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09-03 投稿


grappling 发音

英:[?ɡr?pl??]  美:[?ɡr?pl??]

英:  美:

grappling 中文意思翻译




grappling 常用词组

grapple with ─── v. 扭打;努力克服

grappling 词性/词形变化,grappling变形

动词第三人称单数: grapples |动词现在分词: grappling |名词: grappler |动词过去式: grappled |动词过去分词: grappled |

grappling 短语词组

1、grappling iron ─── 钩锚

2、grappling 5e ─── 抓斗5e

3、grappling university ─── 格斗大学

4、grappling hook hypixel ─── 擒钩

5、grappling with v. ─── 扭打;努力克服

6、grappling hook 5e ─── 抓钩5e

7、grappling hooks ─── [机]抓升钩

8、grappling sister ─── 格斗姐妹

9、grappling industries ─── 搏击工业

10、grappling hook gun ─── 擒钩枪

11、grappling hook ─── 抓升钩

12、grappling-irons (grappling-iron ─── 的复数) n. (钩敌方船只 ─── 的)挠钩

13、grappling-iron n. ( ─── 钩敌方船只的)挠 ─── 钩

14、grappling with diversity ─── 应对多样性

15、grappling dummy ─── 抓斗假人

16、grappling hook mod ─── 抓钩模块

grappling 相似词语短语

1、graphing ─── n.绘制图形;v.绘图(graph的ing形式)

2、graveling ─── n.碎石;砂砾;vt.用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑;n.(Gravel)人名;(英、法、西)格拉韦尔

3、grasping ─── adj.贪婪的;紧紧抓住的;v.抓紧,抓牢;理解,领会(grasp的现在分词)

4、dappling ─── n.斑纹;花马;adj.有斑纹的;vt.使有斑点;vi.起斑纹

5、thrappling ─── 鞭打

6、grapplings ─── n.擒拿;探线;锚定;v.抓钩;扭打;握牢(grapple的ing形式)

7、grabbling ─── vi.搜索;爬;匍匐;vt.抓住

8、crippling ─── adj.造成严重后果的;v.削弱(cripple的ing形式);使受损;n.残缺的东西;有缺陷的事物

9、grayling ─── n.茴鱼,河鳟;鳟眼蝶,褐色蝶类

grappling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was shown striding through the taiga in camouflage and desert boots before grappling with the feline foe. ─── 他身着迷彩服,脚登沙漠靴,站在针叶树林中,与老虎搏斗。

2、"We know that he traveled to Yemen, a country grappling with crushing poverty and deadly insurgencies.It appears that he joined an affiliate of al-Qaeda. ─── 我们都知道他旅行去也门,这是一个正努力解决遍地的贫困和严重叛乱的国家。

3、He said the arrest could offer “a chance for new thinking” in Bosnia, still grappling with the scars of war. ─── 他说逮捕卡拉季齐能让那些还生活在战争阴影里的人民得到“一个机会开始新生活。”

4、To search or sweep the bottom of(a body of water),as with a grappling hook or dragnet. ─── 搜寻用抓钩或拖网在水底进行搜寻或打捞。

5、grappling bucket ─── 抓斗

6、Don't interrupt John, he's grappling with the accounts. ─── 别打扰约翰,他正在聚精会神地算帐呢。

7、The problem the world leaders faced was that they were grappling with subjects that had little resonance with most recession-struck voters. ─── 当今世界领导人们所面临的问题是,他们所努力解决的问题很少能引起深受衰退打击选民的共鸣。

8、WSI, a firm that owns the Weather Channel and sells forecasts of its own to airlines and other weather-dependent companies, has been grappling with this problem. ─── WSI是一家拥有气象频道的公司,把其拥有的气象预报买给航空公司和其他依赖天气的公司,已经解决了这个问题。

9、The president's home state, like many others, is grappling with an ailing economy. ─── 作为总统的家乡,伊利诺斯州像其它许多州一样,正挣扎于经济困境之中。

10、A panel of speakers at Bard College's Levy Economics Institute, in Annandale-on-Hudson in upstate New York, offered a series of proposals for grappling with the crisis. ─── 在纽约州北部哈得孙河畔的安南代尔的巴德学院利维经济协会上,一位演讲者的代表提出了一系列试图解决危机的提案。

11、grappling bucket hook ─── 抓斗钩

12、He said many schools were grappling with the issues, particular those schools in what he described as more conservative areas. ─── 他说很多学校正在极力与此事撇开关系,尤其是那些宣扬自己处在保守地区的学校。

13、He said the arrest could offer "a chance for new thinking" in Bosnia, still grappling with the scars of war. ─── 他说,卡拉季奇的被捕给正在与战争伤疤抗争的波斯尼亚提供“一个新思想的机会”。

14、Wrestling is a sport in which two competitors attempt to throw each other by grappling. ─── 摔跤是一种双人对抗的体育运动。

15、It is in grappling with such issues that one of two markedly different philosophies of international affairs will make its debut on the world stage. ─── 在如何处理这些问题上,双方体现了明显不同的国际事务观,而其中一种将登上世界舞台。

16、But the 'roo, which was wearing boxing gloves on its front paws, fought back, grappling with the clown who was forced back towards the ropes by its onslaught. ─── 前爪套着拳击手套的袋鼠,也进行反击,与对手扭打起来,小丑被打得不得不退到场边。

17、The G20 leading industrialised states will be grappling with those choices when it meets in London in April. ─── 以20国集团为首的工业化国家将在四月份伦敦举行的会议上面对这些选择。

18、In large part thanks to Duster, Collins and other geneticists have begun grappling with forensic, epidemiological and pharmacogenomic data that raise the question of race at the DNA level. ─── 不过也多亏有达斯特,柯林斯与其他遗传学者已经开始分析法医学、行病学及药物基因组学方面的数据,想从DNA的角度来探讨种族问题。

19、Shorn of its empire and a late and reluctant arrival in the European Community, Britain was grappling with the prospect of irreversible decline. ─── 帝国霸主地位不复存在,又迟迟不愿融入欧洲社会。尽管英国不断抗争,但是看起来衰落不可避免。

20、For the BJP, grappling with an ideological crisis compounded by in-fighting, the report comes at a bad time. ─── 对于正遭受着意识观念危机和党内争斗双重打击的BJP党来说,这份报告无疑是雪上加霜。

21、Grappl Accident and Using Mechanism Expedite GanSu CDM Item Empolder ─── 抓住机遇,利用机制加快甘肃CDM项目开发进程

22、"Don't interrupt John, he's grappling with the accounts." ─── "别打扰约翰,他正在聚精会神地算帐呢。"

23、They are grappling with the difficulties ─── 他们在尽力解决困难。

24、A grappling device for dragging bodies of water, such as lakes or rivers. ─── 抓钩一种用于拖拉湖泊或河流上船只的钩状物

25、A winter blast hit hard in upstate New York, causing at least three deaths.Residents in Buffalo have been shoveling out from some two feet of snow and now they are grappling with cold homes. ─── 一股寒冬气流猛烈的袭击了纽约北部地区,至少导致了三人死亡,住在布法罗地区的居民在铲完两英尺厚的积雪后,躲在家中御寒。

26、yelled Sam, grappling with the negro; ─── "萨姆喊道,一面还在与那个黑人交手。

27、Yet the federal government (and the states) are forever grappling with its edicts. ─── 但联邦政府(以及各个州)却不可避免地受到它颁布的法令的影响。

28、There is no denying that the entire media industry is grappling with tectonic change. ─── 不可否认,整个媒体业都正在努力适应这种结构上的变化。

29、To search or sweep the bottom of(a body of water), as with a grappling hook or dragnet. ─── 搜寻用抓钩或拖网在水底进行搜寻或打捞

30、Japan, with a rapidly aging population and a declining birth rate, is grappling with a severe shortage of working obstetricians. ─── 人口老化迅速与出生率直落的日本,正努力化解在职产科医师奇缺的问题。

31、a grappling device for dragging bodies of water,such as lakes or rivers ─── 抓钩,一种用于拖拉湖泊或河流上船只的钩状物

32、Two divers work to capture a shark, July 16, 2008, so a grappling hook can be removed from its mouth near Byron Bay, Australia. ─── 7月16日,在澳大利亚拜伦湾,两名兽医潜入海中努力抓住一条鲨鱼,从它口中取出误吞的吊钩。

33、I was grappling to find an answer to his question. ─── 我正在努力解决他的问题。

34、A man is knee-deep in the dark water and looks to be fighting something, maybe grappling out a big fish. ─── 一个男人泡在齐膝深的黑水中,好像在跟什么东西较劲,也许是在捞一条大鱼。

35、grappling iron ─── n. 抓钩, 多爪锚

36、Abt junkai's matter..well i think i will surmount this difficulties in no time although I'm grappling with it now... ─── 我在想是不是因为太喜欢她而让他觉得,我是太过依赖他, 我给得太多而让他觉得喘不过气来。

37、The outlook is gloomiest for newspapers. Spending is projected to fall 12 per cent. Radio and magazines are also grappling with double-digit declines. ─── 前景最黯淡的是报纸行业,广告支出预计下降12%,广播和杂志行业也将面对两位数的广告支出降幅。

38、catching and grappling ─── 擒拿格斗

39、Training of Catching and Grappling ─── 擒拿格斗技术

40、CX:In the beginning, I was using my body, but through time, I began to feel that this couldn't express completely the emotions I was grappling with. ─── 最初,我运用身体创作,但随着时间流逝,我开始感觉到那样不能完整表达我的情感。

41、“Secrets can define people,” observes Inga, a philosopher, who is also grappling with the death of her husband, a critically acclaimed novelist. ─── “秘密可以对人进行界定”,因加说,她是一个哲学家,一直在调查自己丈夫的死因,他是一个备受赞赏的小说家。

42、A sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling. ─── 摔跤一项体育运动,其中两名对手通过格斗试图把对方扔出去或摔倒对方

43、grappling fixture ─── 抓头

44、Could someone Playing the Fool ask just the right "stupid questions" to get a group grappling with a complex problem out of their thinking rut? ─── 扮演愚者的人可以只问一些“蠢问题”却正好将其他人从思维定势中跳出从而能够解决一个复杂的问题吗?

45、Work is under way to construct the heavy-duty grappling devices for raising the sub and to modify the giant pontoon. ─── 俄罗斯现在计划在荷兰起重设备公司等数家欧洲合作者的帮助下打捞“库尔斯克”号的大部分船体残骸。

46、The essay ''My Native Land'' may appear to be simply the expression of a migrant's yearning for his native land, but read closely, the writer is actually grappling with the conflicting feelings for his native land. ─── 散文《在怀念中的故乡》看似抒发去国怀乡之苦,然而仔细阅读,则发现作者其实在对这份萦绕不去的乡情质疑问难。

47、While they were still grappling with each other, a fisherman passed by and netted them both. ─── 当双方仍在相持不下之际,有个渔翁经过,将牠俩一网成擒了。

48、Least developed and developing countries were still grappling with this implementation. ─── 最不发达国家和发展中国家仍然在艰难地执行这些标准。

49、Working wives are grappling with the day-to-day challenge of balancing family and work. ─── 上班的太太为了兼顾家庭和工作,每天都在应付挑战。

50、A device,such as a grappling hook,that is used for dragging under water. ─── 打捞器具用于在水下搜寻、打捞或疏浚的设备,如钩锚。

51、You also have to be able to handle criticism, even when you are grappling with a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina or the deadly earthquake that struck China’s Sichuan province on Monday. ─── 它必须能应对批评,即便当它在抗击像“卡特里娜”飓风或周一侵袭中国四川省的毁灭性地震这样的自然灾害时。

52、Large and larger earth elementals favor grappling attacks, as their size and strength give them a significant advantage over most enemies. ─── 巨大和更大土元素喜欢近身格斗,他们的体形在面对大多数敌人的时候都具有巨大优势。

53、Joining Ms Romer on the council are Cecilia Rouse, a labour expert from Princeton, and Austan Goolsbee, a long-serving Obama adviser now grappling with the foreclosure crisis. ─── 在理事会中加入罗摩尔的是塞西莉亚罗斯(普林斯顿大学的劳工专家),以及奥斯藤古尔斯比(长期效力于奥巴马的顾问,现在正着力解决赎回危机)。

54、A device, such as a grappling hook, that is used for dragging under water ─── 打捞器具用于在水下搜寻、打捞或疏浚的设备,如钩锚

55、Psychological Training on Catching and Grappling Teaching of Police College ─── 公安院校擒拿格斗教学中的心理训练

56、Mr Blunkett, who has never shied from grappling with the values of working-class whites, believes that Englishness can be rescued from the "little English", opposed to immigration and everything foreign. ─── 布伦基特毫不厌倦地抱着白人工人阶级的价值观不放,他相信可以把英格兰化从反对移民和一切外来事物的“小英格兰”概念中拯救出来。

57、A System Grappling With Reform ─── 挣扎着改革的制度

58、Wrestling is a sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling. ─── 摔跤是一项体育运动,其中两名对手通过格斗试图把对方扔出去或摔倒对方。

59、Giving may make all sorts of animals feel good, but grappling with this particular sort of dilemma would appear to rely on a uniquely human part of the brain. ─── 施予也许让所有动物都感觉良好,但人类陷入道德与欲望的两难困境却要归因于这个独有的部位。

60、I need a grappling hook! ─── 我需要一个抓钩!

61、We watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully. ─── 我们看到他与那个坏蛋扭打在一起。

62、Mr Obama's quandary is obvious: in grappling with that second point, he would fall out with the Democratic base. ─── 奥巴马的进退两难是显而易见的:要解决上述第二个问题,他将失去大部分民主党人的支持。

63、Inexorable Modernity: Japan's Grappling With Modernity In The Arts ─── 无情的现代性:日本在艺术方面与现代性的搏斗

64、I've spent all afternoon grappling with these accounts. ─── 我用了整整一下午处理这些账目。

65、He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon. ─── 他当时正与环礁湖里的一只鳄鱼搏斗。

66、...it would be possible to use Harding's grappling device to haul oneself up there. ─── ...就可以使用哈定的攀爬用具来到达那边。

67、I was grappling to find an answer to his question. ─── 我正在努力解决他的问题。

68、grappling throw ─── 抢手摔

69、Our family is hardly alone in grappling with that question. ─── 并非只有我们家遇到这个棘手的问题。

70、Free-style grappling is a kind of traditional games in ethnic regions in China. This paper is to discuss the best factors in the game with item-group theory. ─── 摘要以格斗对抗性项群理论为依据对我国民族传统体育项目武术散打运动的制胜因素进行了初探性分。

71、Evidence of a real grappling with the material and/or an insightful interaction. ─── 显出真正了解阅读教材并或有洞察力的互动.

72、I suggest acquiescence if you enjoy grappling with the urge to hurl yourself in front of a train. ─── 我的建议如果你喜欢将自己投身于一列火车前面的那种冲动话,那么就采用默许法。

73、He has been grappling with the problem for a long time ─── 他长期以来一直努力解决该问题。

74、grappling technique ─── 捉牢法

75、I felt as if my soul were grappling with a palpaBle enemy ─── 我觉得似乎自己的灵魂在与一个明显的敌人格斗

76、Grappling with a new order ─── 建立新的计量体系

77、Across the planet, legendary brown-cloud metropolises, such as Mexico City, Los Angeles and New Delhi, have been grappling with the issue with varying degrees of success. ─── 全球都有传说中的黑雾之都,比如墨西哥,洛杉矶,新德里,应对这个课题,都取得了不同程度的成功。

78、I felt as if my soul were grappling with a palpable enemy(Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. ─── 我觉得似乎自己的灵魂在与一个明显的敌人格斗(玛丽 沃斯通克拉夫特 谢利)。

79、He said the arrest could offer "a chance for new thinking" in Bosnia, still grappling with the scars of war. ─── 他说,卡拉季奇的被捕给正在与战争伤疤抗争的波斯尼亚提供“一个新思想的机会”。

80、economy is just one of several critical problems the country is grappling with. ─── 经济只是该国正在努力解决的几个关键问题之一。

81、Still, many a pro has struggled grappling its intricacies. ─── 但是仍然有很多优秀的人无法理解它的复杂内涵。

82、Yet, it is only in grappling with our problems that life has its meaning. ─── 我们只想远离问题,却不想经受解决问题带来的痛苦。

83、Leaves me grappling with my pride ─── 在与我的自尊心的斗争中消失不见

84、Our instinctive unease about making babies by human cloning cannot be ruled out in grappling with that possibility. ─── 我们探求籍由克隆人类来制造婴儿的可能性,并不能够排除我们对此本能地感到的那种不安。

85、Vaughan's close grappling boxing bonesetter good, very real. ─── 佛汉拳的近身擒拿跌打见长,极富实战。

86、You are in good company grappling with this issue. ─── 您所在的公司很可能被这个问题所困扰。

87、and I, having no weapon to raise in self-defence, commenced grappling with Joseph, my nearest and most ferocious assailant, for his. ─── 我没有武器用来自卫,便开始扭住约瑟夫,离我最近也最凶猛的行凶者,抢他的手杖。

88、But her experience of grappling with foreign powers is slighter than she often implies. ─── 但是,她与外国力量厮打的经验比她经常暗示的要少。

89、Compared with vague fantasies about achieving great things, grappling with the nitty-gritty realities of action is hard. ─── 和实现那些伟大事情的模糊幻想相比,处理行动中的基本细节是很难的一件事。

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