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09-03 投稿



doorstop 发音

英:[?d??st?p]  美:[?d??rstɑ?p]

英:  美:

doorstop 中文意思翻译



doorstop 短语词组

1、bootee doorstop ─── 停船

2、doorstop interview ─── 上门采访

doorstop 词性/词形变化,doorstop变形


doorstop 相似词语短语

1、doorstops ─── n.(防止门关上或撞墙的)制门器,门挡;笨重的东西

2、doorstone ─── n.门槛石,门阶石;门口铺石

3、solo stop ─── 单独停车

4、shortstop ─── n.游击手;速显液

5、doorstones ─── n.门槛石,门阶石;门口铺石

6、doorstep ─── n.门阶

7、doorstepped ─── 门阶

8、doorstead ─── n.门口

9、doorsteps ─── n.门阶

doorstop 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ackroyd has written more than two dozen books, both fiction and non-fiction, short and long (his "Dickens" is as good a doorstop as any). ─── 罗伊德写过二十多部小说和非小说作品,既有短篇,也有长篇(他的《狄更斯》就像其它相关入门级作品一样的出色)。

2、But looks can deceive - it is actually a very reliable and practical doorstop! ─── 但是外表是可以欺骗人的——它实际上是非常值得信赖的,很起作用的门挡。

3、1. The door was held open by a doorstop . ─── 那门用了门碰头,一直开著。

4、She stood trembling on the doorstop, a bathrobe clutched tightly closed at her throat by a long pale hand. ─── 她颤抖地站在门前的台阶上,修长苍白的手紧紧地抓着自己的浴衣抵在喉咙处。

5、Bring a doorstop . Keep your door open when you're in and that sends positive messages to your neighbours that you're friendly. ─── 用制门器。当你进入房间以后把房间门打开,这样可以让你的邻居认为你很有好。

6、Without the kernel, your computer is a very expensive doorstop. ─── 如果没有内核,你的电脑就是一个价格昂贵但却没用的东西。

7、The doorstop comes off of the wall. ─── 门碰头被强烈的关门势道拉掉了。

8、Mr.Porter's three major books on economic and corporate competitiveness are footnote - filled doorstop tomes,but roughly a half a million copies have been sold. ─── 波特先生的三本主要关于经济与企业竞争力的书充满注解,既重且厚可做挡门砖,可是大约50万册已经售出。

9、Sara slams the bathroom door shut… which Christina has tied dental floss to, with the doorstop at the other end. ─── 莎拉猛地关上了洗手间的门…其实克里斯蒂娜已经将牙线系在门上,另一端系的是门的碰头。

10、It only has a few hundred cycles -- from charged to empty -- before it starts to resemble a very expensive doorstop. ─── 电池一般只能反复充电几百次,过了这个极限它就会像旧门簧一样无法工作了。

11、She stood trembling on the doorstop, a bathrobe clutched tightly closed at her throat by a long pale hand. ─── 她颤抖地站在门前的台阶上,修长苍白的手紧紧地抓着自己的浴衣抵在喉咙处。

12、The paperback is very interesting but I find it will never replace the hardcover book -- it makes a very poor doorstop. ─── 软皮的书是很有意思的,但我觉得它无法代替硬皮的,因它停不住房门。

13、he used a large book as a doorstop. ─── 他用一本大书挡住了门口。

14、A battered Model T steering wheel is her garage doorstop. ─── 她车库的制门器是一个坏掉的福特T型车方向盘。

15、Mr.Porter's three major books on economic and corporate competitiveness are footnote-filled doorstop tomes,but roughly a half a million copies have been sold. His instructional videos sell like hotcakes. ─── 波特先生的三本主要关于经济与企业竞争力的书充满注解,既重且厚可做挡门砖,可是大约50万册已经售出。他的录像带教材极为抢手。

16、A better way to keep intruders out is a doorstop that screws into the floor, making it nearly impossible to open the door further. ─── 抵挡住入侵者更好的一个方法是在在门上装上一只门阻器,这样门不会进一步打开。

17、we supply cast iron crafts,supply cast iron tea pot,cast iron windbell,cast iron candle holder,cast riir,cast iron stove,cast iron doorstop,garden de ─── 我们供应铸铁工艺品,供应铸铁茶壶,铸铁风铃,铸铁烛台,铸铁壁炉,铸铁门挡,花房,花园装饰品,家庭装饰品。

18、A better way to keep intruders out is a doorstop that screws into the floor, making it nearly impossible to open the door further. ─── 抵挡住入侵者更好的一个方法是在在门上装上一只门阻器,这样门不会进一步打开。

19、And I think we can all agree that its use as a humming doorstop isn't what brought the personal computer the popularity it now enjoys. ─── 并且我想我们都能同意,个人电脑如此受欢迎不是因为它能够用做一个嗡嗡作响的门挡。

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