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09-03 投稿



dyscrasia 发音

英:[[d?s'kre?zj?]]  美:[[d?s'kre???r]]

英:  美:

dyscrasia 中文意思翻译



dyscrasia 短语词组

1、blood dyscrasia ─── [医] 血质不调

2、dyscrasia sanguinis ─── [医] 血质不调, 血液病

3、endocrine dyscrasia ─── 内分泌失调

4、lymphatic dyscrasia ─── [医] 淋巴恶液质何杰金氏病, 淋巴肉芽肿

dyscrasia 相似词语短语

1、dysgraphia ─── n.[医]书写困难;书写障碍

2、dysphasia ─── n.言语障碍症

3、dysplasia ─── n.异型增生;发育不良;发育异常

4、dyspraxia ─── n.运用障碍,动作协调能力丧失症(等于apraxia)

5、dysacousia ─── n.听觉不良

6、dyscrasic ─── 不成熟的

7、dyscratic ─── adj.体液不调的;恶液质的

8、dyscrasite ─── n.[矿物]锑银矿;安银矿

9、dyscrasial ─── 不稳定的

dyscrasia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Peptide YY;Carcinoma;Gut hormone;Dyscrasia; ─── 酪酪肽;肿瘤;胃肠激素;恶液质;

2、lymphatic dyscrasia ─── [医] 淋巴恶液质何杰金氏病, 淋巴肉芽肿

3、Non- malignant plasma cell dyscrasia ─── 非恶性浆细胞病

4、dyscrasia sanguinis ─── [医] 血质不调, 血液病

5、A Study on the Characteristics of Immunoglobulin in Malignant Plasma Cell Dyscrasia ─── 恶性浆细胞病免疫蛋白特点研究

6、endocrine dyscrasia ─── 内分泌失调

7、plasma cell dyscrasia of unknown significance ─── 原因(或意义)不明的浆细胞恶性增生

8、Sleep apnea syndrome and endocrine dyscrasia ─── 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征与内分泌功能紊乱

9、plasma cell dyscrasia ─── 浆细胞恶性增生

10、The malignant plasma cell dyscrasia ─── 恶性浆细胞病

11、Results and Conclusions: The polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M protein and skin changes(POEMS) syndrome is a rare multisystemic disorder associated with plasma cell dyscrasia. ─── 结果和结论:POEMS综合征是以进行性多神经病变、脏器肿大、内分泌病、M蛋白血症和皮肤改变以及浆细胞恶性增生为特征的一种较少见的系统性疾病。

12、Later,three patients died of the tumor metastasis,dyscrasia and multiple system organ failure respectively after 3, 7 and 10 months. ─── 3例分别在3个月、7个月和10个月后死于原发病的转移、恶病质、多脏器功能衰竭;

13、It was found that this method of treatment is especially indicated in patients with blood dyscrasia with a clinical effective rate of 84.8%. ─── 结果表明此疗法对合并有出血疾病的患者更适宜,临床治疗有效率为84.8%。

14、Plasma cell dyscrasia with polyneuropathy ─── 浆细胞恶液质伴多神经病

15、A Study on the Characteristics of Immunoglobulin in Malignant Plasma Cell Dyscrasia ─── 恶性浆细胞病免疫蛋白特点研究

16、Keywords stomach neoplasms;dyscrasia;polymorphism;mononucleotide; ─── 胃肿瘤;恶病质;多态性;单核苷酸;

17、of all cases of blood dyscrasia appeared within 2 months of starting dipyrone. ─── 所有血液恶液质的病例,92%发生在安乃静治疗的2个月内。

18、peculiar progressive polyneuritis with pigmentation, edema, and plasma cell dyscrasia ─── PEP综合征

19、Enhances the ability of sexual glands, suppresses the activeness of monamine oxidase, postpone senility, eliminates spots casing by endocrine dyscrasia. ─── 提高性腺功能,抑制单胺氧化酶活性,延缓衰老,淡化因性功能障碍及内分泌失调引起的斑点。

20、Etanercept should be discontinued if a blood dyscrasia is evident. ─── 如果发生明显的血液恶液质,依那西普应当被停用。

21、blood dyscrasia ─── 血质不调

22、2.The crowd who suffer from subhealthy,endocrine dyscrasia,constipation,insomnia. ─── 亚健康、内分泌失调、便秘、失眠人群。

23、11died patients, 9 died of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, complications of chemotherapy and dyscrasia respectively. ─── 死亡11例,其中1例死于上消化道出血,1例死于化疗并发症,其余9例死于恶液质。

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