抢救设备完善的情况下由变态反应学家实施。

51、If that fails, they try cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which involves manually pumping the patient's heart and inflating the lungs. ─── 但是如果措施失败,医护人员会尝试心脏复苏术,人工起搏心脏让肺部充气。

52、In delayed resuscitation after burn,rapid fluid replacement can quickly decreased the level of inflammatory factors and ease uncontrolled inflammatory ration. ─── 在烧伤后延迟复苏情况下 ,快速补液可以迅速降低体内炎症介质含量 ,可能对减轻失控性炎症反应有积极作用。

53、It with the functions of resuscitation and refreshing, clearing heat and relieving pain; reducing inflammation and bacteriostasis; clearing heat and detoxicate. ─── 冰片具有开窍醒神﹑清热止痛﹑消炎抑菌﹑清凉解毒的功能。

54、Learn the indications for and terminating resuscitation. ─── 学习开始及终止苏急救之适应时机.

55、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is another method often used to restore the beating of the heart. ─── 心肺复苏术是另一种常用的恢复心跳的方法。

56、Resuscitation n. ─── 复活;恢复;

57、Resourcitation Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is help for a stop stopped heart. ─── 心肺复生,简称CPR,是对已停止跳动的心脏的恢复。

58、Individual loses sense of reasoning and balance. Respiratory paralysis occurs in several minutes. Requires prompt artificial resuscitation. ─── 失去判断和平衡能力,几分钟内呼吸麻痹,需立即作人工呼吸。

59、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR is helped for a stopped heart. ─── 心肺腹或者CPR是用来帮助停止跳动的心脏。

60、Resuscitation was performed at 90 minutes following shock in both resuscitation and NLX groups. ─── 复苏组和纳络酮组则于休克后90分钟开始实施复苏措施。

61、Comparison of effects of two kinds of fluid for resuscitation on bacterial translocation and inflammation of small intestine in rats with hemorrhagic shock GAO Xinyue ...... ─── 休克,失血性;液体复苏;细菌移位;炎症反应;肠黏膜屏障

62、After cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he was intubated and assisted with mechanical ventilation and transferred to our emergency room. ─── 心肺复苏术急救、气管插管接上呼吸器后送到我们急诊室。

63、After cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),both groups were mechanically ventilated with 35% of O 2 for 6 hrs,but 10ppm of nitric oxide was applied additionally to INO group. ─── 心肺复苏后 ,窒息对照组予以 35%氧 (O2 )吸入 ,窒息NO组予以NO 10× 10 6+35%O2 吸入。

64、Hypertonic saline (HS) resuscitation preents PMN actiation in itro and in animal models. ─── 在体外和动物模型中,高渗盐液(HS)复苏能防止PMN激活。

65、Among the 18 patients who had received cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) by witness 5((27.78)%) were responded effectively to the resuscitation. The average time interval from call to arrival at site was(16.4) minutes. ─── 先由目击者进行心肺复苏(CPR)的18例中5例复苏有效,有效率27.78%,呼叫至到达现场平均间期分别为16.4分钟;

66、Title: The Protective Effects of L-arginine on Heart Resuscitation Injury After Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats. ─── 关键词:休克;失血性;心脏;左旋精氨酸;大鼠

67、The effects of rapid fluid replacement on the hemodynamics of scalded shock dogs with delayed resuscitation. ─── 快速输液对烫伤后延迟复苏休克犬循环的影响。

68、In a separate study, 77 patients in coma after resuscitation from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest were randomized to treatment with moderate hypothermia or normothermia. ─── 在一个独立研究中,77名在医院外发生心搏停止,经复苏治疗后处于昏迷的患者,被随机接受轻度的低温治疗,或常规的治疗。

69、Therefore, meticulous calculation in fluid resuscitation together with vasopressors or inotropics support is important in dealing with neurogenic shock. ─── 因此,谨慎给予输液以及在必要时给予升压剂或强心剂是非常重要的。

70、After resuscitation, patients were gien a physical examination and intra-abdominal pressures were taken eery 4 hours or when clinically necessary. ─── 复苏后根据临床需要每4小时对病人进行一次体检和采集腹内压的数值。

71、The function of this stomach-protecting Belt is to make your Body eliminate cold-phlegm for resuscitation By means of aromatics. ─── 使您周身芳香温通,这就是“护胃带”的功效。

72、Glasgow coma scale(GCS) was recorded in each patient immediately, and 1,3 and 7 days after resuscitation,at the same time,3 ml venous blood was sampled to detect the concentration of(malondialdehyde)(MDA) and uric acid(UA). ─── 两组患者均在复苏即刻以及复苏后1、3和7 d进行格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS),同时抽取静脉血3 m l,检测血浆丙二醛(M DA)含量及尿酸(UA)浓度。

73、Oh, I wish I could remember that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with such a beautiful woman as you. ─── 哦,我希望我能记得像你这样的美女曾给我做的口对口人工呼吸。

74、DC defibrillation time and heart dysfunction degree is very important to successful resuscitation and long-term survival rate. ─── 100%),晚期心脏病室颤抢救成功率低(14%),除颤早晚和心功能损害程度明显影响抢救成功率和远期存活率。

75、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is help for a stopped heart.It increases the chances of survival and reduces the danger of brain damage. ─── 心肺复,简称CPR,是帮助心脏停止的人的一种仪器,它可以提高生存的机会,减低到脑受损的危险。

76、Oh, I wish I could remember that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with such a beautiful woman as you. ─── 哦,我希望我能记得像你这样的美女曾给我做的口对口人工呼吸。

77、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the best first aid. Though most survivors recover completely, aftereffects may include cataract, angina pectoris, or nervous-system disorders. ─── 心肺复苏术对遭电击者来说是第一时间最佳的急救方法。大多数触电的人会完全恢复,如果有后遗症,多半是白内障、心绞痛或神经系统疾病。

78、Factors that predicted ROSC included a short interval from starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to ROSC in the ED and the administration of fewer doses of epinephrine in the ED. ─── 影响病人存活至住进加护病房治疗之因素为在急诊时接受较短时间之急救及给予较少剂量之肾上腺素。

79、The unpredictable and potentially lethal course of massive hemoptysis requires prompt resuscitation, airway protection, and correction of the underlying causes. ─── 大量咳血具有生命危险,所以我们需要立即对病人施予抢救,保护呼吸道及尝试治疗潜在病因。

80、We gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and heart massage. ─── 我们对他进行了口对口复苏救治和心脏按摩。

81、If you are able to clear the blockage but the patient has not resumed breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, part of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). ─── 如果你清理了口中异物后患者仍然没有恢复呼吸,你可以实施"心肺复苏”中的口对口人工呼吸。

82、The composition and nature of electroplating sludge as well as the ways for their disposal and resuscitation are reviewed. ─── 对电镀污泥的成分和性质、处置方法及资源化利用方式进行了综述。

83、Decision Making for Emergency Hysterotomy The resuscitation team should consider several maternal and fetal factors in determining the need for an emergency hysterotomy. ─── 急诊剖宫产决策复苏小组在决定施行急诊剖宫产时应该考虑的有关母婴方面的几个因素。

84、In 200 cases,198 of them passed through burn shock stage smoothly. 2 late admitted burned children with delayed resuscitation died of traumatic shock and MOF. ─── 200例患儿当中,198例患儿休克期渡过比较顺利,2例来院时较晚,已发生创伤性休克,延迟了复苏,并发多脏器功能衰竭死亡。

85、CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, can save a life and reduce the risk of brain damage from loss of oxygen. ─── 心肺复苏术(CPR)能够抢救患者的生命,并且能降低因缺氧而引起大脑损伤的危险。

86、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is helped for a stopped heart. ─── 心肺复苏或CPR有助于停止跳动的心脏。

87、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR is help for a stopped heart. ─── 心肺复苏,简称CPR,是用来帮助心脏停止病人的。

88、Mouth-to-mouth 搑escue breaths?also are deleterious because they dissuade bystanders from performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and necessitate a pause in CCCs. ─── 口对口呼吸也是有害的。因为进行心肺抢救患者的人员需要停止持续胸外按压,(而行口对口呼吸)

89、In it, a caller says Jackson is not breathing and is being given CPR [cardiopulmonary resuscitation] by a personal doctor. ─── 在这份记录中,打来电话的人说杰克逊没有呼吸并且正在接受一位私人医生的心肺复苏术(CPR)。

[判断题] 心肺复苏初级救生术简称为cpr-bls。()a对b错?

本题答案应该认为是正确的。虽说这个翻译略有点显得不伦不类(但在部分材料中有这种翻译方式)。“心肺复苏”的英文缩写是“CPR”(原文为cardiopulmonary nresuscitation ”),而基础生命支持的缩写则是“BLS”(原文为“basic life support”)。这个简写更合适的写法可能还是“心肺复苏-基础生命支持”。

[判断题] 心肺复苏初级救生术简称为cpr-bls。()a对b错?


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