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09-03 投稿



gardening 发音

英:['gɑ?d(?)n??]  美:['gɑrdn??]

英:  美:

gardening 中文意思翻译



gardening 网络释义

n. 园艺;园林工人的工作

gardening 短语词组

1、about gardening ─── 关于园艺

2、get into gardening ─── 进入园艺行业

3、gardening leave betekenis ─── 园艺留下的意义

4、gardening book ─── 园艺书籍

5、farming and gardening ─── 农业和园艺

6、flower gardening ─── [网络] 花卉园艺;园艺花架;花卉农场

7、gardening industry ─── 园艺业

8、do gardening ─── 做园艺

9、container gardening is nothing ─── 容器园艺什么都不是

10、gardening leave n. ─── 园艺假(指为离职者继续支付薪水但一定时间内禁止其在别处供职)

11、a love of gardening ─── 对园艺的热爱

12、gardening games ─── 园艺游戏

13、market gardening ─── 商品蔬菜种植业

14、self-gardening property ─── [机] 自硬性

15、end gardening ─── [机] 端部硬化

16、field guide to urban gardening ─── 城市园林实地指南

17、gardening expense ─── 绿化费用

18、landscape gardening n. ─── 庭园法

19、perfumery gardening ─── [医]香料园艺

gardening 词性/词形变化,gardening变形

原型:gardening 现在分词:gardening

gardening 相似词语短语

1、gardenia ─── n.栀子花;栀子属;n.(Gardenia)人名;(英)加德尼亚,加德妮娅(女)

2、hardenings ─── n.硬化;淬火;锻炼;v.硬化;使强壮(harden的ing形式)

3、burdening ─── v.担负;使载重;加重压于;加负担于;使烦恼(burden的现在分词)

4、darkening ─── v.(使)变暗,变黑;使阴郁;使模糊;使失去亮泽,使玷污(darken的现在分词);adj.变黑的;变昏暗的;n.变黑

5、gladdening ─── vt.使喜悦,使高兴;vi.喜悦;n.(Gladden)人名;(英)格拉登

6、careening ─── n.倾斜试验;v.使倾斜(careen的ing形式)

7、barkening ─── 剥皮

8、hardening ─── n.硬化;淬火;锻炼;v.硬化;使强壮(harden的ing形式)

9、gardenias ─── n.栀子花;栀子属;n.(Gardenia)人名;(英)加德尼亚,加德妮娅(女)

gardening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The children were scampering around the garden. ─── 孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑。

2、They grew strawberries in their garden. ─── 他们在园中种了草莓。

3、A stroll round the garden hardly qualifies as exercise! ─── 在花园转转算不上锻炼!

4、Shoo those birds away, they're eating my garden seeds! ─── 嘘跑那些鸟,它们在花园里吃种子呢!

5、His mother is in the garden, snipping off the dead roses. ─── 他母亲在花园里,剪下凋谢的玫瑰。

6、What implements are needed for gardening? ─── 园艺需要些什么工具?

7、It would be wise to check on the possibility of rain before planning the garden party. ─── 在筹备游园之前,先核实下雨的可能性是明智的。

8、I was still busy between the lights, weeding the garden. ─── 到了黄昏时我仍然忙着,在给花园除草。

9、The heavy rain has turned the small garden into a swamp. ─── 大雨使这小花园变成了一块沼泽地。

10、Puttered away the hours in the garden. ─── 在花圈里把时间消磨掉

11、The nymphs who together with a dragon watch over a garden in which golden apples grow. ─── 仙女们与一条龙一起看守长有金苹果的花园。

12、His dog scared that naughty boy off the garden. ─── 他的狗把那个顽皮的孩子从花园里吓走了。

13、The students assembled in the school garden. ─── 学生们在校园集合。

14、He dunged his vegetable garden regularly. ─── 他经常给他的菜园施肥。

15、There is plenty of work to be done in the garden. ─── 园子里有许多事要做。

16、He eradicated weeds in his garden. ─── 他把花园中的杂草根除了。

17、The garden is blooming with spring flowers. ─── 园内春花盛开。

18、She started digging the garden with a will. ─── 她在园子里起劲地翻起土来。

19、Pat has always loved gardening. ─── 帕特一直喜爱园艺。

20、He introduced to us the symmetrical arrangement of the garden. ─── 他为我们介绍了花园中对称的布局。

21、She had a passion for gardening. ─── 她对于园艺有一份热爱。

22、Bellick: There was a pair of gardening shears left on the floor of the shed. Evidently, he stepped on them. ─── 地上有一把除草剪刀,就在他工作的小屋子里,很明显,他踩了上去。

23、They keep hens in a lean-to at the end of the garden. ─── 他们在园子尽头处的单坡棚里养母鸡。

24、She came tripping down the garden path. ─── 她轻快地沿花园小径跑过来。

25、As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. ─── 因此我们不得不给菜地浇水。

26、A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden. ─── 凉亭一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭

27、Dahlias are garden plants with brightly colored flowers. ─── 大丽花是非常鲜艳的庭院花。

28、"Happy birthday, " he said, as I unwrapped a new pair of gardening gloves. ─── “生日快乐!”他说。我打开一看:里面包着一双园艺手套。

29、If this monster isn't entirely imaginary, it is nothing more extraordinary than a common or garden seal. ─── 如果这个怪物不是凭空想出来的,那它只能是一只普通的海豹。

30、Although Arkansas is an agricultural state, urban gardening has not always been popular. ─── 虽然阿肯色是一个农业州,但之前城市菜园一直都无法普及。

31、The garden wall is being washed by the flood water. ─── 大水冲刷著花园的围墙。

32、Gardening is a very rewarding pastime. ─── 园艺劳动是非常有益的消遣。

33、He's always laying down the law about gardening but he really doesn't know much about it. ─── 他总是对园艺工作发号施令,其实他只是一知半解。

34、He crossed the garden in three leaps. ─── 他跳三步就跨过了花园。

35、His garden was enclosed with a high wall. ─── 他的花园四周筑有高高的围墙。

36、The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and care for it. ─── 天主上帝把他造的男人带去伊甸园,让他在园中耕耘管理。

37、He is building a greenhouse in his garden. ─── 他正在花园中建温室。

38、He planted roses in the middle of the garden. ─── 他在花园中间种上玫瑰。

39、They planted some garden balsams in the backyard. ─── 他们在后院里种了些凤仙花。

40、The prisoners were let out to work in the garden. ─── 囚犯们被放出到花园里去劳动。

41、There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden. ─── 在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。

42、She paced out the length of the garden. ─── 她用步子量出了花园的长度。

43、Her beautiful garden puts my few little flowers to shame. ─── 她那漂亮的花园使我那几朵小花显得格外寒碜。

44、Century Park occupies an area of 140 hectors and embodies the design concept of western gardening and combination of men and nature. ─── 占地总面积140公顷的世纪公园,体现了中西方园林艺术和人与自然相互融合的设计理念。

45、He spends his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests. ─── 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。

46、He loves to potter in the garden. ─── 他喜欢在花园里随便走走。

47、As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. ─── 他年纪越来越大,除了喜欢园艺以外,对一切都失去了兴趣。

48、She has many occupations including gardening and wine-making. ─── 她有许多消遣,包括园艺和酿酒。

49、Their house is similar to ours, but ours has a bigger garden. ─── 他们的房子和我们的差不多,只是我们的花园大些。

50、He's been gardening all day. ─── 他在园中干了一整天。

51、In order to live off a garden, you practically have to live in it. ─── 为了靠果园生活,实际上你得住进里边去。

52、The whole garden was stacked with bricks. ─── 园子里堆满了砖。

53、The geranium is a garden plant with red, pink or white flowers. ─── 天竺葵是种开红、粉红或白色花的花园植物。

54、What a pretty little garden! ─── 多么漂亮的小花园!

55、The hollies in the garden make it look solemn. ─── 冬青树使园子看上去很肃穆。

56、The latest trend is gardening. ─── 最新的时尚是园艺。

57、In our garden we have egg-plants, cucumber and potato. ─── 在我们的菜园里,我们种了茄子,黄瓜和土豆。

58、It was just growing dark, as she shut the garden gate. ─── 她关上园门时,已是暮色苍茫了。

59、There is a pile of potato in the garden. ─── 园中有一堆马铃薯。

60、She's outdoors gardening every afternoon. ─── 她每天下午都在户外搞园艺。

61、A couple of days work will get the garden into shape. ─── 再干上几天,花园就可以整好了。

62、She planted some violets in the garden. ─── 她在花园里种了一些紫罗兰。

63、In summer, flowers are competing in splendor in the garden. ─── 夏天的花园,百花争艳。

64、I'm afraid you've spent too much time puttering around the garden. ─── 你在园里东游西荡,恐怕花的时闻太多了吧。

65、He was employed in watering the garden. ─── 他忙于给花园里的花木浇水。

66、One of the prong of the garden fork go through his foot. ─── 园艺叉子的一个尖齿把他的脚扎了。

67、To forget his trouble, he busied himself in his garden . ─── 为了把烦恼忘却,他让自己忙于花园的工作。

68、The girl planted some scarlet sage in her garden. ─── 女孩在她的花园里种了些一串红。

69、He's usually skiving down at the pub when there's gardening to be done. ─── 他常在需要整理花园时就躲进酒馆去了。

70、She lets her children play in the garden. ─── 她让孩子们在花园里玩。

71、The garden was soon stinking with burning rubbish. ─── 园子很快就充满了烧垃圾的怪味。

72、He got the chairs in from the garden before the rain started. ─── 下雨前他就把椅子从院子中搬进屋了。

73、He had scraped his hands gardening that day and was now covered by the man's blood. ─── 他那天园艺时刮伤了他的手,但是手上还是还是占满了那人的血。

74、Their dog Rover lives in a kennel in the back garden. ─── 他们的小狗罗佛的窝在后花园。

75、He rolled up his sleeves and got to work in the garden. ─── 他卷起了袖子,在花园里干起活来。

76、Hour of gardening in the sun have quite tired me out. ─── 几小时在太阳底下锄草浇花已使我十分疲劳了。

77、They planted some sycamores in the garden. ─── 他们在花园里种了一些美国梧桐。

78、His only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden. ─── 他仅有的消遣是喝啤酒和在花园里种花草。

79、But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. ─── 但今天下午,她正在花园里喝茶。

80、The kids have messed thd garden up. ─── 孩子们把花园搞得一团糟。

81、Growing up in sunny South Carolina, she ran and played and later helped out with the family gardening. ─── 她在阳光明媚的南卡罗来纳长大,从小就爱在户外玩耍,长大一点后就帮着打理家中的花园。

82、Now, why don't you children beetle off into the garden and play? ─── 你们这些孩子为什么现在还不赶快跑到花园里去玩?

83、He made these confessions to lead the police up the garden path. ─── 他说出这些口供,是为了让警察产生错觉。

84、She filmed her children playing in the garden. ─── 她把她的孩子在花园嬉戏的镜头拍摄了下来。

85、You should fork over the garden before you plant the peas. ─── 在播种豌豆之前,你得耙耙地。

86、He grew some pansies in the garden. ─── 他在花园里种了一些三色紫罗兰。

87、That gardener over there is your man if you want someone to make your garden profitable. ─── 如果你想要一个人管好你的果园,并有所收益,那个园林工就是你要找的人。

88、The children froliced in the garden after school. ─── 孩子们放学后在花园里嬉戏。

89、The children were employed in weeding the garden. ─── 孩子们忙着给花园除草。

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