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09-03 投稿


carps 发音

英:[kɑ?ps]  美:[kɑ?rps]

英:  美:

carps 中文意思翻译



carps 词性/词形变化,carps变形

动词过去分词: carped |动词过去式: carped |动词现在分词: carping |动词第三人称单数: carps |名词: carper |名词复数: carp |

carps 短语词组

1、carps jr ─── 小鲤鱼

2、carps cafe ─── 鲤鱼咖啡馆

3、carps crossword ─── 拼字游戏

4、carps crossword clue ─── 鲤鱼纵横字谜线索

carps 相似词语短语

1、barps ─── 呕吐物

2、scarps ─── n.内斜坡,陡坡;绝壁,悬崖;(壕沟的)内削壁;v.在……设内斜坡;将……辟成陡坡;磨或切成陡坡;为……筑斜坡

3、camps ─── n.露营,营地;野营房(camp复数);v.露营,扎营(camp的第三人称单数);n.(Camps)人名;(法)康;(西、葡)坎普斯

4、carks ─── v.(非正式)死去;担心;(使)担心;(使)恼怒;(狗等食肉动物)撕咬;(狗)追逐;n.担心;令人担心的事;n.(Cark)(美)凯尔克(人名)

5、cares ─── abbr.中心咨询服务(CentralAdvisoryReferralService);v.care的变形

6、caps ─── n.便帽,制服帽;软帽;方帽;(校队、国家队等的)队员帽;(被选入国家队等的)运动员;(瓶子等的)盖子;(可用或可借资金的)最高限额;(玩具枪的)火药帽;子宫帽(避孕用具)(cap的复数);n.(Caps)(法、美、德)卡普斯(人名)

7、carbs ─── abbr.碳水化合物(carbohydrates);内燃机汽化器(carburetors)

8、cards ─── abbr.卡片自动复制与发行系统(CardAutomatedReproductionandDistributionSystem);计算机辅助可靠性数据系统(ComputerAidedReliabilityDataSystem)

9、carpus ─── n.[解剖]腕骨;[解剖]腕;手腕子

carps 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pattern : Firecracker, folk toy, the fish or the children embrace the carp. ─── 图案:爆竹、民间玩具,鱼或儿童抱鲤鱼。

2、Your number is 40 in this website.And Carps number 40 player is 仓义和,Do you like him?. ─── 你在日促会上的编号是40号,广岛队的40号球员是仓义和,你喜欢这个球员吗??

3、Carp create muddy conditions, which blocks photosynthesis. ─── ??前押铀?涞没胱遣磺澹?璋?斯夂献饔玫慕?小

4、He said the cliff was called Jiyu Bei,which mea Carp's Backbone. ─── 他说那座悬崖叫作“鲫鱼背”,意思就是鲫鱼的脊背。

5、Carp banners "swim" in the wind, highlighting the blue skies of early May. ─── 五月的晴空,随风飘扬的鲤鱼旗到处可见。

6、It would be wise not to carp or criticize . ─── 不吹毛求疵或批评将是明智的。

7、Osmanli aquiculture, main in the past give priority to in order to breed fish of the carp of fresh water, trout. ─── 土耳其的水产养殖,过去主要以养殖淡水的鲤鱼、鳟鱼类为主。

8、This showed changes in serum GTH were similar to that of grass carp and silver carp during induced spawning. ─── 与草鱼和鲢鱼一样,当血清中GTH达到一定浓度时,才能实现产卵。

9、Title: Accumulation、 Distribution and Release of phenolate in Carps (Cyprinus carpio Linn. ─── 关键词:酚;鲤;积累;浓缩系数;释放

10、To find fault constantly and trivially; carp. ─── 吹毛求疵,找碴常在细枝末节处找错误

11、Tom Felton was in Pennsylvania last week for the annual Junior Carp Tournament. ─── Tom Felton上周在美国纽约参加了一年一度的少年钓鱼锦标赛。

12、With a dive, he caught a carp. ─── 他一个跳水,抓住了一条鲤鱼。

13、Each pair of men shoulders a pole with a large carp fixed to it. ─── 他们两人一组,在肩上扛着滑竿(记得好像叫这个)。

14、Perhaps you might like a silver carp soup. ─── 也许你会喜欢鲫鱼汤。

15、Title: A study on microstructure of the head-kidney in the carp (Cyprinus carpio L. ─── 关键词:鲤鱼;头肾;显微结构;淋巴组织;血窦

16、He said the cliff was called Jiyu Bei,which means Carp's Backbone. ─── 他说那座悬崖叫作“鲫鱼背”,意思就是鲫鱼的脊背.

17、People hope the boys will grow to be strong and brave like the carp. ─── 人们希望男孩们长大后就像鲤鱼一样坚强而勇敢。

18、His eyes followed restlessly one of the golden carp that darted from lily to lily. ─── 他目不转睛地盯着在荷花间嬉戏的一尾金色鲤鱼。

19、In a d iet for juvenile Jian carps, SPI can be used to replace 40% of fish meal protein without negative effect on feed utilization. ─── 以饲料系数为衡量指标所确定的分离大豆蛋白在幼建鲤饲料中代替白鱼粉蛋白的适宜比例为40%。

20、She could lie on the cool rocks and play with the golden carp. ─── 她会趴在凉爽的石板上,逗弄金鱼。

21、Effect of Cadmium on Activity of Common Carp Phosphatases[J].Shanghai Environmental Science,1998,17 (6):40-41. ─── Cd对鲤鱼磷酸酶活性的影响[J].上海环境科学,1998,17(6):40-41.

22、He carps at/about his trouble day after day. ─── 他每天都在抱怨自己遇到的麻烦事)。

23、There are more than 30 varieties of fish in the lake, such as carp, crucian carp, silver carp, catfish, etc. ─── 它水深鱼多,盛产鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲶鱼、白鲢鱼等30多种鱼类。

24、Ready for the latest in spa pampering Prepare to dunk your feet in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away. ─── 准备宠爱自己一下,享受最新的温泉浴?把脚浸泡在一个水槽里,让小鱼一点一点啃掉角质层。

25、Fisherman catch tons of live carp at a fish farm near Warsaw, Poland. ─── 华沙渔民捕获的数顿鲤鱼正在鱼市上交易。

26、It was one of Mr.Fenn's big carp. ─── 它是一条芬恩先生养的大鲤鱼。

27、Women and children carp afford to be careless, men cannot. ─── 在于这类事情的时候要显出从容不迫的样子。

28、The Carp are winning, seven to nothing. ─── 广岛队以七比零领先。

29、Buffett for backing the call to account for the cost of stock options more explicitly. He carps about Mr. ─── 他谴责巴菲特对更明确计入股票期权成本的支持。

30、Analysis of E domain indicated that cloned grass carp IGF I belonged to IGF IEa 2 subtype. ─── E区域分析结果表明 ,所克隆的草鱼IGF I序列属于IGF IEa 2亚型

31、At Qinghai Lake through artificial enhancement measures, released and incubated naked carps. ─── 在青海湖通过人工增值的措施,放流孵化青海湖裸鲤。

32、To criticize repeatedly; carp. ─── 不断地批评;吹毛求疵

33、Conventional fishing so, fishes the big crucian carp should so. ─── 常规钓鱼如此,钓大鲫更应如此。恕不赘述。

34、A fraction of (10/24) solitory carp RGCs fired action potentials (APs)spontaneously. ─── 分离的 RGC 具有正常的电生理特性,部分(10/24)分离的鲫鱼 RGC 显示自发的 AP。

35、Famous Shandong dishes include sweet-and-sour carp, braised conch in soy sauce and lotus flower prawns. ─── 它的主要名菜有糖醋鲤鱼、红烧海螺、荷花大虾等。

36、It is propo sed that the requirement of grass carp fingerling for vitamin K3 is about 1.9 m g/kg diet. ─── 对饲料中维生素K3含量和草鱼凝血时间进行折线回归分析表明:草鱼幼鱼饲料中维生素K3适宜的含量为1.9mg/kg。

37、A small Eurasian freshwater fish(Gobio gobio) related to the carp and used for bait. ─── 鮈鱼一种小型的亚欧淡水鱼(鮈鱼鲤科),与鲤鱼近缘,用作鱼饵

38、They chose a small member of carp family,Carassius auratus,better known as the goldfish. ─── 人们选择了鲤鱼族的一个小成员,CARASSIUS AURATUS,如同金鱼一样很早就被人所熟识了。

39、In ancient myths, every spring thousands of carps come to the Dragon Door hoping that they can jump over it . ─── 古代神话传说:每年春季有鲤鱼数干前赴龙门山下,但是多数不能跳越。

40、On Christmas Day, fish (carp) or goose will be cooked. ─── 圣诞节人们烹饪鲤鱼或者家鹅。

41、Moisture of silver carp surimi was determined by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy(NIRS). ─── 利用近红外光谱技术测定白鲢鱼糜中的水分含量。

42、Thermal and rheological properties of pressurized carp meat. ─── 受压鲤鱼肉的热特性、流变特性。

43、When he hauled it up there was a great carp at the end of the hook. ─── 他把钓线拉上来,钩上吊着一条大鲤鱼。

44、He said that the lotus is going to shoot forth soon.However, grass carps and bream fish especially prefer eating sprouts.This will spoil lotus. ─── 工作人员说,荷花马上要抽芽了,而西湖里的草鱼、鳊鱼特别喜欢吃荷叶的嫩芽,这样荷花就长不好了。

45、In this paper,the genesis of blood cells in Xingguo red carp (Cyprinus carpio var. ─── 兴国红鲤血细胞发生的主要器官是头肾、体肾、脾和胸腺。

46、One of the golden carp darted from lily to lily. ─── 一尾金色鲤鱼在荷花间嬉戏。

47、So too have Eurosceptics' carps about meddling foreign bureaucrats sticking their noses into domestic affairs. ─── 相应的,欧洲批评者对于国外官僚干涉本国内事务的冷嘲热讽也随之增加。

48、Juang-tz was very angry, and he said to the official, "Yesterday I saw a crucian carp in a ditch that had dried up. ─── 庄子很气忿,就对蓝河侯说:“昨天我在路旁的干水沟里看见一条鲫鱼,他说是从东海来的,今天不幸掉在干水沟里,眼看就要干死了,快点儿给扦一桶水救救他。”

49、We have very nice carps today. ─── 今天本店进了上好的鲤鱼。

50、On the way to the Ten Thousand Scenery Terrace, Green Dragon Backbone was called Carp Backbone. ─── 在去万景台途中,青龙背又称鲫鱼背。

51、Here are the Fried Carp and the Roast Beef,sir. ─── 先生,这就你点的清煎鲤鱼和烤牛肉。

52、Bigger carps have been seen in Thailand and in France. ─── 在泰国和法国已经见到过更大的鲤鱼。

53、Pollution in Type I pond is very serious, especially, the content of phenol in carp far exceed quota. ─── 型塘水质污染相当严重,尤其是鲤鱼酚含量严重超标。

54、Years at market prices to provide a variety of bulk rice field eel (20 tons), grass carp, carp (a lot) and so on. ─── 常年按市场价格批量提供各种规格的黄鳝(20吨)、草鱼、鲤鱼(大量)等等。

55、Jing Ximeng has disobeyed since parting, the small bridge over the flowing stream carp is fat. ─── 别后锦里梦已违,小桥流水鲫鱼肥。

56、and huge carps are gathered to be fished during fishing and digging. ─── 垂钓打窝时,将鲤鱼大量聚到一起钓获。

57、Add grass carp tail and beancurd. Cook for 20 minutes and season with salt. Serve. ─── 加入大鱼尾、豆腐同煲20分钟,下盐调味即成。

58、Oh, no! The Giants were supposed to slaughter the Carp! Come on Giants! Let's see some action. ─── 哎!怎么会这样呢,我原预料巨人队会大胜广岛队。加油吧,巨人队,让我们看看精彩的表现。

59、After the week, looks up the premenstrual, everybody's bustling making merry, carps. ─── 礼拜后、查经前,大家熙熙攘攘的吃喝玩乐,说短论长。

60、A carp, with its opening mouth ceaselessly spraying water, dazzling bright in the setting sun. ─── 一只张嘴不停喷水的鲤鱼,在夕阳下,发出耀眼的光亮。

61、The Chinese kept and studied carp and goldfish more than one thousand years ago. ─── 一千多年前,中国人也饲养和研究鲤鱼及金鱼。

62、Now it was mid night,the fisherman could hear shoals of carps from afat rushing forward against the current. ─── 在这里,它使人不仅想到桃花盛开的绚丽色彩,而且油然生出兰溪两岸桃花沐雨而开、落英顺水漂流的印象。

63、silver carps introduced with great fanfare this year have died. ─── 今年大张旗鼓引进的吃藻类的银鲤已经死亡。

64、mostly North American freshwater fishes with a thick-lipped mouth for feeding by suction; related to carps. ─── 主要产于北美洲的淡水鱼,嘴长有厚厚的吸盘,通过吸吮进食;与鲤鱼有关。

65、on the bottom of the white bowl blue and white carps leap to and floor. ─── 色白花青的锦鲤跃然于碗底

66、They restocked the pond with carp. ─── 他们重新给池塘放了鲤鱼。

67、In this study,glycolipids was extracted from heads of carp cyprinoids with chloroform and methanol. ─── 以鲤鱼头为原料,用氯仿、甲醇方法提取糖脂。

68、They were fishing for silver carp. ─── 他们在捕白鲢鱼。

69、Eight Spring Viraemia Viruses (SVCV) have been isolated from cultured carp and koi in China between 2002 to 2004. ─── 2004年间从国内养殖鲤科鱼类和观赏鱼类中分离出8株鲤春血症病毒(SVCV)。

70、Thus, so called "allogynogenetic Crucian Carp" was thought as the progeny of gynogenesis. ─── 因而认为异育淇鲫是雌核发育的产物,父本遗传物质对子代无影响。

71、A chef sculpts a jumping carp out of a carrot. 3. ─── 图1、2:食雕师傅将红萝卜雕成待跃龙门的鲤鱼。

72、Pattern: Firecracker, folk toy, the fish or the children embrace the carp. ─── 图案:爆竹、间玩具,鱼或儿童抱鲤鱼。

73、Fine. I'd like a medium sized carp steamed. ─── 好的,给我来一条大小中等的清蒸鲤鱼。

74、They saw a little carp swimming swiftly in the stream. ─── 他们看见一条小鲤鱼在河里迅速地游着。

75、Wh he hauled it up there was a great carp at the end. ─── 他把钓线拉上来时,钩上钓着了一条大鲤鱼。

76、In Shoufeng township in Hualien County, north of the South Carp Lake, in Hualien County is the largest inland lake. ─── 位花莲县寿丰乡南村北侧的鲤鱼潭,是花莲县境内最大的内陆湖泊。

77、Pepsin-soluble collagen(PSC) was extracted from scales of grass carp(Ctenopharyndogon idellus) by pepsin. ─── 利用胃蛋白酶从草鱼鱼鳞中提取酶溶性胶原蛋白(PSC)。


79、Effects of M-DNB and P-DNB on liver catalase activity of carp. ─── M-DNB和P-DNB对鲤鱼肝脏过氧化氢酶的影响

80、Irving could hook 4 carps depending on his well-skilled fishing in first 20 minutes of contest, but others adult participators got nothing. ─── 在比赛开始的20分钟里,小欧文凭着自己对钓鱼技能的熟知,他竟然钓到了4条鲤鱼。而其他的一些成年参赛者,仍一无所获。

81、Grass carp is a common kind of freshwater fish in China. ─── 在中国,草鱼是常见的河鱼。

82、Cui Z., Wang Y.*.Compensatory growth of group-held gibel carp,following food deprivation. Aquaculture Research接受. ─── 崔正贺,王岩*.初始体重差异对异育银鲫补偿生长的影响.海洋与湖沼接受.

83、Other experiments in crossing bighead and silver carp have produced a new variety of fish. ─── 使大头鱼和银色鲤鱼杂交的其他试验获得了一个新品种。

84、Our fishery fills with carpAs the river rises; Big carp and small,Like sandals of all sizes. ─── “水涨了,鲤鱼上梁,大的有大草鞋对么大,小的有小草鞋那么

85、The Sub-surface Milling Machine Rabbetting and rounding, jobs that turn up frequently in every carp... ─── 发布者:蒙海燕所在地:浙江宁波市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

86、That almost certainly means at least, some carps have eluded the device and reached the lake. ─── 那几乎一定程度上意味着,至少有一些鲤鱼逃脱了这个装置,进入了湖中。

87、They chose a small member of carp family, Carassius auratus, better known as the goldfish. ─── 从它开始,久而久之,人们获得了种种不同外形和色彩的观赏鱼。

88、But drinks just like a carp. ─── 光喝水儿。

89、The endurance to ammonia to toxcity is silver carp

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