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09-09 投稿



untruth 发音

英:[??n?tru?θ]  美:[??n?tru?θ]

英:  美:

untruth 中文意思翻译



untruth 网络释义

n. 虚假,不真实;谎言

untruth 反义词


untruth 词性/词形变化,untruth变形


untruth 短语词组

1、untruth syn ─── 假syn

2、untruth clue ─── 不真实的线索

3、untruth nyt ─── 纽约时报

untruth 同义词

falsity | lie | fallacy | deceit | falsehood |fiction | story | delusion | fib | fabrication | tale

untruth 相似词语短语

1、untrusty ─── adj.不可靠的;不忠的

2、truth ─── n.真理;事实;诚实;实质

3、untruly ─── 不真实的

4、untruss ─── vt.解开;使脱开

5、untruths ─── n.虚假,不真实;谎言

6、in truth ─── 真实地;实在

7、untrue ─── adj.不真实的;不合标准的;不忠实的;不正当的

8、untrusts ─── 不可信的

9、untrust ─── 焦躁不安的

untruth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the contrary, a statement howsoever true it may be, but if it causes harm to somebody is untruth. ─── 反之,不论这话如何正确,只要它对人们造成了伤害,这就不是善言。

2、It is a base untruth to say that happy is the nation that has no history. ─── 说没有历史的民族是幸福的民族,这是卑劣的谎言。

3、They have simply followed each other in reporting an untruth. ─── 他们只是跟风撒播一件不真实的事情。

4、That is why I disguise them in untruth, saying the contrary of what I mean. ─── 因此我弄真成假,说出和我的真心相反的话。

5、As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, Mrs. Thompson told the children an untruth. ─── 当她第一次在学校上课时,汤普森夫人站在她所教的五年级学生们的面前,对着他们讲了一个谎言。

6、On the other hand, there is surely such a thing as untruth. ─── 另一方面,慌言这种东西肯定是存在的。

7、There was truth and there was untruth. ─── 存在真理,亦存在谬误。

8、That is why I disguise them in untruth,saying the contrary of what I mean. ─── 我想对你说出我要说的最真的话语,我不敢,我怕你不信。

9、Embarassed over having let herself be caught on the verge of such a naive untruth, she coughed two or three times, in order to put the little prince in the wrong. ─── 她叫人发现她是在凑一个如此不太高明的谎话,她有点羞怒,咳嗽了两三声。


11、IT HAD been hard for him that spoke it to have put more truth and untruth together in few words, than in that speech, Whatsoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god. ─── “喜欢孤独的人不是野兽便是神灵”。说这话的人若要在寥寥数语之中,更能把真理和邪说放在一处,那就很难了。

12、" This sounds nice enough, but if the person grimaced when they said it, that could signal an untruth. ─── 听起来很友好,但如果此人说话时一张苦脸,就可能表示并非出于真心。

13、Research on Method and Damages of Untruth of Accounting Information ─── 会计信息失真的危害及对策研究

14、Overpowered by anger, a man may commit anything right or wrong, and fails to make distinction between proper and improper, truth or untruth, and good or bad. ─── 被愤怒压倒的人有可能做出任何对或错的事,也不能区分适当与不当,真相或假相,好与坏。

15、That is an untruth!’ ─── 那不是真话!”

16、Untruth there certainly is, not in the system of the universe, but in our power of comprehension, as its negative element. ─── 虚假的确存在,不仅仅存在于宇宙体系中,而且因其负面因素还存在于我们人类的理解力上。

17、That is an untruth!’The seamstress replied, ‘Oh, forgive me, my Lord. ─── 如果我说‘是的’,你会把他们三个都给我。

18、Viewing Untruth of Accounting Information from Financial Statements ─── 从财务报告看财务信息失真

19、i must say that it is untruth that don't make any mistake. ─── 我必须指出不犯错误是不现实的。

20、She wasn't very convinced about the nice distinction between a lie and the untruth. ─── 对于谎言和不诚实之间的细微差别,她还不十分确信。

21、Untruth there certainly is, not in the system of the universe, but in our power of comprehension, as its negative element. ─── 虚假的确存在,不仅仅存在于宇宙体系中,而且因其负面因素还存在于我们人类的理解力上。

22、There is truth, and there is untruth. ─── 那是真理,而那是谎言。

23、knowingly tell an untruth in a legal court and render oneself guilty of perjury. ─── 在法庭上故意说假话并称假如自己说假话就会遭报应。

24、This habit, of course, is a little chilling to the social affections;and though the companion would in the end acquit him of any malice or untruth, yet it mars conversation. ─── 这种习惯当然,使得他不太合乎社交礼仪,虽然同伴们最终会承认梭罗没有恶意,可这却使得谈话难以进行。

25、Now this falsehood of valentine's had no better success in the event than the untruth Proteus told his father ─── 凡伦丁撒的这个谎也跟普洛丢斯对他父亲撒的谎一样失败了。

26、Embarrassed over having let herself be caught on the verge of such a naive untruth, she coughed two or three times, in order to put the little prince in the wrong. ─── 它差一点就撒了一个天真的谎,为此感到羞赧不已,于是刻意咳了两、三声,好转移小王子的注意力。

27、quot;Nothing's wrong - I'm fine,"is the most frequent, with 28 per cent of those interviewed saying it was their favourite untruth, according to a survey carried out for the drinks brand WKD. ─── 为WKD饮料公司开展的一项调查显示,英国人说的最多的谎话是“没啥事,我很好”,28%的受访者称这是他们最常说的谎话。

28、The Truth and Untruth of the Fact: Expression of Law Science and Judicial Practice ─── 事实的真实与非真实:法学的表达与司法的实践

29、There is a lot of untruth and accuses, with this I finally realize how GOOD personality they have. No appreciation, no thank you and no respect at all. ─── 这样好的东西,真的值得我们去珍惜吗?加上,我根本看不到真的真的真的真的真的真的真的很很很很很很很很很很很很很很很很很很很“用心”在做哦!!!

30、When we say that beauty is everywhere we do not mean that the word ugliness should be abolished from our language, just as it would be absurd to say that there is no such thing as untruth. ─── 当我们谈到美无处不在时,我们并不是说丑一词应从我们的语言中被废除掉,正如人们所说虚假的事物不存在一样,叫人听来感到荒谬。

31、He never told an untruth in his life. ─── 他有生以来从来没有说过一句假话。

32、This painting gave people a untruth impression. ─── 这幅画给人不真实的印象.

33、The Reason and Strategy of the Statistical Untruth of Traffic Accident Registration ─── 道路交通事故立案统计不实问题的成因及其对策

34、In the light of the inefficiency of the conventional 2 - D engagement design method for tricone bits and the untruth of the 2 - D engagement chart, a new Program for bit engagement design is develope. ─── 针对三牙轮钻头传统的二维啮合设计方法的低效率和二维啮合图的不真实性,开发出一个三牙轮钻头啮合设计新程序。

35、More words, less love and myriads of untruth. ─── 我们的话语太多,真爱太少,谎言泛滥。

36、On the contrary, a statement howsoever true it may be, but if it causes harm to somebody is untruth. ─── 反之,不论这话如何正确,只要它对人们造成了伤害,这就不是善言。

37、1.false; sham; unreal; dishonest 2.affectation; feigning; untruth; pretence ─── 虚假

38、Curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth ─── 曲面镜不是用来产生真实影像,而是用来产生幻影(即假象)的流行器件。

39、Nothing's wrong - I'm fine, is the most frequent, with 28 per cent of those interviewed saying it was their favourite untruth, according to a survey carried out for the drinks brand WKD. ─── 为WKD饮料公司开展的一项调查显示,英国人说的最多的谎话是没啥事,我很好,28%的受访者称这是他们最常说的谎话。

40、It is a base untruth to say that happy is the nation that has no history. ─── 说没有历史的民族是幸福的民族,这是卑劣的谎言。

41、I shall conquer untruth by truth. ─── 偶会用真理战胜谬误.

42、“With the opening of yourself to the vibrations, the emanations, you may be tempted by the desires of the flesh;yes, of the spirit of untruth. ─── “随着将自我开放于(灵性)振动和传播,你会为肉体欲望所探试---是的,为无常之灵所探试。

43、An untruth; a falsehood. ─── 假话;谎言

44、and evil and untruth may be said to consist in the contradiction subsisting between the function or notion and the existence of the object. ─── 一般说来,不好与不真都是由于一个对象的规定或概念与其实际存在之间发生了矛盾。

45、Keywords Hospital accountant information;untruth;administration; ─── 关键词医院会计信息;失真;管理;

46、A gross untruth. ─── 弥天大谎

47、"Rumour to mix a truth or untruth ? ─── 谣言混一个真相或不实?"

48、They accept truth as untruth and accept untruth as truth. ─── 他们把真理当做非真理,把非真理接受为真理。

49、On the other hand,there is surely such a thing as untruth. ─── 另一方面,虚假这种东西倒是确实存在的。

50、You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. ─── 你们必须学习感知内在的声音,它能够告诉你们真相是什么,告诉你们混乱,无秩序和谎言是什么。

51、I shall not submit to injustice from anyone.I shall conquer untruth by truth. ─── 我不会屈服于来自任何人的不公正。我会用真理战胜谬误。

52、Mu said, “Now let me ask you a question.If you tell so much as a single untruth, the arrow in my sleeve will claim your life instantly. ─── 木婉清道:“我问你一句话,你若有半分虚言,我袖中短箭立时取你性命。”

53、The untruth has been brought home to him. ─── 对那谎言他已深信不疑。

54、The penman believes that in the common laws, the reason for the exclusion of hearsay at first is its potential untruth and uncertainty, and this is also the justice foundation of hearsay rules. ─── 认为在普通法中,最初传闻证据被排除的原因是由于其潜在的不真实和不可靠,这也是传闻证据规则的正当性基础。

55、I couldn't affirm that you are,' observed my young lady, wondering at his pertinacious assertion of what was evidently an untruth. ─── 我不能肯定你是健康的,”我的小姐说,不懂他怎么那样执拗地一味说些明明不符合事实的话。

56、1.Embarassed over having let herself be caught on the verge of such a native untruth,she coughed two or three times,in order to put the little prince in the wrong. ─── 令自己如此虚伪的天性几乎被揭穿,她感到极为难堪,便咳嗽了两三次,想推诿于小王子。

57、But it is not innocent ignorance: he wills the untruth, although he knows the troth. But why then does he will the Evil? ─── 但是这种无知并不意味着无辜:他信奉非真理,尽管他知道真理。

58、And the untruth had taken me so long to concoct. ─── 我花了好长时间编造这些谎言。

59、Gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth. ─── 口头传播的闲话(通常有真实的也有不真实的)。

60、There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad. ─── 有真理,就有非真理,如果你坚持真理;哪怕全世界都不同意你,你也没有发疯。

61、It had been hard for him that spake it to have put more truth and untruth together in few words, than in that speech, Whatsoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god. ─── "喜欢孤独的人不是野兽便是神灵"。说这话的人若要在寥寥数语之中,更能把真理和邪说放在一处,那就很难了。

62、Company untruth verifying capital's civil legal responsibility ─── 公司验资不实的民事法律责任

63、I understood real talking wasn't always good,but well-meaning untruth was good at all time. ─── 我明白了一个道理,真实的言语跟善意的谎言相比,就没那么有用了。

64、The cause and countermeasure of the untruth of present time accounting information ─── 略论当前会计信息失真的原因及对策

65、Curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth. ─── 曲面镜不是用来产生真实影像,而是用来产生幻影(即假象)的流行器件。

66、Count Measure to Solve Untruth of Accountant Data ─── 论防止会计资料失真的对策

67、On Guard of the Accounting Information's Untruth being the Premise and Basic Method of the Guarantee of Accountant Information's Truth ─── 防范会计信息失真是保证会计信息真实性的前提和根本路径

68、I often said, a truth that is not your truth is still untruth. ─── 我经常说,在一个真理成为你自己的真理之前,它还不是真理。

69、I steadily refuse to tell an untruth. ─── 我断然拒绝说假话。

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