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09-03 投稿



hindbrain 发音

英:[?ha?ndbre?n]  美:[?ha?ndbre?n]

英:  美:

hindbrain 中文意思翻译



hindbrain 短语词组

1、hindbrain function ─── 后脑功能

2、hindbrain location ─── 后脑定位

3、hindbrain is ─── 后脑是

4、hindbrain pdf ─── 后脑pdf

5、hindbrain diseases ─── 后脑疾病

6、hindbrain pain ─── 后脑痛

7、hindbrain do ─── 后脑do

8、hindbrain parts ─── 后脑部分

hindbrain 词性/词形变化,hindbrain变形

异体字: hinder |

hindbrain 相似词语短语

1、birdbrains ─── n.轻佻的人;轻率浮躁的人;笨蛋

2、midbrain ─── n.中脑

3、endbrains ─── n.终脑

4、handbrake ─── n.手煞车;手闸

5、hindering ─── 妨碍

6、birdbrain ─── n.轻佻的人;轻率浮躁的人;笨蛋

7、hinderlins ─── 希德林

8、in train ─── 准备就绪

9、endbrain ─── n.终脑

hindbrain 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Improvement of blood supplies of hindbrain in short and long term by reconstruction of vertebral artery occluded blood vessel ─── 椎动脉闭塞血管重建术改善近、远期后脑区域血供的实验研究

2、The small white rabbit in his hindbrain spank you idiot! ─── 小白兔朝他后脑勺一巴掌你个笨蛋!

3、"Vertebrate Brains consist of the hindbrain (rhombencephalon), midbrain (mesencephalon), and forebrain (prosencephalon)." ─── 高等脊椎动物的脑包括后脑、中脑和前脑。

4、(2) seats are advised to be on the back (wall or cabinet), not behind doors or corridors for the hindbrain brain radiation zone, but also human sensory gas market one of the most sensitive parts; ─── ( 2 )座位后面宜有靠(墙或柜),不能背着门或走道人的后脑为脑波放射区,也是人体感应气场最敏感的部位之一;

5、A week later the top of this tube bends over, creating the basic structure of fore, mid and hindbrain . ─── 一个星期之后,官顶端弯曲,形成了基本的大脑前、中、后期结构。

6、, in a head Kaikai also hit a sharp object, a burst of severe pain from his right hindbrain area news. ─── 期间,凯凯在一次后仰中又撞上了一个尖锐的物体,一阵剧痛从他的右后脑部位传来。

7、(2) seats are advised to be on the back (wall or cabinet), not behind doors or corridors. the hindbrain to brain radiation zone Human sensory gas market is the most sensitive parts of the world; ─── ( 2 )座位后面宜有靠(墙或柜),不能背着门或走道。人的后脑为脑波放射区,也是人体感应气场最敏感的部位之一;

8、Ucn III induced Fos expression in several areas in forebrain and hindbrain. ─── 结果发现,Ucn III诱导了大鼠前脑及后脑广泛脑区的Fos 表达。

9、The forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain make up of the brain. ─── 前脑、中脑和后脑组成了大脑。

10、The posterior portion of the embryonic hindbrain, from which the medulla oblongata develops. ─── 末脑胚胎期后脑的后部,延髓在此发育

11、Something tickled my hindbrain then, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. ─── 就在此时,不知什么东西挠了下我的后脑,我使劲咬住嘴唇才没有笑出来。

12、Hox Genes and Segmental Organization of the Hindbrain and Spinal Cord ─── 同源转化盒和后脑及脊髓的部分组织形成

13、The pons, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata composed the hindbrain. ─── 什么东西挠了下我的后脑,我使劲咬住嘴唇才没有笑出来。

14、There is a circle on the raised part of his hindbrain. ─── 他的后脑勺儿上长了一个旋儿。

15、hindbrain vesicle ─── 后[菱]脑泡

16、The midbraIn, a major sensory Integration centre In other vertebrates, serves primarily to lInk the hIndbraIn and forebraIn In mammals. ─── 在其它脊椎动物是主要感觉统合中心的中脑,在哺乳动物则主司联系后脑和前脑的作用。

17、medulla oblongata The hindbrain, equivalent to telencephalon (see brain). ─── 延脑脑的最后部,等同于端脑(见脑)。

18、The pons the cerebellum and the medulla oblong ata composed the hindbrain. ─── 脑桥、小脑和延髓组成了后脑。

19、primary hindbrain ─── 原始菱脑

20、spinal and hindbrain anatomy; ─── 脊髓与脑干系统解剖学;

21、The pons, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata composed the hindbrain. ─── 脑桥、小脑和延髓组成了后脑。

22、10. Within the hindbrain, rhombomeres (r) 2 and 6 received inputs in distinct anterior-posterior patterns, potentially indicative of their role in visuomotor transformations. ─── 在后脑内部,菱脑节2,6在独特的前后模式下接收输入信号,暗示其在视觉运动转化中具有作用。

23、Hindbrain hernia headache ─── 菱脑疝头痛

24、Ling:(strokes her hindbrain) Ouch...It's hurt...(then she sees Shin so promptly gets up with pleasure and holds his hand) You are alright!Great!The devil king is finished, right? ─── 灵:(伸手摸摸后脑)唉哟...好痛...(转头看见童心,立刻高兴的坐起身来,拉住他的手)你没事就好了,天魔完蛋了吧?

25、"The hindbrain comprises the medulla oblongata and the pons, which connects the spinal cord with higher Brain levels and transfers information from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum." ─── 后脑由延髓和桥脑组成,连接脊髓和脑的高级部分,也包含将讯息从大脑皮质传到小脑的神经细胞。

26、A week later the top of this tube bends over, creating the basic structure of fore, mid and hindbrain . ─── 一个星期之后,官顶端弯曲,形成了基本的大脑前、中、后期结构。

27、The analytical calculation results indicates that the “thermal dangerous point” was not at the brain core,but close to the hindbrain,and hypoxic|ischemic brain damage might worsen the illness. ─── 计算结果表明,感染发热后脑组织的“危险部位”不在脑核,而偏离脑核靠近后脑勺的区域,同时脑组织缺血缺氧会导致感染发热病情的急剧恶化。

28、Os zygomaticum was not obviously,the chin was slanting to hindbrain or straight in shap,the face was wide and round in shape. ─── 颧骨体多不突出 ,颏部多后斜或直型 ,面宽 ,多为卵圆面形 ;

29、Journalists were beaten with heavy blows struck by the hindbrain into Guiyang neurosurgical hospital. ─── 被殴记者因后脑受到重拳袭击住进贵阳脑科医院。

30、in a head Kaikai also hit a sharp object, a burst of severe pain from his right hindbrain area news. ─── 期间,凯凯在一次后仰中又撞上了一个尖锐的物体,一阵剧痛从他的右后脑部位传来。

31、"The midbrain, a major sensory integration centre in other vertebrates, serves primarily to link the hindbrain and forebrain in mammals." ─── 在其它脊椎动物是主要感觉统合中心的中脑,在哺乳动物则主司联系后脑和前脑的作用。

32、The anterior part of the embryonic hindbrain, which gives rise to the cerebellum and pons. ─── 后脑胚胎后脑的前面部分,后发育成小脑和桥

33、Journalists were beaten with heavy blows struck by the hindbrain into Guiyang neurosurgical hospital. ─── 被殴记者因后脑受到重拳袭击住进贵阳脑科医院。

34、Aromatase protein and its mRNA were abundant in the forebrain, midbrain, spinal cord, wheel organ and Hatschek's pit, but not abundant in the hindbrain or early ovary and testis. ─── 芳香化酶蛋白和转录物在前脑、中脑、脊髓、轮器和哈氏窝十分丰富,而后脑、早期卵巢和精巢不够丰富;

35、headache is dead , is painful to have to let self grab hindbrain spoon directly, ─── 头痛死了,痛得让自己直抓后脑勺

36、If someone behind the move, easily mentally focused, -- part of its attention to the hindbrain, the long run will lose energy consumption, efficiency and impact of health. ─── 如果背后有人走动,容易让人精神不集中,无形中把一部分注意力转到后脑,长久下来会消耗掉能量,影响工作效率和健康。

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