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09-03 投稿



saloon 发音

英:[s??lu?n]  美:[s??lu?n]

英:  美:

saloon 中文意思翻译



saloon 网络释义

n. 酒吧;大厅;展览场;公共大厅;大会客室

saloon 常用词组

saloon car ─── n. 轿车;豪华客车

saloon 短语词组

1、senator saloon ─── 参议员沙龙

2、billiard saloon ─── 弹子房

3、magic saloon ─── 魔术沙龙

4、sawdust saloon ─── [网络] 锯末沙龙

5、the barber saloon ─── 理发馆

6、saloon-cabin n. ─── 头等舱

7、saloon keeper ─── 酒吧老板, ─── 酒吧经营者

8、saloon car n. ─── 轿车, 豪华客车

9、saloon cabin ─── 沙龙小屋

10、barbing saloon ─── 倒钩酒吧

11、pentagonal saloon ─── 五边形轿车

12、crown royal saloon ─── 皇冠 ─── 皇家轿车

13、saloon bar ─── 酒馆, ─── 酒吧间

14、scissorbills saloon ─── 剪刀式酒馆

15、royal saloon ─── 皇家轿车

16、saloon deck ─── 客舱甲板

17、beauty saloon ─── 美容沙龙

saloon 词性/词形变化,saloon变形


saloon 相似词语短语

1、Walloon ─── n.瓦隆人;瓦隆语;adj.瓦隆人的;瓦隆语的

2、shalloon ─── n.斜纹里子布;斜纹薄呢(作衣服衬里用)

3、saloop ─── n.以黄樟皮等加味的热饮料

4、saloons ─── n.酒吧;大厅;展览场;公共大厅;大会客室;轿车(英国用法)

5、balloon ─── n.气球;热气球;球形大酒杯;对白圆圈;(非正式)蠢人;分期付款中最后一笔数目特大的还款;(非正式)大麻烦;v.激增;突然长胖;膨胀;(把球)踢飞;乘热气球旅行;adj.像气球般鼓起的;n.(Balloon)(美、印、泰、俄、巴)巴隆(人名)

6、galloon ─── n.细绳;纱带;缎带;金线花边

7、salmon ─── n.鲑鱼;大马哈鱼;鲑肉色;鲑鱼肉;橙红色,粉橙色;adj.浅橙色的;v.逆向骑自行车

8、salon ─── n.沙龙;客厅;画廊;美术展览馆;n.(Salon)人名;(法、西、捷、瑞典)萨隆

9、salamon ─── n.(Salamon)人名;(法、意、波、罗、捷、塞、瑞典)萨拉蒙

saloon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When he came out of the saloon he stood wavering in the street, directing traffic. ─── 从酒馆出来后,他就摇摇晃晃地站到街心去指挥交通。

2、There are many services: business center, currency exchange, shop, post office, beauty saloon, laundry, air ticket booking and etc. ─── 大厦的服务设施项目周全,设有银行、购物中心、邮局、美发美容室、洗衣房、航空订票处等。

3、An additional light contour along the side-sills gives the body of both the Saloon and the Touring an even sleeker, more stretched look from the side. ─── 一个额外的光沿侧线窗台使两者的轿车和旅游更加光亮,更紧张,从侧面看身体。

4、FAW Saloon Car BJ Business Rep. ─── 一汽轿车北京商务代表处。

5、Henry's had been made over from a saloon into a lunch counter. ─── 亨利开的小餐馆是由一片酒吧间改造的。

6、While the conventional saloon focuses primarily on driving comfort, the BMW Concept CS sends out a clear message of active, dynamic motoring. ─── 尽管传统的轿车主要集中在驾驶舒适性,宝马CS概念车发出了一个积极的,动态驾驶明确的信息。

7、Like many locals, saloon owner Daniel Darger has a mission during the 2002 Winter Olympics. His is to ensure that visitors know where and how to have a good time in a city not known for its nightlife. ─── 和许多本地人一样,酒n巴老板丹尼尔 - 达尔格在2002年冬奥会期间也有一项使命:向顾客介绍盐湖城,并保证他们知道在哪玩以及如何消遣,因为盐湖城并不以其夜生活出名。

8、After industrialization, along with the more clearly society polarizing, Saloon gradually became the center of leisure life for male workers. ─── 工业化以后,随著社会分化日趋明显,酒馆逐渐成为男性工人的业馀生活中心。

9、Concerning that night's ride, the man spoke most eloquently for himself, in a little shed back of a saloon on the San Francisco waterfront. ─── 在旧金山海边的一个酒店后面的小房子里,关于那一晚的旅行,那人能言善辩地为自己表白了一番。

10、In the saloon bar your drinks cost a little more, ─── 在高级酒吧里,饮料要贵一些,

11、Mainly used in saloon car, load tire and cross-country tire surface glue material. ─── 主要用于轿车胎、载重胎及越野胎胎面胶料。

12、When we resume our journey, I go to the saloon to look ahead at the steep cliffs and the precipices on either side of this narrow stretch of water -- we have entered Qutang Gorge. ─── 启碇续行,我到休息室里来,只见前边两面悬崖绝壁,中间一条狭狭的江面,已进入瞿塘峡了。

13、To save time, could you gather all the crew members in saloon for inspection? ─── 为节省时间,你能将所有船员在大台集中接受检查吗?

14、He was standing on the balcony of the saloon and his face was in deep shadow. ─── 他站在客厅的阳台上,脸上笼罩着一层浓重的阴影。

15、There was still air in the saloon, they could still see him and he them, but all the while they were sinking down, down into the green waters which in another moment must hide them from sight for ever. ─── 大厅还残留着空气,他们还彼此望得见; 然而她们不断向下沉,沉落到绿色的海水里。 用不了多久,海水便会将她们吞吃个干净。

16、The launch of their new saloon receive much media coverage. ─── 他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报道。

17、This was really a gorgeous saloon from a Chicago standpoint. Like Rector's, it was also ornamented with a blaze of incandescent lights, held in handsome chandeliers. ─── 像雷克脱饭店一样,店堂里一盏盏美丽的枝形大吊灯大放光明,把酒家点缀得艳丽典雅。

18、The company is introducing a new family saloon this year. ─── 公司准备今年推出一种新型家庭轿车。

19、The good day very is actually simple, the saloon car has taken to ussuch simple and the happy life. ─── 其实好日子很简单,房车带给了我们这样简单而美好的生活。

20、To beg drinks in the saloon became an obsession. ─── 在酒馆里要酒喝,简直是鬼迷心窍。

21、This paper introduces the composition,structure and working principles of the electronic ignition system on CITROEN 988 saloon as well as the inspection ways of the common defects of its components. ─── 介绍富康988轿车电子点火系统的组成、结构、工作原理以及点火系统各组件常见故障的检修方法。

22、Bowie and Fanny run a hair saloon in Shenzhen.Customers Wah and Chun want to chase Fanny. ─── 宝怡及芬妮在深圳经营发廊,客人华哥、阿俊都在追求芬妮。

23、In domestic many hair saloon use the exclusive brand, products support all kind og user. ─── 在国内许多美发院使用的专属品牌,针对不一样的发质推出不同的产品。

24、a saloon whose floor is covered with sawdust. ─── 地板是用锯屑铺成的酒吧间。

25、This paper introduces the connotations and modern significance of saloon,expounds the functions of library saloon,and probes into the forms and positioning of library saloon. ─── 介绍了沙龙的含义与现代意义,阐述了图书馆沙龙的功能,探讨了图书馆沙龙的形式及定位。

26、A limpid creek continuously follows our saloon car to walk, one can onin the roadside, one be able to hide in the mountain. ─── 一条清澈的小河一直伴随着我们的房车行走,一会就在路边,一会又隐藏山里。

27、As for the next GS model due in 2010, new reports suggest that a GS-F performance saloon may be in the works with a 5.0L V10 heading its way. ─── 对于将在2010年推出的下一代GS系列,有报道称它将推出一款GS-F高性能车型,该车将搭载一台5.0升V10引擎。

28、Washing machine for the road communication is mainly for the bus, long-distance car, saloon car, and so on. ─── 公路交通的洗车设备主要为巴士公交清洗机、途客车清洗机、车清洗机等等。

29、The focus of controlling vehicle emission in Guangzhou was proposed to be the control of emissions from motorcycles,light-duty vehicles (especially saloon cars including taxis)and buses. ─── 并提出对广州市机动车污染控制应着重控制摩托车、小型车(特别是轿车,包括出租车)、公共汽车的污染排放。

30、And would he appear on Saturday, the 21st of December, at a quarter before nine in the evening, on the threshold of the Reform Club saloon? ─── 他会不会在12月21号星期六晚上八点四十五分,象一尊“准确之神”出现在改良俱乐部大厅的门口呢?

31、The article makes suggestions on constructing the fixings of scientif ic work facture room and the displaying facilities and saloon layout of scientif ic harvests showroom. ─── 对中小学建立科学作品制作室的设施设备和科学成果陈列室的陈列设备和展区规划等问题提出了建议。

32、Easton suggested that a special saloon carriage should be engaged. ─── 伊斯顿建议雇一辆专用客车。

33、BUTCH, who starts to walk away across the street toward a barn of a building with a sign outside: ''Macon's Saloon. ─── 布奇,开始走开,穿过街道,走向一幢空荡荡的大楼,牌子上写着:“麦肯沙龙”。

34、We were so happy to see each other at the concert. I'm going to give a lecture concert in her saloon. ─── 我们很开心能在音乐会后见到彼此。我将会在她的沙龙上举办一场小型讲座。到时欢迎大家来坐坐噢。

35、But in Matt's Saloon on Saturday night, real cattlemen could not be found. ─── 不过,星期六晚上在马特酒吧却见不到一个真正的牛仔。

36、Chery currently makes the QQ, a Daewoo Matiz clone (gallery), two Seat Toledo-based saloons and the Oriental Son (above), a luxury saloon designed and engineered in-house. ─── 奇瑞目前生产QQ(大宇Matiz的克隆),两款基于西亚特Toledo设计的轿车(风云、旗云),以及一款自主设计的东方之子。

37、Despite the attempted trickery, this is the first time we can get a decent glimpse of the upcoming luxury saloon. ─── 尽管试图弄虚作假,这是我们第一次可以得到一个体面一睹即将到来的豪华轿车.

38、There was a largish family saloon (the Fluence), a supermini-sized hatchback (the Zoe), the Kangoo Be Bop ZE and a wacky two-seat urban runabout (the Twizy). ─── 一款有着颇大的车内空间的家庭型客车(Fluence),一款超级迷你型掀背车(Zoe),KangooBeBopZE和一个造型奇特的两座城市轻型汽车(Twizy)。

39、One of the more distinctive bars, 66, is a Chinese take on a U.S. roadhouse or saloon, furnished with antique bric-a-brac and retro-looking industrial pipes and flywheels. ─── 66是其中很有特色的一家酒吧,中国风融合了美国公路旅馆或酒吧的风格,装点着一些小古玩和复古式样的工业管道和调速轮。

40、He had risen by perseverance and industry, through long years of service, from the position of barkeeper in a commonplace saloon to his present altitude. ─── 他是靠坚持不懈,勤勤恳恳起家的。 从一个普通酒店的酒保,经过多年的努力,升到他目前的职位。

41、A disreputable old - time saloon or bawdyhouse. ─── 低级酒馆,妓院早期低级的沙龙或妓院

42、For those readers unfamiliar with the Superb, the car is an executive saloon that shares its running gear with the Volkswagen Passat. ─── 对于那些不熟悉的读者出色,赛车是一个行政级轿车的股票其走行部的大众帕萨特。

43、For the saloon cars in our country, whether to increase saleroom and margin or to set up brand image,they must use scientific spread tactic. ─── 国内轿车品牌企业无论是实现企业销售、利润的增长,还是树立起良好的品牌形象,都要运用科学的品牌推广策略。

44、It is like this, compared with taxi drivers, people who can drive saloon cars for amusement are all most wealthy. ─── 就好比,除了以生存为目标的出租轿车,能拿轿车来享受的多数是些富裕人家。

45、They were in the saloon of a sinking ship, looking up at him through the darkening water. ─── 她们给困在艘沉船的大厅,透过黑沉沉的海水仰头看着他。

46、Both outside and inside, the BMW Concept CS therefore conveys the same message, telling the world that the experience of driving a saloon now comes in an entirely new rendition. ─── 外部和内部的宝马CS概念车,因此表达了同样的信息,告诉世界,驾驶轿车的经验,现在在一个全新的移交来。

47、The "lounge bar" (or saloon bar) which is for traveling salesmen and “ladies” probably has a carpet on the floor and rather more plush decoration. ─── “雅座酒吧”是旅行推销员和“淑女”呆的地方,可能地上会铺一块地毯再加上更豪华一点的装饰。

48、Marty rides to the saloon and convinces Doc to leave with him, when Buford arrives and demands the duel to take place immediately. ─── 马蒂骑马赶到酒馆,劝说博士和他一起离开。就在这时,布福德忽然现身,要求立刻与马蒂决斗。

49、in the furthest saloon? ─── 在最远的那个酒吧间里,情况怎么样?

50、She meant the saloon; the proprietor also had rooms for rent upstairs. ─── 她指的是酒店,老板在楼上也有空房间出租。

51、They stopped at the Saloon, to wet their clay. ─── 他们在酒店停下,喝点酒。

52、They were in the saloon of a sinking ship, looking up at him through the darkening water. ─── 她们困在沉船客舱里,透过发暗的水体凝望他。

53、Four motorcycles running in full spead in a two-two square were followed by a luxury limousine which was still followed by a saloon car fulled with journalists. ─── 四辆摩托,两两并行,全速前进,后面跟着一辆豪华的大型高级轿车,它的后边又跟着一辆坐满记者的轿车。

54、The character Han Solo dressed like an archetypal gunslinger, and the Mos Eisley Cantina is much like an old west saloon. ─── 韩·索洛这个角色的装束像一个典型的赏金杀手,而摩斯·艾斯雷酒吧也很像一个老式西部沙龙。

55、Game] players please note in a specified period of time(10 seconds) to use the mouse to control" fat man" mobile, Please pay special attention to avoid" Zhang Weiping," the view of the Chinese side to ensure success into the saloon car. ─── [游戏说明]玩家请在指定时间内(0秒)鼠标控制“发哥”移动,请时刻注意躲避“张伟平”的视线,保证成功进入房车中方便。

56、"How do you like my new saloon car?" he asked his friend. ─── 他问他的朋友,“你觉得我的新房车怎么样?”

57、He entered the saloon and continued drinking there until two. ─── 他走进了酒店, 在那儿饮酒一直饮到两点。

58、It is hard to define the precise pleasures of the supermarket. Unlike the saloon, it does not hold out promise of drugged senses commonly considered basic to pleasure. ─── 不像沙龙(公共交流大厅),超市的乐趣不可名状,它呈现出醉意绵绵前景通常认为正是乐趣所在。

59、When Darcy returned to the saloon, Miss Bingley could not help repeating to him some part of what she had been saying to his sister. ─── 达西回到客厅里来的时候,彬格莱小姐又把刚才跟他妹妹说的话,重新又说了一遍给他听。

60、New highlights in design and ongoing refinement ensure even greater harmony of sporting character and sophisticated elegance in both the BMW 5-Series Saloon and the BMW 5-Series Touring. ─── 在设计的新亮点和持续改进,确保更大的运动都性格和复杂的优雅的宝马5系列轿车和宝马5系列旅游和谐。

61、He bought the saloon car to keep up appearances. ─── 他买这辆高级轿车主要是为了撑门面。

62、His saloon was the finest in all Wentworth Avenue. ─── 他的大客厅在全温图斯路是最漂亮的。

63、The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage . ─── 他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报道.

64、They now entered the first saloon, which was of rose-colored satin, with artificial flowers on the wall. ─── 他们现在走进了第一个大厅,墙上挂着玫瑰色的缎子和人造花。

65、It is powered by a second-hand 133 horsepower Honda Civic car engine and kitted out with seats from an old Toyota saloon car. ─── 它由一台本田思域车上的133马力二手引擎提供动力;座椅取自一辆丰田saloon车上。

66、The first drink thursday be on the house In the leading saloon . ─── 一些有名气的酒吧,星期四的头一杯酒从前是免费的。

67、That to say, the saloon car customers consider the price important, but they think perceived quality, perceived brand image, perceived social value are more important. ─── 也就是说,轿车顾客虽然也看重价格因素,但感知质量、品牌以及社会价值是顾客更加看重的因素。

68、Lower down the range, there was the Volga, a mid-size saloon whose interior tended to fill with petrol fumes. ─── 低档车型中,有一款名为伏尔加。这是一款中型轿车,车内充满了汽油味儿。拉达则是一款过时的菲亚特。

69、In your opinion, does saloon cars need any technical innovation today? ─── 你认为轿车应该在哪些技术方面改革?

70、As Phileas Fogg had not appeared in the saloon on the evening before (Saturday, the 21st of December, at a quarter before nine), he had lost his wager. ─── 因为昨天晚上是星期六,在这个决定命运的12月21日八点四十五分斐利亚·福克没有回到改良俱乐部大厅,他的赌注已经输了。

71、He did put on his hat and coat, however, and went out, stopping at the first convenient saloon to get a drink. ─── 但是他竟戴上帽子穿上大衣出去了,先到一家近便的酒馆去觅饮。

72、In the saloon bar your drinks cost a little more, but the atmosphere is quieter and here perhaps fewer people. ─── 在沙龙吧里酒水费可能高一些,但是气氛较静,人也较少。

73、It's a response produced in the negative register similar to the responses produced in the saloon. ─── 这种消极登记的反应和酒吧里的反应很相似。

74、Take a saloon car for an example, it only consumes 16L water and the clearance working time of auto inflator is only 2-3 minutes. ─── 以清洗一台小轿车为例,仅耗水16升,自动充气机间隙工作时间仅为2-3分钟。

75、Do you want saloon car or a microbus? ─── 你要轿车还是面包车?

76、A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. ─── 一位牛仔骑马进了镇子,在一家酒铺停下喝酒。

77、But, for now, we will take the most representative of them: the four doors saloon. ─── 不过现在让我们选择最有代表性的车:四门轿车。

78、He descended to the saloon. ─── 于是路路通一边说着,就走进了卡尔纳蒂克号的大菜间。

79、In town he drank several glasses of beer and stood about in Ben Head's saloon - crowded on Saturday evenings with visiting farm-hands. ─── 在镇上,他总泡在本·黑兹酒吧间里,喝上几杯啤酒--每逢星期六的晚上,这里总是挤满了前来消遣的雇工。

80、One little advertisement he had, relating to a saloon down in Pearl Street. ─── 他带着有关珍珠街一家酒店的一则小广告。

81、Amusement and leisure places such as hotels, saloon bars , teahouse s, bath centers , clubs , gymnasiums and stadiums , amusement parks , professional chess and card rooms ,etc. ─── 各个宾馆、酒楼、茶楼、洗浴中心、俱乐部、体育场馆、游乐场、专业棋牌室等娱乐休闲场所;

82、The great saloon was perfectly quiet; ─── 俱乐部的大厅里静悄悄的,一点声音也没有。

83、"Is this the Golden Saloon?" she asks when the bartender answers the phone."Yes it is," bartender answers. ─── “请问,这儿是黄金沙龙吗?”她问道,那头是个招待接电话。“是的。”该酒吧招待回答道。

84、Chauffeured car rental. Saloon cars, people movers and limousines (VOLKSWAGEN, MERCEDES BENZ) for... ─── 分类标题:旅游车租赁|配司机的汽车租赁...

85、Among other amenities, Capital Mansion offers a business center, a convenient shop, a post office, a beauty saloon, as well as currency exchange and laundry facilities. ─── 大厦的服务设施项目周全,设有银行、购物中心、邮局、美发美容室、洗衣房、航空订票处等。

86、To make and fit two iron blinders for air port in dining saloon. ─── 制作并安装餐厅里两只舷窗铁盖。

87、I went to Shuangcheng Street which is close by Qingguang Market that night, it was the former saloon area where American soldiers always came. ─── 当天夜晚,我去了晴光市场附近的双城街,那个昔日美军流连的酒吧区。

88、A police officer, Angie, works as undercover in the saloon and she lives with Bowie. ─── 女公安舒馨到发廊求职当卧底,并与宝怡同住。

89、In full-scale production, air-powered vehicles will range from three-wheeled buggies to a four-wheeled, five-door family saloon. ─── 到了全面生产的阶段时,生产的空气动力车辆将包括三轮小车至四轮五门的家庭轿车。


saloon在英语里是轿车的意思,房车是翻译成中文时的用语差异,毕竟当时中文对于小型车的名称还没有一个统一,所以出现了轿车和房车两个词指代一样事物的情况,而国外的房车是独立的一个概念,英文是recreational vehicle,Seden是个地方名字,正确轿车的一个英文是sedan,国外的对小型乘用车的英文有car,saloon car,sedan,limousine这几个,都是指代国内所说的轿车或房车,沙龙的英文是salon。

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