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09-03 投稿



hortatory 发音

英:['h??t?t(?)r?]  美:['h?rt?,tori]

英:  美:

hortatory 中文意思翻译



hortatory 网络释义

hortatory 相似词语短语

1、exhortatory ─── adj.告诫的

2、rotatory ─── adj.旋转的;使回转的;轮流的;引起旋转的

3、potatory ─── adj.有关饮酒的;有饮酒习惯的

4、dehortatory ─── 脱体的

5、moratory ─── adj.延期偿付的

6、oratory ─── n.雄辩;演讲术

7、hortatorily ─── 激振器

8、short story ─── 短篇小说(指一万字以内的小说)

9、short-story ─── 短篇小说(指一万字以内的小说)

hortatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One was purely declamatory, objurgatory and hortatory. ─── 一个是纯粹的慷慨激昂的,非难的和激励的。

2、Second, the Principles' general law compliance obligation can have a hortatory effect on managers in particular situations. ─── 其次,《原则》所制定的一般法律遵守义务就特定情节中的经理们可能具有说服作用。

3、He is as aware of this irony as anyone, and his acceptance speech was grateful, hortatory, and, finally, pessimistic. ─── 对一些人来说,这是一个讽刺,戈尔在他的获奖感言中表示感谢,提出了劝告,最后表达了悲观的看法。

4、How to Use Hortatory Mode Effectively in Students'Management in Vocational Colleges? ─── 高职学生管理中有效运用激励方式的探讨?

5、The hortatory form of each is similar. ─── 的劝告形式的每一个是相似的。

6、a hortatory speech. ─── 激励性演讲

7、Its character is hortatory and warning, and it breathes a strong anti-Roman spirit. ─── 它的性质是劝告和警告,并且呼吸一个强大的反罗马的精神。

8、How to Use Hortatory Mode Effectively in Students'Management in Vocational Colleges? ─── 高职学生管理中有效运用激励方式的探讨?

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