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09-03 投稿



incarcerated 发音

英:[?n?kɑ?s?re?t?d]  美:[?n?kɑ?rs?re?t?d]

英:  美:

incarcerated 中文意思翻译




incarcerated 词性/词形变化,incarcerated变形

动词现在分词: incarcerating |名词: incarceration |动词过去分词: incarcerated |动词第三人称单数: incarcerates |动词过去式: incarcerated |

incarcerated 短语词组

1、incarcerated parents ─── 被监禁的父母

2、incarcerated hernia ─── 嵌顿性疝;[外科]箝闭性疝

3、incarcerated placenta ─── 胎盘嵌顿,牢固 ─── 胎盘

4、incarcerated sepsis ─── [医] 潜伏性脓毒病, 箝闭性脓毒病

5、incarcerated individual ─── [法] 犯人, 囚犯, 被禁闭的人

6、incarcerated and addicted ─── 监禁和上瘾

7、incarcerated criminal ─── 被监禁的罪犯

incarcerated 相似词语短语

1、disincarcerated ─── 切除

2、incardinated ─── vt.隶属于同一主教管区

3、incarcerating ─── vt.监禁;下狱;禁闭;adj.监禁的;禁闭的

4、incarcerate ─── vt.监禁;下狱;禁闭;adj.监禁的;禁闭的

5、incarceration ─── n.监禁;下狱;禁闭

6、incarcerative ─── 监禁的

7、incarcerator ─── 监禁者

8、incarcerates ─── vt.监禁;下狱;禁闭;adj.监禁的;禁闭的

9、cancerated ─── vi.癌化

incarcerated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Up until about two months ago when he was incarcerated. ─── 直到两个月前他入狱。

2、The treatment for newborn with incarcerated hernia ─── 新生儿嵌顿性腹股沟疝的治疗

3、Incarcerated circumferential mixed hemorrhoids ─── 环形嵌顿痔

4、We reported the experience of left-sided Morgagni hernia complicating incarcerated small bowel hernia in an old male patient. ─── 我们报道的经验,左侧复杂莫尔加尼疝嵌顿小肠疝气在岁男性病人。

5、On the other hand, someone as old as 24 can be incarcerated as a juvenile in the CYA. ─── 另一方面,24岁的人也可能被关进加州青少年管教所。

6、Comparative Study on Different Therapies for Incarcerated Mixed Hemorrhoid ─── 嵌顿性混合痔不同治法的比较

7、Not like the rest of y'all are incarcerated for stealing Girl Scout cookies. ─── 你们这些家伙被关在这里难道是偷了女童子军的饼干吗?

8、He has been incarcerated in prison for 15 years ─── 他已被押了15年。

9、Among the 6 cases, 5 cases were misdiagnosed, all the incarcerated intestines were necrosis, intestinal perforation took place in 2 cases. ─── 6例中术前误诊5例,所有疝入肠管均已坏死,1例已发生肠穿孔。

10、One hole minilaparoscope operation to treat the incarcerated indirect inguinal hernia in children ─── 一孔法腹腔镜手术治疗小儿嵌顿性腹股沟斜疝

11、THE PRESIDENT: I am thankful that you all have come to talk to me about a very important initiative, and it's a mentoring program aimed at helping children of people who are incarcerated. ─── 总统:非常感谢你们都跟偶说这是一个很重要的首创,这是一个帮忙被禁闭在监狱中的人的孩子的指导项目 .

12、All due respect, brothers are incarcerated together all over the country.It may just be a coincidence. ─── 恕我冒犯,不过在全国各地,很多监狱把兄弟关在一起。可能只是巧合。

13、She was incarcerated in her own sensibilities ─── 她圈在了自己的情感之中。

14、Keywords Plug-mesh tension-free hernia repair;Incarcerated inguinal oblique hernia; ─── 疝环填充式无张力修补术;腹股沟斜疝;嵌顿性;

15、Keywords Tension-free hernioplasty Inguinal hernia Incarcerated hernia; ─── 无张力修补术;腹股沟疝;嵌顿;

16、Application of Laparoscope to Treatment of Inguinal Incarcerated Hernia in Children ─── 小儿腹股沟嵌顿疝的腹腔镜手术

17、Their demands for the release of group members incarcerated in federal penitentiaries were never met, and the incident was speedily resolved by the successful deployment of a commando unit. ─── 他们提出的释放囚禁在联邦监狱的组织成员的要求没有被应允,而且政府派出的突击队成功快速地解决了事件。

18、Treatment of incarcerated hernia by atonic herniorrhaphy (report of 14 cases) ─── 无张力疝修补术治疗嵌顿疝(附14例报告)

19、Objective To summarize therapeutic experience of incarcerated caculus of ureteric wall with the therapy of incision of ureteric wall,combining together with ESWL. ─── 目的总结壁段切开结合体外震波碎石术(ESWL)治疗嵌顿性输尿管壁段结石的经验。

20、I vehemently disagree with this and the proof of its invalidity is incarcerated across the country, found on welfare roles and in gangs and dropouts, as well as the C suite and Harvard. ─── 我十分反对这种看法。它站不住脚的证据,使人无法相信它。这可以从福利作用、帮派和辍学群体以及C组套房和哈佛大学上看出来。

21、We report 1 case of a paratesticular liposarcoma that mimicked an incarcerated inguinal hernia, with the presentation of an acutely painful mass in the left inguinal area. ─── 我们报告一个以急性疼痛性、疑似箝闭性疝气表现的睪丸旁肿瘤之病例;

22、She seemed shocked as her Grammy wins were announced and dedicated one to her mother, father, and her incarcerated husband, who is in prison following a pub brawl. ─── 当宣布她获奖时,她似乎有些吃惊。她将一个大奖献给父母和因为在酒吧吵架而坐牢的丈夫。

23、Thousands were incarcerated in labour camps. ─── 成千上万的人被关进了劳改营。

24、Some 15 percent reside for long periods in state or county mental health facilities, and another 15 percent end up incarcerated for petty crimes and vagrancy. ─── 大约15%长期住在公立的精神疗养院,另有15%因犯了轻微罪行以及流浪罪,给关在牢里。

25、incarcerated sepsis ─── [医] 潜伏性脓毒病, 箝闭性脓毒病

26、The Chumps series includes both street life hoodlum as well as incarcerated versions, complete with the whole jailbird outfit and ball &chain. ─── 笨蛋系列包括两街道生活流氓并且被禁闭的版本,完成与整体囚犯成套装备和球&束缚。

27、They were incarcerated for the duration of the war. ─── 他们在战争期间被监禁。

28、The Clinical Observation of the Therapeutics to Annular Incarcerated Hemorrhoids with the Operation of Multi-zone Stripping and Ligation and Injection ─── 多区域剥扎注射术治疗环状嵌顿痔的临床对照观察

29、Overall, black men are seven times more likely to be incarcerated than white men. ─── 概括来看,男性黑人进监狱的可能性比白人多出七倍。

30、incarcerated hernia ─── 箝闭性疝

31、Objective Of clinical nursing path (CNP) in the intrauterine device (IUD) and ectopic incarcerated in the removal of the implementation of results. ─── 目的探讨临床护理路径(CNP)在宫内节育器(IUD)嵌顿和异位取出术中的实施效果。

32、incarcerated hemorrhoid ─── 嵌顿痔

33、Methods The tension-free hernia repair was administered in 21 emergency patients with incarcerated hernia using the Bard Marlex mesh perfix plug. ─── 方法采用美国Bard公司的M arlex m eshperfix p lug成型产品,对21例嵌顿疝行疝环充填式无张力疝修补术。

34、Moral judgement, cognitive distortions and empathy in incarcerated delinquent and community control adolescents Martin Larden, Lennart Melin, Ulrika Hoist and Niklas Lanngstrom ─── 对在被禁闭的犯罪少年和社区管制的青少年的道德评断、认知扭曲和同情

35、Testicular torsions in 17 of patients, epididymitis and/or orchitis in 5 patients, and incarcerated inguinal hernia in 1 patient were found. ─── 术后有17位病人证实为睪丸扭转,有5位病人是副睪和/或睪丸炎,有一位病人是嵌塞性腹股沟疝气。

36、She was to be incarcerated in a cell by herself. ─── 她打算把自己囚禁在斗室之内。

37、Objective:To explore the mechanism and the treatment of acute incarcerated metacarpophalangeal dislocation. ─── 目的:探讨嵌顿性掌指关节脱位的致伤机制及治疗方法。

38、incarcerated oblique hemia ─── 嵌顿性斜疝

39、Methods The clinic data of 50 cases of calculus incarcerated cholecystitis in neck of gallbladder by LC were analyzed retrospeclively. ─── 方法回顾分析50例胆囊颈、管结石嵌顿性胆囊炎行LC的临床资料。

40、Also by order of Cixi, Guangxu's favourite concubine Pearl, who had encouraged and supported the emperor all through the Hundred Days Reform, was placed under arrest and incarcerated in an out-of-the-way chamber in the Forbidden City. ─── 在百日维新中,支持拥护光绪变法,最受宠信的珍妃,也被慈禧打入冷宫,不准同光绪见面。

41、Postoperative false intestinal obstrnction occurred after emergent operation for incarcerated hernia: a report of 7 cases ─── 嵌顿性疝急诊手术后假性肠梗阻7例

42、They found out Carter had been incarcerated in Mississippi four times - twice for stealing, once for violating parole and again for a weapons violation. ─── 卡特曾经在密西西比州四次被判入狱,其中两次是因为偷窃,一次是因为违誓(假释期间犯新罪或逾期不返回监狱),还有一次是因为假释期间非法私藏武器。

43、Objective:To summarize the experience of treatment for calculus incarcerated cholecystitis by laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC). ─── 目的:总结胆囊结石嵌顿腹腔镜胆囊切除术的治疗经验。

44、Department of Justice findings that 46 percent of jailed inmates had an incarcerated relative. ─── 他们指出美国法务部的发现:46%入狱服刑的囚犯,有一名亲属也关在监狱里。

45、Method Study and research 96 in 106 cases incarcerated caculus of ureteric wall. ─── 方法对106例嵌顿性输尿管壁段结石患者的临床资料进行回顾性研究,其中96例应用了本方法。

46、The clinical manifestation of lumbar hernia included lumbar bump in 9 cases,lumbar pain in 5 cases,nausea and vomiting in 2 cases,gut incarcerated with bowel obstruction in 1 case. ─── 9例均出现腰背部可复性肿块,伴有腰背部疼痛不适5例,恶心、呕吐2例,合并肠梗阻出现腹胀、腹痛、停止排便排气1例。

47、Observation on Treating Annular Incarcerated Hemorrhoid with Multi-regional Stripping-ligation Suture ─── 多区域剥扎断桥缝合术治疗环状嵌顿痔疗效观察

48、Methods:The clinic data of 102 cases of calculus incarcerated cholecystitis in neck of gallbladder by LC were analyzed retrospeclively. ─── 方法:回顾分析102例胆囊颈部结石嵌顿性胆囊炎行LC的临床资料。

49、On the night of the wedding he was incarcerated in the village cage, for having, in a state of extreme intoxication, committed sundry excesses in the streets ─── 在举行婚礼的那天夜里,他曾经被关进本村的拘留所里,因为在烂醉的状态中在街上干了许多越轨的事情。

50、The young bride complained that she was incarcerated in a Victorian Mansion, far from her relatives and friends. ─── 年轻的新娘抱怨说,她被关在维多利亚式的宅第里,远离亲戚和朋友。

51、Acute incarcerated hemorrhoid ─── 急性嵌顿痔

52、Your brother, where do they have him incarcerated? ─── 他们把你弟弟关在那里?

53、Keywords Surgery;Incarcerated hemorrhoid;Pregnancy; ─── 手术治疗;嵌顿痔;妊娠期;

54、Many people think that the old enemy leader has been incarcerated in his castle prison for too many years. ─── 很多人认为,那个敌方的老头目在城堡里被禁得太久了。

55、Incarcerated hernias may be obscure, particularly in obese patients. ─── 夹闭的疝可能会造成鉴别困难,尤其是肥胖病人。

56、Incarcerated gravid uterus ─── 箝闭妊娠子宫

57、Clinical Observation on Partial Incision Internal Sphincter for Reducing Pain after Operation for Circular Incarcerated Hemorrhoids ─── 内括约肌部分切断对减轻嵌顿痔术后疼痛的临床观察

58、Incarcerated epigastric hernia ─── 箝闭性上腹疝

59、He was an only child and incarcerated for years in an all-male boarding school, before going to an all-male Yale. ─── 他是个独生子,又在男性寄宿学校里呆了多年,最后又到了几乎是男校的耶鲁。

60、Double-frequency laser lithotripsy under extra-fine choledochoscope through mini-incision for incarcerated choledocholithiasis ─── 小切口经超细胆道镜双频激光碎石术治疗胆总管嵌顿结石

61、Keywords Inflammatory incarcerated mixed hemorrhoid;Lateral internal sphincterotomy;Xun xi fang;Zhi ji ning; ─── 炎性嵌顿性混合痔;内括约肌侧切术;熏洗方;痔疾宁;

62、We present a patient with an incarcerated obturator hernia manifesting as a persistent small bowel obstruction that was finally diagnosed by computed tomography. ─── 我们报告一个病例,因持续性小肠阻塞,最后经由电脑断层摄影诊断为箝顿性之闭孔疝气。

63、Keywords incarcerated direct inguinal hernia;proportion;herniography;diagnosis; ─── 关键词嵌顿性腹股沟直疝;发病比率;疝造影术;诊断;

64、Objectives To assess the clinical value of tension-free hernioplasty for the treatment of incarcerated hernia. ─── 目的探讨无张力疝修补术在腹股沟嵌顿疝中的临床应用价值。

65、Incarcerated incisional hernia ─── 箝闭性切口疝

66、Premier cannot independently verify that the human remains you are viewing are not those of persons who were incarcerated in Chinese prisons. ─── 主办方不能独立地确认您所看到的人类遗体不是曾囚禁在中国监狱中的个人。

67、Gangrenous changes in the incarcerated bowel loops were present in seen patients, and six patients had iable bowel loops. ─── 7例病人出现了绞窄肠管的坏疽性变,6例为存活肠管。

68、incarcerated individual ─── [法] 犯人, 囚犯, 被禁闭的人

69、Methods The clinic data of 96 cases of cholecystitis with incarcerated gallstones by LC were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾分析96例结石嵌顿性胆囊炎行LC的临床资料。

70、Methods 21 cases of incarcerated inguinal hernia patients underwent tension-free hernioplasty, using bungs and patch produced by American surgical company. ─── 方法使用美国外科公司的疝修补塞及补片,对21例腹股沟嵌顿疝患者施行无张力疝修补术,观察其疗效。

71、He is incarcerated in his own sensibility ─── 他被囿于自己的敏感性之中。

72、The difficulties rose from: (1) benign stenosis of ampulla Vater, incarcerated stones or anatomical deformities (n=187) resulting in insufficient insertion of sphincterotome; ─── 困难的原因187例为乳头良性狭窄,壶腹部结石嵌顿或解剖异常,致切开刀未能插入足够的深度;

73、Within three days after a criminal is incarcerated, members of his or her family must be notified so that they promptly learn of his or her whereabouts. ─── 收押罪犯后在3日以内通知罪犯家属,使其家属及时了解罪犯的去向。

74、All due respect , brothers are incarcerated together all over the country . It may just be a coincidence . ─── 恕我冒犯,不过在全国各地,很多监狱把兄弟关在一起。可能只是巧合。

75、Did we defend the rights of all people around the world or imposed wars on them, interfered illegally in their affairs, established hellish prisons and incarcerated some of them? ─── 我们捍卫了世界各地人民的权利,还是为世界带来战乱,非法干预别国内政,和建立不人道的监狱来囚禁各地的人民?

76、Clinical Analysis of 35 Newborn Infants with Incarcerated Hernia ─── 新生儿腹股沟嵌顿疝35例

77、Day that plane was hijacked, I was incarcerated, kid. ─── 劫机那天,我被关在牢里呢,小子。

78、Abstract: As remarkable women living in the environment of turbulent and incarcerated, Xue Baochai, Bai Liusu and Wang Qiyao developed sophisticated intelligence in their difficult lives. ─── 作为生活在世纪末动荡而幽闭的生存环境中而又令人瞩目的女子,即所谓乱世佳人,薛宝钗、白流苏、王绮瑶在艰难的生存中练就了世事洞明、人情练达的智慧。

79、Color Doppler Sonography in Evaluation of the Children with Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia ─── 彩色多普勒超声在小儿嵌顿性腹股沟疝中的应用

80、incarcerated femoral hernia ─── 嵌顿性股疝

81、Objective:To investigate the feasibility and safety of surgical treatment of incarcerated hemorrhoids during pregnancy. ─── 目的:探讨妊娠期嵌顿痔手术治疗的可行性和安全性。

82、Keywords:end of the century; incarcerated; radiance of poetry; pragmatic; tenacity ─── 关键词:世纪末;幽闭;诗性光芒;务实;坚韧

83、I am still not sure why my mother was incarcerated. ─── 我现在还不能确定我妈妈为什么会被关进来。

84、But there is a group of inmates among the 4,800 incarcerated at Ironwood dedicated to self-improvement. ─── 监狱内的囚室过度挤逼,而且亦缺乏人手。

85、Methods We reviewed the clinical data of 45 cases with incarcerated inguinal hernia in newborns. ─── 方法回顾分析45例新生儿嵌顿性腹股沟斜疝的临床资料。

86、Clinical study on technique diaplasis of incarcerated hernia in children ─── 小儿腹股沟嵌顿疝手法复位临床探讨

87、Objective To summary the experience of diagnosis and treatment of incarcerated inguinal hernia in newborns. ─── 摘要目的总结新生儿嵌顿性腹股沟斜疝的诊治经验。

88、Objective To explore the experience of laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC) for cholecystitis with incarcerated gallstones. ─── 目的探讨结石嵌顿性胆囊炎腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)的可行性及手术方法。

89、Duodenoscope Papillary Sphincter Section combined Choledochoscope treat Remains End - choledochus Incarcerated Lithiasis ─── 十二指肠镜乳头括约肌切开联合胆道镜治疗残余胆总管末段嵌顿结石

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