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09-03 投稿



incognitos 发音

英:[?n?k?gn?t??z]  美:[?nk?g?nito?z]

英:  美:

incognitos 中文意思翻译



incognitos 词性/词形变化,incognitos变形

名词复数: incognitos |

incognitos 相似词语短语

1、recognitions ─── n.识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认

2、incognizant ─── adj.没觉察到的;缺乏知识的

3、incongruities ─── n.不协调;不一致;不适宜

4、incognisant ─── 未知的

5、incognita ─── n.隐姓埋名的女人,改用假名的;adj.女人隐姓埋名的;adv.女人隐姓埋名地

6、incognitas ─── n.隐姓埋名的女人,改用假名的;adj.女人隐姓埋名的;adv.女人隐姓埋名地

7、recognition ─── n.识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认

8、incognito ─── adj.伪装的,隐姓埋名的;adv.隐瞒身份地,化名地;n.虚假身份

9、recognitory ─── adj.认识的;承认的

incognitos 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After acquiring investment, net of guest of incognito rich of rich guest China, rich guest China makes the column of subordinate of rich guest net inside a period. ─── 获得投资后,博客中国改名博客网,博客中国在一个时期内成为博客网下属的专栏。

2、to conceal one's name; to live incognito ─── 埋名

3、Movie stars often prefer to travel incognito. ─── 电影明星旅行时常喜欢隐瞒身分。

4、The fall has been splashed across every newspaper and television set in the world, it seems, and Alex has sworn to adopt status incognito. ─── 纪连海先生以既尊重历史,又不拘泥于历史的态度,用文字为我们描绘四大美人。

5、Which dining-room is incognito, where to open a restaurant newly, add in time in the database. ─── 哪家餐厅改名了,哪里新开了一家餐厅,都及时添加到数据库中。

6、Luther lived incognito at the castle for nearly a year after he was declared an outlaw by the Roman emperor for refusing to recant his Reformation writings. ─── 由于路德拒绝撤销他的改革著作,他被罗马皇帝宣布为有罪之后,在这个城堡里隐姓埋名地生活过将近一年。

7、Travelling incognito, as emperors sometimes did in those days, in an attempt to understand what was really going on in China, he dropped in on a teahouse with his small retinue. ─── 那时候乾隆皇帝经常微服私访,以体察民情。有一次,他与一小队随从一起走进了一家茶楼。

8、About 200 years ago, the Qing Emperor, Qianlong, came in contact with various regional operas while traveling incognito in southern China, and became interested in them. ─── 大约在200多年前,清朝的乾隆皇帝在南巡时,对地方上的戏剧产生了浓厚的兴趣。

9、"Culture Revolution " during, "Henry gets benefit " be regarded as " the FOUR OLDS " sweep, incognito for " henry light is horological glasses inn " . ─── “文革”期间,“亨得利”被当作“四旧”扫掉,改名为“亨光钟表眼镜店”。

10、Step three: Knot the two side points over the top point of the scarf.Don your oversized sunglasses and pretend you are a celebrity incognito. ─── 第三步:将三角巾的两点在顶点上面打结,戴上特大的太阳镜,假装你是一位隐姓埋名的名人。

11、His incognito, which had as many holes as a sieve, was not meant to hide a personality but a fact ─── 他这样隐姓埋名的办法,有点像筛子,漏洞百出,他这样作并不是怕人家认识他,而是怕有一件事情会让人家知道。

12、terra incognito ─── 示知领域

13、"Will your excellency give your name, or remain incognito?" asked the captain. ─── “不要讲出我的名字来,只说我是一个来游玩的法国旅客就得了。”

14、Incognito: Costume des Princes en voyage. ─── 隐姓埋名:王子们旅行时的习惯。

15、Curiosity had vanquished the desire of preserving his incognito, and he was recognized ─── 好奇心战胜了他那想掩饰真面目的愿望,而且,他已被马尔塞夫认出来了。

16、remain incognito ─── 保持隐姓埋名

17、From the moment Snape enters the Shrieking Shack incognito to when he reveals himself, there is enough information discussed for Snape to realize the truth. ─── 从斯内普悄悄地潜入尖叫棚屋到他现身,屋里的人讨论了大量的信息,足以让斯内普了解真相。

18、Did you travel incognito? ─── 你隐姓埋名地去旅行了?

19、go incognito ─── 隐姓埋名

20、in Holland he lived incognito as a carpenter in the shipyards of the East India company. ─── 在荷兰的时候,他化名为一个木匠在一家东印度公司造船所做工。

21、Primary Report on the Occurrence of Meloidgyne incognito in tobacco in the south of Shaanxi ─── 陕南烟草根结线虫病发病规律研究初报

22、Despite his poor planning, Booth managed to stay incognito with the help of a handful of Southern sympathizers and a healthy dose of luck. ─── 他的逃跑最后没有成功,整个过程麻烦不断。”虽然如此,布思毕竟多少还有些运气。在一大帮南方同情者的帮助下,他隐姓埋名,潜伏起来。

23、Examine passed OK and incognito word. ─── 审查通过了就可以改名字了。

24、Four days passed, and the fifth day found the King of the Blind still incognito as a clumsy and useless stranger among his subjects. ─── 四天过去了,到了第五天,这位"盲人之王"仍被他的子民认为是个笨拙无用的外人。

25、travel incognito ─── 微行, 微装出游

26、He did not want to be recognized,so he travelled incognito. ─── 他不想被人认出,所以出行时隐瞒身分.

27、incognito a. ─── 隐姓埋名地;

28、While on the run, Joanna favors the kind of incognito[3] outfits that you see only in the movies: huge butterfly sunglasses, outrageous leopard print bandannas, and wigs that look as if they were plucked from a mannequin. ─── 在奔逃中,乔安娜喜欢那种隐匿的装束,这种装束只有在电影中才能看到:巨大的蝶形墨镜、印着凶猛猎豹图案的大手帕,还有那假发,看着就象是从橱窗模特头上揪下来的一样。

29、Everyday when we are going to work, eating in restaurant or surfing on internet, we would come across hundreds of strangers, they are nameless, unidentified and incognito. ─── 我们每天上班上学、到餐厅用膳甚或浏览网站途中,总会遇上许多过路人。于我们来说,他们都是没有名字、陌生又遥远的。

30、"I should avail myself of your offer with pleasure," replied the host, "but, unfortunately, if I go there, it will be, in all probability, incognito." ─── “我很高兴能享用您的好意,”主人回答,“但不幸,假如我到那儿去,也许我不愿让人知道的。”

31、And Liu Yonghua's identity is Shanghai journey company (hind incognito giant) vice-president, before this, he is manager of branch of gold partner Hangzhou. ─── 而陆永华的身份是上海征途公司(后改名巨人)副总裁,在这之前,他是黄金搭档杭州分公司经理。

32、Let us not stop doing those that are right and beneficial! Because in an incognito way, we are reaping blessings in return. ─── 让我们不要停止去做正确有益的事情吧!因为悄无声息地,我们正在收获祝福。

34、The prince travelled incognito to avoid crowds and ceremonies. ─── 王子微服旅行以避开人群及避免欢迎仪式。

35、Though he was not incognito on Sunday, many of his fellow paraders were. ─── 尽管他在星期天没有隐藏起身份,很多和他一样游行的人是要的。

36、Incognito is a private space where all traces of your session are deleted as you leave the mode and get back to normal browsing. ─── 匿名浏览状态是完全私人空间,回到正常浏览状态的时候,所有你之前的上网痕迹都会被抹除。

37、A ranking government official in ordeal while traveling incognito ─── 白龙鱼服

38、He traveled incognito, not wanting to let the glittering Coruscanti celebrity world know he dabbled in such seedy ventures. ─── 他这次旅行是秘密的,因为他不希望光鲜亮丽的科洛桑上流社会知道他涉足如此肮脏的投机活动。

39、1.to pay a secret visit; 2.to make investigation by traveling incognito ─── 密访

40、Journalists,usually welcomed in such circumstances so the world knows what is happening,have had to slip in incognito. ─── 在通常情况下会受到欢迎的记者(以便及时向世界报道灾难地情况)此时也被拒在门外.

41、Incognito Inc we wholesale consumer products to upper end museum and art gallery stores. ─── 采购类别:促销品其他促销品;艺术品、工艺品及装饰物品其他艺术品、工艺品和装饰物品;

42、The New tab, New window, and New incognito window options moved from the 'Control the current page' menu to the 'Customize and control Google Chrome' (wrench) menu. ─── 新标签,新窗口,新窗口中选择隐姓埋名从控制当前页'菜单的'自定义和控制谷歌铬(扳手)菜单。

43、To avoid the crowds the film star travels incognito. ─── 为了避开人群,那位电影明星旅行时常隐匿身份。

44、He didn't want to is recognized,so he travelled incognito. ─── 他不想被人认出, 所以出行时隐瞒身分.

45、Till we can achieve something, let us live incognito, say I. ─── 直到我们取得了成就时,我想说,那就让我们隐姓埋名地去生活吧。

46、On-the-rise masked metal band says it has been rocking incognito since 1993. ─── 最令人沮丧的是活结成名比我们早(但我们成立更早),我们就会背上剽窃活结的骂名。.

47、She traveled incognito and people were surprised when she dropped her incognito. ─── 她微装出游,当她说出自己的真正身份,人们都惊讶不已。

48、"Have you any objection to meet any persons who may be with madame, or do you desire to preserve a strict incognito?" ─── “您想不想见一下夫人的客人?或许您不愿意见生客?”

49、Q. Are you ready to change your life and not be able to walk in the street incognito? ─── 你准备好改变你的生活并且隐姓埋名的在街上走么?

50、But I still think incognito word, everybody listened my name says the name that is a boy. ─── 可我还是想改名字,人人听了我的名字都说是男孩子的名字。

51、On the Atmosphere of Incognito in the Han Dynasty ─── 试论两汉隐逸之风

52、to travel incognito ─── 旅行时隐匿身分

53、Contrary to custom, this gentleman had not been watched, for as the report ran that he was a person of high rank, and one who would allow no impertinent interference, his incognito was strictly respected. ─── 可是:这位先生并没有被监视,据说他是一个地位很高的人,不允许遭受无礼的干涉的,他的微服秘行是受人尊敬的。

54、Do you prefer to taste celebrities' signature dishes, or watch them dressing incognito through famous attractions and streets to play games with the public? ─── 还是你喜欢看艺人轻装简出走入全省景点、街坊市集、大街小巷与观众搏一搏输赢来个拳王大车拼呢?

55、Dievas often appears incognito and tests Lithuanian people for their kindness, using his powers to reward those that pass and turning people who fail into animals. ─── 迪瓦经常化身凡人在世间行走,考验信徒的善良品德,通过考验的人将得到奖赏,未通过者则被他施法变成动物。

56、“Frenchman or Russian prince incognito,” said the Frenchman, looking at Pierre's fine, though dirty linen, and the ring on his finger; ─── “是法国人也好,化名的俄国公爵也好,”他说,同时看了看虽然很脏,却很精致的皮埃尔的衬衫和他手上的戒指。

57、He didn't want to be recognized, so he travelled incognito. ─── 他不想被人认出,所以出行时隐瞒身分。

58、an august incognito ─── 微行的显贵

59、incognito as possible, but I have been active more than 20 years. ─── 隐姓埋名地,但我一直在积极超过20年。

60、to meet any persons who may be with madame, or do you desire to preserve a strict incognito?" ─── “您想不想见一下夫人的客人?或许您不愿意见生客?”

61、an incognito visit ─── 化名出访

62、Face somebody to oppugn go up by the net only incognito in order to show love the nation is a little young, most netizen states this is not temporarily actuation, however principle problem. ─── 面对有人质疑仅凭网上改名以示爱国有些幼稚,大多数网友则表示这并非一时冲动,而是原则问题。

63、 双语使用场景

64、Above all, you should write an application to give place police station, should mention expressly incognito warrant, if have an unit, sign the opinion that the unit leads even. ─── 首先,你要写一份申请给当地派出所,要写明改名的正当理由,假如有单位的话,还要签署单位领导的意见。

65、It is said that Emperor Qianlong was traveling incognito, passing here he saw beautiful scenery and busy liquor shops downtown. ─── 相传当年乾隆皇帝微服私访,路经此地时,发现这里山清水秀,蜓飞凤舞,酒肆繁华。

66、'New incognito window' always opens a new window. ─── '新隐姓埋名窗口'总是打开一个新的窗口。

67、Let us not stop doing those that are right and beneficial! Because in an incognito way, we are reaping blessings in return... ─── 让我们不要停止去做正确有益的事情吧!因为悄无声息地,我们正在收获祝福...

68、here, and stayed incognito for three or four days. ─── 我辞退了那位年老的乡下人,隐姓埋名地呆了三、四天。

69、A lot of people applaud, also kindness persuades somebody he is incognito. ─── 很多人叫好,也有人善意劝他改名。

70、tinea incognito ─── 隐匿癣, 不可辨认的癣

71、He bought the same year factory of another famous and super racing bike pulls tribute to amount to a company, the company is incognito for Aston.Martin.Pull tribute to amount to a company. ─── 同年他买下了另一家闻名超级跑车厂拉贡达公司,公司改名为阿斯顿.马丁.拉贡达公司。

72、a king incognito ─── 一个微行的国王

in relation to是什么意思?

首先,in relation to 不是代词,也就不能指代什么。

单纯看第二句,最后一个逗号后面的部分in relation to a fixed set of ideas or values 是用来说明 前面 solely historically很明显这两句话是对立的观点。。如果不是特殊的情况(比如句子联系很紧密或是总分论点的关系)一般句子成分不会模糊指代上一句的内容。



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