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09-03 投稿



grenade 发音

英:[gr?'ne?d]  美:[ɡr?'ned]

英:  美:

grenade 中文意思翻译




grenade 网络释义

n. 手榴弹;灭火弹vt. 扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击n. (Grenade)人名;(西、法)格雷纳德

grenade 短语词组

1、Grenade Machine Gun ─── 手榴弹机枪

2、mouth-grenade ─── [网络] 手榴弹

3、Grenade sur l'Adour ─── 阿杜尔格林纳达

4、grenade-thrower's fracture ─── [医]掷手榴弹者骨折:在掷手榴弹时由于肌肉收缩所造成的肱骨骨折

5、Grenade Launcher Attachment Device ─── 榴弹发射器附件装置

6、Grenade Safety Fuze ─── 手榴弹安全引信

7、gas hand grenade ─── [化] 毒气手榴弹

8、stun grenade ─── 眩晕手榴弹(以响声、闪光令人 ─── 眩晕的防暴武器)

9、Antitank Grenade Launcher ─── 反坦克榴弹发射器

10、hand-grenade n. ─── 手榴弹

11、smoke grenade ─── 发烟手榴弹, ─── 发烟枪榴弹

12、grenade thrower ─── [网络] 掷弹筒

13、grenade discharger ─── 掷弹筒

14、hand grenade n. ─── 手榴弹, 灭火瓶

15、rifle grenade ─── 枪榴弹

16、fragmentation grenade ─── 杀伤手榴弹

17、Grenade Launcher Attachment Develop ─── 榴弹发射器附件开发

18、grenade launcher ─── 枪榴弹发射器

19、Grenade Launcher Attachment Development ─── 榴弹发射器附件开发

grenade 词性/词形变化,grenade变形

名词复数形式:grenades 过去式:grenaded

grenade 相似词语短语

1、greave ─── n.护胫套

2、gregale ─── n.[气象]格雷大风(地中海中部及西部的一种强烈东北风)

3、grenades ─── n.手榴弹(grenade的复数);v.扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击(grenade的第三人称单数形式)

4、grenadier ─── n.掷弹兵

5、grenadine ─── n.[纺]紧捻纱罗织物(丝织成的薄布料);石榴汁糖浆;石榴汁红;一种烤肉卷;adj.石榴汁红的

6、grease ─── n.油脂;润滑油;(非正式)贿赂;v.涂脂于;给……加润滑油;(非正式)向某人行贿

7、Grenada ─── n.格林纳达(拉丁美洲岛国)

8、serenade ─── n.小夜曲;vt.为…唱小夜曲;vi.唱小夜曲

9、grenadiers ─── n.掷弹兵

grenade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The car was hitby a grenade. ─── 把汽车打中了。

2、The XM29 was intended to be a shoulder-fired, semi-automatic grenade launcher in20 mm calibre and to incorporate a compact, lightweight5.56 mm rifle as a back-up weapon. ─── 这包括一个与视线关联确保用户将武器正确瞄准目标并跟弹道计算机配对的激光测距仪。

3、Smoke Grenade Slows targets in proximity by 50%. Lasts 30 seconds. Description: Used as a screening device for unit movement and disorienting units. ─── 减缓区域附近目标50%的移动速度。持续30秒。描述:用来掩护队员行动并迷惑敌人的装备。

4、Molotov Cocktail: Half the damage of a Frag Grenade, does fire damage, set things on fire, has the fire critical, and explodes on impact. ─── 肉加农:可以发射肉类的垃圾枪,毒素伤害,和那个恶心的组合生化怪物的唾液一样。

5、Repackaged box set offers an Infantry Squad in a single purchase, and includes options for flamers, grenade launchers, vox-caster and Sergeant. ─── 电台不那么鸡肋了,他们能让军官们重掷领导力测试,以决定他们的命令有没有下达成功。

6、And yet it is not as though everyone is walking around like a ticking hand grenade. ─── 不过不是如同每个人都手上拽了一个即将引爆的手雷。

7、The Type 27 Grenade Discharger also launched deadly grenades into the enemy formation. ─── 二七式掷弹筒,也不断的向敌军投射。

8、German police said the grenade had been transported to the current security zone to burst. ─── 德国警方说,目前手榴弹已被运到安全地带,以便爆破。

9、Witnesses said the insurgents launched a rocket-propelled grenade against one of the cars. ─── 目击者说,武装分子朝着其中一辆汽车发射了火箭弹

10、Office building of Grenade Bank Headquarter ─── 格林纳达银行总部大厦

11、The Tawhid and Jihad group sent Al-Jazeera a video showing the two unidentified Bulgarians sitting with their hands cuffed, flanked by three masked men, two carrying rifles and one carrying a rocket propelled grenade launcher. ─── 该录像带显示,两名保加利亚人质双手被绑,坐在三蒙面绑架者前,其中两名绑架者手持步枪,另一人手持火箭发射器。

12、The chase is a short one and the projectile explodes like a hand grenade, spreading shrapnel 30 meters in every direction. ─── 转 眼 间 火 箭 弹 就 追 上 了 目 标 并 像 手 榴 弹 一 样 炸 开 , 弹 片 向 四 面 八 方 飞 出 达 30米 。

13、The first time he had experienced that feeling when the grenade was rotating before him, and he looked at the stubble, at the bushes, at the sky, and knew that death was facing him. ─── 他第一次体验到这种感觉,是在炮弹像陀螺一样旋转着朝他飞来的时候,他望着休耕地、灌木丛和天空,知道这是死神向他扑来。

14、You are removing the tripwire from the arming switch when you drop the pin and set off the grenade! ─── 你本打算把地板稍稍抬起来以解除陷阱,但那样的话又免不了会碰到触发引线。

15、The car was hit by a grenade. ─── 把汽车打中了.

16、powder fire extinguishing grenade ─── 粉末灭火弹

17、The animal found the grenade on the ground, picked it up in its jaws and trotted back to its owner. ─── 动物发现手榴弹在地面上,拾起它的下颚和小跑回到它的主人。

18、She was holding the grenade above her head, ready to throw. ─── 她握着手榴弹,举过头顶,准备扔出去。

19、The rod and grenade were propelled from the rifle by a blank cartridge. ─── 连杆和发射器被空弹从步枪上推出。

20、The aerodynamic characteristics tests of the grenade with flexible ribbon first conducted in CARDC High Speed Aerodynamics Institude are introduced in this paper. ─── 气动中心首次进行了柔性飘带弹的气动特性试验,对柔性飘带提供安定作用的机理进行了分析。

21、But Miranda would jump on a paint grenade for me. ─── 但换是米兰达也会为我掩护的。

22、Simon caught the grenade and hurled it back. ─── 西蒙接住手榴弹,把它掷了回去。

23、She's gonna lob it at you like a grenade. ─── 那个女法官会毫不留情地判你刑的。

24、Napalm Grenade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. ─── 该技能的伤害将会少量增加并并存于其他持续伤害技能的伤害。

25、Grenade launchers and stationary heavy machine guns: Unlike the cannon listed above, these guns can be crewed by only one man. ─── 掷弹筒和固定支架式重机枪:不像上面提到的加农炮,这些武器只能被一个人操作。

26、Building the Warpspider Exarch in the Warpspider squad no longer resets the Haywire Grenade ability. ─── 制造苍蝇人队长不再使苍蝇人技能重设.

27、He was hit by shrapnel from a grenade. ─── 他被一枚手榴弹的弹片击中了。

28、A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol. ─── 一颗手榴弹被扔向陆军巡逻队。

29、When Campo hurled another long-distance grenade into Cudicini's area with five minutes to go, Bolton manager Alladyce was dramatically waving his team forward. ─── 当还剩下五分钟,坎波在一次把球大力的掷到了库迪奇尼的区域,博尔顿阿勒待死终于忍不住夸张的挥手示意球队压上。

30、Sadly, the Grenadier falls in the same category as it does on the ground without the EMP Grenade upgrade. ─── 必须指出的是杂交信徒不能控制史诗单位,但是可以控制其他任何三级单位。

31、A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig's tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors. ─── 一只茶杯,一个手榴弹,一副眼镜,一条冷冻猪尾巴还有一罐花生酱都曾被医生从男性直肠内取出过。

32、Firefighting grenade and airborne firefighting bomb developed by Wuhan Green Fire-fighting Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 武汉绿色消防研发出手投式及森林机载灭火弹。

33、This paper studied the phenomena of humeral fracture of Soldiers in grenade throwing training through using the method of classical mechanics combining with experimental testing. ─── 应用经典力学结合实验测试的方法,研究战士投弹训练中出现的肱骨骨折现象。

34、Day and night dispersal tactics also required new weapons, and the revised manual paid particular attention to the use of the light machine gun and the grenade discharger. ─── 全天候的疏散队形的战术需要新式武器,修订的步兵操典对轻机枪和掷弹筒给予了特别关注。

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