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09-03 投稿


Whitehall 发音

英:[?wa?th??l]  美:[?wa?th??l]

英:  美:

Whitehall 中文意思翻译



Whitehall 短语词组

1、whitehall ny weather ─── 纽约白厅天气

2、Whitehall Nuclear Research Establis ─── 白厅核研究机构

3、whitehall palace england ─── 英国白厅宫

4、Whitehall Nuclear Research Establishment ─── 白厅核研究机构

5、whitehall football ─── 白厅足球

6、whitehall products ─── 白厅产品

7、whitehall medical ─── 白厅医疗

8、Palace of Whitehall ─── 怀特霍尔宫

9、jack whitehall ─── 杰克·怀特霍尔

10、whitehall houston ─── 休斯顿白厅

11、barnaby whitehall ─── 巴纳比白厅

Whitehall 相似词语短语

1、Whitehall ─── n.白厅(英国);怀特霍尔(伦敦的一条街名);英国政府

2、white-wall ─── n.白胎壁轮胎

3、white cell ─── 白血细胞;白血球

4、whitewall ─── n.白胎壁轮胎

5、whitewalls ─── n.白胎壁轮胎

6、whitetail ─── n.白尾鹿

7、white hair ─── 白头发

8、white hake ─── 白鳕

9、white whale ─── [脊椎]白鲸

Whitehall 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I rebelled against the "scorched earth" policy which had advocated in Whitehall: their reasoning was that as the Germans advanced inland towards London, we should burn and destroy the countryside as we retreated. ─── 我反对一些人在白厅里所提倡的焦土战术。他们的理由是:由于德国朝伦敦挺进,我们撤退时,就该烧毁整个农村。

2、Body mass index over the adult life course and cognition in late midlife: the Whitehall II Cohort Study. ─── 成人终生体重指数过高和中年后期认知能力:白厅II人群研究。

3、Police in Whitehall, east of Columbus, responded to a call around 2 p.m.Wednesday and found the bodies of Mark Meeks, 51; ─── 警方在白厅,东哥伦布,响应号召星期三下午2时左右,发现的尸体,马克米克斯, 51 ;

4、Tony Blair and Gordon Brown talked excitedly about “transforming” Whitehall and its fuddy-duddy ways. ─── 托尼?布莱尔和戈登?布朗兴奋地谈论着“改造”白厅及其老派作风。

5、Was it really the Lord Protector’s head that was rammed on a pike in Whitehall, to discourage regicides, only to be blown down in a gale and swiped by a soldier? ─── 英国白厅里用矛穿刺的,以警弑君者的,结果刮倒在大风中并由一士兵一挥击的,真正是护国公的头颅吗?

6、The Whitehall source said: "Russia after the Cold War espionage in the United Kingdom is rampant in no doubt. ─── 白厅的消息认为:“俄罗斯冷战之后在英国的间谍活动猖獗是勿庸置疑的。

7、For years, Whitehall has sent its most smoothly devious officials to serve at the British representation to the EU, or on secondment to EU institutions. ─── 许多年来,白厅(英国政府)向欧盟派遣了许多富有经验的政府官员担任英国代表,或在一些欧盟机构担任临时职务。

8、Rumours are circulating in Whitehall. ─── 怀特霍尔街上流传著谣言。

9、1618 Sir Walter Raleigh , English navigator, courtier, and once favourite of Elizabeth I, was beheaded at Whitehall for treason. ─── 英国航海家、伊利莎白一世的宠臣,沃尔特-拉雷爵士因叛逆罪在白厅街被斩首。

10、Whitehall warrior ─── 文职官员, 文职雇员

11、Not a stone's throw from Whitehall, there stands, amidst all the hum and bustle of the great metropolis, an old decaying pile. ─── 在白厅附近,一座陈旧、塌坏的高大建筑耸立于这个熙熙攘攘的城市中心。

12、1698 - Most of the Palace of Whitehall in London, the main residence of the English monarchs, is destroyed by fire. ─── 1698年的今天,英国君主主要的居住地,伦敦怀特霍尔宫的大部分在一场大火中被烧毁。

13、Whitehall is/are refusing to confirm the reports ─── 英国政府对这些报道不予证实.

14、Kuwait made a significant impact on opinion in Whitehall. ─── 科威特对英国政府的意见有重大影响。

15、Charles was tried by a High Court of Justice, found guilty of have levied war against his kingdom and the Parliament, condemned to death, and executed on a scaffold outside the Banqueting House at Whitehall on January 30, 1649. ─── 查尔斯在一级高级法院受审,犯有对王国和议会发动战争之罪,被判死刑,并于1649.1.30在宴会宫窗外的绞刑架上绞死。

16、Whitehall documents obtained by the Guardian show Richard Caborn, the sports minister, rejected claims the government had given its blessing to the takeover of Manchester United by the Glazer family. ─── 卫报掌握的英国政府文件表明体育大臣理查德.卡伯恩不承认政府向格拉泽家族控制曼联表示了祝贺。

17、Few in whitehall mourned his passing. ─── 白厅里对于他的离职感到惋惜的人为数不多。

18、"Postponing new hospitals and roads causes far less aggro than sacking town hall or Whitehall workers" (Economist) ─── “缓建新的医院和道路远远没有抢劫市政府或英国白厅的工作人员所引起的愤怒大”(经济学家)

19、Whitehall sources told The Times that ministers were “fizzing” with anger, accusing the ONS of a political act designed to embarrass Gordon Brown over his “British jobs for British workers” soundbite. ─── 据白厅相关人员向泰晤士报表示,大臣们怒不可遏,指责国家统计局此举无疑是在跟之前提出“英国的活儿,英国人来干”口号的布莱尔首相叫板,是事先设计的政治举动。

20、You may though be reassured to know that there is an internal assessment of this topic doing the rounds in Whitehall which is several inches thick. ─── 如果你知道在白厅有针对这个议题的内部评估报告时,你就会取消心中的疑虑,这些评估文件都有几英寸厚了。

21、But these, the dockyard officials, increased only by 40 per cent in number, while the men of Whitehall increased by nearly 80 per cent. ─── 这些造船厂的技术官员每增长40%,相对应的白厅(英国政府)官员数就要增长将近80%。

22、Whitehall Nuclear Research Establishment ─── 怀特谢尔核研究所

23、As London expanded westward from the City and northward from Whitehall , the aristocratic estates of west London were speculatively developed into the set of Georgian streets and squares that characterize much of the so-called West End . ─── 沿着市政厅向西,白厅向北,伦敦西部贵族式风格的建筑被融入到乔治亚的街道和广场中,这里就是所谓的伦敦西端特色。

24、She blocked roads, including Whitehall. ─── 她堵截公路,白厅亦不例外。

25、naturally, that did not mean replacing Beijing with Whitehall. ─── 自然,那并不意味着用英国政府替代中国政府。

26、This was not in Whitehall, nor was it out in the forests. ─── 它不在白厅,也不在外面的森林。

27、Postponing new hospitals and roads causes far less aggro than sacking town hall or Whitehall workers(Economist) ─── 缓建新的医院和道路远远没有抢劫市政府或英国白厅的工作人员所引起的愤怒大(经济学家)

28、Whitehall resources ─── 白厅人士; 英国官方人士

29、Leaving aside the concern that Beijing did not whittle back state ownership in order to be replaced by Whitehall or Washington, there are other good reasons for foreign banks to divest their stakes. ─── 且不提中国政府没有削减即将为英国或美国政府所取代的国家所有制,外国银行剥离其股权还有其它的充分理由。

30、It would cause too much fuss in whitehall, he said, and there were enough problems there as it was ─── 这会在白厅惹出许多麻烦,而现在那里的麻烦已经够多的了。

31、By making public servants accountable to citizens rather than to Whitehall, guarantees seem to offer just such a compromise. ─── 通过引导人们去相信公务员而不是政府本身,担保似乎提供了这样的一个折中办法。

32、We celebrated this occasion by a vivacious luncheon and then returned to whitehall ─── 我们以一顿愉快的午餐来庆祝这件事,然后就回白厅去了。

33、The bus went round Trafalgar Square and down Whitehall. ─── 汽车在特拉法尔加广场绕了个圈又沿着怀特霍尔街驶去.

34、Ex-servicewomen march past The Cenotaph during the Remembrance Sunday service in Whitehall, London. ─── 在伦敦怀特霍尔纪念日仪式上,退役军人列队走过纪念塔。

35、Whitehall frankly doubted that what I proposed was realistic. ─── 白厅坦率地表示怀疑我的建议是否切实可行。

36、The bank will also fund investments through its Whitehall real estate vehicle. ─── 高盛还将通过白厅房地产基金为投资融资。

37、Whitehall officials seemed more concerned about the threat to business and the banking system, revealing that BT was facing 1,000 online attacks a day. ─── 英国政府官员似乎更关心企业和银行系统面临的威胁,他们透露,英国电信(BT)每天都面临1000起在线攻击。

38、Winston Churchill complained he had been "sold a pup" when he discovered his underground wartime headquarters in Whitehall were not bomb-proof. ─── 丘吉尔抱怨道当他发现他在白厅的战时司令部不是防弹的,“被放了鸽子”。

39、By making public servants accountable to citizens rather than to Whitehall, guarantees seem to offer just such a compromise. ─── 通过引导人们去相信公务员而不是政府本身,担保似乎提供了这样的一个折中办法。

40、We are a rainbow: running everything from bland, beige Whitehall was never going to work. ─── 我们都是一道彩虹,从平庸中走来,白厅以前从来没有打算做什么。

41、It is a sprawling hymn to government intervention in all aspects of children's lives. “Is it necessary for the Whitehall screwdriver to reach into every school in the country?” ─── 自由民主党教育发言人大卫.劳斯质问:“白厅把握着螺丝刀的手伸入每一个学校真的有必要吗?”

42、If a new Whitehall plan works out, more of those Eurocrats will be British in the future (and thus, with luck, less barmy). ─── 可如果英国政府制定的新计划开始施行的话,将来的欧盟官员中就会有更多的英国人的(幸运的是,“疯子”就少了许多)。

43、Was it really the Lord Protector's head that was rammed on a pike in Whitehall, to discourage regicides, only to be blown down in a gale and swiped by a soldier? ─── 为了威慑那些弑君者们,这位“护国公”的头颅被插在了白厅的一根长矛上,不料一阵大风将这颗头颅吹落,一个士兵将头颅窃为己有;

44、Top British civil servants tend to live longer than their underlings, regardless of other differences in lifestyle, according to the "Whitehall II" studies which have been monitoring thousands of Humphreys and Bernards since the 1980s. ─── 根据一项名为“白厅二”的研究(自20世纪80年代以来一直对数以千计的汉弗瑞、伯纳兹进行跟踪调查),不管生活方式有何不同,高层的英国公仆往往会比他们的下属活得长。

45、But it still suffers from the illusion that ministers can behave like impresarios, conducting economic development from their podium in Whitehall. ─── 但是有一种错觉存在,使得部长们对自己的政策感觉良好,经济的运行正如他们在白宫的领奖台一般的顺利。

46、These and other requirements necessitated close consultation with Whitehall, effected normally through incoming and outgoing telegrams coloured yellow and blue respectively. ─── 类似的规定使当时的香港政府需要密切谘询英国政府,而这些谘询通常是透过收发分别以黄色和蓝色的电报进行。

47、"No one can push me around." In 17 years as a cockpit of the cold war, West Berlin has usually reacted more coolly to its recurring alarums than Washington or Whitehall. ─── “17年了,西柏林一直是冷战的前锋,这里的人们对重复不断的警报的反应总是比华盛顿或伦敦更冷静。

48、Whitehall departments discouraged their best people from applying for stints in Brussels, it was said, seeing the EU as a nuisance at best. ─── 政府对国内出众的人材大加劝阻,劝告大家不要去欧盟做枯燥的工作,因为欧盟让人非常厌恶。

49、Whitehall is/are refusing to confirm the reports. ─── 英国政府对这些报道不予证实。

50、3.Five stops from Highbury &Islington takes you to Green Park station: on the other side of the eponymous park lies Whitehall, the Muggle seat of government. ─── 从海布里与伊斯灵顿站出发,经五个停车站将把你带到格林公园车站:在同名的公园另一边是白厅,麻瓜政府所在地。

51、Britain's Queen Elizabeth II listens to a prayer during the Remembrance Sunday at The Cenotaph in Whitehall, London. ─── 在伦敦怀特霍尔纪念碑的纪念日上英国女王伊丽莎白二世正在听祷告呢。

52、Bloggs got back to the War Office in Whitehall at midnight. ─── 布罗格斯是在午夜的时候回到白厅内的陆军部的。

53、Lots of people in Whitehall will be made redundant. ─── 白厅里很多人将成为多余的。

54、an old fashioned army uniform sits on an adult's shoulders to get a view of the Remembrance Sunday service at The Cenotaph in Whitehall, London. ─── 在伦敦怀特霍尔纪念塔前,一个穿着老式的军装的坐在一位年长士兵身上看纪念日典礼。

55、Milledge Avenue between the Athens Perimeter and Whitehall Road. ─── 李永胜生前是一名生物化学和分子生物学研究生,他在中国取得学士学位和硕士学位。

56、Leaving from the Waldorf Hotel via the Strand, Trafalgar Square, Whitehall and the Embankment, up to 100,000 lined the route to the same town hall. ─── 从沃尔多夫酒店出发途经斯特兰德街、特拉法尔加广场、怀特霍尔街及筑堤街,将近10万名球迷夹道欢迎直到富勒姆区政府。

57、It would cause too much fuss in Whitehall, he said, and there were enough problems there as it was. ─── 这会在白厅惹出许多麻烦,而现在那里的麻烦已经够多的了。

58、During the winter, the gossip began to swirl out from the clubs and the whitehall corridors that Lord Gilbey was "getting past it" ─── 冬天,开始从各个俱乐部和白厅街的走廊里传出谣言,说吉尔贝勋爵的位子要“出缺”了。

59、It was like a Whitehall farce the way I was sent from department to department and everyone said it was someone else's job to help me. ─── 这就像一个英国政府滑稽剧:我被从一个部门打发到另一个部门,每个人都说帮助我是他人的事。

60、Simultaneously an agreement has been reached with Cadmus Whitehall Group and with rlc packaging group to produce printed and converted components of Pharma DDS carton. ─── 同时达成一项协议,与卡德摩斯白厅集团与包装集团冲生产印刷和转换部分的医药DDS的纸箱。

61、In theory, Whitehall officials and ministers back in London oversaw the empire. ─── 从理论上说,伦敦白厅官员与部长们监视帝国运作。

62、It was a defence of Whitehall and the public service that Sir Humphrey, for all his manipulative public persona, would have approved. ─── 这是对白厅和公共服务的一种辩护——尽管汉弗莱的公众形象是喜欢操纵他人,但他会同意这点的。

63、Whitehall are/is refusing to comment. ─── 白厅拒绝发表评论。

64、Whitehall said that it hoped to get the change through by the end of June. ─── 英国政府称将有望在六月底前完成变革。

65、A confidential government paper shows that Whitehall officials were concerned about the cost of the funeral of Princess Diana. ─── 一份政府秘密文件显示英政府曾为戴妃葬礼的费用担心。

66、Does Whitehall today still have something of the influence, the ethics and the culture that Sir Humphrey exemplified? ─── 如今的白厅仍然具有汉弗莱爵士所展示的那种影响力、道德观和文化吗?

67、Capitol Avenue, Whitehall is the most eye-catching building is a symbol of the British monarchy, Gothic buildings, the magnificent charm of a classic, magnificent. ─── 国会大厦是白厅大道上最醒目的建筑也是英国君主政体的象征,哥德式的建筑群,壮丽中带有古典风韵,气势磅礴。

68、Public services would be run by town halls rather than Whitehall, and more cities would have elected mayors with real powers. ─── 公共服务将由市政厅而不是白厅来运作,并且越来越多的城市会选出拥有实权的市长。

69、One more stop down the Northern Line takes you to Charing Cross itself, at the northern end of Whitehall. ─── 沿着北线再经过一个停车站把你带到白厅大街北端的查林十字车站本身。

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