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09-09 投稿


emancipates 发音

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emancipates 中文意思翻译



emancipates 短语词组

1、emancipates from ─── 解放摆脱使不受束缚

emancipates 词性/词形变化,emancipates变形

动词现在分词: emancipating |形容词: emancipative |动词过去式: emancipated |名词: emancipator |动词过去分词: emancipated |动词第三人称单数: emancipates |

emancipates 相似词语短语

1、emancipator ─── n.释放者;解放者

2、emancipate ─── vt.解放;释放

3、emancipated ─── adj.被解放的;v.解放;使…获得自由(emancipate的过去分词)

4、unemancipated ─── 未获解放的;未获自由的

5、emancipations ─── n.解放;释放

6、emaciates ─── v.(使)消瘦;(使)衰弱;消瘦

7、mancipated ─── 已完成

8、mancipate ─── 约束

9、mancipates ─── 曼奇帕茨

emancipates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、emancipates the mind ─── 解放思想

2、With complete self-knowledge, will emancipates itself through self-denier, and reaches the state of "nothing" . ─── 意志在完全自我认识以后,最后以否定自身的方式解放自己,达到一种“虚无”的境界。

3、Socialism's essence, is emancipates the productive forces, the development productive forces, eliminates the exploitation, eliminates the polarization, achieves the common enrichment finally. ─── 社会主义的本质,是解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。

4、This year, the Zhuzhou Municipal party committee Municipal government promotes 5115 the project, without doubt is emancipates the mind in the advancement new industrialization advancement the model. ─── 今年,株洲市委市政府推出的“5115”工程,无疑是在推进新型工业化进程中解放思想的典型。

5、This is most essential emancipates the mind in the socialism theory and the practice, started the Chinese characteristic socialist road, the theory, the pattern exploration. ─── 这是在社会主义理论与实践上最为关键的解放思想,开始了中国特色社会主义道路、理论、模式的探索。

6、Administration idea renewal, since realizes the prosperous common people strong province essential condition, is also emancipates the mind big discussion activity the primary purpose. ─── 施政理念的更新,既是实现富民强省的必要条件,也是解放思想大讨论活动的根本目的。

7、Third, takes the lead to insist that emancipates the mind realistically; ─── 三、带头坚持解放思想、实事求是;

8、Emancipates the mind unceasingly, is the important guarantee which the non-private economy develops unceasingly. ─── 不断地解放思想,就是非公有制经济不断发展的重要保证。

9、Emancipates the mind is the eternal subject, does not have the limit, must the self-denial, keep pace with the times unceasingly. ─── 解放思想是永恒的主题,没有止境,需不断自我否定、与时俱进。

10、Emancipates the mind, must take the economic development as the center, the promotion economy is also good is also quick the healthy development. ─── 解放思想,必须以经济建设为中心,促进经济又好又快健康发展。

11、He Wenju believed that emancipates the mind to start from the government Functional departments, the enterprise and the government has to do, the government red-tapism is again also invalid. ─── 贺文举认为,解放思想就要从政府职能部门开始,企业与政府打交道,政府衙门作风是再也行不通的。

12、Develops in the activity emancipates the mind big discussion, by the thought fully emancipated, promotes the rural work big development. ─── 在活动中开展解放思想大讨论,以思想大解放,推动农村工作大发展。

13、Emancipates the mind, our old comrade has this duty. ─── 解放思想,我们老同志有这个任务。”

14、The organizer who, the pusher the cadres at all levels emancipate the mind, must be the demonstration who emancipates the mind, lead. ─── 各级领导干部是解放思想的组织者、推动者,更要做解放思想的示范者、带动者。要进一步发挥年度目标责任考核在抓落实中的导向作用。

15、Fourth, further insisted that emancipates the mind, the reform innovation. ─── 第四,进一步坚持解放思想、改革创新。

16、As he pointed out in 1936, “technological reproducibility emancipates the work of art from its parasitical subservience to ritual” and this emancipation politicizes the social function of art (3:106). ─── 正如1936年他曾指出,“技术可复制性将艺术作品从礼仪的依附性中解脱出来”,这种解放使得艺术的社会功能政治化(3:106)。

17、Emancipates the mind unceasingly, takes the lead reform and open policy. ─── 不断解放思想,率先改革开放。

18、Takes the lead to participation emancipates the mind discussion; ─── 带头参与解放思想讨论;

19、Focuses emancipates the mind in the innovation service society form. ─── 着眼于创新服务社会形式解放思想。

20、Actually, 30 year China reform and open policy history, is also one emancipates the mind, to develop the innovation unceasingly unceasingly the history. ─── 理论准备不足,就是理论上的不成熟,而理论上的不成熟就会导致思想上的不清醒;

21、Regarding this time's Yoyang, emancipates the mind to come meantime on. ─── 对于这个时期的岳阳来说,解放思想来得恰逢其时。

22、Emancipates the mind, must insist to supervise legally, the strengthened surveillance realizes, improves the surveillance quality. ─── 解放思想,必须坚持依法监督,强化监督意识,提高监督质量。

23、So long as our firm faith, emancipates the mind, Chinese nation's great rejuvenation can certainly realize. ─── 只要我们坚定信念,解放思想,中华民族的伟大复兴一定能实现。”

24、If, like some of the people who put up big-character posters on the "Xidan Wall", a person "emancipates his mind" by departing from the four cardinal principles, he is actually placing himself in opposition to the Party and the people. ─── 如果像“西单墙”的一些人那样,离开四项基本原则去“解放思想”,实际上是把自己放到党和人民的对立面去了。

25、Will emancipate the mind to be forever without limits, emancipates the mind to carefully examine, superego, will be good at developing the good and discard the bad, dares to innovate. ─── 解放思想永无止境,解放思想必须审视自我,超越自我,善于扬弃,勇于创新。

26、Sixth, dispels the superstition, emancipates the mind. ─── 第六、破除迷信,解放思想。

27、Emancipates the mind unceasingly, takes the lead reform and open policy. ─── 不断解放思想,率先改革开放。

28、Emancipates the mind, firm will innovates. ─── 解放思想,锐意创新。

29、Fourth, further insisted that emancipates the mind, the reform innovation. ─── 第四,进一步坚持解放思想、改革创新。

30、Emancipates forerunner who the mind speeds up the development. ─── 解放思想是加快发展的先导。

31、Second, emancipates the mind to develop the Chinese characteristic socialism, the innovation socialism theory and the practice, has fulfilled the reform and open policy. ─── 第二,解放思想发展中国特色社会主义,创新社会主义理论与实践,践行了改革开放。

32、Emancipates the mind is the eternal subject, does not have the limit, must the self-denial, keep pace with the times unceasingly. ─── 解放思想是永恒的主题,没有止境,需不断自我否定、与时俱进。

33、Focuses carries out in the promotion work emancipates the mind; ─── 着眼于促进工作落实解放思想;

34、First two times emancipates the mind to stress in also favors the people, new round emancipates the mind to insist that also favors the people simultaneously to stress also the power in the people. ─── 前两次解放思想偏重于还利于民,新一轮解放思想坚持还利于民同时更偏重还权于民。

35、First, must revolve the enhancement to the scientific development concept understanding, further in emancipates in the mind the unified thought. ─── 一是要围绕提高对科学发展观的认识,进一步在解放思想中统一思想。

36、It emancipates your thoughts and muscles! ─── 它解放了思想和肌肉!

37、This kind of new machine emancipates workers from heavy work which they had to do in the past. ─── 这种新机器将使工人从过去所不得不从事的一切繁重的劳动中解脱出来。

38、The thorough study practice scientific development concept, is further emancipates the mind, the development innovation, the impetus development request inevitably; ─── 深入学习实践科学发展观,是进一步解放思想、开拓创新、推动发展的必然要求;

39、It emancipates your thoughts and muscles! ─── 它解放了思想和肌肉!

40、Develops in the activity emancipates the mind big discussion, by the thought fully emancipated, promotes the rural work big development. ─── 在活动中开展解放思想大讨论,以思想大解放,推动农村工作大发展。

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