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09-03 投稿



fisc 发音

英:[f?sk]  美:[f?sk]

英:  美:

fisc 中文意思翻译



fisc 相似词语短语

1、disc ─── n.圆盘,[电子]唱片(等于disk);vt.灌唱片

2、fish ─── n.鱼;鱼肉;双鱼座;接合板;(非正式)怪人;(非正式)鱼雷;v.钓鱼,捕鱼;搜寻;打听消息;打捞;用接合板修补;n.(Fish)(美、爱)菲施(人名)

3、fusc ─── 桶

4、fisk ─── n.公共财库;v.逐一驳斥或批评;n.(Fisk)(美)菲斯克(人名)

5、Visc ─── abbr.科学计算可视化(VisualizationinScientificComputing)

6、Wisc ─── abbr.韦氏儿童智力量表(Wechslerintelligencescaleforchildren);可写指令系统计算机(writableinstructionsetcomputer)

7、fasc ─── abbr.中国汽车运动联合会(FederationAutomobileSportsofThePeople'sRepublicofChina);金融资产服务公司(FinancialAssetServiceCompany)

8、fist ─── n.拳,拳头;〈口〉笔迹;掌握;[印]指标参见号;vt.紧握;握成拳;用拳打

9、fiscs ─── n.古罗马国库;罗马皇帝手头的现款

fisc 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On FISC CDM in the Multimedia Reading Room ─── 在多媒体阅览室中的应用

2、glycyrrhiza uralensis fisc ─── 甘草

3、Some FISC judges said they were saddened by the news of Robertson's resignation and wanted to hear more about the president's program, the report said. ─── 罗伯逊曾于1994年被当时的美国总统克林顿任命为联邦法官。

4、The third lesson is that the large scale bail-out packages will have implications for the regulatory architecture of the financial system and for the fisc of countries. ─── 第三点教训是大规模的救市方案将对金融系统的管理架构和国家财政产生深远影响。

5、Robertson was one of the 11 members of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). ─── 据报道,罗伯逊是秘密的“外国情报监视法庭”的11名成员之一。

6、The central treasury, which represented the fisc of the early Empire, was presided over by the Count of the Sacred Largess. ─── 中央财富取代了早期帝国的公共财富,储存在圣库之中。

7、By our experiments,we discovered that Astraglus membranaceus(Fisc h)Bge has the fuction of anti-fatigued and it also restrain the activity of inte stines s smooth-level muscle. ─── 本文通过实验表明黄芪还具有良好的抗疲劳作用,并且对小肠平滑肌的活动有显著的抑制作用。

8、Fantastic grow the evening gowns Agents of the Fisc pursue Absconding tax-defaulters through The sewers of provincial towns . ─── 幻觉遍布夜礼服;国库代理人穿过偏僻小镇的下水道追赶着潜逃的抗税者。

9、Fantastic grow the evening gowns; Agents of the Fisc pursue Absconding tax-defaulters through The sewers of provincial towns. ─── 侦探紧裹晚礼服,满身滑稽两袖流;因抓潜逃偷税犯,钻遍城郭污水沟。

10、Internship experience in controlling of a FISC company or other international companies is preferred. ─── 具备在金融类服务机构或跨国公司财务控制部门的实习经验者优先。

11、Robertson was one of the 11 members of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). ─── 据报道,罗伯逊是秘密的“外国情报监视法庭”的11名成员之一。

12、This second article on the new sub-committees under the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee examines the tasks facing the Financial Infrastructure Sub-Committee, or FISC. ─── 本文接续上周有关外汇基金谘询委员会辖下委员会架构的课题,并探讨金融基建委员会的工作。

13、Weihai Fisc International Consulting Inc. ─── 威海费斯克国际经济技术合作有限公司。

14、robertson , appointed to the federal bench in 1994 , was later selected to serve on the fisc court. ─── 罗伯逊曾于1994年被当时的美国总统克林顿任命为联邦法官。

15、software is designed to satisfy the demand of the Taxation, Fisc and Bank Transverse Online System (TFBTOS) which is aimed to realize the data-exchange between Taxation bureau and Banks. ─── 为满足税库行横向联网系统要求的用于税务与国库进行数据交换使用的、依托现代计算机网络及数据库技术的数据接口软件的设计与开发。

16、On FISC CDM in the Multimedia Reading Room ─── 在多媒体阅览室中的应用

17、Robertson, appointed to the federal bench in 1994, was later selected to serve on the FISC court. ─── 后来他还被当时的首席法官伦奎斯特选入“外国情报监视法庭”工作。

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