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09-03 投稿



ventriloquist 发音

英:[ven'tr?l?kw?st]  美:[v?n'tr?l?kw?st]

英:  美:

ventriloquist 中文意思翻译



ventriloquist 网络释义

n. 腹语术者;口技艺人

ventriloquist 短语词组

1、ventriloquist's dummy ─── [网络] ventriloquist的假人

ventriloquist 词性/词形变化,ventriloquist变形

名词: ventriloquist |形容词: ventriloquistic |异体字: ventriloquy |

ventriloquist 相似词语短语

1、ventriloquising ─── 口技

2、ventriloquize ─── v.用口技发声;用腹语术说

3、ventriloquists ─── n.腹语术者;口技艺人

4、ventriloquial ─── adj.口技的;腹语术的

5、ventriloquism ─── n.口技;腹语术

6、ventriloquised ─── 腹语

7、ventriloquistic ─── 口技

8、ventriloquise ─── 口技

9、ventriloquises ─── 口技演员

ventriloquist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This development proved so popular that nearly every modern ventriloquist now carries a dummy of their own. ─── 事实证明此次发展如此受欢迎,以至于几乎所有现代的腹语者都带着自己的人偶上场表演。

2、From there to the modern ventriloquist's dummy, is but a brief moment in history. ─── 从这个到现代的口技者的木偶,不是一段简短的历史。

3、The traditional ventriloquist performance can trace back to till Qin Dynasty, now still is make one of the happy and main art in people forms. ─── 传统相声表演可以追溯到秦朝,目前仍然是使人们开心的主要艺术形式之一.

4、Magic 4u - Supplies, juggling, ventriloquist, clown items and tricks. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

5、Are you... planning... to become... a ventriloquist? ─── 你..想..当口技表演者?

6、This development proved so popular that nearly every modern ventriloquist now carries a dummy of their own. ─── 事实证明此次发展如此受欢迎,以至于几乎所有现代的腹语者都带着自己的人偶上场表演。

7、And to the ventriloquist:-- "Your health, Claquesous. ─── 又对着用肚子说话的人:“敬礼,铁牙。”

8、a ventriloquist's dummy ─── 表演口技用的傀儡

9、in fact he became a ventriloquist, as they say. ─── 他很年轻,而且漂亮。

10、The ventriloquist, however, finished his grin. ─── 用肚子说话的那人咧了咧嘴。

11、A ventriloquist walked up to an Indian and said "I'll bet I can make your horse talk." ─── 最新喜讯:本站新增英语单词在线翻译功能,双击单词可以显示汉语意思,马上试试?!

12、Peter was a ventriloquist . ─── 彼得是一个表演口技的人。

13、When the owner had paid , the dog appeared to say to the ventriloquist , "well, you sold me , didn't u ? " ─── 餐馆主人付了钱之后,这只狗好像是在对表演区口技的人说:喇,你把我卖掉了,是吗?

14、A magician or ventriloquist. ─── 魔术师或口技表演艺术家

15、To practice your ventriloquist voice, keep your lips motionless. ─── 要练习以腹语术发声,你得保持双唇不动。

16、Two of the ruffians laid their hands on his shoulder, and the masked man with the ventriloquist's voice took up his station in front of him, ready to smash his skull at the slightest movement. ─── 两个匪徒把住了他的肩膀,那个戴着面具、用肚子说话的人,走过去立在他对面,举起那把钥匙,准备在他稍稍动一下的时候,便捶通他的脑门。

17、The Army was showing off its new MREs for Afghanistan, and there were sleeping models, a ventriloquist's dummy and a belly dancer. ─── 军队闪耀他对阿富汗新的宗教教育,有睡眠模特,口技表演者,跳肚皮舞的舞者。

18、first Emmy was awarded in 1949 to Shirley Dinsdale, a 20-year-old ventriloquist. ─── 首个艾美奖授予20岁的腹语术者雪莉莉·丁斯戴尔。

19、Ventriloquist n. Someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing ─── 会腹语的人;口技艺人

20、"What does hair color have to do with my worth as a human being?" Flustered, the ventriloquist begins to stammer out an apology. ─── 他在跟金发碧眼的玩具娃娃说笑话的时候,一位白色头发的年轻美女突然一跃而起。

21、This ventriloquist does an act in which she has a conversation with a wooden dummy. ─── 这位口技艺人表演了同一木头假人对话的节目。

22、Entertainment included a hypnotist and a ventriloquist. ─── 演出的包括一位催眠术师和一位口技表演者。

23、"She'd do it, too," said Thenardier in a low tone to Brujon and the ventriloquist. ─── “她会干得出来的。”德纳第对着普吕戎和那用肚子说话的人低声说。

24、" "Never mind," murmured the masked man who carried the big key, in the voice of a ventriloquist, "he's a tough old fellow. ─── “没有关系,”那个脸上戴了面具、手里捏着一把大钥匙的人用肚子里的声音阴阴地说,“这是个老滑串子!”

25、A ventriloquist was making fun of rednecks with his dummy at a bar. Then an angry redneck stood up, rolled up his sleeves ,and yelled, "I resent that!" ─── 一名口技表演者在一间酒吧里以木偶为道具,为村民们做表演。说着说着,一个愤怒的村民站了起来,一边卷起袖管,一边大喊:“我恨这些东西!”

26、“yes, I did. ”answered the ventriloquist. ─── 表演口技的人说:是的。

27、Every ventriloquist carries a dummy of their own. ─── 所有的口技表演者都随身带着人偶。

28、In addition to magic and clowning, he is a highly skilled ventriloquist and pantomimist. ─── 除了魔术,小丑,他是一个高度熟练的口技和默剧。

29、One character is a ventriloquist, another a sleepwalker. ─── 一角色为口技演员,另一是梦游者。

30、"The railing is old, " interpolated a fifth, who had the voice of a ventriloquist. ─── “这是一道老铁栏门。”第五个人说,那是个用肚子说话的人。

31、One character is a ventriloquist, another a sleepwalker ─── 一角色为口技演员,另一是梦游者。

32、(Extreme metals music, basketball, football, brawl, wrestle, ventriloquist. ─── 综合 极端金属音乐、篮球、足球、格斗、摔角、相声。。

33、Ventriloquism is an act of stagecraft in which a person (a ventriloquist) manipulates his or her voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere. ─── 腹语术,是一个腹语表演者巧妙地运用其声音,使它听起来像从身体其他部位发出来的戏剧表演。

34、a figure of a person or an animal manipulated by a ventriloquist ─── 口技表演者操纵的假人或假动物

35、A figure of a person or an animal manipulated by a ventriloquist. ─── 口技表演者用来处理声音的一种木制雕塑。

36、When the owner had paid ,the dog appeared to say to the ventriloquist ,”well, you sold me ,didn't u ?” ─── 餐馆主人付了钱之后,这只狗好像是在对表演区口技的人说:喇,你把我卖掉了,是吗?

37、a wooden figure into which a ventriloquist projects the voice. ─── 口技表演者用来处理声音的一种木制雕塑。

38、Entertainment included a ventriloquist. ─── 演出的包括一名口技表演者。

39、Oh, I am a ventriloquist, " said the little man. "I can throw the sound of my voice wherever I wish, so that you thought it was coming out of the Head. ─── 啊,我是一个腹语家,”矮小的老人说,“我能够用我的声带发出我需要的不论什么声音,因此,你以为那声音是从那头里发出来的。

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