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09-09 投稿



explainable 发音

英:[?k?sple?n?bl]  美:[?k?sple?n?bl]

英:  美:

explainable 中文意思翻译



explainable 相似词语短语

1、exploitable ─── adj.可开发的;可利用的

2、expiable ─── adj.可赎的;可抵偿的

3、expandable ─── adj.可膨胀的,可张开的;可扩大的,可放大的

4、inexplainably ─── 莫名其妙地

5、examinable ─── adj.可检查的,可考查的

6、expirable ─── 可过期的

7、explicable ─── adj.可解释的,可说明的

8、inexplainable ─── adj.无法解释的;难解说的

9、unexplainable ─── adj.费解的;无法说明的

explainable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nd... oh, it's too complicated to explain! ─── 他已经跟她结了婚,可她又爱上他姐夫,而且...哎,太乱了,说不清。

2、Can you explain how the e-mail system works? ─── 你能说明一下电子邮件系统的工作原理吗?

3、Can you briefly explain the editorial process? ─── 你能否简要的解释一下整个制作过程?

4、Can you explain why you can behave so good? ─── 你解释你为什么这样表现好吗?

5、He tried to explain away the missing money. ─── 他试图为丢失钱而进行辩解。

6、If you will lend me your ear for a minute, I will explain how the burglar alarm works. ─── 如果你愿意听一会儿,我就讲讲防盗警报器是怎样工作的。

7、As a baseball fan who roots for the New York Mets, Judge Keenan sometimes uses baseball analogies to explain legal issues. ─── 基南法官是一个支持纽约大都会棒球队的球迷,有时用棒球来推理解释法律问题。 

8、He can only explain the awful absence of absolutes. ─── 他只能解释事物均非绝对。

9、If you will indulge me for one moment (ie allow me to continue to speak), I think I can explain the matter to you. ─── 你要是容我把话说完,我想我可以把此事给你解释清楚。

10、She could not explain her own emotions. ─── 她不能解释她自己的情感。

11、To explain(behavior) in psychological terms. ─── 从心理学角度解释(行为)

12、He was hard put (to it) to explain her disappearance. ─── 他难以说明她为什麽不见了。

13、You will find it difficult to explain away your use of such offensive language. ─── 你使用这样无礼的语言是很难说得过去的。

14、He never has to explain anything to a wife. ─── 他不必向老婆解释什么东西。

15、He go to great pain to explain the problem to us. ─── 他费了很大劲向我们解释那个问题。

16、Are you happy? Or,shall I explain it again? ─── 你认为可以吗?或者要我再说明?

17、So does the idea that decisions made by AI systems should be explainable, transparent, and fair. ─── 人工智能系统做出的决策应该是可解释的、透明的和公平的,这一观点也是如此。

18、Soon he hasan opportunity of explain that to her. ─── 不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会。

19、Can you explain to me how to bake a cake? ─── 你能不能向我说一下蛋糕的做法呢?

20、You have need to explain it to her. ─── 你必须向她解释此事。

21、He had to appear before the committee to explain his behaviour. ─── 他必须亲自向委员会解释他的行为。

22、How can I explain if you keep butting in? ─── 你一直插嘴,我还怎么解释?

23、He was able to explain his apparent faults away. ─── 他能够解释清他明显的过错。

24、People have propose all sort of hypotheses to explain why dinosaur have become extinct. ─── 人们提出种种假设,试图说明恐龙为什么会灭绝。

25、He cooked up a story to explain the broken window . ─── 他编了个故事来解释这打破了的窗子。

26、Can you explain to us how a two-way switch works? ─── 你给我们解释一下双路开关的工作原理好吗?

27、Captain Kwan continued to explain in earnest. ─── 关机长一脸认真地继续解释。

28、Serving to explain; explanatory. ─── 作解释用的; 说明的

29、She have to explain her behaviour to her perplexed supporter. ─── 她要向那些不明所以的拥护者解释自己的那种行为。

30、Don't explain it to him; it's only playing the lute to a cow. ─── 别向他解释,那只是对牛弹琴。

31、Are you happy? Or, shall I explain it again? ─── 你认为可以吗?或者要我再说明?

32、Can the Secretary explain this in detail? ─── 不知局长可否详细解释?

33、She tried to explain but he wouldn't listen. ─── 她试图说明一下原因,可他根本不听。

34、Would you explain yourself a little more? ─── 你说得再清楚点好吗?

35、Material used to clarify or explain. ─── 例证被用来说明或解释的材料

36、Can you explain what this means? ─── 你能讲一下这是什么意思吗?

37、Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English. ─── 别尽用那种专门术语,用普通的词语解释吧。

38、You should explain this to him from the outset. ─── 你应该一开始就向他解释这事。

39、Can you explain the meaning of these foreign words? ─── 你能解释这些外文词的意思吗?

40、They sent us a letter to explain the delay. ─── 他们给我们一封信解释为什么耽搁了。

41、You should explain why you did so face to face? ─── 你应该当面解释清楚你为什么这样做?

42、All right, I'll explain to you later on. Now scram! ─── 好吧,以后我解释给你听。你现在离我远点儿!

43、He omitted to explain why he had been late. ─── 他没有解释他为什么迟到。

44、Can you put (explain) that in simpler words? ─── 你能用更简洁的话把它表达出来吗?

45、He made up a story to explain why he was absent. ─── 他编造了一个故事为他的缺席辩解。

46、He didn't relish the prospect of having to explain his behavior. ─── 他不喜欢对他自己的所作所为作出解释。

47、Could you explain to me the significance of this part of the contract? ─── 你能给我解释一下合同这一部分的含义吗?

48、How will you explain yesterday rs event? ─── 你怎样解释昨天的事情?

49、Can you explain to me the tactics of volleyball? ─── 你能给我讲解一下排球战术吗?

50、He couldn't explain the irregularities in the balance sheet, and I suspect him of taking the money. ─── 他无法解释资产负债表中的不正常的情况,我怀疑他把钱放进自己腰包了。

51、In order to properly explain these signs of nature, he felt that he must do still more research. ─── 为了适当地解释这些自然特征,他觉得必须做更多的研究。

52、He believed in scientific method - phenomena were explainable. ─── 他相信科学方法——现象都是可以解释的。

53、Something told me that it wasn't my last race, but I don't think it is explainable. ─── 第六感启示我这不是我的最后一场比赛,但这也不是啥解释。

54、She made up an excuse [story] to explain her absence. ─── 她编了一套理由[情况],说明自己为什么没有来。

55、Why should I trouble to explain it all? ─── 为什麽我得费事都解释一遍呢?

56、Can you explain to me the purpose of be? ─── 你能对我解释一下存在的目的吗?

57、How can you explain such a silly remark? ─── 你怎能解释这样一个愚蠢的意见?

58、"The way we use our minds to navigate the social and general worlds involves a lot of things that are implicit, not explainable, " she said. ─── “我们是如何让思想在人类社会和自然世界中穿行的,涉及很多只可意会不能言传的东西,”她说。

59、They are explainable as a species of mental atavism. ─── 这些都可以解释为一种精神的返祖现象。

60、How do you explain this strange turn of events? ─── 事情出现这种异常变化,你作何解释?

61、For audit opinions to be believable in specific contexts they must be logically explainable and retraceable and testable. ─── 如果稽核人员的意见在特定的情况下要能够被信任,那麽该意见一定要能被合理地解释、追踪与测试。

62、They begged him to explain, but he remained dumb. ─── 他们请求他解释,但他保持沉默不语。

63、Can you explain the way to the nearest bookstore ? ─── 劳驾告诉我这儿最近的书店怎么走?

64、He had a lot to explain, and no time for more than a short meeting. Thus a lengthy briefing had to be telescoped into half an hour. ─── 他有许多要说明的,但又没时间开长会,所以只好把一份长汇报削短成半小时的简介。

65、Can you explain to me how film editing works? ─── 你能象我解释电影编辑是怎样一个工作吗?

66、Well, you know, it's difficult to explain. ─── 唉,你知道,这很难解释。

67、Can you explain how the machine operates? ─── 你能解释一下这机器是如何运转的吗?

68、You explain things in a way that is too abstract for me. ─── 你如此解释事物对我来说太深奥了。

69、Don't shout at me. Allow me to explain. ─── 别对我大吼大叫。让我解释嘛。

70、If true, the signal might be explainable by hydrogen flowing out from the Sun and interacting with oxygen in the lunar soil. ─── 如果是真的,那么该信号可能是太阳上的氢与月壤内的氧原子结合后形成。

71、Wonder how they explain it to the heathen Chinee. ─── 不知道他们怎样向中国异教徒宣讲。

72、Contemplate the fact that you might have made a regrettable, but somewhat explainable decision then. ─── 谨记这个事实:也许你做了一个让人懊悔但仍然可以解释的决定。

73、He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more. ─── 他听着,等待讲的人进一步解释。

74、The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the fever. ─── 医生无法解释高烧何以持久不退。

75、You are late again! I hope you can explain yourself this time. ─── 你又迟到了!我希望这一次你能找出个理由。

76、Comrade Yu will explain the matter to you. ─── 余同志会给你们说明这件事的。

77、It is needless for me to explain. ─── 不用听我讲。

78、Can you explain that point again? ─── 你能再解释一下那一点吗?

79、It won't do to explain them only to a few people. ─── 只给少数人讲不行。

80、the exorbitant prices are explainable in the light of the facts. ─── 考虑到实际情况,这么高的价钱也是情有可原的。

81、Have you any idea of what I'm trying to explain? ─── 你可知道我在试图解释什么?

82、A salesman explain a new product. ─── 一位售货员说明新产品。

83、Can you explain the meaning of the word to me? ─── 你能把这个单词的意思给我解释一下吗?

84、Well, that doesn't explain why you didn't phone. ─── 嗳,那不是你不打电话的理由。

85、She tried to explain away the missing money. ─── 她试图为丢失的钱辩解。

86、Can you explain why you were late? ─── 你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?

87、Read the text first and then explain the new words. ─── 先读课文,然后解释生词。

88、Can you explain the way to the nearest bookstore? ─── 劳驾告诉我这儿最近的书店怎么走?

89、Can you explain to me the tactics in a sprint? ─── 你能给我解释一下短距离赛的战术吗?

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