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09-09 投稿



housemaid 发音

英:['ha?sme?d]  美:['ha?smed]

英:  美:

housemaid 中文意思翻译



housemaid 网络释义

n. 女佣,女仆

housemaid 短语词组

1、housemaid's knee ─── [医] 髌前囊炎

2、the housemaid ─── 女佣

housemaid 词性/词形变化,housemaid变形

动词第三人称单数: housels |动词过去分词: houseled |动词过去式: houseled |动词现在分词: houseling |

housemaid 相似词语短语

1、housemaids ─── n.女佣,女仆

2、house red ─── 红房子

3、housemate ─── n.同屋,室友(指同住一所房子但非家庭成员的人)

4、house-sit ─── 上门服务

5、housemates ─── n.同屋,室友(指同住一所房子但非家庭成员的人)

6、housecarl ─── n.(丹麦或英国贵族之)侍卫

7、houseman ─── n.男仆,男勤杂工;实习医生;n.(Houseman)人名;(法)乌瑟曼;(英)豪斯曼

8、house martin ─── 家燕

9、house mark ─── 公司专用标志

housemaid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sophie got a housemaid to make a fire. ─── 索菲让女佣生了炉火。

2、Li Ming: All right, sir. The housemaid will be there right away. ─── 好的,先生。客房服务员马上就到。

3、She is now living in a temporary bedroom of a housekeeping company in Chaoyang District which requires a rent of 200 yuan (US$25) a month - and works as a housemaid in a nearby neighbourhood. ─── 她现在在一个家务公司的临时宿舍里面住,每个月需要200元的房租,并服务于附近一家邻居的佣人.

4、The housemaid who had welcomed Hurstwood had her opinion also.She had no particular regard for Carrie, whom she took to be cold and disagreeable. ─── 而自那以来,时间和阅历已使他认识到他当初的择偶是多么草率和错误。

5、you had a housemaid to clean your floor, ─── 你以前雇女佣为你扫地,

6、'He took me for his housemaid,'she said to herself as she ran.'How surprised he'll be when he finds out who I am! ─── “它把我当成它的女仆了,”她边跑边对自己说,“它以后发现我是谁,会多么惊奇啊!

7、The housemaid comes to mop our kitchen floor twice a week. ─── 女佣每周两次到我家来拖洗厨房地板。

8、a housemaid,especially a wet nurse,in India and the Far East ─── 印度和远东的女佣,特别是奶妈

9、We plan having a steady cook and a young, giddy housemaid, with a sedate, middle-aged man, who is to undertake the double office of husband to the former and sweetheart to the latter. ─── 我们计划雇佣一名结实的厨娘,一名轻浮的年轻女仆,再加一名沉闷的中年男人,他可拥有厨娘丈夫及女仆情人的双从身份。

10、Present Crisis, Solution and Legislative Advice of Housemaid Trade ─── 保姆行业的危机、出路及其立法调整

11、Certainly, sir. The housemaid will be there right away. ─── 当然可以,先生。客房服务员马上就到。

12、His special features is the painting Imperial palace housemaid topic,the portrait painting and the statue of Buddha painting, being limited by the severalty topic in the person painting only. ─── 他长于仕女画、肖像画和佛像画,仅限于人物画中的各个分支。

13、However , now , holding up the Filipino housemaid to develop in China is the problem of their capacity . ─── 然而,目前阻碍菲佣在中国发展的关键是“身份问题”。

14、We employ a housemaid to keep house for both of us are very busy. ─── 我们雇佣了一个仆人为我们管理家务,因为我们俩都很忙。

15、The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Tom, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to hear. ─── 厨子的脸色变得苍白,要女仆把门关上,女仆叫汤姆去关,汤姆又叫补锅匠去关,而补锅匠却装做没听见。

16、22,The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Brittles, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to hear. ─── 厨子的脸色变的苍白,叫女仆去把门关上,女仆叫布拉特尔去关,布拉特尔又叫补锅匠去关,而补锅匠装作没听到。

17、The housemaid alone came here on Saturdays, to wipe from the mirrors and the furniture a week's quiet dust: and Mrs. ─── 只有女佣每逢星期六上这里来,把一周内静悄悄落在镜子上和家具上的灰尘抹去。

18、The new housemaid is like a bull in a china shop. When she helps in the kitchen, she sometimes breaks a cup, and sometimes knocks dishes off the table. ─── 新来的女佣是个毛手毛脚的人。她在厨房干活的时候,一会儿打碎杯子,一会儿又把桌子上的碟子碰到地上。

19、The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Brittles, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to hear. ─── 厨子的脸色变得苍白,要女仆把门关上,女仆叫布立特尔关,布立特尔又叫补锅匠关,而补锅匠装着没有听见。

20、housemaid's knee ─── n. 〈医〉(因常跪着做活引起的)髌前囊炎, 膝盖囊肿

21、The housemaid comes to mop our kitchen floor twice a week ─── 女佣每周两次到我家来拖洗厨房地板。

22、The next morning, when the housemaid came into the room with her master's morning cup of tea, she found him lying dead on the floor, with the golden hand clutched around his throat. ─── 第二天早上,当女仆端着她主人的早茶进入他的房间的时候,发现他死在了地板上,那只金手掐着他的喉咙。

23、The housemaid didn't have time to make up the room. ─── 服务员没来得及整理你的房间。

24、We hereby remind all Resident (and their housemaid) to co-operate and we will report directly to the police department if any person found mishandled laundries items. ─── 现特此提醒各使用洗衣房之住户及其雇佣,切勿做出以上不智行为。一经发现,将送官究治。

25、The housemaid alone came here on Saturdays, to wipe from the mirrors and the furniture a week's quiet dust: and Mrs. ─── 只有女佣每逢星期六上这里来,把一周内静悄悄落在镜子上和家具上的灰尘抹去。

26、The Existing State, Development-Orientation and Legislative Advice of Housemaid Trade ─── 保姆行业的现状、发展方向及其立法思考

27、You won't swallow as a housemaid of mine. ─── 做我的佣人,你不用忍气吞声。

28、Two days.We'll have a housemaid send them back. Goodbye. ─── 两天。我们会派洗衣女服务员送来,再见。

29、He took me for his housemaid. ─── 他把我当作他的女佣人了。

30、Our housemaid does everything except (to) wash the car. ─── 除了洗刷汽车之外,我们的女仆人什么都做。

31、Mrs. Wong hires a housemaid to help the houseworks. ─── 王太太请了个佣人来帮忙做家事。

32、She has worked as a housemaid in the Philippines for 4 years from 2001-2004. Her duties involved doing laundry, cooking, housework, child care. ─── 她从01-04年于菲律宾做家佣,负责洗衣、煮食、家务和照顾小童。

33、H (Housemaid): Housekeeping. May I come in? ─── 客房女服务员)我是客房部的。可以进来吗?

34、Martha, the young housemaid, who had just risen to her feet, looked and pointed also. ─── 年轻的女仆玛莎刚站起来,也看了看,指了指。

35、Housemaid: Sir, can l do your room now? ─── 客房服务员:先生,我现在可以整理您的房间吗?

36、The status of a housemaid is much too low compared with an aristocrat. ─── 与贵族相比, 青衣的身份实在太低。

37、Housemaid: Sorry to disturb you. Then I'll do the cleaning up one hour later. ─── 客房服务员:很抱歉打搅您。我一个小时以后再来打扫。

38、housemaid rs knee ─── 女佣膝症; 髌前滑囊炎

39、The housemaid wanted like anything to try on her mistress's clothes. ─── 那个女仆极想试穿女主人的衣服。

40、i saw at once by her red hands that she's a housemaid,and not even the first housemaid. ─── 书上的翻译是:我第一眼看到她红红的双手,就知道她是一个女佣,绝对不会是第一次做女佣。

41、This paper, based on the very popular housemaid phenomenon in the upper-leve! society in Calcutta, is an attempt to explore and analyse the relationship between housemaid services and modernization in lndia. ─── 这篇文章就印度加尔各答上层社会存在的家佣现象及其与印度现代化进程之间的关系进行了探索与分析。

42、Clara was six and soon changing from nursery class to primary school. The housemaid who had helped us all along in taking care of her was emigrating. ─── 女儿六岁多了,快要从幼稚园转到小学,一向帮我们照顾她的女佣也快移民了。

43、Their houses so similar : huge and grandiose, marble floor yesterday, but also extremely spacious rooms and hallways, male butler, housemaid in which non-stop shuttle. ─── 他们的房子如此相似:巨大且富丽堂皇,地上铺着大理石,房间和楼道也异常宽敞,男管家、女仆人在里面穿梭不停。

44、Phoenix [a housemaid - translator] got aunt's permission to see me off at railway station and kept weeping along the way. ─── 凤娣[女佣-译者注]亦伤心地哭着。她获得姨母的允许来送我。

45、A housemaid, especially a wet nurse, in India and the Far East ─── 阿妈印度和远东的女佣,特别是奶妈

46、A housemaid is necessary for many city families.With transformations of social structure, family structure and living rhythm speeding up at present time. ─── 摘要当今,随着社会结构、家庭结构的转型及生活节奏的加快,保姆越来越成为许多城市家庭的必须。

47、My grandmother used to work below stairs as a housemaid when she was young. ─── 我祖母年轻的时候曾当过女佣人。

48、He took me for his housemaid. ─── 他把我当作他的女佣人了。

49、the housemaid who had been in Mademoiselle Valentine's room, and the servant who had replaced Barrois, ran in at the same moment ─── 他猛烈地拉铃,在瓦朗蒂娜小姐房间里的女婢和那个代替巴罗斯的男仆同时奔进来。

50、housemaid knee ─── 女仆膝

51、A whole family is murdered - husband, two young daughter &the husband's sister, together the housemaid are killed brutally in different times and places. ─── 全家遭受惨杀-丈夫,两个幼小的女儿和丈夫的妹妹,还有家里的保姆等五人在不同的时间和不同的地点非常残忍的死去。

52、He took me for his housemaid," she said to herself as she ran. ─── 它把我当成他的女仆了。”她边跑边自言自语。

53、I'll send a housemaid to your room and have it cleaned up for you at once. ─── 我将马上派客房服务员到您的房间为您清扫。

54、She had to restrain herself and swallow hard in her position as a housemaid. ─── 她身为女仆,不得不克制自己,忍气吞声。

55、The housemaid of the actor's neighbour even learned some Peking operas by listening to him rehearsing every day while she was doing her daily cleaning. ─── 留学解答资讯网:这个演员家隔壁邻居有个保姆每天早上打扫厅厨,必须听他个唱念,居然也学会了几出戏。

56、I`m send a housemaid to your room at once ,she will bring air fresher and make up the bed again for you, we apologize for the inconvenience. ─── 我马上派客房服务员拿空气清新剂来,并且为您重新整床。我们为给您带来的不便抱歉。

57、Hence after that housemaid let go of telephone, that Sir ambiguously heard in the telephone, that housemaid go upstairs with come downstairs of footstep voice and a series of gun voice. ─── 于是那位女仆把电话放下之后,那位先生在电话中隐约的听到了,那位女仆上楼与下楼的脚步声和一连串的枪声。

58、The daily housemaid hoovers the carpet every other day. ─── 白天做工的保姆每隔一天用真空吸尘器把地毯弄干净。

59、She had to restrain herself and swallow hard in her position as a housemaid. ─── 她身为女仆,不得不克制自己,忍气吞声。

60、She had out her hat and gloves, and was fastening a white lace tie about her throat when the housemaid brought up the information that Mr. ─── 帽子和手套也已取出来了,正在脖上系一条白色花边领饰。

61、With good reputation this Housemaid Service Center is ready to do its Best to solve your proBlems and allay your apprehensions. ─── 本保姆服务中心声誉良好,愿为您家庭排忧解难尽力。

62、The cook often romped with the young housemaid. ─── 这个厨师常常与那个年轻的保姆调情。

63、Being a career woman who always stays up late in the office, my mother has employed a housemaid to do all the daily chores. ─── 我母亲是位职业女性,经常在办公室熬夜,故聘用一名女?颍?锩?椅瘛

64、In came the housemaid with her cousin the baker. ─── 在来女佣由于她的堂兄弟姊妹面包师傅。

65、In came the housemaid , the baker, the cook, and the milkman. ─── 然后是女佣、面包师傅、厨师和送牛奶工人,他们都进来了。

66、But you'd better tidy up your belongings so that the housemaid will do up the room. ─── 但你们最好把行李整理好,以便服务员收拾房间。

67、They were now on the second floor, and the appearance of a housemaid prevented any further conversation. ─── 他们现在处于三楼之上,由于女仆的出现,他们没有再谈下去。

68、They were now on the second floor, and the appearance of a housemaid prevented any further conversation. ─── 他们现在处于三楼之上,由于女仆的出现,他们没有再谈下去。

69、Will you send me a housemaid to pick up the laundry? ─── 你能派个服务员来拿送洗的衣物吗?


swallow hard 英[?sw?l?u hɑrd] 美[?swɑlo hɑ?(r)d] [词典] 忍气吞声,抑制强烈的感情; [例句]She had to restrain herself and swallow hard in her position as a housemaid.她身为女仆,不得不克制自己,忍气吞声。

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