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09-09 投稿



osmosis 发音


英:  美:

osmosis 中文意思翻译



osmosis 短语词组

1、osmosis lab ─── 渗透实验室

2、reverse osmosis ─── [化] 反渗透

3、negative osmosis ─── [医] 反向渗透

4、osmosis jones trailer ─── 渗透琼斯拖车

5、reverse osmosis element ─── 反渗透元件

6、mouthfuls osmosis ─── 口腔渗透

7、endogenous osmosis ─── 内源性渗透

8、bio-osmosis ─── [机] 生物渗透(现象)

9、osmosis definition ─── 渗透性定义

10、electron-osmosis ─── [化] 电渗

11、osmosis fouling ─── 渗透污垢

12、electro-osmosis ─── [医] 电渗

13、hydro osmosis ─── 水渗透作用

14、anomalous osmosis ─── [医]异常渗透作用

15、osmosis jones drix ─── 琼斯·德里克斯

16、hypo-osmosis ─── 低渗

17、reverse osmosis filter ─── 反渗透过滤器

18、electric osmosis ─── [化] 电渗; 电渗现象

19、osmosis gizmo ─── 渗透装置

osmosis 词性/词形变化,osmosis变形

形容词: osmotic |副词: osmotically |名词复数: osmoses |

osmosis 相似词语短语

1、osteosis ─── n.骨化病

2、ostosis ─── [生理]骨生成;[生理]骨发生

3、Cosmoses ─── 宇宙

4、osmosing ─── v.渗透;(使)渗透;n.渗透(作用);耳濡目染(等于osmosis)

5、limosis ─── n.善饥症;空腹

6、exosmosis ─── n.外渗

7、osmoses ─── v.渗透;(使)渗透;n.渗透(作用);耳濡目染(等于osmosis)

8、mimosis ─── 含羞草

9、diosmosis ─── 渗透

osmosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We rarely pause long enough to examine the tenets of our cultures, but new employees absorb them almost by osmosis. ─── 我们很少花足够的时间检查我们的文化宗旨,新员工几乎是通过潜移默化来吸收文化的。

2、This bibliography includes coverage of the use of membranes in water and wastewater treatment including nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, desalination, and membrane bioreactors. ─── 在水与废水处理中通过利用膜,包括:纳米滤膜、超滤作用、逆渗透膜、脱盐作用与膜生物反应器。

3、MATEUS( Wine SOD) have the ability of the super and strong osmosis intracellulare enzyme membrane, quickly color osmosis hair, make the color last long. ─── 具有超强渗透细胞内膜的能力,可加促颜色渗透头发,令色泽持久。

4、In large water areas, has mastered the electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration and other mainstream technology. ─── 在大型水处理领域,已掌握了电渗析、反渗透、纳滤、超滤、微孔过滤等主流技术。

5、The following are methods used for desalination. Among the sea water desalination devices are purification equipment using a reverse osmosis membrane which is low cost and energy saving. ─── 下面是设备用于脱盐的使用方法。在海水脱盐设备中有净化装置,该装置使用了低成本、节能的反渗透膜。

6、More than97% soluble salts and99% glues, microbe, particulate and organic substances and etc can be removed with the reverse osmosis. ─── 反渗透可除区水中97%上的溶解性盐类和99%上的胶体、生物、粒和有机物等,成为现代纯水、纯水、空水(纯水)程中首选的最佳设备。

7、The toxins are released into the bathwater through osmosis while the minerals from the sole are absorbed through the skin. ─── 当盐中的矿物质被皮肤吸收时,毒素通过渗透作用释放进洗澡水中。

8、Fall/Winter issue), osmo Bride is most popular and Wooing as received very positive Wooing eedback from its target readers. ─── 场反应最热烈,也是最受读者欢迎的一本。

9、This process, which tends to equalise the saltiness of the two solutions, is called osmosis. ─── 这个过程能平衡薄膜两端的盐浓度,学名为渗透作用。

10、The two-stage reverse osmosis system was used to produce desalting water that was used as additional water of medium temperature and medium pressure boiler. ─── 二级反渗透生产除盐水,并作为中温中压锅炉的补水,目前为国内首创。

11、MG-040 is reverse osmosis membrane scale inhibitor with good complexation and disperse capability. ─── MG-040系反渗透膜专用的阻垢剂。络合力强、分散性好。

12、Reverse osmosis(RO) is a main process in the seawater desalination,and the recovery technology of RO desalination system is the leading method in reducing the cost. ─── 反渗透法是海水淡化的主要方法之一,能量回收是降低其淡化成本的主要手段。

13、Initially, Mr Xu thought that he would be able to acquire management lessons by osmosis from Mr Chen. ─── 起初徐槟以为,通过潜移默化,自己也能够从陈学军身上学到一些管理经验。

14、Reverse osmosis desalting system includes two parts:raw water pretreatment and membrane system. ─── 反渗透预除盐系统一般包括原水预处理与膜系统两部分。

15、The continuous microfiltration (CMF) is applied as a pretreatment process of the reverse osmosis which serves as predesalination in the recirculating cooling water effluent reuse system. ─── 在循环冷却排污水回用系统中,采用连续微滤(CMF)作为反渗透的预处理,经现场中试试验检验连续微滤的可行性,并取得其运行的参数和条件及变化规律。

16、Experiments and analyses were carried out on the concentration of several fruit and vegetable juices(cucumber,celery,carrot,Chinese wolfberry,red apricot)by reverse osmosis. ─── 利用反渗透技术对几种果蔬汁(黄瓜、芹菜、胡萝卜、枸杞子、红杏)的浓缩处理进行实验与分析。

17、Elongation The enlargement of cells after mitotic division that results from the uptake of water by OSMOSIS until the cells become turgid. ─── 延伸,延长:有丝分裂后的细胞,通过渗透作用摄取水分使细胞体积变大,变得比较饱满的现象。

18、CMC is used as paper gluing agent to provide paper with high compacta-bility,fine anti-ink osmosis and high was gathering capability. ─── CMC用于纸张的施胶,使纸张具有高致密性,良好的抗墨水渗透性,高集蜡性和光滑度。

19、I was associate editor on The Iron Giant and stayed at Warner Bros. for Osmosis Jones. ─── 我曾经是《钢铁巨人》的副制片,那时候是在华纳兄弟娱乐公司。

20、In one study, the reverse osmosis process removed only 10% of the total boron in a wastewater. ─── 在某一研究中,反渗透法只除去废水中总硼量的10%。

21、External use: Fish Collagen Peptide can complement collagen protein to skin by means of pore osmosis, improve skin impression and tactility, smooth out wrinkles. ─── 外用:鱼胶原蛋白可以通过毛孔的渗透作用给肌肤快速补充胶原蛋白,改善皮肤的观感和触感,抚平皱纹。

22、The shore lake section is mainly formed by capillary process,shallow lake and half deep lake sections are formed by refluence osmosis process. ─── 其储集空间包括基质孔隙和裂缝孔隙两部分,为双孔隙介质,是良好的油气储集层。

23、Taking ammonia as a design solution,the application feasibility and benefits of the new technical process of HCSW treatment were discussed,compared with the reverse osmosis process. ─── 以溶质氨的设计溶液为例,分析高盐废水处理的新工艺流程及工艺的可行性,并对比反渗透工艺,详细阐述新工艺的优点。

24、In this article dyeing waste water was pretreated by chemical coagulation,then treated by combined process of anaerobic membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis system. ─── 实验结果表明:采用混凝沉淀预处理,膜生物反应器与反渗透膜系统组合工艺处理印染废水具有很好的效果。

25、hollow fibre for reverse osmosis ─── 反渗透纤维

26、manual reverse osmosis desalinator ─── 手动反向渗透除盐器

27、Information technology is popularizing and applying with its extensive osmosis and progressiveness in all kinds of occupations. ─── 信息技术正以其广泛的渗透性和先进性在各行各业推广应用。

28、Reverse Osmosis Desalting Device: it adopts and consists of the most advanced reverse osmosis membrane element, high-pressure pump, instruments and dosing pump produced at home or abroad. ─── 反渗透脱盐装置是采用国内外生产的最先进的反渗透膜元件、高压泵、仪表、加药计量泵组装而成的。

29、Till now, there are such theories as Reliance theory, Rule of Law theory, Alternative Rule of Law theory, Legal Osmosis theory, and Economic Efficiency theory. ─── 对于合理期待原则的法理渊源,目前外国学术界主要观点有信赖说、法治说、法治替代说、法律渗透说、经济效率说。

30、reverse osmosis membrane modulus ─── 反渗透膜组

31、One really interesting adaptation is the ability to reverse the process of osmosis. ─── 一项非常有趣的适应机能是逆渗透能力。

32、The primary pathological mechanism of infective diarrhea include the effection of bacteric toxin, the effection of bacillus, the osmosis diarrhea and the effection of virus. ─── 感染性腹泻的主要病理机制是细菌毒素作用、病原菌直接侵袭作用、渗透性腹泻和病毒作用。

33、Exploitation of oil deposits (fields) with low osmosis: In cooperation with Chinese partner only. ─── 低渗透油气藏(田)的开发:限于合作。

34、If want to let protect the osmosis of wet noodle film power is greater, after usable hot water heats up face film dip again apply. ─── 如果想让保湿面膜的渗透力更大,可用热水把面膜浸热后再敷。因为热水能促进血液循环,为肌肤提供多点氧分。

35、Have admirable osmosis water imbibition, can make sure water drenchs equably fully whole water (wet) shade. ─── 具备美好的渗入吸水性,能够保证水均和淋透整体水(湿)帘。

36、Perhaps, it is the impact of osmosis, is profoundly nurtured. ─── 或许,这样的影响是耳濡目染的,是深刻熏陶的吧。

37、It therefore neither gains nor loses water by osmosis. ─── 它们不会因渗透压的不同而吸收或丧失水分。

38、Continuous micro-filtration (CMF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membrane integrated process (double-membrane process) has been carried out. ─── 在该回用系统中浓缩水的处理是关键的一环。

39、These membranes provide high permeate flux and good salt rejection in reverse osmosis, and are easy to manufacture. ─── 这些膜在反渗透中提供了高渗透通量和优秀的盐选择能力,并且易于生产。

40、By far, applications of reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration dominate the use of membranes in the food industry. ─── 到目前为止,反渗透和超滤技术在食品工业中的应用占主导地位。

41、The 40 foot container with the reverse osmosis module can provide emergency water for up to 3,000 people per day. ─── 40英尺的集装箱装有反渗透模块,能每日为多达3,000人进行紧急给水。

42、The unbalance problem of membrane flux in reverse osmosis(RO) system is put forward. ─── 指出了反渗透膜系统膜通量失衡问题的严重性;

43、The inhibiting method of osmosis distillation accompanied in the course of treating ammonia wastewter by liquid/liquid membrane absorption was studied. ─── 对用液/液膜吸收法处理水中氨氮过程中,伴生的水渗透蒸馏的抑制方法进行了研究。

44、Hordenine propyl formate and chemical osmosis are the two ways of extracting Glutathione(GSH) from yeast have been introduced and compared in this review. ─── 介绍了从酵母中分离纯化谷胱甘肽(GSH)的两种抽提方法:对羟基苯甲酸丙酯法和化学渗透法,并对其进行了对比。

45、So it is feasible to use the SFP ultrafiltration membrane as pretreatment of seawater reverse osmosis system. ─── 因此,SFP超滤膜可以在高浊度海水为进水的情况下作为海水反渗透系统的预处理。

46、Application of reverse osmosis technology in pure water production of color kinescope industry was introduced. ─── 介绍了反渗透技术在彩管行业纯水制造中的应用。

47、If enough mucous coats a set of cells in a thick enough layer, the cells cease to be able to ingest enough oxygen or sugar required to subsist or detoxify, as the pus gums up the process of osmosis. ─── 如果足够多黏液以足够厚的一层覆盖到一系列细胞中时,细胞就停止将生存或排毒所必须的足够多氧气或血糖来消化,因为脓汁象粘连的口香糖一样妨碍了渗透过程。

48、To prevent the impact of seawater encroachment on chemical equipment of power plants, the use of reverse osmosis demineralization technology is suggested in reducing the salinity of predemineralized water for demineralizing equipment. ─── 为了预防海水倒灌对电厂化学设备的影响,提出了以反渗透工艺降低进入除盐设备预脱盐水的含盐量的设想。

49、Learned French by osmosis while residing in Paris for15 years. ─── 居住在巴黎的十五年中已经潜移默化地学习了法语

50、CMC can be used as printing material for dye-trimming industry and it can improve hydrophilic force and osmosis force of dye material, making dying more even and reducing chromatism. ─── CMC作为染整工业的印花浆料,可增强染料的亲水能力,渗透能力,使得染色均匀,减少色差。

51、Deionized water reverse osmosis equipment, using pure water to ensure the tube is highly cleaned. ─── 反渗透去离子制水设备,保障内管高度洁净。

52、Most persons greatly concern our most popular product”Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier” when it was put into the market. ─── 公司的主打产品“反渗透纯水机”自投入市场以来受到业内人士的极大关注。

53、More than 97% soluble salts and 99% glues, microbe, particulate and organic substances and etc can be removed with the reverse osmosis. ─── 反渗透可除区水中97%以上的溶解性盐类和99%以上的胶体、微生物、微粒和有机物等,成为现代纯水、高纯水、太空水(超纯水)工程中首选的最佳设备。

54、In order for osmosis to work, the sugar concentration has to be quite high. ─── 为了这个渗透过程,必须有相当高浓度的糖分。

55、The shore lake section is mainly formed by capillary process, shallow lake and half deep lake sections are formed by refluence osmosis process. ─── 其储集空间包括基质孔隙和裂缝孔隙两部分,为双孔隙介质,是良好的油气储集层。

56、Water gets into a fish's body through osmosis, the process in which water diffuses from a higher to a lower concentration. ─── 水通过渗透作用进入鱼的身体,也就是水从高处向低处的流动的过程。

57、Reverse osmosis(RO)and ultrafiltration (UF) have been widely used in water and wastewater treatment. RO is usually applied in water treatment and UF in wastewater treatment. ─── 反渗透与超滤是水处理中广泛应用的膜分离技术,给水处理中反渗透应用较多,废水处理中超滤应用较广泛。

58、RO is based on the process of osmosis. ─── 反渗透是基于渗透工艺基础上。

59、KORNEVA L V,ARDONIN Y A,OLERSKII V M. Removal of Chlorobenzene from waste waters by the reverse osmosis method [J]. Khim Prom-st,1876, (1):21. ─── 冯伟民,胡家骏.反渗透法分离水中苯和氯苯类化合物[J].中国环境科学,1989,9(2):137.

60、The plant consists of a raw water pretreatment group, a double stages reverse osmosis, a storage tank and a distribution loop. ─── 该装置由原水预处理组、双级反渗透装置、一个储槽和一个配水回路构成。

61、Childrenseem to learn about computers by osmosis. ─── 儿童似乎不知不觉地就了解了计算机。

62、This paper discuss and analyse about concept of "osmosis pressure" in university chemistry, negated along use the until now to definition of "osmosis pressure", and bring upped the own views. ─── 对大学化学中的“渗透压”的概念进行了剖析和讨论,否定了沿用至今的“渗透压”的定义,提出了自己的见解。

63、The thesis introduces reverse osmosis technology application and principles on water disposal in gasworks,and also expatiates on its management methods in daily operation. ─── 介绍了将超滤膜与反渗透膜技术应用于控制电镀工业减少废水排放量的具体工程实例,分析了该工程的环境和经济效益。

64、It results from the uptake of water into the cell by osmosis. ─── 其产生是由于细胞通过渗透作用吸收大量水分引起的。

65、Instead of freshwater moving out of the plant cells, salt from the seawater enters, reverse osmosis, and this actually strengthens the cells. ─── 走植物细胞里的水分,海水中的盐分反而会进入细胞内部,这就是所谓的反渗透。这种反渗透能力增加了细胞的强度。

66、The enterprise cangzhou water treatment equipment co., ltd. offers Osmosis among other things . ─── 公司提供差动、差别、差速器和渗透、渗透作用以及压差范围内的可行性方案。

67、reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration ─── 反渗透和超过滤法

68、Learned French by osmosis while residing in Paris for 15 years. ─── 居住在巴黎的十五年中已经潜移默化地学习了法语。

69、The skin layer of reverse osmosis membrane and gas separation membraneis much dense than ultrafiltration membrane's. ─── 反渗透膜及气体分离膜具有比超滤膜更致密的皮层,使电镜观察其微细结构更加困难。

70、Principal application of reverse osmosis has been in desalting brackish waters for domestic consumption. ─── 反渗透主要应用于生活用含盐水的脱盐。

71、And it also owns full membrane separation products, such as reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration(UF), microfiltration (MF) electrodialysis (ED, EDR), and EDI. ─── 也是国内唯一拥有反渗透(RO)、纳滤(NF)、超滤(UF)、微滤(MF)、电渗析(ED、EDR)和EDI完整膜分离产品的单位。

72、The primary difference between reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration or microfiltration is the size of molecules that can pass through the membrane. ─── 反渗透、超滤、微滤之间的基本差别就在于通过膜的分子的大小。

73、Diagenesis,tectonization,capillarity,differential osmosis and filling are the main mechanisms of the seal formation. ─── 成岩作用、构造作用、毛细管力作用、差异渗透作用和充填作用等是压力封闭层形成的主要机制。

74、With reverse osmosis technology as an example, the application of membrane technology in the treatment of urban garbage percolate is introduced emphatically. ─── 以反渗透处理技术为例,重点介绍了膜处理技术在城市垃圾渗滤液处理中的应用。

75、In general,the new technique of HCSW treatment based on the osmosis principle is prospective because of its low cost. ─── 分析认为,基于渗透原理的高盐废水处理工艺可降低高盐废水的处理成本,具有良好的应用前景。

76、Since it was by osmosis that China adopted “ Western Dress”, it should not be too difficult to convince the Chinese consciousness that to return to its ethnic integrity would cause the following positive results. ─── 一种在美学上低等的文明(西方)可以轻易地推翻在美学上高等的文明(中国)实在是一种荒诞而具讽刺意味的悲剧。

77、When separated by a semipermeable membrane (e.g. a cell membrane) water moves by osmosis into the hypertonic solution from the hypotonic solution. ─── 当用半透膜(如细胞膜)将两种溶液隔开,水分就会在渗透压的作用下从低渗一侧向高渗溶液流动。

78、Even oral proficiency in foreign languages is sought in silence, as if it too could be mastered like other subjects-- through osmosis and rote memorization. ─── 人们甚至以沉默方式谋求掌握外语口语,似乎也可以像其他课程一样通过潜移默化和死记硬背予以掌握。

79、Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membrane sepatation technique can sublimate and concentrate the hydrolyzed liquor. ─── 发现超滤分离技术和反渗透膜分离技术对水解液有纯化、浓缩作用;


81、Water passes into the roots of a plant by osmosis. ─── 水渗透至植物根部。

82、When separated by a semipermeable membrane (e.g. a cell membrane) water is lost by osmosis from the hypotonic to the hypertonic solution.Compare hypertonic;isotonic. ─── 当用半透膜(如细胞膜)将其隔开,水分就会在渗透压的作用下从低渗向高渗溶液流动。

83、The priming reduced cell membrane osmosis significantly, and kept not enough 1 month to the relative electric conductivity towards immersing the contents of soluble sugar for 1 month. ─── 引发可显著降低膜透性,对浸出液可溶性糖的影响保持1个月,而对相对电导率则不足1个月。

84、My mother taught me about the science of osmosis. ─── 妈妈教我渗透的科学原理。

85、The principles and characteristics of micro-filtration,ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis and their applications on oily wastewater were introduced. ─── 介绍了微滤、超滤和反渗透膜等膜分离技术的特点及它们在含油废水中的应用。

86、In large areas of water and handling, has mastered the electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, porous filters, and other mainstream technology. ─── 在大型水和处理领域,已掌握了电渗析、反渗透、纳滤、超滤、微孔过滤等主流技术。

87、In order to improve the efficiency of absorption and reduce the fouling of membrane,a new technique of water pretreatment by powdered activated carbon(PAC) for reverse osmosis(RO) is presented. ─── 为了提高反渗透(RO)进水预处理效率,减少膜污染,本文提出一种把粉末活性炭(PAC)应用于反渗透进水预处理的新方法。

88、If we put the salt water under pressure, we achieve reverse osmosis. ─── 如果我们给盐水加压,就可以实现“逆向渗透”。

89、Children seem to learn about computers by osmosis. ─── 孩子们似乎不知不觉地就了解了计算机.


RO是reverse osmosis缩写,翻译成中文是反渗透



RO是reverse osmosis缩写,翻译成中文是反渗透。


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