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09-12 投稿


colonelship 发音


英:  美:

colonelship 中文意思翻译



colonelship 相似词语短语

1、colonels ─── n.陆军上校;n.(Colonel)人名;(法、罗)科洛内尔

2、corporalship ─── 下士

3、colonelcy ─── n.陆军上校的身份或地位

4、colonel ─── n.陆军上校;n.(Colonel)人名;(法、罗)科洛内尔

5、colones ─── n.结肠;冒号(用于引语、说明、例证等之前);科郎(哥斯达黎加货币单位)(colon的变形)

6、consulship ─── n.领事的任期;领事的职位

7、colonelcies ─── n.陆军上校的身份或地位

8、colonelships ─── n.上校的身份或地位

9、colonelling ─── 结肠

colonelship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eva: The colonel found out you escaped. ─── 上校发现你逃跑了。

2、COLONEL: And a responsibility I cannot assumeby myself. ─── 上校:这种责任恐怕不在我的权力范围之内。

3、Colonel Jessup, did you order the Code Red? ─── |杰赛普上校 是你下的“红色条规”令吗?

4、I spit on your soldiers, colonel. ─── 上校,我看不起你的士兵。

5、The colonel ordered the troops to turn about. ─── 上校命令部队向后转.

6、A neighbor, the stern Colonel Pyncheon, laid claim to the land. ─── 他的一个邻居,冷酷的上校品恩钦想要那块土地。

7、And at present Colonel Markinson is dead.Is that right? ─── |现在马金森中校已经死了,是这样吗?

8、We were all caught flat-footed when the colonel made a surprise inspection. ─── 上校突然来视察,我们被当场抓住。

9、The colonel ordered their soldiers to gather on the deck. ─── 上校命令士兵们在甲板上集合。

10、The colonel paraded his troops . ─── 上校检阅他的部队。

11、"I don't want to take up much of your time, Colonel," Thomas said. ─── “我不愿意占您太多时间,上校,”托马斯说。

12、You know Colonel White, and this is Major Lapham. ─── |怀特上校你认识吧?

13、What could the Colonel have to say to him in these fading moments? ─── 上校究竟有什么事要在弥留之际对他讲呢?

14、Colonel: Alfred, she's to your brother's wife. ─── 上校:阿尔弗雷德,她将作你的弟媳了。

15、The colonel reduced the sergeant to private. ─── 上校把中士降为一个二等兵。

16、Colonel Forster is a sensible man. ─── 佛斯特上校是个聪明人。

17、Colonel: Of course,puppies. ─── 上校:当然,是小狗。

18、Do not address me as " Colonel " ; I am only a major . ─── 不要称呼我为“上校”,我只不过是少校。

19、Colonel: By Jove,strange, strange indeed. ─── 上校:哎哟,奇怪,真是怪事。

20、But Colonel Janjua is adamant.He says Buner is safe. ─── 上校尤亚坚持说,布纳是安全的。

21、His father had been a colonel in the Australian Army. ─── 他父亲曾是澳大利亚军队里的一名上校。

22、Colonel Slade: Explain them to me. Louder, please. ─── 上校史雷德:说来听听,请你大声点。

23、The colonel ranks at this camp. ─── 上校是这个营地的最高级军官。

24、Ada - A WAC colonel built like an amazon. ─── 一位陆军上校。

25、The colonel rebelled in protest over his transfer, saying it amounted to exile. ─── 上校抗命,反对调动,说调动无异于放逐。

26、A colonel is inferior to a general. ─── 上校的军衔比将军低。

27、Colonel: How's this? Let's see you outrun me now! ─── 上校:这个如何?让我们看看你如何跑得过我!

28、Colonel: By Jove. It can't be the Pongles. ─── 上校:天啊,不会是庞哥夫妇吧。

29、Middle-level cadres and cadres colonel reasonable ratio. ─── 中层干部与校级干部配比合理。

30、Colonel: Oh, you are Pingle! Oh, no, Pongle. ─── 上校:哦,你是宾哥!哦,不是,宠哥。

31、He calls himself a colonel . ─── 他自称为上校。

32、Colonel Harrell, ETA to base, Struecker's column. ─── |车队几时会回到基地?

33、SERGENT: Colonel, sir, Colonel, here comes a car. ─── 上校,上校,有辆车来了。

34、He relayed the colonel's orders to the troops. ─── 他向部队传达上校的命令。

35、It occurred to him to tell the colonel of the problem. ─── 他想起要告诉上校那个问题。

36、He asked the Colonel to put his name on the list for an army post. ─── 他要求上校将他的名字列在军队的名单中。

37、In 1759 she married George Washington,then a colonel in the colonial service. ─── 1759年,她嫁给了当时在殖民地服役的上校乔治.华盛顿。

38、The colonel has a short fuse. ─── 上校是个火爆性子。

39、He rose from the ranks to become a colonel. ─── 他晋升为上校。

40、The colonel's calmness maddened Pluskat. ─── 上校的镇静激怒了普拉斯凯特。

41、The colonel paraded his troops. ─── 上校检阅自己的部队。

42、A colonel comes after a general . ─── 上校的地位低于将军的地位。

43、The Colonel could hardly contain himself for laughing. ─── 上校好不容易才忍住了笑。

44、He was given the rank of colonel. ─── 他被赐予上校军衔。

45、At 30, he had already advanced to colonel. ─── 30岁那年,他已升为上校。

46、The colonel, left alone with his lover, made haste to take the word. ─── 上校和他的情人单独在一起了,就赶紧说起话来。

47、And did you give an order to Colonel Markinson as well? ─── |你是不是也给马金森中校下过命令?

48、The colonel's eyes dropped with tiredness. ─── 上校的眼睛累得张不开了。

49、Colonel: One long howl, two short, one yelp of wolf. ─── 上校:一个长音,两个短音,一声狼的呜咽。

50、The Colonel's widow stayed here. ─── 上校寡妇每次都在这儿下榻。

51、Colonel:So that was what had stained the handkerchief. ─── 上校:那这就是沾在手帕上的东西,

53、Why would we want to do that?To subpoena Colonel Jessup. ─── |我们这样做是为什么?

54、The colonel paraded his soldiers. ─── 上校集合士兵列队接受检阅。

55、He gained the rank of Colonel. ─── 他获得了上校的职位。

56、Colonel:"Raiden, meet the mission analyst. ─── " (Raiden,认识一下这次任务的专家,她负责数据的存储工作。)

57、First Sergeant, overlays are ready.Have you seen Colonel Mucci? ─── |士官长,我们准备好了,看到穆希中校吗?

58、The colonel and Crossjay lounged over the garden. ─── 上校与克罗斯杰迈着懒洋洋的步子走过院子。

59、A colonel is three steps above a captain. ─── 上校比上尉的级别高三级。

60、"He's dead," Colonel MacFarland said. ─── “他死了,”西恩上校说。

61、He was promoted to the rank of colonel. ─── 他被提拔成了上校。

62、Ocelot: Colonel, did he talk? ─── 上校,他交代了吗?

63、The colonel had a firm handclasp and brilliant smile for everyone. ─── 上校和每个人都坚定地握了握手,并对每个人都灿烂地笑了笑。

64、The colonel commands a regiment. ─── 上校指挥一个团。

65、Colonel, did your party reach Wexford? ─── |上校 你们到达诺克斯福德了吗?

66、Don't address me as, 'Colonel'; I'm only a major. ─── 不要称呼我为‘上校’,我只不过是少校。

67、The colonel advanced him from lieutenant to captain. ─── 上校把他从中尉提升为上尉。

68、The colonel ordered the soldiers to limber up. ─── 上校命令士兵们把火炮系在前车上。

69、Colonel, I've got something you should know about. -Yes? ─── 上校,我有些事情必须让你知道.-什么事?

70、The colonel was a middle-aged man, grey and hard and tired-looking. ─── 上校是个中年人,脸色阴郁而严峻,神情很疲乏。

71、He was promoted to the rank of colonel [to be a colonel]. ─── 他被提升为上校。

72、"She's the finest lady I ever met in my life," bounced out the Colonel. ─── “她是我生平所碰见的最了不起的大家闺秀,”上校不假思索地说。

73、The colonel said that Mr. Clark could be his aide-de camp. ─── 上校说克拉克先生可以做他的副官。

74、The colonel gestured for me to follow him. ─── 上校做手势叫我跟出去。

75、A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general. ─── 上校级别低于准将。

76、Don't strike the match to light the colonel's cigarette on your shoe. ─── 不要在你的靴跟上擦亮火柴去点上校的香烟。

77、 双语使用场景

78、The colonel looked at the soldier with disapproval. ─── 上校以非难的目光看着那个士兵。

79、Has he any right to use the style of Colonel? ─── 他有资格使用上校头衔吗?

80、It takes a lot of nerve to miss a colonel's dinner. ─── 不去赴上校的宴会需要很大的胆量。

81、The Colonel is in his full uniform. ─── 上校穿戴着整齐的制服。

82、The colonel paraded his men before the Queen. ─── 上校指挥士兵列队行进,接受女王的检阅。

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