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09-09 投稿


commiseration 发音

英:[k??m?z??re??n]  美:[k??m?z??re??n]

英:  美:

commiseration 中文意思翻译



commiseration 网络释义

n. 怜悯,同情

commiseration 短语词组

1、commiseration letter ─── 慰问信

2、commiseration defined ─── 同情定义

3、commiseration means ─── 同情意味着

4、commiseration notes ─── 同情笔记

5、commiseration define ─── 同情

6、commiseration is ─── 同情是必要的

7、commiseration syn ─── 同情综合征

8、commiseration definition ─── 同情定义

commiseration 词性/词形变化,commiseration变形


commiseration 相似词语短语

1、commiserative ─── adj.同情的;可怜的

2、commination ─── n.威吓;诅咒

3、immiseration ─── n.贫困化,贫穷化

4、commensuration ─── n.通约;同量;同大

5、commemoration ─── n.纪念;庆典;纪念会

6、commiserations ─── n.怜悯,同情

7、commiserate ─── vt.同情,怜悯;vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

8、commiserator ─── 同情者

9、commiserating ─── vt.同情,怜悯;vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

commiseration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、her feelings of commiseration for the living: women's commiseration and culture commiseration. ─── 同时萧红具有悲悯情怀,包括女性的悲悯和文化自然的悲悯。

2、There are exclamations of congrat-ulation and commiseration as the women learn friends' assignments. ─── 当这些女人知道朋友的飞行路线时,总会发出道贺和同情的呼声。

3、To have commiseration on the orphan and the widow ─── 矜怜孤寡

4、Number of Persons Receiving Periodical Commiseration ─── 享受定期抚恤人数

5、But I produced tears amounting to more than what I have done for the last 7 episodes, this is voluntary tears, out of sheer sympathism, indignation, commiseration and above all, identifiability. ─── 今天又流泪了,比前7集流的泪还要多。这完全是发自内心的泪水,因为感慨,气愤,同情而流泪,当然最重要是,我在其中找到了自我。

6、With much commiseration she taken out of court. ─── 大家都觉得她十分可怜,便把她带到法庭外边去。

7、but his cheerfulness was not infectious as in old days, but, on the contrary, aroused the commiseration of those who knew and liked him. ─── 但是他的快乐已不像以前那样感染人,反而使熟悉他和喜爱他的人觉得他可怜。

8、Those eyes, swimming with happy tears, gazed at him with timid commiseration and joyful love. ─── 这双充满着幸福泪水的眼睛,羞怯地同情地、高兴而又含情地注视着他。

9、"How came you to think of him? " said the dwarf in a tone of great commiseration. ─── “你怎么会想到他的?”矮子说,带着绝大怜悯的声调。

10、As we have seen, the virtue of human-heartedness, according to the Confucianists, is nothing but the development of this feeling of commiseration; ─── 我们已经知道,照儒家所说,仁,只不过是恻隐之心的发展;

11、the bosom of the commiseration ─── 悲悯之怀

12、I offered him my commiseration. ─── 我对他表示同情。

13、He tried to avoid his old acquaintances, with their commiseration and their mortifying offers of assistance; ─── 他竭力避开过去的熟人,避开他们的同情和令人屈辱的帮助。

14、but his cheerfulness was not infectious as in old days, but, on the contrary, aroused the commiseration of those who knew and liked him. ─── 但是他的快乐已不像以前那样感染人,反而使熟悉他和喜爱他的人觉得他可怜。

15、Lonely Soul, Feelings of Commiseration--Another Talk About Xiao Hong ─── 孤独的灵魂悲悯的情怀--也谈萧红

16、Go to any post-game functions, for either celebration or commiseration. ─── 任何赛后的工作都应该做到,无论是为了庆祝或者同情。

17、I offered him my commiseration. ─── 我对他表示同情。

18、you tell me this magistrate expressed great sympathy and commiseration for you? ─── 你还告诉我这位法官对你深表同情,大发恻隐之心?

19、What you seek in your book about is revenge. Your letter is full of sham commiseration and real zest for vengeance. ─── 你书中所寻求的是报复。你信中所表现的同情是虚假的,报复的激情却是道道地地。

20、A superman by the name of Gun, in commiseration with the sufferings of the people, tried to contain the flood. ─── 凉风习习,柳枝飘舞,东楚河紧贴着县城边沿静静地流淌。

21、There is a heart of commiseration, we sacrifice pain and sufferings and grief with the tears; ─── 有一颗怜悯的心,我们用泪水去祭奠痛苦和哀伤;

22、Her beautiful eyes had regained all their luminous peace, and were gazing with tender love and commiseration at the pretty little face of Mademoiselle Bourienne. ─── 公爵小姐那对美丽的眼睛炯炯发光,像从前一样十分恬静,含有温存的爱抚和惋惜之情,注视着布里安小姐那美丽的小脸蛋。

23、"How came you to think of him?" said the dwarf in a tone of great commiseration ─── “你怎么会想到他的?”矮子说,带着绝大怜悯的声调。

24、It was easier to endure his insolence than his commiseration ─── 他的怜悯比污辱更难于接受。

25、Commiseration has, and should have, its curiosity.This aperture formed a sort of peep-hole. ─── 马吕斯想道:“何妨去看看这人家,看看他们的情况究竟是怎样的。”

26、the big , kindly , and shrewd eyes of tush in were fixed upon him with sympathy and commiseration. ─── 图申那一对仁慈而聪明的大眼睛怜悯地凝视着他。

27、those eyes , swimming with happy tears , gazed at him with timid commiseration and joyful love. ─── 这双充满着幸福泪水的眼睛,羞怯地同情地高兴而又含情地注视着他。

28、Miss Tox elevated her eyebrows, and was again full of commiseration. ─── 小姐扬起眉毛,再次充满了怜悯。

29、On an In-depth Paradox of Mencius'Theory of Commiseration ─── 论孟子恻隐说的深度悖论

30、the heart of commiseration ─── 恻隐之心

31、Whether from commiseration for a woman of so miserable a destiny; or from the morbid curiosity that gives a fictitious value even to common or worthless things; ─── 或许是出于对这位如此命苦的女人的怜悯;或许是出于对平淡无奇的事情也要故弄玄虚的少见多怪;

32、If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of charity, if any society of the spirit, if any bowels of commiseration: ─── 所以,如果你们在基督内获得了鼓励,爱的劝勉,圣神的交往,哀怜和同情,

33、All of those whom we visited, whether those in official positions or representatives of private groups, expressed understanding and commiseration regarding our inability to join the WHO. ─── 拜会的对象无论具官方身份或民间团体代表,均对于我无法加入世界卫生组织一事表示了解与同情。

34、"You got home all right, " he said, gloomily, of a sudden, his tone modifying itself to one of self-commiseration. ─── “你昨晚回家还好吧,”他闷闷不乐地说,他的语气突然变得自叹自怜了。

35、The big, kindly, and shrewd eyes of Tushin were fixed upon him with sympathy and commiseration. ─── 图申那一对仁慈而聪明的大眼睛怜悯地凝视着他。

36、Dear Father in Heaven I am here to beg your commiseration may him be detested and expelled. Amen. ─── 亲爱的主啊,我在这里情趣您的怜悯,请让他被憎衡,被驱逐。阿们。

37、Sincere friendship of the commiseration requirement of my non - essential hypocrisy. ─── 我不需要虚伪的怜悯需要真诚的友情。

38、3.Whether from commiseration for a woman of so miserable a destiny; ─── 或许是出于对这位如此命苦的女人的怜悯;

39、The chemisette tears usually can win sympathize with and commiseration; ─── 女人的眼泪往往可以博得同情和怜悯;

40、The aboriginal inhabitants of these countries I have regarded with the commiseration their history inspires. ─── 对于众多地区的土著居民,我抱有由他们的历史所激起的同情怜悯之心。

41、Sincere friendship of the commiseration requirement of my non - essential hypocrisy. ─── 我不需要虚伪的怜悯需要真诚的友情。

42、1.All of those whom we visited, whether those in official positions or representatives of private groups, expressed understanding and commiseration regarding our inability to join the WHO. ─── 拜会的对象无论具官方身份或民间团体代表,均对于我无法加入世界卫生组织一事表示瞭解与同情。

43、While exulting in his own freedom, he wanted to help lessen others' grief.He therefore wrote a long letter of commiseration to his would-be father-in-law. ─── 自己既享自由之乐,愿意旁人减去悲哀,于是向未过门丈人处真去了一封慰唁的长信。

44、"They not unfrequently wonder why, from being born blind, they should be held to be objects of commiseration" (Benjamin C. Brodie). ─── “他们经常想问,为什么他们生来就是瞎子,就该成为被人可怜的对象” (本杰明·C·布罗得)。

45、Number of Persons Receiving Disability Commiseration ─── 革命伤残人员抚恤人数

46、Besides the detailed examination of its particular origin and condemnation of corruption, it showed commiseration for people. ─── 一方面详细追溯起因,抨击腐败劣行;另一方面又关注民生疾苦,为民哀叹。

47、It might be a destiny, or the commiseration of God, a light of hope ignited when a young savior named Tian Ling Jian appeared in the land of devildom. ─── 或许,是上天最终怜悯这些饱经风霜的子民,就在黑暗笼罩的百年后一名少年才俊出现了。他以一手出神入化的剑术笑翱整个武林。

48、And you tell me this magistrate expressed great sympathy and commiseration for you?" ─── 你还告诉我这位法官对你深表同情,大发恻隐之心?”

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