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09-03 投稿



snapper 发音

英:[?sn?p?r]  美:[?sn?p?(r)]

英:  美:

snapper 中文意思翻译




snapper 网络释义

n. 鲷鱼;揿钮;咬人的狗;暴燥的人n. (Snapper)人名;(英)斯纳珀

snapper 词性/词形变化,snapper变形


snapper 常用词组

red snapper ─── 红鲷鱼

snapper 短语词组

1、mutton snapper ─── [医]高鳍笛鲷

2、red snapper fish ─── 红鲷鱼

3、red snapper japan ─── 日本红鲷

4、red snapper sashimi ─── 红鲷鱼刺身

5、snapper-up n. ─── 争夺者

6、snapper-back n. 【 ─── 美式橄榄球】(扭抱争球中向后传球的)中锋

7、hogfish snapper ─── 黑鲷

8、red snapper fillet ─── 红鲷鱼片

9、grey snapper ─── [网络] 银纹笛鲷;灰笛鲷

10、Brazilian Snapper ─── 巴西鲷鱼

11、yellowtail snapper ─── [网络] 黄尾笛鲷;黄尾真鲷

12、red snapper ─── 红立

13、Malabar red snapper ─── 马拉巴红鲷鱼

14、hog snapper ─── [网络] 猪鲷鱼

15、whipper-snapper n. ─── 厚颜无耻的或妄自尊大的年轻人

16、alligator snapper ─── 鳞头大鳄鱼

17、hump backed red snapper ─── 驼峰背红鲷

18、mangrove snapper un. ─── 灰笛鲷 [网络] 红鱼由;红鲔;红友鱼

19、gray snapper ─── [网络] 红稠鱼

snapper 相似词语短语

1、sapper ─── n.工兵;坑道工兵;挖掘器;n.(Sapper)人名;(英)萨珀;(德)扎佩尔

2、slapper ─── n.飞片;粘舌

3、snappers ─── n.啪啪响者;拍快照者(snapper的复数形式)

4、snapped ─── v.断裂;(使啪地)打开;厉声说;咬;拍照;突然失去自制力;用字母扣扣(衣服);(美橄榄球)快速后传(球)(snap的过去式和过去分词)

5、snipper ─── n.狙击手;切段机

6、swapper ─── n.以物易物者;交易者

7、napper ─── n.打盹的人;拉毛工人;n.(Napper)人名;(德、英)纳珀

8、snappier ─── adj.厉声说话的;生气勃勃的;时髦的;爽快的(snappy的变形)

9、knapper ─── n.破碎器;碎石槌;捣碎石头的人;打碎的物体

snapper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then I'll have the red snapper. ─── 这样的话,我就点真鲷。

2、Sweet& Sour Red Snapper Fillet ─── 酸甜红哥里鱼片

3、frozen snapper ─── 冻笛鲷鱼

4、black-striped snapper ─── 画眉笛鲷

5、The energy budget of Black snapper (Sabastodes fuscescens) was d etermined by continuous-flow simulating method in laboratory under different fe eding level and food species conditions. ─── 以玉筋鱼和鹰爪糙对虾为生物饵料,采用室内流水模拟实验法研究了摄食水平和饵料种类对黑癈能量收支各组分和能量收支模式的影响。

6、The creative snapper uses an old Soviet fisheye lens from Belarus to give these images a unique perspective. ─── 这张照片利用的是老的苏联鱼眼镜头,来自白俄罗斯,给这些图像以独特视角。

7、A long, tapering, braided rawhide or leather whip with a snapper on the end. ─── 长皮鞭一种长形、细头编制而成的生牛皮或革制鞭,鞭尾有一摁扣

8、With the Mediterranean Sea so close, fish is a favorite main course. There is haddock, lobster, crab, eel, snapper, mullets, shrimp, and even squid. ─── 由于离地中海很近,鱼是希腊人很喜欢的主菜,有鳕鱼、龙虾、螃蟹、鳗鱼、笛鲷、鲱鲤、虾和鱿鱼。

9、Due to high levels of mercurio, the FDA/EPA is advising women not to eat tuna steaks, orange roughy, grouper, tilefish (golden snapper and golden bass), etc. ─── 由于其中含有高度的水银,食品药物管理局/环保署劝告女性不要吃金枪鱼排,新西兰红鱼,石斑鱼,瓦鱼(金鲷鱼或金鲈鱼)等等。

10、Locals still make a living off Bahamian lobster, snapper, and conch; ─── 岛上的居民靠捕捉巴哈马龙虾,笛鲷鱼,以及海螺为生;

11、A Perfect Red Snapper Dish ─── 完美的红鲷鱼料理

12、gray snapper ─── 紫红笛鲷

13、He redid the computer system for his student paper, loved to cook and was writing his own cookbook.One of his specialties was snapper poached in tea and served with noodle cake. ─── 他为自己的学生论文而重新编写了计算机系统,热爱烹饪,正在写一本自己的食谱。

14、(4)Viewing Fish at Flower Pond : Snapper's scenic spot of the pool in the middle part ; ─── (9)宝石流霞:宝石山与宝叔塔;(10)西泠印社:围绕泉池的布局;(11)杭州花圃:时花广场。


16、Long snapper is a specialized center who snaps the ball directly to the holder. The long snapper is often a backup tight end. ─── 长传手是负责把球启给置球员的特殊中锋,通常由替补边锋担任。

17、I sat with my eyes shut and concentrated on the kitchen scents of garlic and grilled snapper. ─── 我闭上双眼坐着,注意力集中在厨房里大蒜和烧烤小食的香味上。

18、Malabar red snapper ─── n. 马拉巴笛鲷

19、ruby snapper ─── n. 红钻笛鲷

20、Red striped snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus) , the skin of this fish is bright red and with tasty flesh, and its value in the market is usually high. ─── 摘要:赤鳍笛鲷体色鲜红,肉质细致甜美及市场价值高。

21、Our main exporting products:pollock fillets,yellow fin sole fillets,cod fillets,red snapper fillets,salmon fillets ,scallop,etc. ─── 主要出口产品有:鳕鱼片、鲽鱼片、真鳕片、红鱼片、马哈鱼片、扇贝丁等其它类产品。

22、white spotted red snapper ─── n. 白斑笛鲷

23、Very often, of course, the rambling and disjointed humorous story finishes with a nub, point, snapper, or whatever you like to call it. ─── 当然,游离而松散的幽默故事结尾常常会有一个笑点、寓意、包袱,或者你叫它什么都行。

24、With prices starting at & 100 and going up to several thousand, just how do you pick the right snapper for your needs? ─── 面对价格从100到几千英镑不等的数码相机,如何从中选择最适合自己的?

25、crimson snapper Lutjanus erythopterus ─── 红鳍笛鲷

26、Glasseye snapper ─── 斑鳍大眼鲷

27、55 After SOT For a while, one corner of Germany has been turned into Little Tunis, and this red snapper has it all on film. ─── 一时间,德国的一角已经成为小突尼斯,狂热的球迷马诺比已经把这些全拍了下来。

28、white blotched snapper ─── 石蚌

29、Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish (also called white snapper), because they contain high levels of mercury. ─── 不要吃鲨鱼、旗鱼、青花鱼或方头鱼(也称白鲑鱼),因为它们含有大量的水银。

30、The creative snapper uses an old Soviet fisheye lens from Belarus to give these images a unique perspective. ─── 这张照片利用的是老的苏联鱼眼镜头,来自白俄罗斯,给这些图像以独特视角。

31、Hake, Croaker, Scarp, Sabalo, Red Snapper, Within, Skate Wings, Sole Scrap ─── 采购产品无须鳕,黄花鱼,陡坎,虱目鱼,红笛鲷,,滑冰翅膀,专用废料

32、In the bad old days, foot-in-the-door journalists used to steal framed family photographs off the mantel, but nowadays a second with a digital camera is all a good snapper needs. ─── 过往艰困的岁月里,得寸进尺的记者常窃取摆在壁炉架上镶了框的家庭照,而如今一个好的摄影师只需用数位相机拍下那一瞬间。

33、Lane snapper ─── 暗色笛鲷

34、A long,tapering,braided rawhide or leather whip with a snapper on the end. ─── 长皮鞭一种长形、细头编制而成的生牛皮或革制鞭,鞭尾有一摁扣。

35、golden-banded snapper ─── n. 菊条笛鲷

36、gold-flame snapper ─── n. 金焰笛鲷

37、emperor snapper L.sebae ─── 千年笛鲷

38、John's snapper (Lutianus johni) ─── 约氏笛鲷

39、WHIPPER SNAPPER - Words can hurt sometimes, especially when the words are coming from an old man. ─── 女仆莉亚-即使是凯恩也喜欢在女士面前炫耀。

40、I give you one free Sabah Red Snapper lah!! ─── 我给你一只免费的沙巴红曹啦!!

41、Stewed Head of Red Snapper ─── 煮加吉鱼头

42、There I discovered red snapper, and placed my hand on ice for the first time and was shaken to discover that it was cold. ─── 在那里,我发现有红色的笛鲷,也是在那里,我第一次把手放在冰上,并且很震惊地发现那是凉的。

43、Mutton snapper ─── 高鳍笛鲷

44、phiz snapper ─── [美俚]照相师

45、Bycatch often includes the catch of juveniles of important commercial fish species (cod, rockfish, red snapper, croaker, king mackerel, Spanish mackerel and weakfish) as well as sea turtles. ─── 当生物资源被浪费,濒危和稀有物种受到威胁,已经被严重开发的鱼类资源进一步受到影响时,兼捕物可以成为一个严重的问题。

46、similar to and often marketed as "red snapper". ─── 与红笛鲷相似并经常被当作红笛鲷来卖。

47、It must be a snapper. ─── 那肯定是只甲鱼。

48、As it swims with its huge 4-foot-wide mouth open, prey like these dog snapper eggs gets trapped in a sieve or rakers. . . ─── 在它游动的同时,它四英尺宽的大嘴会完全张开,像九带笛鲷卵这样的猎物会被滤筛或滤耙拦住…

49、Rough and ready, an alligator snapper feeds in the wild, as here in an aquarium, by wiggling a pink appendage in its mouth to lure fish. ─── 一只准备就绪的野蛮鳄鱼正在它的嘴里摇动一个粉红的东西来诱捕鱼儿。

50、Hundreds of snapper" perished in New Zealand. ─── 数以百计的鱼”在新西兰遇难。

51、As park employees attempted to move Witherspoon and her kids to a safer area, the snapper allegedly assaulted two park employees, prompting security to call the police. ─── 于是迪士尼乐园的两名职员为瑞丝薇斯朋护驾,在护送他们前往一个较安全的地方期间,却遭到该名摄影师的袭击,为了安全起见,他们于是报警求助。

52、Techniques of Artificial Propagation of John's Snapper and Seed Rearing in Earth Pond ─── 约氏笛鲷人工繁殖及土池鱼苗培育技术

53、Caption :The creative snapper uses an old Soviet fisheye lens from Belarus to give these images a unique perspective. ─── 描述:这张照片利用的是老的苏联鱼眼镜头,来自白俄罗斯,给这些图像以独特视角。

54、We want to buy Hake, Croaker, Scarp, Sabalo, Red Snapper, Within, Skate Wings, Sole Scrap ─── 我们要采购无须鳕,黄花鱼,陡坎,虱目鱼,红笛鲷,,滑冰翅膀,专用废料

55、Ben: That's not the garbage. That is Carol's snapper. ─── 本:那不是垃圾,是卡罗尔烧的红头鱼。

56、Effects of Starvation and Refeeding on Biochemical Composition of Crimson Snapper Lutjanus erythopterus ─── 饥饿和恢复投喂对红鳍笛鲷生化组成的影响

57、"Rough and ready, an alligator snapper feeds in the wild, as here in an aquarium, by wiggling a pink appendage in its mouth to lure fish." ─── 一只准备就绪的野蛮鳄鱼正在它的嘴里摇动一个粉红的东西来诱捕鱼儿。

58、snapper sea bream ─── 真鲷

59、I remember Snapper on the BBC Micro which was great and very, very similar to the original. ─── 我还记得微型BBC游戏里的斯内普玩具棒极了,而且与原型非常、非常像。

60、Deep-fried snapper ─── 干炸多春鱼

61、snapper grab sampler ─── 表层采样器

62、An olive-green snapper (Lutjanus analis) of warm western Atlantic waters, valued as a source of food and as a game fish. ─── 高鳍笛鲷:一种产于大西洋西部温暖海域橄绿色的笛鲷科鱼(高鳍笛鲷笛鲷属),作为食物来源和猎用鱼

63、madras snapper ─── n. 黄笛鲷

64、Is the red snapper too spicy? ─── 真鲷会不会太辣?

65、red sea lined snapper ─── 线纹笛鲷

66、hump backed red snapper ─── n. 驼背笛鲷

67、The unnamed paparazzo doesn't seem to care about his job, let alone Jarman, saying "I'm only a snapper. " ─── 无名的狗仔自己满不在乎,更不用说贾曼,只说:“我只是快照之徒。”

68、Carol: Oh, no, my snapper scraggy. It's supposed to shrink a little when you cook it. ─── 卡罗尔:不,我的红头鱼。毫无疑问,烧过以后是是会缩小的。

69、alligator snapper ─── 大鳄龟(Macrochelys temminckii,产于美国东南部和密西西比河流域,体重可达200磅)

70、mangrove snapper ─── n. 灰笛鲷

71、These fish include red snapper, Atlantic salmon, bluefin tuna, and king crab. ─── 这些鱼类包括红鲷鱼、大西洋鲑鱼、金枪鱼和帝王蟹。

72、Long snapper is a specialized center who snaps the ball directly to the holder. The long snapper is often a backup tight end. ─── 长传手是负责把球启给置球员的特殊中锋,通常由替补边锋担任。

73、Add the red mullet, trout, snapper, seabass and squids and fry. ─── 加入红头、鲑鱼、加吉鱼、鲈鱼和鱿鱼轻微煸炒。

74、PREVENTION AND CURE OF WHITE SPOT DISEASE IN RED SNAPPER, Lutjanus argentimaculatus ─── 紫红笛鲷白点病的防治试验

75、S. waters, while the smaller, more aggressive common snapper prowls lakes and streams from South America to Canada. ─── 但是个体小一些且胆大的鳄龟会顺着湖泊和河流从南美一直游到加拿大。

76、72. highly esteemed reddish lean flesh of snapper from Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico. ─── 大西洋海岸和墨西哥海湾出产的极其珍贵的略带红色的瘦肉型笛鲷科鱼。

77、If reefs were to disappear, commonly consumed species of grouper and snapper could become just memories. ─── 如果珊瑚礁消失,石斑鱼及红鲷鱼等常见消费鱼类可能会成为记忆。

78、Meanwhile, place snapper fillets on a rimmed baking sheet. ─── 同时,将红鲷鱼肉放在一个有边的烤盘中。

79、red snapper ─── ph. [鱼]红鲷

80、while water is expelled right back out through the gills. The dog snapper eggs aren't the only caviar these big mouths love to eat. ─── 同时水通过鳃排出。九带笛鲷卵不是这些大嘴唯一喜欢吃的鱼子酱。

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