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09-03 投稿


handicapped 发音

英:[?h?ndik?pt]  美:[?h?ndik?pt]

英:  美:

handicapped 中文意思翻译




handicapped 网络释义

adj. 残废的;有生理缺陷的n. 残疾人;缺陷者

handicapped 短语词组

1、handicapped parking ─── 残疾人停车场

2、handicapped worker ─── [经] 残废工人

3、multi-handicapped ─── [电影]多重残疾

4、mentally handicapped ─── 弱智的

5、handicapped voting ─── 残疾人投票

6、handicapped rooms ─── 残疾人客房

7、handicapped people ─── [医]残废者

8、handicapped person ─── [医]残疾人

9、the handicapped ─── 残疾人

10、handicapped accessible ─── 残疾人无障碍

11、handicapped shower chairs ─── 残疾人淋浴椅

12、handicapped accessible homes ─── 残疾人无障碍住宅

13、handicapped scooters ─── 残疾人踏板车

14、handicapped space ─── 残疾人停车位

15、handicapped shower designs ─── 残疾人淋浴设计

16、handicapped passenger ─── 残疾旅客

17、handicapped van ─── 残疾人货车

18、handicapped bathroom ─── 残疾人浴室

19、handicapped parking sign ─── 残疾人停车标志

handicapped 常用词组

mentally handicapped ─── 智力障碍的;精神障碍的

handicapped child ─── 残障儿童,缺陷儿童;残废儿童

handicapped 词性/词形变化,handicapped变形

动词第三人称单数: handicaps |动词过去式: handicapped |动词过去分词: handicapped |动词现在分词: handicapping |

handicapped 相似词语短语

1、handicrafter ─── n.手工艺;手工艺品(handicraft的变形)

2、handicap ─── n.障碍;不利条件,不利的因素;vt.妨碍,阻碍;使不利

3、handicaps ─── 不利因素(handicap的复数)

4、handstamped ─── 手印的

5、handicappers ─── n.裁判人员;(赛马时)决定优劣条件之人

6、nonhandicapped ─── 非残疾人

7、handicapping ─── n.障碍;不利条件

8、hand puppet ─── n.布袋木偶

9、handicapper ─── n.裁判人员;(赛马时)决定优劣条件之人

handicapped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Genius may have its limitation, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. ─── 天才或许有其限度,惟愚昧则无此不利条件。

2、It's wrong to make fun of the handicapped people. ─── 取笑残疾人是错误的。

3、Lack of money handicapped him in his shuttle business rubbisexualshly. ─── 资金缺乏严重影响了他的企业发展。区别。

4、He was handicapped by illiteracy. ─── 他因不识字而吃亏。

5、Are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink. ─── 只有在美国。在滑冰场的门口有残疾人的专用停车位。

6、Don't discriminate against the handicapped people. ─── 不要对残疾者有偏见。

7、Overcome a physical handicap. ─── 克服身体上的残疾

8、Don't draw his leg about his being handicapped. ─── 不要取笑他的残废。

9、He was born with a significant visual handicap. ─── 他出生时就有严重的视力缺陷。

10、My dual position was, in fact, a handicap. ─── 事实上,我的双重身份对我是一个不利因素。

11、Mexico's handicap is not so much her youth as the antiquity of her Spanish traditions, which have not managed to march with the times. ─── 墨西哥的不利因素与其说是其活力不足,不如说是落后于时代的古老西班牙传统太强,这些老传统赶不上时代潮流。

12、That is a handicap when it peddles itself to donors. ─── 但当它向捐助国兜售自己时这个却是一项不利条件。

13、He has a handicap of 100 meters. ─── 他有一百公尺的让步条件。

14、State help for the mentally handicapped is pitifully inadequate. ─── 国家对智障者的帮助少得可怜。

15、He was indeed ahead of his time in employing women, ex-convicts, and the handicapped. ─── 他的确思想先进,雇用了女性、刑满释放犯和残疾人。

16、At international games China's handicapped athletes have won nearly 400 medals,and set many world records. ─── 在多次伤残人国际比赛中,中国残疾运动员赢得近400枚奖牌,创数十次世界纪录。

17、The so-called handicapped could display their ability for all to see. ─── 可以使那些所谓有缺陷的人能够有个地方来表演他们的能力给所有的人看。

18、Volunteers collected donations for the benefit of the handicapped. ─── 义工为残障者的福利募捐。

19、The handicapped without advanced great parking space. ─── 享受不到超大停车空间的残疾人。

20、C: Fine, how much do you charge for a single room for the handicapped? ─── 好的,那这房间的费用是多少呢?

21、Being small is a handicap in a crowd like this. ─── 在这样一群人中,个子小吃亏。

22、Chinese laws prohibit discrimination, insult and injury against the handicapped or their ill-treatment and abandonment. ─── 中国法律明确规定,禁止歧视、侮辱、侵害残疾人;禁止虐待和遗弃残疾人;

23、Though handicapped by poor health, he persisted in working. ─── 他虽然身体不好,但仍坚持工作。

24、Bringing up a handicapped child can be a long and hard road. ─── 养大一个残疾儿童是件十分费时费力的事情。

25、He is handicapped by bad eyesight. ─── 他的视力差妨碍着他。

26、He was handicapped by his short stature. ─── 他是因为个头小吃亏了。

27、They were handicapped by (a) poverty of resources. ─── 他们因资源短缺处境窘迫。

28、He has a handicap of four at golf. ─── 他的高尔夫差点是四。

29、He was classified as educationally handicapped and required a great deal of patience on the part of his parents and teachers. ─── 他被列为教育残疾人,需要极大的耐心对他的部分家长和教师。

30、They told me that my lack of experience was a handicap. ─── 他们说我缺乏经验是个很不利的因素。

31、We are all handicapped in comparison to her typing skills! ─── 与她打字的技能相比,我们才是废人!

32、JOHN BROWN: What about jigsaw puzzle design for visually handicapped? ─── 为视觉障碍设计的七巧板游戏怎么样?

33、It is wrong to make fun of handicapped persons. ─── 取笑残废人是不对的。

34、He has a handicap of 200 metres. ─── 他在赛跑中让了二百米。

35、No one has the right to deride the disadvantage of handicapped people. ─── 任何人都没有权利嘲笑残疾人的不利条件。

36、Self help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped. ─── 伤残人士在治疗中, 自助自立是个重要因素.

37、Don't make fun of someone's physical handicap. ─── 别取笑人家生理上的缺陷。

38、They feel handicapped by their lack of general knowledge. ─── 他们感到缺乏一般的知识对自己的工作有影响。


40、Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. ─── 像这样一个残疾的人会成为我们沉重的负担。

41、Don't discriminate against handicapped people. ─── 不要歧视残疾人。

42、He bought lottery tickets from handicapped people. ─── 他从残疾人手中买奖券。

43、We should build up various programs to help the handicapped. ─── 发展残疾人事业。

44、Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped. ─── 伤残人士在治疗中,自助自立是个重要因素。

45、Hmm. @Parking for Handicapped Only. ─── 嗯,“残疾人专用停车处”。

46、Does China has an association for the handicapped. ─── 中国有残疾人协会吗?

47、Gitennan's objective was to help the handicapped recover physically and mentally. ─── 吉特曼的目的是为了帮助残疾人在身体和心理上得到康复。

48、His physical handicap prevented him from standing. ─── 因为他身体残废,无法站立。

49、Stop maligning the handicapped. ─── 不要嘲笑残疾人了。

50、Activities such as "building families for the handicapped and being friends to them" have been widely attended. ─── 各地深入开展“建残疾人之家、做残疾人之友”活动。

51、No,these are for the elderly,the handicapped,the pregnant women and children. ─── 不了,这些座位是留给老年人和残疾、孕妇和小孩的。

52、He was handicapped by his height. ─── 他的身高妨碍了他的发展。

53、Something that holds one back; a handicap. ─── 不利条件起阻碍作用的事物;障碍

54、Perhaps other readers will not suffer such a handicap. ─── 也许别的读者不会感到这个困难吧。

55、Handicap International was founded in France in 1982. ─── 国际残疾协会成立于1982年的法国。

56、Some seats on buses and MRT are reserved for senior citizens and handicapped people. ─── 在公车及捷运上有些座位保留给老年人及残障者。

57、Men unable to read and write are handicapped in a sense. ─── 不会写读的人从某种意义上讲是有缺陷的人。

58、Cared for elderly, convalescent, or handicapped person in home. ─── 到病人家中照顾年长者,康复者,或残障者。

59、Though handicapped by poor health,he persisted in studying. ─── 他虽然身体不好,还是坚持学习。

60、She also wept as she described how a school for handicapped and deaf students collapsed while the children were in class. ─── 她还哭着描述一个残障和聋哑儿童的学校是怎样在孩子们还在上课的时候坍塌的。

61、Knowing that you play golf, I was wondering what was your handicap? ─── 了解到你经常打高尔夫,我想知道你的障碍是多少?

62、Out of sympathy, we will help the handicapped. ─── 出于同情,我们会帮助那些残疾人。

63、Being small in a basketball match is a handicap. ─── 在篮球比赛中,个子 小吃亏.

64、He was handicapped by lack of education. ─── 他因文化水平低而吃了亏。

65、There is a toilet for the handicapped on the grind floor. ─── 一层有残疾人专用洗用间。

66、He is profoundly handicapped, both mentally and physically. ─── 他无论在心理上还是在生理上都存在严重障碍。

67、His lack of enthusiasm was a handicap in the eyes of his superiors. ─── 在他的上司看来,他缺乏热情是他的一个缺点。

68、His lack of English is a great handicap to him. ─── 他不懂英语对他是一大缺陷。

69、Even the handicapped were not hampered from a roll on the dance floor. ─── 即使是残疾人也不碍事,他们也可以在舞场上转动。

70、She laboured under the handicap of arthritis. ─── 她受关节炎的折磨。

71、I'm going to work two days a week teaching handicapped kids to fish. ─── 我将每周工作两天教残疾儿童钓鱼。

72、I was very much handicapped in this interview. ─── 在这次见面交谈中,我很局促。

73、You should not laugh at the handicapped. ─── 你们不应该嘲笑残疾人。

74、considering the question of risk the court was handicapped by a lack of scientific evidence. ─── 在考虑风险问题上,法院因缺乏科学依据而举步维艰。

75、He was handicapped by his age. ─── 他因年龄而吃了亏。

76、What they find is that many experienced people are handicapped by their past. ─── 他们看到很多有经验的人带了很多包袱,而且底薪为主的待遇,绝对不受欢迎。

77、Only man versus man,without augmentation or handicap. ─── 只有人与人的对抗,没有截肢手术和残废????

78、Though handicapped by poor health,he persisted in working at the research project. ─── 他虽然身体不好,还是坚持这项课题的研究。

79、Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. ─── 天才也可能有缺点,但不是残废一样的愚蠢。

80、But I live near Berkeley, which is like handicapped capital of the world. ─── 但我住在伯克利附近,那儿就像残疾人的世界首都。

81、They clubbed a fund of money for handicapped children. ─── 他们为残疾儿童募集资金。

82、Throughout China there are almost 40,000 welfare facilities capable of accommodating about 80,000 handicapped people. ─── 全国城乡现有各种福利院4万个,其中收养残疾人约8万人。

83、The dilemma that Bush foresaw in1986 has come to pass. His political career is indeed at stake, and his paralyzing loyalty is becoming a political handicap as well as a personal virtue. ─── 1986年布什所预料到的尴尬情形果然发生了。他的政治生涯的确受到威胁。他[对里根]的效忠到了瘫痪自己的程度。这固然是个人美德,但在政治上却是障碍。

84、Blindness is a great handicap. ─── 失明是极大的障碍。

85、So they can park in the (morally/intellectually) handicapped parking. ─── 他们能停在(道德/智力)残疾人停车厂。

86、Losing our best player is a handicap to the team. ─── 失去最棒的运动员对我队不利。

87、For a few years I was blessed with the opportunity to teach pre-school handicapped students one afternoon a week. ─── 对于我是有机会教导学前残疾学生每周的一个下午祝福几年。

88、Though handicapped by poor health, he persisted in studying. ─── 他虽然身体不好,还是坚持学习。

89、He asked the cause of her handicap . ─── 他问起她致残的原因。

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