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09-03 投稿



holily 发音

英:[['h??l?l?]]  美:[['ho?l?l?]]

英:  美:

holily 中文意思翻译



holily 短语词组

1、holily definition ─── 神圣的定义

2、holily and justly in bible ─── 圣经中神 ─── 圣而公正

holily 相似词语短语

1、homelily ─── 家常

2、godlily ─── 虔诚地

3、holiday ─── n.假日;节日;休息日;vi.外出度假;n.(Holiday)人名;(英)霍利迪

4、woolily ─── 毛茸茸的

5、holey ─── adj.多洞的,多漏洞的

6、lowlily ─── adv.卑恭地

7、holly ─── n.冬青树(等于holmoak);adj.冬青属植物的;n.(Holly)人名;(英、德、捷、罗)霍利;(西)奥利

8、unholily ─── 邪恶

9、jollily ─── adv.愉快地

holily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Desc: These imaged were captured during India's holi celebration in the twin towns of Mathura and Vrindavan. ─── 这些照片是在印度胡里节的庆祝典礼上拍摄的。

2、Some popular festivals are Diwali, Holi, Onam, Vijayadashami, Durga puja, Eid ul-Fitr, Christmas, Buddha Jayanti and Vaisakhi. ─── 流行的节日包括了排灯节(光明节)、色彩节、欧南节、十胜节、杜尔加女神节、开斋节、圣诞节、佛陀诞辰日和锡克教丰收节等。

3、The large-scale concentration of high-end group of persons will bring sufficient flow of guests for Holi Day. ─── 高端人群的规模性聚集将为豪丽坊带来充足的客流。

4、This legend is relived on Chhoti Holi when the pyre is re-lit. ─── 人们在秋蒂好利节,重燃柴火,再次体验这个传说。

5、Clad in shades of pink and white, celebrants of the Indian festival of Holi gather to watch a play in Vrindavan in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. ─── 庆祝印度胡里节的人群,穿着着粉红与白色的衣服集合着去印度北部北方邦的维伦达文看一场演出。

6、A woman in Bhubaneswar, India, grinds brilliant red mineral pigments to powder on a stone pestle for Holi, the Indian festival of color. ─── 在印度的布巴内斯瓦尔,一名妇女正用石杵将亮红色的矿物颜料磨成粉末,用于印度的色彩节--胡里节。转载翻译部分请注明天涯东方猪。

7、An Indian town recently turned red during the country's most vibrant and joyous festival - Holi, the festival of colors. ─── 近日,印度一小镇举行了庆祝洒红节的活动,人们涌上街头互撒颜料以示祝福。

8、Holi festival in the village of Barsana 42km from Mathura is of special interest. ─── 在距马图拉 42公里的巴尔萨纳村举行的好利节则具有特殊意义。

9、Rainbow-colored schoolchildren enjoy the Hindu festival Holi, during which people decorate themselves with colored powders, sing along with drums, and throw water balloons. ─── 全身五颜六色的学童们正在庆祝印度的胡里节,节日期间人们用彩色粉末装饰自己,敲鼓唱歌,投掷装水的气球。

10、Indian girls throw colored powder on each other. Holi is known as the most exuberant and playful of Hindu festivals. ─── 印度女孩互相投掷颜料粉末,胡里节在印度被认为是最欢乐和热闹的宗教节日。

11、Pretty in pink: Hindu men apply colour powders on each other as they celebrate Holi in Amritsar, India. ─── 印度教传统狂欢节荷利节在每年3月初的月圆后举行,是象征春天到来的庆典。

12、You are witnesses, and God also, how holily, and justly, and without blame, we have been to you that have believed: ─── 你们自己和天主都可作证:我们对你们信友曾是怎样的圣善、正义和无可指摘。

13、The demands of patients on male nurses were investigated and the reasons of the male nurse shortage were analyzed in this article.To improve the nursing management level and advance the holi... ─── 通过调查了解患者对男性护士的需求状况,分析男护士的现状及其缺乏的原因,提出相应对策以利于提高护理管理水平,从而推进整体护理工作深入开展。

14、This photograph was clicked in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, India, during Holi, the festival of colors. ─── 摄于印度北方邦佛里达凡,于著名的荷利节期间,即色彩之节。

15、During Holi celebrants toss clouds of powdered pigments in shades of indigo, magenta, and saffron to celebrate the passion of Hindu god Krishna for his lover, Radha. ─── 在胡里节期间,司仪会抛洒由靛蓝,洋红和金黄等颜色的颜料粉末,以赞美印度教里的神克利须那对他的爱人拉德哈的热恋。

16、Hindus celebrate Holi, the festival that heralds the beginning of spring, on the streets of Guwahati, India on March 4. ─── 3月4日,印度教徒开始在古瓦哈提街头庆祝胡里节,胡里节标志着春天的到来。

17、The resulting powder is then ready to be tossed by celebrants of India's colorful Holi festival. ─── 剩下的残渣就准备用来在印度的胡里节上抛掷。

18、The Holi Festival of Colors is a traditional Hindu holiday celebrated in several countries. ─── 色彩节是印度一项传统的节日,一些国家都会庆祝。

19、Some of the popular Hindu festivals are Deepawali, Holi, Dussehra, Ganesh Chaturthi, Pongal, Janamasthmi and Shiva Ratri. ─── 一些通俗的印度教节日是排灯节、胡里节、十胜节、甘尼萨节、丰收节、克里希那节和湿婆节。

20、The play, performed throughout India during Holi, recounts the love story of Hindu god Krishna and the common cowherd Radha. For Hindus, the fable represents human longing for the divine. ─── 这种表演描述了印度教的克利须那神和平凡的放牛姑娘拉达之间的爱情故事,在整个胡里节期间上演。在印度教里,这个传说表达出人们对美好事物的渴望。

21、Few indeed realize that Christ is honored only as we live holily unto Him, and that, by walking in subjection to His revealed will. ─── 很少有人确实意识到,我们只有顺服遵行祂已显明的旨意,籍此向祂过圣洁的生活,才是尊崇基督。

22、In Manipur, holi is a six-day festival. ─── 在曼尼普尔邦, 好利节是一个为期6天的节日。

23、Holi Apartment has 413 seats exquisitely customized for CBD wealthy and intelligent persons. ─── 413席豪丽公寓为CBD财智人群精心订制。

24、The angel went on to walk, and met a priest who is busy in his work.She asked him what is the love?The priest looked at the listeners holily and said:“Love is bring the God's ldm528ove to the people. ─── 天使继续前进,碰到一位布道中的牧师,问他爱是什么,牧师神圣地看着下面的听众说:爱就是在苍生之中传播上帝之爱。

25、Holi, the festival of colours, is a riotous celebration of the coming of spring and falls annually on the day after full moon in early March. ─── 上图为印度北部城市阿姆利则的男人们互相涂抹红色的蒂卡粉。

26、People start collecting firewood, cowdung and rubbish around a central pole in the locality many days in advance.On Chhotti Holi everyone comes together to light the fire. ─── 在仪式举行前一段日子,人们就开始把收集到的柴火、牛粪以及垃圾堆放在仪式举行地的中心柱周围。

27、Canada Holi International Investment Group ─── 加拿大豪励国际投资集团

28、8.A woman participates in a rain dance, exulting in the new life and energy of the spring season during Holi celebrations in Hyderabad. ─── 海得拉巴,一名妇女正在雨中跳舞,庆祝新生活以及春季万物生长的力量。

29、6.Indian Border Security Force soldiers dance during Holi festivities at the India-Pakistan border of Golpattan. ─── 在印度和巴基斯坦边境地区,胡里节期间印度边防士兵欢乐地跳舞。

30、The traditional and centuries old Yaosang festival of Manipur amalgamated with Holi in the 18th century with the introduction of Vaishnavism. ─── 该节日在18世纪与传统的、具有几个世纪历史的曼尼普尔尧桑节合为一体,节日引入了毗湿奴崇拜概念。

31、Holi fire is regarded as a funeral pyre for it is understood to have destroyed Holika, a demoness. ─── 好利节之火被认为是殡葬柴火,这是因为人们认为该火曾消灭了女魔霍利嘉。

32、Holi at Mathura and Vrindavana is celebrated with great gusto for many days, as these were the places where Krishna spent most of his childhood. ─── 在马图拉与温达文纳,人们以极大的热情来庆祝好利节,节日会持续多天。因为克利须那神在这些地方曾度过了他大部分的童年时光。

33、In Bengal, holi is called Dol Yatra or the spring yatra. ─── 在孟加拉,好利节被称为多尔朝圣期或者春天朝圣期。

34、In extraordinary style and international culture, they ease the lives at Holi Day of Landgent Foreign Zone. ─── 在乐成涉外区的豪丽坊,在不凡格调和国际文化中,他们如鱼得水。

35、Teachers show some pictures of Christmas, Holi, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween and Easter on the screen and let the Ss guess out what the festivals are. ─── (利用多媒体直观教学,图片感知激发起学生的兴趣,营造愉悦和谐的学习氛围 为下文做铺垫;

36、The play, performed throughout India during Holi, recounts the love story of Hindu god Krishna and the common cowherd Radha. ─── 这种表演描述了印度教的克利须那神和平凡的放牛姑娘拉达之间的爱情故事,在整个胡里节期间上演。

37、Revelers in Gauhati, India toss colored powder and dye onto others to celebrate Holi, also known as the Festival of Colors. ─── 在古瓦哈提街头,狂欢者们互相投掷颜料粉末来庆祝胡里节,它还有个别名叫色彩节。

38、Holi, also called the Festival of Colours, is a popular Hindu spring festival observed in India, Guyana, and Nepal. ─── 胡里节,也被称为颜色节,是印度、圭亚那和尼泊尔的春节。

39、At the holily peaceful Christmas Eve, let me enjoy the cozy solitude while my heart is fulled with many many curious thoughts and dreams. ─── 在这神圣、祥和的平安夜,我且享受这份独处的坦然,让不尽的遐思和梦想涨满我的心海.

40、During a holi, a pot of buttermilk is hung high up in the street. ─── 在好利节,一个黄油与牛奶罐会被高高悬挂在大街上。

41、5.Members of the minority Hindu community let loose in Multan. Distinctions of race, caste, gender and age are suspended during Holi. ─── 在印度木尔坦,胡里节期间印度教徒抛弃种族、门第、性别和年龄的观念纵情娱乐着。

42、On Holi, men from Nandgaon come to Barsana to play holi with the women there. ─── 在好利节,南德冈的男人来到巴尔萨纳,与那里的女人嬉戏。

43、Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe ─── 我们向你们信主的人,是何等圣洁,公义,无可指摘,有你们作见证,也有神作见证。

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