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09-03 投稿



illegally 发音

英:[??li?ɡ?li]  美:[??li?ɡ?li]

英:  美:

illegally 中文意思翻译



illegally 短语词组

1、illegally obtained evidence ─── [法] 非法获得的证据

2、illegally-batted ball ─── 非法击球

3、illegally acquired money ─── [法] 赃款

4、illegally off base crossword ─── 非法越基填字游戏

5、illegally stream ufc ─── 非法流ufc

6、illegally hunt ─── 非法狩猎

7、extorts money illegally ─── 非法勒索钱财

8、fixes illegally crossword ─── 非法修正纵横字谜

9、illegally yours ─── 非法的你的

10、carrying weapons illegally ─── [法] 非法携械

11、illegally condemn ─── 非法谴责

12、illegally definition ─── 非法定义

13、illegally synonym ─── 非法同义词

illegally 相似词语短语

1、dillydally ─── v.磨蹭,浪费时间

2、illogically ─── adv.不合逻辑地

3、legally ─── adv.合法地;法律上

4、illegality ─── n.违法;[法]非法行为;犯规

5、illegibly ─── adv.难读地;暧昧地

6、collegially ─── 共同掌权地(collegial的副词形式)

7、illegals ─── 非法移民,非法劳工(illegal的名词复数)

8、illegal ─── adj.非法的;违法的;违反规则的;n.非法移民,非法劳工

9、illiberally ─── adv.吝啬地;小气地

illegally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At the beginning the one-legged beggar begged an egg and some sugar illegally. ─── 开始独腿乞丐非法乞讨了一个鸡蛋和一些糖。

2、Allegedly, this website has 400 stuff 24 hours now uninterrupted surveillance leaves a message illegally. ─── 据说,现在该网站有400名员工24小时不间断地监视非法留言。

3、If a functioning legal system is in place, Mr. Lewis will think twice before illegally copying a brand. ─── 如果存在一个有效的法律体系的话,路易斯先生会在非法盗用另外一个品牌之前考虑再三。

4、So long as there exist people who are illegally reaping big profits, we should never stop waging a war against them. ─── 只要存在非法牟取暴利的人,我们就应该永不停止反对他们的斗争。

5、He got the money illegally, by forging his brother's signature on a check, which was exposed by the media. ─── 他在支票上伪造他哥哥的签名,以不正当的手段得到了这笔钱,但是却被媒体暴光了。

6、Chea Visoth of the PPWSA recalls carrying water up to his flat from a roadside tank filled by a pipe illegally tapping the public system. ─── PPWSA的CheaVisoth回忆说当初供水到他的公寓的管道就是从路边公共供水系统的储水槽中引出来的。

7、Two women workers have been illegally discharged. ─── 两个女工被非法解雇了。

8、In subjective, it's purposive and with the intention to illegally possess. ─── 主观方面是故意的,并且具有非法占有的目的。

9、He was tried by a county court in October, and convicted of illegally accepting $1.6m in deposits from local residents. ─── 10月在县法庭开庭审理,指控他的罪名是在当地非法集资1百60万美元。

10、No unit or person may illegally interfere or affect the bid assessment procedure or result. ─── 任何单位和个人不得非法干预、影响评标的过程和结果。

11、They are accused of illegally disposing of dangerous materials. ─── 去掉,丢掉,消除,销毁;排列,布置;安排(事情),处理(事务)

12、He is accused of illegally import arms into the country. ─── 他被控交武器非法运进这个国家。

13、He entered the country illegally. ─── 他通过非法途径进入了这个国家。

14、The "visa bond" is intended to target those who deliberately overstay or work illegally in the UK. ─── “签证保证金”的设立是有意针对那些蓄意在英国逾期居留或非法工作的人。

15、Here he said that he would not initiate force against the departed states, even though in his view they had acted illegally in seceding. ─── 他声称他不会采用武力对付那些脱离联邦的州邦,即便在他看来,这些州邦的分裂行为已经违法。

16、Various criminals like smugglers, drug dealers and all sorts of impostors make big money illegally. ─── 形形色色的犯罪分子,如走私犯、贩毒分子以及各种各样的诈骗犯非法赚取了大笔钱财。

17、One who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another. ─── 偷猎者;偷捕者在他人的地产上非法打猎或捕鱼的人

18、He illegally changed the financial records of the company. This permitted him to make a fast buck . ─── 他非法篡改了公司的财政记录,这让他到得了一笔快钱。

19、The monarchist groups say that the kingdom was overthrown and annexed into the United States illegally. ─── 君主主义组织主张王国是被非法推翻并合并入美国的。

20、Misuse of a patent occurs when a patent holder uses the patent to achieve something illegally. ─── 一个专利权人利用专利去做非法的事就是专利的滥用。

21、Many of these laser jammers have illegally copied established laser jammers. ─── 大部份这些雷射防护罩已经非法地抄袭仿冒原本正厂的雷射防护罩。

22、Mr Wu's house was destroy illegally by chinese gov. ─── 吴先生是澳洲华侨,他的房子被广州市人民政府非法强拆.

23、In recording, pertaining to illegally produced material. ─── (磁)记录技术中,用于修饰或说明非法复制的材料。比较copyright。

24、It turned out to be a cement crusher, which had illegally set up and operated in some back yard and blown all over, she explains. ─── 原来是一个水泥破碎机,其中非法设立和运作,在一些后院,并炸毁所有,她解释说。

25、Frequent Ibama raids had made ranchers "reluctant" to illegally clear land on which to expand their herds, said the rancher. ─── 环保局频繁的攻击迫使这些牧场主“勉强”停止非法清空更多用来扩大他们的牧场的土地。

26、No unit or individual is allowed to occupy, trade or illegally transfer land by other means. ─── 任何单位和个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。

27、To cross a street illegally or in a reckless manner. ─── 乱穿马路鲁莽地不遵守交通规则而穿越马路

28、They were shot when trying to cross the frontier illegally. ─── 他们在企图偷越国境时被击毙。

29、That same year, five Liberty Head nickels were 2) illegally produced. ─── 同年,却有五枚自由女神头像的五分镍币被非法铸造出来。

30、In 17 cases lethal drugs or doses were illegally given to end life. ─── 在17方案中,医生非法地用致命毒药或者高药量来结束生命。

31、He was charged whit siphoning off money illegally from the fund. ─── 他因非法从基金中抽妯钱款而受到指控。

32、At the beginning the one-legged beggar begged an egg and some sugar illegally . ─── 开始独腿乞丐非法乞讨了一个鸡蛋和一些糖.

33、He was convicted of illegally using a handgun. ─── 他被判非法使用手枪。

34、When leftists seized and illegally operated the University of Chile's TV station, the authorities turned a blind eye. ─── 可是左翼分子非法占用智利大学电视台时,当局却不闻不问。

35、We will vigorously prosecute those who illegally practice this so-called sport. ─── 我们将强有力地控诉那些非法进行这个所谓运动的人。”

36、The Justice Department has charged the five with operating illegally as Venezuelan government agents. ─── 司法部门指控这五人身为委内瑞拉政府职员进行非法操作。

37、Indonesian farmers turn their hoes to mining, illegally digging for gold on a torn up riverbank in Borneo. ─── 印度尼西亚的农民用他们的锄头转而采矿,非法采金损毁着婆罗洲的河堤。

38、No unit or individual person is allowed to illegally occupy and use the mudflats. ─── 任何单位或者个人不得非法占用滩涂。

39、The Iranian military says15 British detainees have confessed to entering Iranian waters illegally. ─── 伊朗军方表示说15名在押的英国士兵已经坦白了他们非法进入伊朗领海的事实。

40、Poacher: One who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another. ─── 偷猎者;偷捕者:在他人的地产上非法打猎或捕鱼的人。

41、The officer hopped out when he spotted an illegally parked car. ─── 当这名警官看到一辆非法停车时,他赶了出去。

42、A district official said the mine was illegally operated by a local villager who fled after the accident. ─── 一地方官员说,该煤矿由当地一村民非法开采经营,这个村民在事发后已经逃离。

43、They had illegally disappeared in July. ─── 七月份,他们突然非法隐匿。

44、You can file even if you're in the U-S illegally, or in deportation or exclusion proceedings. ─── 即使你非法滞留美国或者正处于被驱逐或拒绝入境的情况中,你也可以提出申请。

45、To make, sell, or transport(alcoholic liquor) for sale illegally. ─── 偷制和卖酒酿造、贩卖或运输(酒精类液体)以非法出售

46、Another tour operator faces penalties for wrecking coral when it illegally dropped an anchor on a Maui reef. ─── 另一家旅行社则因为在茂宜岛一处礁脉违法下锚,破坏了珊瑚礁,所以也面临罚款处置。

47、But what if the reason the movie are free is because they are offered illegally, would you still watch them? ─── 但是,如果那些电影免费的原因是它们非法提供的,你还会看吗?

48、The fact that many arrive illegally from Mexico does not help the situation. ─── 事实上许多从墨西哥非法到达的没有帮助这情况。

49、Zhou had been given a 2 and a haf years jail term for fraud and illegally possessing bullets in September. ─── 9月份,周因诈骗罪以及非法持有弹药罪被判刑2年半。

50、Do not download software, music or movies illegally through the school network. ─── 严禁利用学校网路下载非法软体、音乐及电影等。

51、The RIAA accused Brianna of stealing after she illegally downloaded music off the Internet. ─── 唱片协会以盗版罪指控布莱娜从互联网上非法下载音乐。

52、A main focus: the problem of "duped" (illegally copied) items. ─── 一个主要焦点: ( 非法模仿) 项目的" 欺骗" 的问题。

53、Article 314 of Criminal Law is about crime of illegally handling the property sealed up, distrained or frozen. ─── 摘要刑法第314条是关于非法处置查封、扣押、冻结的财产罪的规定。

54、Asks you others to sign equates in oneself not illegally, this is not generally laughable. ─── 把人家找你签名等同于自己没有违法,这不是一般地可笑。

55、He entered the country illegally. ─── 他通过非法途径进入了这个国家。

56、Mr. Obama also reassured pro-immigrant groups he has no intention of trying to round up and deport those who are in the country illegally. ─── 奥巴马总统也使那些先前居住在美国的移民放心,他没有意图围捕非法居住在这个国家的移民或是驱逐出境。

57、The burglar alarm will make a loud ringing noise when someone tries to enter the building secretly and illegally. ─── 如果有盗贼潜入大楼,电子防盗报警装置会发出响亮的报警声。

58、The report concludes that China "stole''or "illegally acquired''US space technology through the failure investigation. ─── 报告认为中国通过故障调查,“窃缺或“非法获得”了美国的航天技术。

59、"We want to go to Hong Kong illegally is Hakata free treatment. ─── “我们偷渡就是想去香港博免费治疗。”

60、They trade in ivory illegally. ─── 他们非法出售象牙。

61、He is accused of illegally imported arms into the country. ─── 他被控将武器非法运进这个国家。

62、First Drogba claimed he was illegally brought to the turf on a run towards the area, referee Mark Halsey disagreeing. ─── 先是德罗巴在带球冲向进去时被侵犯,然而MarkHalsey并未理睬。

63、The government has confiscated the illegally imported goods. ─── 政府已扣押了那批走私货。

64、Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. ─── 非法停放的车辆将被拖走。

65、Although now protected, thousands are still illegally killed in the Himalayas ever year. ─── 尽管现在受到保护,每年还有成千上万的麝在喜玛拉雅山脉被非法捕杀。

66、When records,films,books,etc are illegally copied and sold they are pirated. ─── pirate 指非法复制及出售唱片、影片、书籍等.

67、The law protect to use legally the dead body and keep from injuring illegally. ─── 保护合法利用和制止非法侵害是保护尸体的两个方面。

68、Classic scene: a car because of illegally stopped by the traffic police. ─── 一辆轿车因违章被交警拦下。

69、A common - law action to recover damages for property illegally withheld or wrongfully converted to use by another. ─── 侵占物赔偿的诉讼要求赔偿因他人非法滞留或不正当强占而造成的财产损坏的民法诉讼

70、To move illegally while holding the ball; travel. ─── 带球跑,走步持球时违反规则移动;带球走步

71、Sorry, the account {0} visit illegally or has overtimed. ─── 对不起,帐号{0}访问非法或已超时。

72、China says the US navy surveillance vessel the Impeccable was acting illegally inside Chinese waters. ─── 中国称美国海军监督舰“完美号”在中国海域内进行不法行动。

73、Illegally beyond the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped or ahead of the ball when the ball is kicked on a kickoff. ─── 当传球或推球入界的刹那间,其同队运动员比球更接近于对方球门线,则该运动员处于越位位置。

74、He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines. ─── 他被判犯有非法越境偷运武器罪。

75、We are alleged to have bring goods into the country illegally. ─── 我们被指控非法携带货物入境。

76、Come into the country Originally through montreal, illegally. ─── 到了那个国家,非法穿越了蒙特利尔。

77、Have you ever been addicted to a drug or taken drugs illegally? ─── 你有过毒瘾或曾非法嗜毒吗

78、Xuzhou Music Kit Advisory Services Ltd. All rights reserved intellectual property illegally who can. ─── 徐州韵洁咨询服务有限公司知识产权版权所有违者必究。

79、Illegally installing or using special sirens or signal light equipment in motor vehicles. ─── 在机动车辆上非法安装、使用特殊音响警报器或者标志灯具的。

80、Land may not be sold, leased, mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means. ─── 土地不得买卖、出租、抵押或者以其他形式非法转让。

81、When records,films,books,etc.are illegally copied and sold they are pirated. ─── pirate指非法复制及出售唱片、影片、书籍等.

82、You are not anonymous when you illegally download copyrighted material. ─── 当你非法下载有版权的东西时,你将会被记录。

83、Any illegally dealt board is a fouled board, and for any other irregularity see the relevant Law. ─── 任何违例所发牌副都是犯规的,其它违规参考相关条款。

84、He or she shall be fined, additionally or exclusively, a sum not less than 1 percent and not more than 5 percent of the illegally raised funds. ─── 并处或者单处非法募集资金金额百分之一以上百分之五以下罚金。

85、No entity or individual shall illegally interfere with the normal carryout of bidding activities. ─── 任何单位和个人不得非法干预招标投标活动的正常进行。

86、The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat. ─── 女房东发现他们一直在违法转租公寓。

87、In coming days he will have to appear in front of a judge on charges of "illegally bearing arms without a license," a police spokesman told reporters. ─── 一位警方发言人告诉记者说,在接下来的几天内,马尼将要接受法庭的审判,罪名就是"非法携带武器"。

88、People who work illegally are liable to Prosecution and deportation. ─── 凡非法工作的人都有可能被告发并驱逐出境。

89、Goods(especially alcohol)are bootlegged when they aresmuggled or manufactured and sold illegally. ─── bootleg 指非法运送、制造及出售货物(尤指酒).



Four companies, including Shanghai yuantong express Co., Ltd. and others, illegally checked the goods, seriously affecting flight safety. They decided to cancel their qualification as Class II air freight forwarders and requested all airlines to terminate their cooperation with the company and not to carry the goods they collected.

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