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09-03 投稿



epigastric 发音

英:[[?ep?'g?str?k]]  美:[[?ep?'g?str?k]]

英:  美:

epigastric 中文意思翻译



epigastric 短语词组

1、epigastric pulsation ─── [医] 上腹部搏动

2、epigastric shock ─── [医] 腹上部休克

3、epigastric fold ─── [医] 腹壁动脉襞

4、epigastric zone ─── [医] 上腹区

5、epigastric hernia ─── [医] 上腹疝

6、epigastric center ─── [医] 腹 ─── [上皮区]反射中枢(脊髓), 腹腔丛

7、deep epigastric veios ─── [医] 腹壁深静脉

8、epigastric puncture ─── [医] 上腹部穿刺

9、epigastric vein un. ─── 腹壁静脉 [网络] ─── 腹壁上静脉

10、epigastric sensation ─── [医] 上腹感觉

11、inferior epigastric vein ─── 腹壁下静脉

12、epigastric fossa ─── 腹上窝

13、epigastric artery ─── 腹壁动脉

14、epigastric plexus ─── [医] 腹腔丛

15、epigastric aura ─── [医] 上腹部先兆

16、epigastric pulse ─── [医] 腹部 ─── [主动脉]脉搏

17、epigastric reflex ─── [医] 上腹反射

18、epigastric spot ─── [医] 上腹点

19、epigastric angle ─── [医] 腹上角

epigastric 词性/词形变化,epigastric变形

形容词: epigastric |名词复数: epigastria |

epigastric 相似词语短语

1、epigamic ─── adj.吸引异性的;诱惑性的

2、perigastric ─── 胃周的

3、epigastria ─── 上腹部

4、digastric ─── adj.二腹的;二腹肌的

5、mesogastric ─── 中胃

6、epigastrium ─── n.[解剖]上腹部;[昆]第一腹片

7、epigastrial ─── 上腹部

8、digastrics ─── adj.二腹的;二腹肌的

9、hypogastric ─── adj.下腹的,下腹部的

epigastric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、epigastric upset ─── 心嘈

2、Epigastric Pain Syndrome ─── 上腹痛综合征

3、Peripheral nerve neurilemoma is an unusual cause of epigastric discomfort. ─── 因周边神经鞘瘤而引起上腹疼痛则非常少见。

4、Recurrent epigastric pain occurred in the following years. ─── 其后数年患者有反覆上腹痛之症状。

5、Epigastric discomfort or pain is a common symptom and is most frequently of intra-abdominal origin. ─── 上腹部不适或疼痛是常见的症状,多来源于腹内。

6、Epigastric burning sense of malaise . Anorexia . Chest tightness. Drooling. ─── 上腹部灼痛感,乏力。食欲不振。胸闷。流涎等。

7、Primary gastric actinomycosis is very rare and difficult to diagnose.We report a case of a 61-year-old woman admitted with complaints of persistent epigastric pain for two days. ─── 摘要原发性胃放线菌感染是一非常罕见且不容易诊断的疾病,在此我们报告一位61岁的女性病人,因为持续性的腹痛二天而入院。

8、Two transverse abdominal skin flaps, based on the superior epigastric pedicle or its rectus abdominal muscle perforators, were designed; ─── 一组为腹壁上血管腹直肌穿支为蒂的穿支皮瓣。

9、Epigastric abdominal flaps of rats were used to investigate whether the flap survival rate can be affected by ligating too many side branches of feeding arteries or by neurogenic control of the flaps. ─── 我们利用老鼠的腹上皮瓣进行组织重接,来探讨神经支配是否会影响皮瓣组织之存活率,切断太多的侧枝循环造成周围组织之缺氧是否会使皮瓣因血液灌流太多而影响皮瓣之存活率。

10、5. Swallowing obstruction, and ache, the substernal is stuffy and discomfortable, foreign body sensation within the esophagus or epigastric pain. ─── 吞咽食物时梗噎感,疼痛,胸骨后闷胀不适,食管内异物感或上腹部疼痛。

11、The clinical manifestations were diverse, including abdominal pain, epigastric discomfort, abdominal distension and dyspepsia etc. ─── 临床表现多样化,常见的除腹痛外,还包括上腹不适、腹胀、消化不良等。

12、epigastric pain ─── 上腹部痛

13、A housewife, 56 years old, fatty in stature. She had epigastric pain for recent ten years, with eructation and Belching at times and it was usually occurred after meals. ─── 一56岁家庭主妇,肥胖体质。10年来有上腹痛,有时有打嗝和嗳气,常发生于饭后。

14、The Clinical Significance of Preserving Superior Epigastric Vessels in Cohen Incision ─── 改良筋膜横切口保留腹壁浅静脉的临床意义

15、Irreducible epigastric hernia ─── 不可还纳的上腹疝

16、Palpitation, expectoration of mucoid sputum, fullness in the chest and epigastric region, lassitude, weakness, cold extremities, white tongue coating, string-taut, rolling pulse. ─── 心悸不宁,咳吐痰涎,胸脘痞满,神疲乏力,形寒肢冷,舌苔白,脉弦滑。

17、Keywords "Wangshi Baochi Pill"epigastric fullness;chronic gastritis;functional dyspepsia; ─── 关键词王氏保赤丸;痞满证;慢性胃炎;功能性消化不良;

18、Results:The patient was relieved from epigastric and back pain after the operation,although he died of liver metastasis seven months later. ─── 夹闭肝总动脉后,注意肝固有动脉的搏动情况。

19、Keywords MRI;epigastric diseases;dynamic enhancement;malignant tumor; ─── 上腹部病变;动态增强;恶性肿瘤;

20、Epigastric surgery ─── 上腹部手术

21、Most patient is without a symptom, if semiotic much performance is meal hind full bilge, ache of belch, anorexia, disgusting, epigastrium is unwell, or angular, anaemic, glossitis, diarrhoea. ─── 大多数病人毫无症状,如有症状多表现为饭后饱胀、嗳气、食欲减退、恶心、上腹部疼痛不适,或消瘦、贫血、舌炎、腹泻等。

22、Incision of epigastric region ─── 上腹部切开术

23、Slight tenderness over epigastric region, heart beat120/ min, stool tarry like, occult blood test showed strong positive. ─── 上腹部轻度压痛,心率120次/,大便柏油样,潜血试验强阳性。

24、The first abdomen diamond compression design and the built-in ventilation lining cause the lower abdomen and the epigastrium can achieve the effect that is contraction ; ─── 产品特点:前腹菱形加压设计,内置的透气面料,使小腹和上腹部均能达到紧缩的效果;

25、We report a case of 33-year-old female patient who presented with epigastric pain, postprandlai fullness and nausea for the past several months. ─── 我们报告一例三十三岁的女性病患,临床表现在过去的数个月里有上腹部疼痛,饭后腹涨与嗯心等症状。

26、epigastric lymph nodes, inferior ─── 上腹下淋巴结

27、relieving epigastric distention to dissipate stagneation ─── 宽中散结

28、First pharynx and larynx stresses urticant feeling and calcination feeling, epigastrium calcination feels or ache, appear ever since gastroenteritis symptom, acuteness vomiting, diarrhoea. ─── 先有咽喉抓痒感及灼烧感,上腹部灼烧感或疼痛,其后出现胃肠炎症状,剧烈呕吐、腹泻。

29、of vomiting, he noted severe epigastric pain as well as severe headache. ─── 要呕吐时,他发觉有严重的腹上部痛和剧烈的头痛。

30、epigastric burning ─── 上腹部灼热

31、We report a 10-year-old girl presenting with a sudden onset of epigastralgia after impact on the epigastrium by the edge of a wooden bed while playing on it. ─── 我们报告一个十岁的女童在一张木制的床上玩耍,不慎滑倒使得上腹部撞击到床角突出的柱子,之后,就产生了上腹部疼痛。

32、The Electrogastrography (EGG) is the procedure of recording electrical activity from the stomach by means of cutaneous electrodes attached to the epigastric skin. ─── 摘 要 胃肠动力紊乱是临床上常见的一种功能性疾病。胃电图是一种在体表对胃的电活动信号加以记录的方法,是临床上于对胃肠动力紊乱诊断的理想方法。


34、The stomach ache calls the epigastric pain, is often has the ache primarily illness by the stomach cavity near pit of the stomach place. ─── 胃痛又称胃脘痛,是以胃脘近心窝处常发生疼痛为主的疾患。

35、Physical examination confirmed that the patient was jaundiced and had mild epigastric tenderness. ─── 体格检查表明该患者有黄疸及轻微上腹触痛。

36、epigastric fullness and rigidity ─── 心下痞硬

37、We reported a case of a 77-year-old male suffering from intermittent epigastric pain, diarrhea, and loss of body weight. ─── 我们报告一例77岁的男性病患,因问断性腹痛、腹泻及体重减轻而作进一步检查。

38、Thus, clinical signs, such as chest excursion, auscultation of lungs and oer the epigastrium, and direct laryngoscopy should be used as important confirmatory adjuncts. ─── 因此,临床征象如胸廓移位、肺部和上腹部听诊,直接喉镜检查应该如同CO2确认设备一样重要的使用。

39、With the advent of vomiting, he noted severe epigastric pain as well as severe headache. ─── 当要呕吐时,他发觉有严重的腹上部痛和剧烈的头痛。

40、epigastric flatulence ─── 支膈

41、Fever, Epigastric Pain, Icterus and Respiratory Distress--Sever Infection of Biliary Tract Amalgamated with Multiple Organs Function Syndrome ─── 发热、上腹痛、皮肤黏膜黄染并呼吸窘迫--胆道重症感染并多器官功能障碍综合征

42、Main body is asked for is epigastrium tenderness. ─── 主要体征是上腹部压痛。

43、It is epigastrium still issues abdomen after all so, be left abdomen or right abdomen? ─── 感觉尖锐的痛是由神经传送,秒速可高达30米。

44、Keywords Superficial inferior epigastric vessels;Abdominal flap;immediate reconstruction;Vulval malignant neoplasm/female;Modified radical vulvectomy; ─── 关键词腹壁浅血管;超灌注;腹壁皮瓣;即时重建;女阴癌根治性切除术;

45、(2) gastric ulcer: Epigastrium is the symptom with the mainest gastric ulcer sorely, sex of the law that show a red-letter day, periodic, seasonal fit. ─── (2)胃溃疡:上腹部疼痛是胃溃疡最主要的症状,呈节律性、周期性、季节性发作。

46、Slight tenderness over epigastric region, heart beat 120/min, stool tarry like, occult blood test showed strong positive. ─── 上腹部轻度压痛,心率120次/分,大便柏油样,潜血试验强阳性。

47、epigastric hernia ─── 上腹疝

48、Vena epigastrica superficialis epigastric v's, superior v's of inferior member, deep ─── 下肢深静脉:同

49、epigastric mass with internal injury ─── 内伤结胸

50、Pain or discomfort in the epigastric region is often of gastrointestinal origin. ─── 上腹区的疼痛或不适病因通常来自肠胃道;

51、epigastric pain with palpatation ─── 悸心痛

52、425 Endoscopies were one on 402 patients with persist epigastric distress following stomach operation. ─── 我们对402例胃肠术后上腹部持续不适的患者作了425次内窥镜检查。

53、epigastric distention and pain ─── 心下痞痛

54、Abdominal bruit was heard in the right epigastric area.Renovascular hypertension was highly suspected. ─── 同时在病患的右上腹部可以听到血管嘈音,高度怀疑是肾血管高血压。

55、60 Cases of Epigastric Fullness Due to Disharmony between Liver and Stomach Treated with TCM Combining Psychological Therapy ─── 中药结合心理疏导治疗痞满证肝胃不和型60例

56、epigastric throb ─── 心下悸

57、Open wound of epigastric region with complication ─── 上腹部开放性伤伴并发症

58、Women should report possible signs of preeclampsia, such as persistent or severe headache, visual changes, right upper quadrant or epigastric pain, sudden large weight gain, or facial edema. ─── 孕妇应诉说先兆子痫的可能表现,如持续或严重的头痛,视力改变,右上腹或心口痛,突然体重大幅度增加,或颜面浮肿。

59、congenital epigastric hernia ─── 先天性上腹壁疝

60、Gangrenous epigastric hernia ─── 坏疽性上腹疝

61、Its patient much companion has epigastrium to bilge full, pectoral coerce suffering is full, umbilical ministry moves palpitate hyperfunction, the disease such as constipation. ─── 其患者多伴有上腹部胀满,胸胁苦满,脐部动悸亢进,便秘等症。

62、Epigastric burning sense of malaise. Anorexia. Chest tightness. Drooling. ─── 上腹部灼痛感,乏力.食欲不振.胸闷.流涎等.

63、He presented with hiccups, epigastric pain and vomiting, and his serum amylase and lipase levels were elevated. ─── 他的症状有:呃逆、上腹部疼痛和呕吐,他的血清淀粉酶和脂肪酶水平升高。

64、“At the on set of appendicitis the pain is often first in the epigastrium.” ─── “好,不错,单词就到这。现在做句型练习:‘在阑尾炎发作时,疼痛常先在上腹部。’不用拼了。”

65、Marfan's epigastric puncture ─── [医] 马方氏上腹部穿刺(穿刺心包)

66、cough with epigastric fullness ─── 支咳, 支嗽

67、Other common causes of epigastric pain include diabetes mellitus, metabolic disturbances, ischemic heart disease, intestinal angina and malignancies. ─── 其它因素还包括:糖尿病、新陈代谢障碍、缺血性心脏病、肠道绞痛和恶性肿瘤。

68、Review of Systems: Severe headaches, scotomas, blurred vision, hand and face edema, epigastric pain, pruritus, dysuria, fever. ─── 系统回顾:严重头痛,盲视,视物模糊,手及颜面水肿,上腹痛,搔痒,尿痛,发热。


70、As a consequence of the resultsof the aforementioned analyses, patients referring pain located at the right epigastrium were selected and further evaluated. ─── 基於前述分析之结果,病患称右上腹部疼痛的,我们会加以筛选,再进一步评估。

71、(2) clinical symptom: Stomach and duodenum ulcer all can appear regular epigastrium is aching. ─── (2)临床症状:胃及十二指肠溃疡均可出现规律上腹部疼痛。

72、A clinical investigation on providing enteral nutrition in earlier period for patients after underwent epigastrium surgery ─── 上腹部术后实施早期肠内营养的临床研究

73、Three years after diagnosis of primary lung cancer an endoscopy was performed for persistent epigastric pain;it revealed a metastatic tumor in the duodenum. ─── 在肺癌诊断后第三年,病患因持续的上腹疼痛而接受上消化道内现镜检查,并在检查中证实有十二指肠的转移。

74、As a consequence of the results of the aforementioned analyses, patients referring pain located at the right epigastrium were selected and further evaluated. ─── 基于前述分析之结果,病患称右上腹部疼痛的,我们会加以筛选,再进一步评估。

75、Epigastric burning sense of malaise. Anorexia. Chest tightness. Drooling. ─── 腹部灼痛感,乏力。食欲不振。胸闷。流涎等。

76、Subcutaneous tissue of epigastric area ─── 上腹区皮下组织

77、Main Manifestations Acid fermented vomitus, epigastric and abdominal distension, belching, anorexia, thick, greasy tongue coating, slippery and full pulse. ─── 呕吐酸腐,脘腹胀满,嗳气厌食,舌苔厚腻,脉多滑实。

78、We described an elderly woman of emphysematous cholecystitis associated with cholelithiasis and acute pancreatitis presenting with a 3 days' duration of epigastric and right upper quadrant pain. ─── 我们报告一例81岁女性病患有气肿性胆囊炎伴随有胆囊结石及急性胰脏炎,因3天之上腹及右上腹痛表现。

79、Transitory hiccup is usually caused by epigastric irritation. ─── 通常是暂时性的呃逆所造成的腹部不适。

80、Because the gallbladder is located at the epigastrium, a shape like small beverage bottle. ─── 因为胆囊位于上腹部,形如一只小酒瓶。

81、Treatment of 102 Patients with Pain in Epigastric Region by Procaine Mixture Combined with Chinese Drugs ─── 普鲁卡因合剂加中药治疗胃脘痛102例

82、Methods: Anastomosed the inferior epigastric artery and vein of paraomphalic flap with the corresponding facial artery and vein. ─── 方法: 将脐旁皮瓣的腹壁下动静脉与面动脉及面前静脉近端吻合。

83、In emergency clinic, he was found pale, and dispigmentation of the nail and lips of the mouth. Slight tenderness over epigastric region, heart beat 120/min, stool tarry like, occult blood test showed strong positive. ─── 在急诊室,病人被发现苍白、指甲和嘴唇脱色。上腹部轻度压痛,心率120次/分,大便柏油样,潜血试验强阳性。

84、Influence of Needling Zusanli with Twirling Reinforcing and Reducing Manipulation on Skin Temperature of Epigastrium ─── 捻转补泻手法针刺足三里穴对脘腹部皮肤温度的影响

85、Acupuncture was one of the therapies to treat the epigastric pain. It got effect quickly. ─── 胃脘痛其治疗方法很多,但针刺治疗,往往能迅速取得满意的疗效。

86、The patient was found in lateral decubitus position and groaning. Tender over the epigastric especially the right upper quadrant. ─── 病人侧卧位并呻吟。特别是在右上腹有压痛。

87、AFLP should be highly suspected in a pregnant woman that presents with nausea, vomiting, jaundice and epigastric pain during the third trimester. ─── 当妊娠末期时,发生呕吐、腹痛、黄疸及上腹痛,应高度意识到妊娠急性脂肪肝的可能。

88、Open wound of epigastric region without complication ─── 上腹部开放性伤不伴并发症


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