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09-03 投稿



etiolation 发音

英:[[?i:t??'le???n]]  美:[[?i:t?r'le???n]]

英:  美:

etiolation 中文意思翻译



etiolation 短语词组

1、etiolation wiki ─── 黄化维基

2、etiolation method ─── 黄化法

3、etiolation def ─── 黄化定义

4、etiolation phenomenon ─── 黄化现象

5、etiolation grass ─── 黄化草

6、etiolation element ─── 黄化元素

etiolation 词性/词形变化,etiolation变形

动词过去式: etiolated |动词过去分词: etiolated |动词现在分词: etiolating |名词: etiolation |动词第三人称单数: etiolates |

etiolation 相似词语短语

1、vitriolation ─── 硫化作用

2、epilation ─── n.拔毛;头发脱落

3、hariolation ─── 哈里奥拉

4、legislation ─── n.立法;法律

5、ethylation ─── n.乙基化

6、deisolation ─── 取消隔离

7、reticulation ─── n.网状,网状物;网目;网状组织

8、violation ─── n.违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸

9、etiolating ─── v.黄化;(使)变苍白;(使)虚弱

etiolation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Diarrhea/ etiol ─── 腹泻/病因学

2、HE H.The primary study of leaf etiolation of Camellia reticulate[J].Journal of Yunnan University,2001,23 (1):57-59. ─── [23]何瀚.云南山茶叶片黄化初步研究[J].云南大学学报,2001,23(1):57-59.

3、At the same time, etiolation rate of broccoli ball-flower with Gibberellin treatment was reduced significantly, and the decreasing rate of chlorophyll and vitamin C content were slowed down. ─── 同时发现,用赤霉素处理过的青花菜花球,其黄化率显著降低,叶绿素和维生素C含量的降低速度减缓。

4、Prevention from Leaf Etiolation of Potted Andreanum in Northern Greenhouse ─── 北方温室安祖花盆花叶片黄化的防治

5、The Cause and the Control of Etiolation on Longan Tree in Tropical Pan-xi ─── 攀西热区龙眼植株黄化的原因及防治

6、Analysis on the reasons and countermeasures for the occurring of grape etiolation in Hami area ─── 哈密地区葡萄黄化病发生原因分析及防治对策

7、A study on young Ginkgo plants etiolation and the countermeasures ─── 银杏幼树黄化的土壤原因及对策研究

8、Etiolation The type of growth exhibited by plants grown in darkness, usually from seed. ─── 黄化:是植物在黑暗中生长(通常从种子开始)所表现出来的生长类型。

9、Inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis may be caused by etiolation, mutant blocks, or streptomycin. ─── 叶绿素合成可以由黄化、突变性阻塞或链霉素而引起。

10、Propagation: Desired clonal rootstocks can be be propagated by a method known as the etiolation technique. ─── 繁殖:无性理想砧木可繁殖方法称为白化技术.

11、It has brilliance characteristics like super-thin, super-light, even light, economize on energy, environmental protection, non-dark space, durable, hard etiolation, easy installation and maintain. ─── 具有超薄、超亮、导光均匀、节能、环保、无暗区、耐用、不易黄化、安装维修简单快捷等鲜明特点。

12、Pathogenesis and control method of grapevine etiolation ─── 葡萄黄化病的发病机理及防治方法

13、Pathogenesis and control method of grapevine etiolation ─── 葡萄黄化病的发病机理及防治方法

14、Occurrence and control of physiological etiolation in Red Globe in the Yili River Valley subzone of Sinkiang ─── 新疆伊犁河谷平原区红地球葡萄黄化现象的发生及防治

15、Prevention from Leaf Etiolation of Potted Andreanum in Northern Greenhouse ─── 北方温室安祖花盆花叶片黄化的防治

16、Analysis on the reasons and countermeasures for the occurring of grape etiolation in Hami area ─── 哈密地区葡萄黄化病发生原因分析及防治对策

17、Recent evidence suggests fluctuations in GA concentration during de-etiolation. ─── 最近的证据表明了在去异黄酮化期间 GA 浓度的波动。

18、etiolation phenomenon ─── 黄化现象

19、Per-eclampsia/ etiol ─── 先兆子痫/病因学

20、The protein spot (24.5 kD, pI6.30) which had close relationship with etiolation stage should be the specific spot of etiolation stage of leaf. ─── 蛋白斑点(24.5 kD,pI6.30)为叶片黄化期特异斑点,与该发育阶段密切相关。

21、And furthermore, etiolation stem segments of one-month-old seelding of sweet orange(Citrus sinensis L. ─── 以甜橙实生黄化苗茎段为材料,确立了甘露糖对上胚轴筛选压;

22、Based on phenotypes, these mutants can be divided into 8 types including albino, etiolation, jade green, pale green, olivine, stripe etc. ─── 根据突变表型可将叶色突变体分为白化、黄化、绿白、黄绿、条纹等8种类型。

23、plant etiolation ─── 植物黄化

24、5. Etiolation The type of growth exhibited by plants grown in darkness, usually from seed. ─── 黄化:是植物在黑暗中生长(通常从种子开始)所表现出来的生长类型。收藏指正

25、In recent years, with the progress of research in this field, it has arisen extensive attentions of the application of heat shock proteins in etiol... ─── 近来随着对热休克蛋白研究的不断深入,HSP在肿瘤发病学、治疗和预防医学中的意义已引起广泛关注,成为近年来最活跃的研究领域之一。

26、The Cause and the Control of Etiolation on Longan Tree in Tropical Pan-xi ─── 攀西热区龙眼植株黄化的原因及防治

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