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09-03 投稿


antagonize 发音

英:[?n?t?ɡ?na?z]  美:[?n?t?ɡ?na?z]

英:  美:

antagonize 中文意思翻译




antagonize 网络释义

vt. 使…敌对;使…对抗;对…起反作用vi. 引起反抗

antagonize 词性/词形变化,antagonize变形


antagonize 短语词组

1、antagonize it ─── 对抗它

2、antagonize define ─── 对抗定义

3、antagonize written ─── 对抗书面

4、antagonize band ─── 对抗带

5、antagonize gre ─── 对抗gre

6、antagonize peaceful kraggo ─── 对抗和平的克拉戈

7、antagonize dictionary ─── 对抗词典

8、antagonize sentence ─── 对抗句

9、antagonize peaceful ─── 对抗和平

10、antagonize definition ─── 对抗定义

11、antagonize syn ─── 拮抗syn

antagonize 相似词语短语

1、antagonises ─── vt.使敌对;抵销;vi.引起对抗/反感

2、antagonizable ─── 不可用的

3、antagonized ─── vt.使…敌对;使…对抗;对…起反作用;vi.引起反抗

4、antagonism ─── n.对抗,敌对;对立;敌意

5、antagonizes ─── 使···对抗(antagonize的第三人称单数)

6、to antagonize ─── 对抗

7、antagonise ─── vt.使敌对;抵销;vi.引起对抗/反感

8、antagonist ─── n.敌手;[解剖]对抗肌;[生化]拮抗物;反协同试剂

9、antagonised ─── vt.使敌对;抵销;vi.引起对抗/反感

antagonize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It shows that the man use self-conscious action to antagonize the existing fantasy and easy the pain and hopelessness, and watch the whole world with a dialectic eye. ─── 在残雪的小说中,这种生存智慧表现在人通过自觉表演的方式来对抗存在的虚无,减轻存在的痛苦和无望;

2、Whether trophic function of taurine can antagonize neurotoxicity of manganese and whether the nutrition i... ─── 本文从细胞凋亡方面对锰、牛磺酸对其影响予以综述。

3、Aggressive and premature pursuit of this information may antagonize the wholesaler and poison the relationship. ─── 太激进或不成熟的追求会引起批发商反感,有害于关系。

4、The simplest thing was to so antagonize her that she would choose starvation rather than support his cruelties. ─── 最简单的办法莫过于同她闹翻,迫使她宁愿饿死也不再忍受他的残酷行为。

5、If bad ’80s comedies are any guide, this move should be saved for large family dinners as a way to antagonize relatives, like when you're sitting across from creepy Uncle Melvin. ─── 如果80年代的喜剧片是任何坏的指南,这一举措应保留到大型家庭晚宴,以此来对抗亲戚,当你对面坐的不寒而栗的叔叔梅尔文。

6、Don't antagonize your boss. ─── 不要和你的老板对抗。

7、Don't antagonize too many people. ─── 不要树敌太多。

8、N-acetyl L-cysteine and glutathione antagonize sulfur mustard in inducing cell apoptosis and necrosis ─── 乙酰半胱氨酸及还原型谷胱甘肽对抗硫芥引起的细胞凋亡及坏死

9、CONCLUSION : TISE can antagonize the normal or sensitized bronchus slice contraction caused by histamine or antigen, and lessen the symptoms of asthma of sensitized guinea pig induced by antigen. ─── 结论 :TISE能拮抗组胺刺激引起的正常豚鼠和卵白蛋白引起的致敏豚鼠离体气管片的收缩,抑制致敏豚鼠哮喘的发生。

10、Furthermore,MT can significantly antagonize the decreases of fetus length and pup weights induced by DPH. ─── 此外,MT对低剂量DPH诱发的胎仔体重和身长降低也具有拮抗作用。

11、NO and PGI 2 may antagonize the biological action of ET 1 during endotoxemia. ─── NO及PGI2可部分拮抗ET?1的生物学效应。

12、Don't antagonize the neighbours by making a noise. ─── 别吵吵闹闹,惹邻居讨厌。

13、Senior officials talked up China's importance and leverage over the United States and avoided any actions that could antagonize Beijing. ─── 高级官员探讨了中国的重要性以及对美国的影响,并且避开了有可能激怒北京的一切行动。

14、But the Sino-Indian relations run down since 1959. Especially, after the Sino-Indian boundary war, China and India antagonize each other in public. ─── 可是从1959年起,两国关系就逐渐陷入低谷,特别是1962年中印边界战争以后,中印走向了公开对立。

15、Results:WNM can inhibit the spontaneous movement of isolated intestine of rabbits and antagonize the spasm of isolated intestine induced by acecoline,barium chloride,histamine. ─── 结果:胃宁合剂能抑制家兔离体肠管自发活动和拮抗氯化乙酰胆碱、氯化钡、组织胺所致动物离体肠管痉挛性收缩。

16、It would be dangerous to antagonize him. ─── 招惹他可危险。

17、Conclusion Jiangguiyin capsules can antagonize the formation of oxygen-derived free radicals, inhibit thrombosis, to protect ischemic heart muscle. ─── 结论姜桂饮胶囊能够拮抗心肌缺血-再灌注损伤时氧自由基的产生,抑制血栓形成,对缺血心肌起到保护作用。

18、Keywords anticoagulant;heparin;vitamin K antagon;safety; ─── 关键词抗凝药物;肝素;维生素K拮抗剂;安全性;

19、make too many enemies; antagonize too many people ─── 树敌太多

20、antagonize ARM ─── 抗ARM

21、Dithiothreitol (DTT)could prevent the GSH depletion induced by AAP and completely antagonize the AAP-induced elevat-ion of [Ca~(2+)]c. ─── 二巯基苏糖醇(DTT)5mmol/L可使加AAP后,细胞内GSH仍维持较高水平,[Ca~(2+)f]c升高几乎被完全拮抗。

22、Intracellular nucleoside diphosphate can antagonize the ATP induced inhibition of the channel opening and stimulate the channel to open. ─── 二磷酸核苷与其特异性位点结合,不仅降低通道对ATP的敏感性,而且可直接诱导通道开放。

23、F2 can antagonize the arrhythmias induced by ischemia-reperfusion in rat heart. ─── F2对大鼠心脏缺血再灌注心律失常具有拮抗作用。

24、Some personalities antagonize;others simply annoy. ─── 有些人令人反感,另一些人只是叫人讨厌。

25、Purposely antagonize person ─── 成心作对

26、Echinacea is a traditional medicinal herb in North American perennial. It can enhance the body immune system and antagonize various kinds of infections. ─── 松果菊是原产于美洲的传统药材,具有增强机体免疫功能以及对抗各种感染的作用。

27、antagonize the views of ─── 反对 ... 的意见

28、Both extracts and monomer CA 1201 from Chinese herb Cissus assamica can antagonize ET 1 biological effects. ─── 红背丝绸2种提取物和CA?1201可拮抗ET?1的生物学效应

29、Trace HCS also could antagonize partially the inhibition of IFN to CFU-GM. ─── 微量的氢化可的松也能部分阻断IFN的CFU-GM抑制。

30、It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonize histamine that the indications for Antistine are based. ─── 本品的适应症正是根据这种实验证明的抗组胺作用来确定的。

31、There is low expression of HO-1 mRNA in the basilar arteries after SAH in rats, however which can not antagonize the occurrence of DCV. ─── SAH后大鼠基底动脉有HO-1mRNA的低表达,但其不能拮抗SAH后DCV的发生。

32、while in both cases OFQ can antagonize AA. ─── 但无论对基础痛阈有无影响,OFQ均对抗电针镇痛。

33、The normal flora may antagonize other bacteria through the production of substances which inhibit or kill non indigenous species . ─── 正常菌群通过合成一些可以抑制或杀死非常居菌群的物质拮抗其它细菌。

34、In order to antagonize the MET hypotension, a large dose of NX(10mg/kg, ip)was needed. ─── 大剂量纳洛酮(10mg/kg,ip)才能翻转MET的降压作用。

35、Brucine could antagonize the inhibitive action of nitric oxide... ─── 结论 :马钱子碱能有效促进软骨细胞增殖。

36、The controls over the incidence of growth are exercised by a balance of factors which promote and which antagonize . ─── 对于生长范围的控制,是靠促进因子和拮抗因子间的平衡来达到的。

37、But EBM cannot antagonize the arrhythmia induced by adrenaline in rabbits. ─── 但不能对抗肾上腺素诱发的家兔心律失常。

38、Not wishing to antagonize her further, he said no more. ─── 他不愿惹她更生气,便不再说话。

39、Noise jammer is one of the primary jamming that radar seekers have to antagonize. ─── 噪声干扰是雷达导引头需要对付的主要干扰形式之一。

40、Results: CSP could antagonize t he loss of weight and the increase of ACTH,an... ─── 结论:柴胡疏肝散可调节慢性束缚应激模型大鼠的功能紊乱。

41、It would be dangerous to antagonize him ─── 招惹他可危险.

42、The church settlement she effected was planned to antagonize as few people as possible ─── 她在解决教会问题时,注意到尽可能少得罪人。

43、Although the manufacturer does not want the order, he tries not to antagonize the client since he wants to protect possible future business. His offer of help will be appreciated. ─── 制造商虽不欲接受订货,但亦不愿开罪客户,所以提供协助,以确保日后仍有合作机会.

44、AHF could also antagonize the pressor effect of norepinephrinein Wistar rats. ─── AHF 可拮抗去甲肾上腺素对 Wistar 大鼠的升压作用。

45、The third idea is that by ablating immunosuppression mechanisms, cytotoxic chemotherapy might synergize with, rather than antagonize, actie immunotherapy. ─── 第三点,解除免疫抑制机制,可以和细胞毒性化疗药物协同作用使用主动免疫疗法,而不是拮抗作用。

46、So the prince hate him very much, he asked a bishop, Rigo to antagonize Robin. ─── 王子可不喜欢这样,他的死党也是如此,比如雨果大主教。

47、Conclusion:Compound Danshen dripping pills could antagonize plasma NE changes and modulate the blood hyp... ─── 结论:复方丹参滴丸可不同程度地对抗应急作训所致的血浆去甲肾上腺素升高,改善血液流变性。

48、He musn't antagonize Michie ─── 他一定不能让米切扫兴。

49、Conclusion:Zhenzhong pill can antagonize damage of excitability toxicity and NO to nerve cell... ─── 结论:孔圣枕中丹能抵抗兴奋性毒性和NO对神经元的损伤。

50、He didn't want to antagonize her. ─── 他不想使她对自己产生敌意。

51、Keywords environmental lead pollution;kid intelligence quotient;lead intoxication of children;antagonize action prevention tactics and countermeasures; ─── 环境铅污染;儿童智商;儿童铅中毒;拮抗作用;防治对策;

52、RESULTS It showed that the YiMeier granules could antagonize the mice's memory disorder caused by the chemical medicines. ─── 结果:忆美尔颗粒能拮抗化学药物所致小鼠记忆障碍。

53、Results Borneol significantly enhanced the effects of 5-HTP to shorten disappointment time in mouse tail suspension test and rat force swimming test and to antagonize the ptosis,hypothermia in... ─── 结果冰片可加强5-HTP缩短悬尾及强迫游泳试验中的失望时间;可增强5-HTP对抗由利血平所致的小鼠眼睑下垂和体温下降。结论冰片可增强5-HTP的抗抑郁作用。

54、However, Beijing's rhetoric has been more reserved than Pakistan's, reflecting a desire not to antagonize the U. S. or India. ─── 但北京的措辞比起巴基斯坦更有保留,说明它不想激怒美国或印度。

55、The measures to antagonize ARM can be divided into four kinds: kill mode, the mode of decreasing radiation information, the mode of shifting guiding spot and the mode of reducing vulnerability. ─── 对抗ARM的 措施可分为四种:杀伤方式、减少辐射信息的方式、偏 移寻的点的方 式和减小易损性的方式。

56、Sinisan in different dosages can antagonize the intestine sthenic movement of mice induced by neostigmine(P

57、Large firms do not wish to antagonize the federal government unduly ─── 大厂商并不想过分地与政府发生顶撞。

58、Just because of US supporting Taiwan to antagonize Chinese Mainland, the fatalness of armed conflict is increasing by degree at Taiwan Channel. ─── 正是由于美国扶持台湾对抗大陆,使台海武装冲突的危险性递增;

59、Do not antagonize that woman,she is dangerous. ─── 别与那个女人作对,她很危险。

60、This paper introduces Martial Requirement、Progress Trend and Aim、Key Technic、Research Content and Means etc on Network Antagonize. ─── 本文介绍网络对抗技术的军事需求、发展趋势、发展目标、关键技术、研究内容以及研究方法等内容。

61、Both doses of D_3 were able to partly antagonize the morphine-and xylazine-induced inhibition of respiration in these species. ─── mg/kg iv也使麻醉猫呼吸加快,每分通气量增加,并能分别部分对抗吗啡和甲苯噻嗪所致的呼吸抑制。

62、Don't you think it will antagonize it and make more offensive? ─── 你不认为这样会引起美国的对抗,使它加强对你们的攻势吗?

63、Analysts say Mr.Netanyahu knows it is not in Israel's interest to antagonize Washington - the Jewish state's biggest ally and supporter. ─── 分析人士说,内塔尼亚胡知道触犯华盛顿不符合以色列的利益,因为美国是这个犹太人国家最重要的盟友和支持者。

64、AESC could also antagonize kainic acid-induced seizure in rats,obviously decreased the frequency of wet dog shakes (WDS),markedly prolonged seizure latency (P

65、In addition, PCP-2 can not only maintain the dephosphorylation state of P-catenin but also antagonize p-catenin/T cell factor (TCP) dependent transcriptional activity. ─── PCP一2下调野生型和组成激活型p一catenin转录活性,该作用依赖于 PCP一2磷酸

66、Glibenclamide markedly reduced BPV in SAD rats as well, furthermore, it might antagonize the effect of CPCA on BPV by blocking K ATP . ─── 格列本脲可降低 SAD大鼠的 BPV,并可阻断 CPCA降 SAD大鼠 BPV的作用。

67、Your aggressive promoting of philosophic or religious viewpoints may antagonize others. ─── 你的冲动促进哲学性或宗教观点可能会触怒他人。

68、The controls over the incidence of growth are exercised by a balance of factors which promote and which antagonize ─── 对于生长范围的控制,是靠促进因子和拮抗因子间的平衡来达到的。

69、Not wishing to antagonize her further, he said no more. ─── 他不愿惹她更生气,便不再说话。

70、Thisindicates that LDD with the action of nourishing Yin and tonifying kidney can antagonize Tlymphocyte apoptosis induced by glucocorticoid. ─── 反证了肾阴虚证存在脾T淋巴细胞凋亡的情况,而滋补肾阴药物对其有抑制作用。

71、Sodium dimercaptosuccinate, BAL-glucoside, and BAL could also antagonize the carcinostatic action of Sb-71, but its therapeutic effect could recur when the dose level was increased with the exception of BAL. ─── 二巯基丁二酸钠,BAL-glucoside和BAL也可对抗Sb-71对Ehrlich腹水瘤的抑制作用;

72、The experiment above confirmes that sodium ferulate can antagonize ETB on Ast and displays protective function. ─── 上述实验证实,阿魏酸钠可拮抗星形胶质细胞上的ETB发挥保护作用。

73、Keywords scutellarin;selenium;toxicity;antagonize; ─── 灯盏花素;硒;毒性;拮抗;

74、Practical forms of democracy compete with and antagonize each other in the course of the development of each practical form in its direction. ─── 民主实现形式在沿着各自的方向发展的过程中相互竞争、相互对立。

75、I advise you not to antagonize him ─── 我劝你别与他为敌。

76、Analysts say Mr. Netanyahu knows it is not in Israel's interest to antagonize Washington - the Jewish state's biggest ally and supporter. ─── 分析人士说,内塔尼亚胡知道触犯华盛顿不符合以色列的利益,因为美国是这个犹太人国家最重要的盟友和支持者。

77、Yangxinzhengmai Kli can also affect the cardiocerebral vessels and antagonize the contraction induced by norepinephrine for the rabbit aortic ring. ─── 对心脑血管作用比较明显,对急性脑缺血缺氧有显著保护作用。

78、5.He tends to antagonize the police. ─── 5. 他喜欢跟警察起冲突。

79、Of course there is few stubborn Yin energy that tends to put up a desperate struggle, even arising all at once, and antagonize the strong Orthodox School field by producing many destructive ideas. ─── 当然,有极少数的顽阴也可能负隅顽抗,甚至当即跳了出来,使人心中产生多种破坏性的念头,进行对抗。

80、Always be friendly. Don't pick fights or arguments and antagonize other users. ─── 请保持友好的态度。不要挑起争吵或辩论也不要攻击其他用户。

81、A part cannot antagonize any other part, but, on the contrary, the welfare of each part depends upon a recognition of the interest of the whole. ─── 是时候了,努力吧!有一份耕耘,就有一份收获。为了增强你的意志、认识你的力量,你可以借用一句强有力的口号:“我要成为怎样的人,就能成为怎样的人。”

82、Agglomeras pantoea separated and selected from grains to antagonize bacterial blight of rice ─── 从稻谷上分离、筛选用于拮抗水稻白叶枯病的泛菌

83、However, Hanoi sought to downplay the drill Monday in an apparent attempt to not antagonize its larger neighbor unnecessarily. ─── 不过,越南在周一力图对此次演习进行淡化处理,显然是为了避免不必要地激怒中国这个比它更大的邻国。

84、His players, he said, knew better than to antagonize Bryant. ─── 他说,他的球员知道在场上最后不要去和科比为敌。

85、Results: The Chinese herbal medicines for soothing Liver to regulate Qi, activating blood circulation to remove stasis and QRBA drugs could antagonize in various degrees the changes caused by stress. ─── 结果:疏肝理气、活血化瘀及理气活血中药,可不同程度对抗应激所致的变化,其中以理气活血中药的效果最好。

86、It could antagonize the decrease of serum prolactin and the atrophy of mammary gland induced by l-dop... ─── 结论:麦当乳通颗粒对左旋多巴诱发哺乳期大鼠缺乳有明显的催乳作用。

87、It's dangerous to antagonize the masses ─── 众怒难犯

88、Go up century 70 time, gates thinks software development should be a purpose with gain, try hard the development of shareware of freedom of keep within limits, thereby the first time antagonize. ─── 上世纪70年代,盖茨认为软件开发应以盈利为目的,并努力遏制自由共享软件的发展,从而初次树敌。

89、IF I'M WISE, I WON'T ANTAGONIZE YOUR ANGER. ─── 如果我有智慧,我就不会煽动你的愤怒。

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