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inland 发音

英:[??n?l?nd , ??nl?nd]  美:[,?n'l?nd]

英:  美:

inland 中文意思翻译




inland 网络释义

n. 内地;内陆adj. 内陆的;内地的;国内的adv. 在内地;向内地;向内陆;在内陆

inland 同义词

backwoods | within | inward | internal | inside |upcountry | central | midland | centrally | toward | inwards | interior | heartland | hinterland | midlands | towards | inshore

inland 短语词组

1、inland depot ─── [经] 内地货运站

2、inland bill of exchange ─── [经] 国内汇票

3、inland bill ─── [经] 国内汇票

4、cif inland waterway ─── [经] 到岸价格加内河运费价

5、cost,insurance,freight inland waterway ─── [经] 到岸价格加内河运费价

6、inland bill of lading clause ─── [经] 国内提单条款

7、inland bill of lading ─── [经] 国内提单, 陆运提单

8、inland check ─── [经] 国内支票

9、inland custom-home ─── [经] 内地海关

10、inland customs dues ─── [经] 国内关税

11、inland craft ─── [经] 内河运输船双

12、inland conveyance ─── [经] 国内运输

13、inland exchange ─── [经] 国内汇兑

14、inland canal ─── [法] 内陆运河

15、Inland Empire ─── 内陆帝国(指美国华盛顿州斯波坎附近的发达地区, 广及爱达荷州和蒙大拿州)

16、inland duty ─── [经] 内地税

17、inland haulage ─── [经] 内陆运输费用

18、inland corporate bonds ─── [经] 国内公司债

19、inland forwarding expenses ─── [经] 国内运费

inland 词性/词形变化,inland变形

名词: inlander |

inland 反义词


inland 相似词语短语

1、Mainland ─── n.大陆;本土;adj.大陆的;本土的;n.(Mainland)人名;(英)梅因兰

2、England ─── n.英格兰

3、pineland ─── n.松林地

4、island ─── n.岛;岛屿;安全岛;岛状物;adj.岛的;vt.孤立;使成岛状;n.(Island)人名;(英)艾兰

5、inlaid ─── adj.镶嵌的;嵌入的;镶饰的;v.把…镶入;用镶嵌物装饰(inlay的过去分词形式)

6、Finland ─── n.芬兰(欧洲)

7、Vinland ─── 文兰(地名)

8、inlander ─── n.内地人,内陆居民

9、Vineland ─── n.(适宜于种植葡萄的)葡萄地

inland 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They want to flume the much needed water to the inland. ─── 他们想用引水槽将极需的水输送到内地。

2、Characterized by most of the regions land mass contained inland and a protruding piece of land which extends out on the Malay Peninsula. ─── 特点是大多数地区土地质量内陆和突出的一块土地,扩大对马来半岛。农业

3、A small inlet in a shoreline, extending farther inland than a cove. ─── 小湾在海岸线上的小港湾,比如小湾伸入陆地内

4、Hygienic standard for inland navigation deluxe cru. ─── 内河豪华旅游船卫生标准。


6、Which city suits inland make foreign trade? ─── 内地哪个城市适合做进出口贸易?

7、Chongqing in his plan is to be an inland Shanghai. ─── 在他的计划里,重庆要成为内陆的上海。

8、In Norwegian, the meaning of "fjord" is a bay that comes inland. ─── 在挪威语中,“峡湾”的意思是深入内陆的海湾。

9、Among the inland bodies of water are an infinite variety of fresh and saline lakes and marshes. ─── 内陆水域中有无数种类的淡水和咸水湖泊,沼泽和湿洼地。

10、In the US, the coastlines of Florida and Louisiana would move inland. ─── 在美国,佛罗里达和路易斯安那的海岸线会因此往内陆移动。

11、Situated away from the sea;inland. ─── 内河的远离海的;内陆的

12、The Inland Revenue have sent me a tax bill for more than a hundred pounds, but they can't get blood out of a stone because I just haven't got the money. ─── 国内税务署寄给我一张100多英镑的税单,不过他们不可能从石头里榨出油来,因为我并没有那么多钱。

13、Only one plant, located in inland Germany, used a settling pond. ─── 只有西德内地的一家工厂设有澄清地。

14、Backward inland waterways have been improved distinctively. ─── 内河航道落后面貌得到了明显改善。

15、seismicity gap theory seems to be applied to small earthquakes occurring inland . ─── 这个地震空白区的理论似乎也适用于内陆发生的较小地震。

16、So far no driving school has applied to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue for the granting of the status of an education provider. ─── 不过,至今还没有驾驶学院向税务局局长申请成为获批准机构。

17、Clear customs for import cargo, warehouse, and inland truck. ─── 处理进口清关,仓储及内陆运输等。

18、Who will be responsible for the arrangement of inland transportation,the seller or the buyer? ─── 内陆运输将由谁来安排,卖方还是买方?

19、An inland or upland region of a country. ─── 一个国家的内陆地区或高地

20、The inland part of a political or geographic entity. ─── 内陆一个政治或地理实体的内陆部分

21、They have also gained control of China's customs foreign trade and communications (sea, land, inland water and air). ─── 它们控制了中国的海关和对外贸易,控制了中国的交通事业(海上的、陆上的、内河的和空中的)。

22、Coordinate with forwarders to book space and arrange inland transport. ─── 与运输商联系安排内陆运输。

23、The town lies a few kilometres inland. ─── 这个城市位于内陆几公里处。

24、Regarding investment, Hong Kong is still the primary source of overseas investments attracted by the inland. ─── 在投资方面,香港仍然是内地吸引境外投资的首要来源地。

25、China's territorial land, inland waters, territorial seas and territorial airspace are inviolable. ─── 中国的领陆、内水、领海、领空神圣不可侵犯。

26、Beijing is an inland city. ─── 北京是一个内陆城市。

27、Inland Trucking and Drayage (within Guangdong province) 7. ─── 7 进出口报关、报检、熏蒸、产地证、保险等业务代理;

28、Face northeast namely inferior " inland zonule economy " feature. ─── 即面向东北亚的“内陆小区域经济”特征。

29、And companies are moving more goods by rail and by water, along coasts and inland waterways. ─── 另外,许多公司采用铁路和水路(海运和内陆航道)运输更多的货物。

30、Hamhung is the inland rail and highway nexus, straddling the main rail line from Wonsan north. ─── 咸兴是一个内陆的铁路与公路交通枢纽,是元山以北铁路线上的重要站点。

31、Their relations with the inland regions deteriorated. ─── 他们和内地的关系恶化了。

32、The method of inland transportation, such as trucks, railroad cars, lighters, barges, or aircraft should be specified. ─── 内陆运输的办法,如:卡车、火车、驳船、拖船或飞机,应予注明。

33、The island of Itsukushima, in the Seto inland sea, has been a holy place of Shintoism since the earliest times. ─── 严岛位于濑户内海,自古以来一直是神道教的圣地。

34、The disparity between the minority regions and the inland and coastal areas arose and developed over a long historical period. ─── 少数民族地区与内地、沿海地区发展上的差距,是历史上长期形成的。

35、Global overheating will also bring drought, famine and disease to inland communities everywhere on Earth. ─── 全球过热还会给全球内陆地区带来干旱、饥荒和疾病。

36、Customer idea: Customer's life force is that of Inland Real Estate. ─── 客户理念客户的生命力就是英联的生命力。

37、He reported his friend to the Inland Revenue for not paying his taxes. ─── 他向税务局揭发他的朋友漏税。

38、Among the inland bodies of water are an infinite voriety of fresh and saline lakes and marshes. ─── 内陆水域中有无数种类的淡水和咸水湖泊,沼泽和湿洼地。

39、We travelled further inland the next day. ─── 我们第二天继续向内陆行进。

40、Hundreds Inland Lines, Tens International Line and Special Line, Luxury or Frugal, Received From One Person Up. ─── 几百条国内路线,数十条境外路线和特色路线,丰俭随意,一人起定。

41、Interaction between an Inland Urban Heat Island and a Sea-Breeze Flow: A Laboratory Study. ─── 内地城市热岛和海洋微风的相互作用。

42、Expect overall management of city inland river? ─── 城市内河能好起来吗?

43、An old woman, her eyes wide, describes the great waves coming and everyone in Eya fleeing inland. ─── 一位老妇人睁大着眼睛,向我描述当时巨大的波浪袭来,村里每个人都逃往内陆。

44、But eight of the ten zippiest provinces in the second quarter lie inland. ─── 但二季度经济增长最快的省份十之有八位于内陆。

45、Inland, the prospect alters. ─── 在内地,情景就不同了。

46、No one be can be a insolated islands . Every one is part of an inland. ─── 1没有人是完全孤立的岛屿,每人都是构成大陆的一小块。

47、The economy of inland towns develops less quickly than coastal cities. ─── 内地城镇经济的发展不如沿海城市的速度快。

48、The small cherry will promote the Taiwan A GUI series animated cartoon product in inland. ─── 小樱桃将在内地推出台湾阿贵系列动漫产品

49、You must declare income from all sources to the inland revenue . ─── 你必须向国内税务局申报所有的收入来源。

50、Both were wounded during their 145-kilometer inland detour. ─── 两只鲸鱼都在游进内陆的145公里过程中受伤。

51、The land directly adjacent to and inland from a coast. ─── 位于海岸的后方的地区。

52、Confined to inland waters, as certain salmon. ─── 内陆水域的限于内陆水域的,如萨蒙河的某些地段

53、vast majority live further inland. ─── 大多数人居住在更远的内陆。

54、Situated away from a coast or border; inland. ─── 内陆的位于远离海岸或边境的;内地的

55、There's not much jungle 100 miles inland. ─── 向内地100英里处丛林较少。

56、But as China speeds up its economic reform,many inland cities are catching up quickly. ─── 不过,随着另加快速度进行经济改革,很多内地城市正在迅速赶上。

57、Better working conditions and higher wages have drained many university students away from the inland areas. ─── 优良的工作条件和优厚的待遇使许多大学生离开了内陆地区。

58、AOL China why again Where is market of evacuate China inland? ─── AOL中国为何再次撤出中国内地市场呢?

59、In Britain, the Inland Revenue collects taxes. ─── 在英国,税务局徵收各种税项。

60、Inland foraminifer fossils are considered as one of good indicators of marine facies. ─── 内陆有孔虫化石群被一些学者视为是海侵或残留海的指相化石。

61、Birmingham is an inland city. ─── 伯明翰是内陆城市。

62、At 2006 annual inland China pavement asphalt market statuses were summarizing. ─── 2006年的沥青市场状况及市场特征。

63、It lies on the Ishm River, about 32 km inland. ─── 她枕在伊秀河上,内陆地区长达32公里。

64、A boat with a flat bottom and square ends used for transporting freight on inland waterways. ─── 平底船用于在内陆河道上运送货物的平底方边船

65、This shows that inland waterway freight possess has very wide prospection. ─── 可见,内河航运具有十分广阔的发展前景。

66、Situated away from the sea; inland. ─── 内河的远离海的; 内陆的

67、Could you have the insurance covered up to an inland city? ─── 你们的保险能否覆盖内陆城市?

68、We spent a week by the coast before going inland. ─── 在去内陆前,我们在海边住了一个星期。

69、At the beach or in windy inland canyons, provide a windbreak of some sort. ─── 在海滩或在大风内陆峡谷,提供了防风某种形式.

70、The state has transferred many teachers from inland and coastal areas to remote minority regions to help expand educational undertakings there. ─── 国家还从内地向边远的少数民族地区派出大量教师,支持发展少数民族地区的教育事业。

71、We can have one coastal province help one or two inland provinces. ─── 可以由沿海一个省包内地一个省或两个省

72、Signs for the Life-Saving Appliances of Inland Wat. ─── 内河船舶救生设备标志。

73、The Commissioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes. ─── 国家税收委员管理英国全国的税收。

74、Luke: Well apparently he was swept inland on top of the wave and found himself next to a huge alligator. ─── 卢克:据说,他被抛到巨浪之上,直卷入内陆,发觉自己身旁有一条庞大的短吻鳄。

75、Inland sea, indenting eastern central Canada. ─── 伸入加拿大中东部的内陆海。

76、Channel is in inland, lakes, harbor etc. such a water aerial for the ship security navigable. ─── 航道是指在内河、湖泊、港湾等水域供船舶安全通航的的通道。

77、Inland member and accompanier, please transact passport in local government. ─── 内地会员、家属、随行人员可自行乘飞机直接赴港自行到酒店入住。

78、Inland is the Great Dividing Range and the tablelands, fertile areas of flat agricultural land that run to the west. ─── 内陆是大分水岭和高原,肥沃、平整的农田一路向西延伸。

79、Sea winds that blow inland from the west are warmed by a current of warm water that flows through the Pacific Ocean. ─── 从太平洋来的温暖的洋流使得从西吹过内陆的海风变得温暖。

80、Are there any limitations for making electronic payments on bills issued by the Inland Revenue Department? ─── 使用电子付款方法缴交税务局的帐单,有何限制?

81、For the foregoing reasons therefore Government does not intend to amend the Inland Revenue Ordinance as proposed. ─── 基于上述原因,政府不打算按建议修改税务条例。

82、The great Serra do Mar mountain range follows up much of the southeastern coast and inland north of Rio de Janeiro. ─── 伟大塞拉做电山脉跟进,许多东南沿海和内陆以北的里约热内卢。

83、The Inland Revenue Department will send you an official receipt which acknowledge receipt of your payment. ─── 另外,税务局会把正式收据寄出,以确认您的缴款。

84、As mating, and fighting, abates, males dip again and begin returning inland. ─── 交配和打斗过后,雄性螃蟹再蘸一蘸潮湿的海水,回到内陆。

85、Why do you always look for flowers from inland provinces? ─── 你怎么净挑内陆省份的呀?

86、Even so, it is unclear how much momentum the shift to inland growth really has. ─── 即便如此,我们仍不清楚这一内陆发展的转变,其后劲到底有多足。

87、Inland Steel agreed to recognize the union in July 1937, but other companies held out. ─── 1937年7月,内陆钢铁公司同意承认工会,但其它公司不让步。

88、Rwanda is an inland country in Africa. ─── 卢旺达是非洲的一个内陆国。

89、An inland vessel of any size. ─── 内河船在内河航行的任何大小的船


in 是介词 come in是动词一般英语表达里come in 后面不会加the room, 如果你要说走进房间,可以说go into the roomcome in 是走进来的意思,如果是“he comes in the room"你要怎么翻译呢?中文你也不会这样表达给几个例句参考:A girl came in with a textbook in one hand and chalk in the other.一位姑娘一只手里拿着一本书,另一只手里拿着粉笔,走了进来。Two teachers came in, one was our maths teacher, the other was your English teacher.两位老师进来了,一位是我们的数学老师,另一位是你的英语老师The doctor came in, followed by several nurses.医生进来了,身后跟着几个护士.如果加宾语,这个应该是不及物动词来的,不可以直接加宾语come into才是及物动词




1、in+名词=进入: inside内部、into进入、inter之间、、inland内陆、inDeed内幕



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