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09-03 投稿



hierarchies 发音

英:[?ha??rɑ?rkiz]  美:[?ha??rɑ?k?z]

英:  美:

hierarchies 中文意思翻译



hierarchies 常用词组

social hierarchy ─── 社会等级;社会阶层

hierarchy system ─── 体系;分级系统

inheritance hierarchy ─── 继承层次;继承体系;继承阶层架构

hierarchies 短语词组

1、alternative newsgroup hierarchies ─── [计] 自由新闻组层次结构

2、taxonomic hierarchies ─── [计] 分类体系

3、proximity hierarchies ─── 接近等级

hierarchies 词性/词形变化,hierarchies变形


hierarchies 相似词语短语

1、hierarchised ─── 层次结构

2、hierarchises ─── 层次结构

3、hierarchise ─── 等级制度

4、hexarchies ─── n.六国联盟;六盟国

5、hierarchic ─── adj.分层的;分级的

6、hierarchizes ─── vt.按等级排列;使成等级体系

7、hierarchized ─── vt.按等级排列;使成等级体系

8、heterarchies ─── n.变态分层结构

9、trierarchies ─── n.三层桨战船司令官的职务

hierarchies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These hierarchies, sometimes referred to as taxonomies, are usually built by specialists. ─── 有些时候将这些分层结构称为分类,通常由专家来构建这些分类。

2、In this task, you modify user hierarchies, modify attribute member names, and use composite keys to specify unique attribute members. ─── 在该任务中,将修改用户层次结构、修改属性成员名称、并使用组合键指定唯一的属性成员。

3、Without it we would be unable to maintain large social hierarchies and alliances or anticipate what an unseen enemy might be planning. ─── 缺少了这种能力,我们就无法维系广泛的社会等级制度和社会联盟,或者不能预测看不见的敌人可能在策划些什么。

4、Directory hierarchies overlap , so only one of them can be installed at a time . ─── 目录的层次结构交迭,所以一次只能安装其中之一。

5、They also made sure that key positions within the corporate hierarchies were occupied by people whose goals and opinions coincided with their own. ─── 他们还提出了确保关键职位的企业等级被占领的人民的目标和意见符合自己。

6、He sees a loop, which could also hint at a new organisational structure for CCTV, doing away with vertical hierarchies. ─── 他视之为一种循环,暗示着中央电视台全新的组织结构,废除了垂直的等级制度。

7、For this reason, many programmers present hierarchies (the implementation model) in user interfaces. ─── 基于这个原因,很多程序员喜欢在界面中展现层次关系(实现模型)。

8、Successful utilization of domain knowledge in this phase requires extending basic data mining algorithms to deal with relational data to concept hierarchies. ─── 在模式发现阶段领域知识的成功应用还需要数据挖掘算法来执行从关系数据到概念层次的处理。

9、Name subclasses in your hierarchies by prepending on an adjective to the superclass name. ─── 在超类名字前加上内容命名你层次中的子类。

10、She began to get a faint perception of hierarchies and powers. ─── 她开始获得一种地位和权力的稀微概念。

11、Societies have always had their hierarchies, with some group perched at the top. ─── 社会一直都有等级制度,有些群体居于顶端。

12、In the classic, more widely accepted alternative ultimately derived from Weberian sociology, hierarchies of causes are treated as historically specific. ─── 在经典的、更被广泛接受的、最终源自韦伯社会学的替代理论中,原因的等级被视为历史上特定的。

13、In modern companies and democracies, power is increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies are being undermined, making soft power ever more important. ─── 在现代企业和民主国家,权力正日益分散,传统的等级制度正被削弱,这使得软实力变得更加重要。

14、Dynamic Hierarchies in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning ─── 分层强化学习中的动态分层方法研究

15、Hierarchies are found with holdings, just like forts. ─── 发现与控股层,就像炮台。

16、However, having so many hierarchies visible for each dimension at the same level can be overwhelming to a business user. ─── 不过,对于业务用户而言,各维度在同一级别包含如此多的可见层次结构,可能会很难进行浏览。

17、If you reorganize parts of your company, such as your sales districts or customer hierarchies, you can change the assignments between characteristics for data that has already been posted. ─── 公司的一部分,比如销售区域或者客户阶层被重组的时候,可以在特性之间改变已经被记账的数据的分配。

18、How to use these tools to browse hierarchies of used and available symbols and resources. ─── 如何使用这些工具浏览已用和可用的符号和资源的层次结构。

19、After the PivotTable component is connected to the OLAP data source, it can display all the hierarchies and measures in the specified hypercube through the PivotTable Field List window. ─── 在透视表组件连接到OLAP数据源后,它可以通过透视表字段列表窗口在一个指定的超立方体中显示所有的层和尺寸。

20、A discourse community is a textual system with stated and unstated conventions, a vital history, mechanisms for wielding power, institutional hierarchies, vested interests, and so on. ─── 一个语篇共同体就是一个文本系统,这个文本系统有着这样那样成文或不成文的规约,有特定的历史,有权利运作的机制,有制度层级,有既定的权利分布,等等。

21、Use the Translations tab in Dimension Designer to define and manage translations for the dimension, as well as the hierarchies and attributes for the dimension. ─── 使用维度设计器中的“翻译”选项卡可以为维度定义和管理翻译,以及为维度定义和管理层次结构和属性。

22、Now, in the Second Book, he claimed that “with the American Union a new power factor has emerged on a scale that threatens to nullify all the previous state power relationships and hierarchies”. ─── 在某种程度上,它将使以前所建立起来的各国家间的权力关系及结构层次系统毁灭。”

23、Expose interfaces on class hierarchies. ─── 在类层次中暴露接口。

24、During one of these engagements, type hierarchies played a significant role in the solution, making us recognize that top-down development has some advantages over bottom-up development when inheritance is required. ─── 在这些约定中,类型层次在解决方案中扮演了一个非常重要的角色,它使我们认识到当需要继承时,自顶向下开发要比自底向上开发更有优越性。

25、Use organization charts to graphically represent interrelationships among people, operations, functions, and activities in organizational hierarchies. ─── 使用组织结构图,能够以图表形式表示组织的等级结构中人员之间、操作之间、职能之间以及活动之间的相互关系。

26、They organize their companies in many-layered hierarchies of order givers and order takers. ─── 公司组织结构层次多,等级森严。

27、In the following MDX query example, the Route and Time hierarchies are the query axes, and the Measures dimension is the slicer axis. ─── 在下面的MDX查询示例中,Route和Time层次结构为查询轴,Measures维度为切片器轴。

28、Again, it is unrealistic to suggest actions that run contrary to traditional ways of operating, especially in regard to the habits of hierarchies. ─── 同时,与传统做法相左的方案,特别是反对旧有的等级习惯的建议是不太容易被接受的。

29、three hierarchies of eco-tourism ─── 三个层次

30、Asian countries put much more emphasis on status differences, he said -- and American-style humor could upset those corporate hierarchies. ─── 他说,亚洲国家在地位差别上的重视程度要大很多--美国式的幽默会把公司上下级关系混乱。

31、When prisoners are frequently assigned to new cells, hierarchies have to be re-established, with an increase in fighting. ─── 如果不断有新的囚犯转来,牢房内的等级制度得靠不断打斗才能得以重建。

32、A few eccentrics try to avoid getting involved with hierarchies, but everyone in business, industry, trade-unionism, politics, government, the religion and education is involved. ─── 一些人试图躲开等级制度的影响,但是对于每个人,无论是在商界、工业界、贸易工会、政界、政府、军队、或者是教育界,都适用。

33、Don't instigate rigid hierarchies, discourage huge pay differentials, democratise decision-making and don't set impossible standards for leaders. ─── 不要遵循死板的等级制度,降低工资级差的程度,民主化地制定决策,也不要把上司设定得太过理想。

34、Exchange System Manager uses DAV for public folder management, because DAV is the only remotable protocol in Exchange Server 2003 that works with MAPI-based and general-purpose public folder hierarchies. ─── Exchange系统管理器使用DAV来管理公用文件夹,因为DAV是Exchange Server 2003中唯一使用基于MAPI的常规用途公用文件夹层次结构的远程协议。

35、Allowing or denying access to an attribute defines access to levels in the dimension hierarchies based on that attribute. ─── 允许或拒绝对属性的访问权限定义对基于该属性的维度层次结构中的各级别的访问权限。

36、The EL retrieves data from the JSP container, traverses object hierarchies, and performs simple operations on the results. ─── EL从JSP容器检索数据,遍历对象层次结构,然后对结果执行简单的操作。

37、They were able through their hierarchies to tie molecules together encoded molecules of identity, frequency, and electrical charge to create life. ─── 他们可以通过他们自己的层次将分子连接在一起编码分子的身份,频率、电荷来创造生命。

38、The privilege control of the users role hierarchies based on RBAC ─── 基于RBAC中用户角色继承的权限控制方式

39、Multiple parent-child hierarchies in a dimension ─── 一个维度中的多个父子层次结构

40、There is no superior'they' in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies to darken his holiday days. ─── 不会有以经营管理和旅馆等级制度形式出现的"他们"会扫他假日之兴。

41、However, if no attribute relationship were defined between attribute hierarchies in the same dimension, the (All) member would be returned, as illustrated in the following query. ─── 不过,如果在同一维度中没有定义属性层次结构间的任何属性关系,将返回“(全部)”成员,如以下查询所示。

42、The command hierarchies had to be set up, all this took time and effort. ─── 不确认中文怎么翻译),指挥系统需要建立(应该指指挥官的配置),这些都要花时间。

43、At the top level for attribute hierarchies that are not aggregated. ─── 位于未聚合的属性层次结构的顶级。

44、System Hierarchies of ATMS and Its Fundamental Theory ─── ATMS体系结构发展及若干关键基础理论

45、AOP provides a solution for abstracting cross-cutting code that spans object hierarchies without functional relevance to the code it spans. ─── AOP为把横切代码抽象提供了解决方案,而横切代码在没有与这些代码功能关联性的情况下跨跃了对象的层次。

46、The calligraphic innovation based on the specific goal will be realized mainly by the innovation of three hierarchies: "skills", "techniques" and "Tao". ─── 基于特定目标的书法创新主要通过书法作品层、技法层和道这三个层次的创新来实现。

47、As shown in Figure 3, the such a reporting structure can be categorized into the four following hierarchies. ─── 正如图3所示,这种报告结构可以分成下列四个层次结构。

48、The calligraphic innovation based on the specific goal will be realized mainly by the innovation of three hierarchies: "skills","techniques" and "Tao". ─── 书法传统对于当代书法创新具有重要的理论价值与实践价值.基于特定目标的书法创新主要通过书法作品层、技法层和道这三个层次的创新来实现。

49、Optionally, you can have the wizard automatically try to build multiple-level hierarchies. ─── 也可以让该向导自动尝试生成多级层次结构。

50、But huge industrial enterprises such as railroads, with their extensive managerial hierarchies, became more prevalent and more powerful in the United States than elsewhere. ─── 但像铁路那样有着广泛的管理等级体系的巨型企业在美国影响之广和实力之强,要超过任何其他地方。

51、The way that replication handles folders that have different permissions applied to them is more efficient in deep hierarchies. ─── 复制时处理应用了不同权限的文件夹的方式在深层次结构中更有效。

52、Blogging is the best chance we have had in a while to overturn old hierarchies, giving voices to the voiceless and empowering the powerless. ─── 写部落格是我们到目前以来推翻旧的阶层体系的最好机会,让没有声音的人们有机会发声,赋予没有权力者予以力量。

53、Do not use organizational hierarchies as the basis for names in namespace hierarchies, because group names within corporations tend to be short-lived. ─── 不要根据组织层次结构确定命名空间层次结构中的名称,因为公司的部门名称经过一段时间后可能会改变。

54、Review of Features and Feature Hierarchies;Feature Geometry and its Relation to Speech Production. ─── 回顾特徵系数和特徵系数阶层:特徵系数的几何性以及其和产生语音的关系。

55、Arbitrarily complex structures of activities can be formed, such as tree hierarchies. ─── 可以形成活动的任意复合结构,如树状层次。

56、Stiff hierarchies discourage informal relations and foster a sense of'them'versus'us'. ─── 僵化的等级制度妨碍了人与人之间自由轻松的交往,而滋生出“他们”与“我们”的对抗意识。

57、Of all these hierarchies, only alt has many groups that are of general interest. ─── alt级专题组是最适合大众的专题。

58、Two Hierarchies of Explicit Exact Solutions to Fisher-Type Equation ─── Fisher型方程的显式精确孤波解

59、Clear all measures and hierarchies from the Data pane and all dimensions from the Filter pane. ─── 从“数据”窗格中清除所有度量值和层次结构,并从“筛选器”窗格中清除所有维度。

60、As explained earlier, topics in a topic space can be arranged in topic hierarchies, so the topic name can be a path in a hierarchy tree. ─── 如前所述,主题空间中的主题可以采用主题层次结构的形式进行安排,以使主题名称成为层次结构树中的路径。

61、IDSs Based on Variant KDD Concept Hierarchies ─── 基于不同概念层次知识发现的入侵检测系统

62、If the sets in the cross join are composed of tuples from different attribute hierarchies in the same dimension, this function will return only those tuples that actually exist. ─── 如果交叉联接中的集由同一维度中不同属性层次结构中的元组组成,此函数将只返回实际存在的那些元组。

63、Most humans are familiar with hierarchies in their business and family relationships, but hierarchies are not natural concepts for most people when it comes to storing and retrieving arbitrary information. ─── 大多数人对业务关系和家庭关系中的层次非常熟悉,但是大多数人在存储或者检索信息时,层次关系并不是一个自然概念。

64、In this task, you learn how and when to disable or hide attribute hierarchies. ─── 在该任务中,将了解如何以及何时禁用或隐藏属性层次结构。

65、Key words and phrases: electronic commerce, information infrastructure, World Wide Web, electronic marketplaces, electronic hierarchies, supply-chain management, new intermediation. ─── 关键词:电子商务,信息基础设施,万维网,电子市场,电子阶层,供应链管理,新型仲裁服务。

66、Conceptual hierarchies play an important role in the knowledge discovery process because they specify backgroud or domain knowledge and may affect the discovery processing and the results. ─── 因为概念结构所表示的背景知识和领域知识直接影响到知识发现的过程和结果。

67、Stiff hierarchies discourage informal relations and foster a sense of "them" versus "us". ─── 僵化的等级制度妨碍了人与人之间自由轻松的交往,而滋生出"他们"与"我们"的对抗意识。

68、In the Catholic church, a believer's relationship with Jesus is mediated through hierarchies and bureaucracies, he says, whereas the evangelical churches provide direct access to Jesus. ─── 他说,在天主教堂,信徒们与上帝的联系中间是有等级层次的,要通过官僚机构来作用。然而在信福音教堂,信徒能够与上帝直接地联系起来。

69、On the other hand, both the additional management hierarchies and the increased costs of agent have weakened the accounting firms' control of auditing quality. ─── 另一方面由于管理层次的增加和代理成本的提高,从而弱化事务所对审计质量的控制。

70、But complex swarm systems with rich hierarchies take time to boot up. ─── 但层次丰富的复杂群系统要花时间才能启动。

71、Previously, hierarchies for a dimension were in fact separate dimensions, related to the main dimension only by an identifying naming convention. ─── 以前,维度的层次结构实际上是独立的各个维度,只是通过标识命名约定与主维度相关。

72、Collision Detection Methods Based on Bounding Volume Hierarchies ─── 基于层次包围盒的碰撞检测方法

73、Once you know data absreaction, class hierarchies (object-oriented programming), and parameterization with types (generic programming) in a fairly general way, the C++ language features fall in place. ─── ”就拿我来说吧,我会在编写第一行代码之前就考虑测试方案,而且这还是在我关于应当早于设计完成之前就进行编码的观点的前提之下。

74、They began to create their own hierarchy, which in turn created other hierarchies. ─── 他们开始创造他们的层级,依次创造了其它层次。

75、In very large projects, you will be confronted with complex class hierarchies with several levels of abstract classes. ─── 在每个大型项目中,您都会面临包含多级抽象类的复杂的类层次结构。

76、Analysis Services now supports multiple hierarchies in a single dimension. ─── Analysis Services现在在单个维度中支持多个层次结构。

77、Leaf members are tuples that are formed by the cross join of the lowest level of all attribute hierarchies. ─── 叶成员是由所有属性层次结构中的最低级别交叉联接构成的元组。

78、If you are new to Team Foundation Server or interested in improving team functioning, you may want to experiment with alternative work flows, classification hierarchies, build processes, policies, and more. ─── 如果不熟悉Team Foundation Server或对改进团队运作感兴趣,您可能希望试验其他工作流、分类层次结构、生成过程、策略等。

79、They are more comfortable with hierarchies, title silos and processes. ─── 他们更能适应层级、头衔差别和升迁过程。”

80、One significant enhancement is the auto build technology that intelligently analyzes and determines dimensions, hierarchies, and measure groups from the tables and relationships of the underlying data source. ─── 其中一项重要的增强功能是自动生成技术,它可以从基础数据源的表和关系中智能地分析出并确定维度、层次结构和度量值组。

81、The GROUP BY and SORT clauses in SQL allow for more structuring than the examples in this column have demonstrated, but XML node hierarchies can represent their results as well. ─── SQL中的GROUP BY和SORT子句所顾及的比本专栏示例所演示的更具有结构性,但XML节点层次结构也可以表示它们的结果。

82、Formalization of the inheritance relations based on ontology is presented and UML is extended to describe them visually.Furthermore,they are applied to decide some errors in concept hierarchies. ─── 为了严格、准确描述这些语义关联,基于本体研究了它们的形式化描述,同时扩展UML,可视化地表示它们,并在此基础上,应用它们判定知识库中的某些错误。

83、However, the hierarchy objects reside in the Folder Hierarchies container, under an administrative group in the configuration directory partition. ─── 但是,层次结构对象驻留在配置目录分区中的管理组下面的“文件夹层次结构”容器中。

84、Remove all hierarchies and measures from the Data pane, select Analysis Services Tutorial in the Perspectives list, and then verify that Analysis Services Tutorial appears in the Language list. ─── 从“数据”窗格中删除所有层次结构和度量值,并在“透视”列表中选择Analysis Services教程,然后验证“Analysis Services教程”是否出现在“语言”列表中。

85、But mapping class hierarchies to a relational database model might prove somewhat difficult. ─── 但是,把类的层次结构映射到关系数据库模型,可能会比较困难。

86、alternative newsgroup hierarchies ─── [计] 自由新闻组层次结构

87、For more complex class hierarchies, however, we can do more. ─── 但是,对于更复杂的类层次结构,我们可以做更多的事情。

88、In structured analysis, the study of shapes and forms, herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations. ─── 在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。

89、In the human management of distributed control, hierarchies of a certain type will proliferate rather than diminish. ─── 在人类的分布式控制管理体系中,某些特定类型的层级会得到加强而非减小消失。

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