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09-09 投稿



escorting 发音

英:[??sk??t??]  美:[??sk??rt??]

英:  美:

escorting 中文意思翻译




escorting 短语词组

1、escorting vehicles ─── 伴随车辆护卫车

2、escorting division ─── 护送师

escorting 词性/词形变化,escorting变形

动词过去分词: escorted |动词现在分词: escorting |动词第三人称单数: escorts |动词过去式: escorted |

escorting 相似词语短语

1、assorting ─── v.(基因或特征在细胞或后代中)分配,配倒;分类(assort的现在分词)

2、exporting ─── adj.出口的;输出的;v.[贸易]出口(export的ing形式);输出;n.[贸易]出口

3、asporting ─── 体育

4、escotting ─── 劈开

5、exhorting ─── vt.忠告;劝诫;vi.劝告

6、besorting ─── 瘙痒

7、extorting ─── vt.敲诈;侵占;强求;牵强地引出

8、besporting ─── 移植

9、escarping ─── n.内壕(等于escarpment);vt.使成斜面

escorting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A group of dwarf and gnome miners needs an escort to a distant mining site. ─── 一队矮人与侏儒矿工需要到远方矿场的护送。

2、The queen's escort totaled fifty men. ─── 女王的警卫队共有五十名。

3、The mission itself boils down to fight to one spot, escort a guy, or blow up something. ─── 任务本身煮沸下来对一个地点对抗,护卫一个家伙,或炸毁某事。

4、He offered to be her escort, but she declined it. ─── 他提出护送她,但她谢绝了。

5、For a little cigar, a cheroot, if you please, he will escort you all over Paris. ─── 你若站下看一件衬衣或是一颗衬衫领扣,他便马上来精神了。”

6、Well, we can escort you to cross the river. ─── 好,我们护送你过黄河。

7、If you are leaving a shopping centre alone at night, request a security escort to your car. ─── 如果你是在夜里一个人离开购物中心,要求一名保安员陪同你到你的汽车去。

8、They were Napoleon and two adjutants escorting him. ─── 向他驰近的骑者是拿破仑和随行的两名副官。

9、Flip through my rolodex. Find someone elseto escort me tonight. ─── 去翻我的电子记事本。找个今晚可以陪我参加舞会的。

10、We were warned by a would-be escort, with a bright red whistle around his neck, that the place was very dangerous. ─── 一位自命为护卫的人,颈下挂着红色哨子,警告我们这里非常危险。

11、He will escort you from the forest. ─── 他将护送你走出森林。

12、Delta Operators will be escorting them to the town. ─── 三角洲特种部队将会护送他们前进至城镇。

13、At a press conference in Brussels, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said the first operation escorting a boat on had gone well . ─── 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯在布鲁塞尔举行的一次记者会上说,护送船只的第一次任务进行得很好。

14、The bridegroom goes to the bride's home to escort her to the wedding. ─── 上门迎亲。

15、You had your good angels escorting you. That's all I can say. ─── 你们有你们的善良天使保佑。我只能这样说。

16、An Algerian police convoy escorting European workers was bombed, wounding nine people. ─── 一个护卫欧洲的工人阿尔及利亚的警察护送被轰炸,受伤九个人。

17、Several policemen had to escort the referee from the football field to protect him from the angry spectators. ─── 几名警察只好护送这位裁判离开足球场以保护他免遭愤怒的观众的袭击。

18、Your orders are, that you are to go to Chinon under the escort of this gentleman and three of his friends. ─── 命令你;在这位先生跟他三位朋友护送下前往喜农。

19、However, the staff member escorting the man out of the bank noticed the knife sticking out of his pocket and a bloodstain on his trousers. ─── 然而,送他出去的银行职员发现他的口袋里露出一把刀,而且他的裤子上还有血迹。

20、These goods will be sent to GuangZhou under my escort I will send these goods to GuangZhou by my own. ─── 今天我亲自押送此批货去广州。

21、The general's suite and an escort of Croats galloped after the coach. ─── 侍从们和克罗地亚人的护卫队乘坐轻骑在车后疾驰。

22、To go to meet one's bride at her home before escorting her back to one's own home for the wedding. ─── 在结婚当天,新郎带着亲戚朋友等去新娘的家里接新娘。

23、A girl or woman employed to escort people to their seats, as in a theater or stadium. ─── 女引座员戏院和体育馆等处引领人们到其座员上的女孩或女人

24、They seemed in no hurry to escort their prisoners into the valley. ─── 他们似乎不急于护送这些犯人进入山谷。

25、She asked her older brother to escort her to the ball. ─── 她请求她哥哥护送她去参加舞会。

26、Yuke Squadron Hey, I see escort fighters. ─── 喂,我看到有护航的飞机。

27、A policeman was escorting a prisoner to gaol when his hat was blown off," shall I run and get it for you? ─── 一个警官押送一个犯人去拘留所, 这时他的帽子被风吹跑了, “我可以去拿还给你吗?”

28、A girl or woman employed to escort people to their seats,as in a theater or stadium. ─── 女引座员戏院和体育馆等处引领人们到其座员上的女孩或女人。

29、When the doctor arrives at the hotel, the GSO will escort the doctor to the guestroom. ─── 医生到达酒店后,宾客关系主任应该陪同医生到房间。

30、The prisoners were taken to another jail under escort. ─── 囚犯们被护送到另一个监狱。

31、I haven't the faintest idea what you're saying," the white coat said, taking him by the arm and escorting him down the corridor. ─── 我问的根本不是你说的那意思,”穿白色大衣的人说,抓住他的胳膊,护送他来到走廊。

32、An escort will show you to your table. Just a moment, please. ─── 侍者会带您入座,请稍等。

33、Hadji Murad was allowed to go riding in the neighborhood of the town provided that he went with a Cossack escort. ─── 他从小没有父亲,他的老母亲不断,三姐妹和两个兄弟.

34、The queen has a large escort. ─── 女王有庞大的护卫队。

35、Their love and dedication to the profession, work hard, work diligently, actively escorting cargo transport. ─── 他们热爱并执著于这个行业,工作勤奋,兢兢业业,积极为货物运输保驾护航。

36、Will you escort this young lady to the dancing party tonight ? ─── 你今晚愿意陪这位小姐去参加舞会吗?

37、He saluted the commander of the escorting partisans and in low, clipped Chinese reported that everything was in order for the crossing. ─── 他向护送队长敬了个礼,然后低声用简洁的汉语报告横越工作都布置好了。

38、He is the commander in chief of this escort ,and he holds great power. ─── 他是这艘护航舰的总指挥,权利很大。

39、Her mother was always with her, escorting her as assiduously as a true mother might have accompanied her daughter. ─── 她的母亲每时每刻都陪着她,就像一个真正的母亲陪伴她真正的女儿那般形影不离。

40、In the countryside, the escorting of the bride to the groom's house is always a ceremonious event. ─── 在农村,接亲往往既隆重又热闹。

41、"Yes, to escort him into the capital. ─── “是的,他们会护送他进首都的。

42、Her duties involved housecleaning, assisting the nanny, escorting children to school, assisting the wife in cooking. ─── 她负责家居清洁、帮助保姆、送小童上学、帮助太太煮食。

43、If I am well informed, a ship is on its way and will dock on the 28th of October escorting a WFP ship. ─── 如果我得到的消息是正确的话,另一艘船正在前往当地的路上,而且会在10月28号停靠码头护送一艘世界粮食计划署的船只。

44、At a press conference in Brussels, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said the first operation escorting a boat on had gone well. ─── 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯在布鲁塞尔举行的一次记者会上说,护送船只的第一次任务进行得很好。

45、Kate' s escort arrived to take her out for the evening. ─── 凯特的男伴来陪她出去参加晚会。

46、Let them come themselves and escort us out. ─── 叫他们自己来领我们出去吧。

47、Encouraging receptionist escorting guest up to room after check in whenever is possible. ─── 鼓励员工尽可能在办完入住登记手续后带客人进房间。

48、The export credit guarantee is the escort of export enterprises. ─── 出口信用保险是企业出口的护航者。

49、Since convoys sailed at the fastest speed of the slowest ship, speed was not of paramount importance for the escorting vessels. ─── 如果护航舰队以最慢的船只的最快速度航行,速度就不是护航舰队最重要的了。

50、You (pointing to Le Poittevin), the grenadiers, will be my escort. ─── 复指伯君曰:‘汝为近卫步军,当随我左右。’

51、It maybe the furnishment of local militia or armed escort. ─── 可能是民团或镖局的装备.

52、George offered to escort Mrs. Green home. ─── 乔治表示愿意护送格林太太回家。

53、Jackson's golden, flower-draped casket was brought to Staples Center in a motorcade under law enforcement escort. ─── 在警卫们的护送下,杰克逊金色的、布满鲜花的棺木由一列礼宾车队载入了斯台普斯中心。

54、A naval escort vessel closely tails the repatriation boat as far as the midway Point in the Taiwan Strait. ─── 军舰护送载运偷渡客的渔船,直到海峡中线才结束。

55、He had put up a terrific struggle, the Wanganui sergeant on escort duty told Paddy. ─── 在万加楼依值勤的警卫中士告诉帕迪,他儿子打了一场可怕的战斗。

56、It is recommended to plan an escort for this kind of convoy. ─── 因此建议规划为这种车队护送。

57、How do you know I am dating an escorting girl? ─── 你怎么知道我在和一个交际花约会啊?

58、Police were called to escort her off the premises. ─── 召来警察护送她离场。

59、A policeman was escorting a prisoner to jail when his hat blew off. "Shall I run and get it for you?" asked the prisoner obligingly. ─── 一个警察押送一个犯人去监狱。忽然他的帽子被风吹掉了。"我去替您捡帽子,行吧?"犯人讨好地问。

60、At their house he also meets Narcissa's latest escort. ─── 在她们家里,他还认识了纳西萨最近的陪伴。

61、An escort will show you to your table. ─── 侍者会带您入座。

62、Ueno veterinarian and a panda keeper are escorting the pair to Tokyo on an aircraft decorated with a black-and-white panda design. ─── 来自上野公园的兽医和熊猫饲养员全程护送这对大熊猫乘飞机抵达东京,这架飞机机身使用了黑白相间的熊猫设计。

63、His gallantry made him an ideal escort. ─── 他善献殷勤,因而成了一名理想的陪同。

64、Escort guests rather than pointing out directions. ─── 亲自为客人引路,单是指出方向并不足够。

65、The criminal ran away during escort, because the men in charge of escorting breached their duty. ─── 在监押途中犯人逃跑了,这是押解人员的失职。

66、Alongside his troops, Jek and Rys, he was assigned to escort Jedi Master Yoda to a diplomatic mission to Rugosa. ─── 他和手下杰克和里斯一起,被分配去护送绝地大师尤达前往鲁戈萨执行一个外交任务。

67、Under the escort of friends, I finally had the courage to tell the truth to the policeman. ─── 在朋友的陪同下,我终于有勇气开口向警察说出了事情的真相。

68、GS例句:Threats are down, hostages are safe. Requsting hostage escort. ─── 人质安全,威胁已经被解决。请求将人质护送出去!

69、She was seen at the opera with an extremely presentable escort. ─── 她出现在歌剧院里,有个十分体面的人陪伴着她.

70、So sensing her difficulty, I walked beside her, holding my umbrella over her, eventually escorting her home. ─── 因为考虑到她的困难,我走到她身边,把我的雨伞绕过她,最后护送她回家。

71、I don't know. If I love her and she is willing to give up her escorting business, I think why not? ─── 不知道。如果我爱她,而且她也愿意放弃援助交易的话,为什么不呢?

72、Are you going to escort me to lunch again? ─── 你还陪我吃午饭吗?

73、All right, I'm ready, ' he said finally and went into the parlor, where Butler had taken Hadji Murad and the escorting officer. ─── 好吧,我准备好,他说,终于走进屋,巴特勒曾在阿采取的Murad和护送人员。

74、Prisoners are taken to court under police escort. ─── 囚犯由警察押送带上法庭。

75、He will escort you through the forest . ─── 他护送你穿过森林。

76、A male escort unknowingly starts dating the daughter of one of his 'clients.' Mayhem ensues. ─── 一老兄不知不觉的开始与客户的女儿约会,有意破坏便接踵而至。

77、In 1975, the Indian army had dissolved Sikkim King's palace armed escort, then put him under house arrest. ─── 1975年,印度军队解散锡金国王的宫廷卫队,软禁了锡金国王。

78、To escort the sick old woman to the hospital, he had to take risks of being late. ─── 为了护送那位有病的老妇人到医院,他不得不冒迟到的险。

79、Patients were loaded and disembarked from the nose of the aircraft with escort by fire department LZ officer. ─── 伤员在飞机前端由消防部门的直升机起降区域人员护送著上下直升机。

80、When the judges heard that Paul was a Roman citizen they became afraid and came to settle the men down while escorting them out of the city. ─── 在这一节里,一个被巫鬼所附、能讲预言的女子来见保罗,她跟随保罗四处走,告诉人们说保罗是上帝的仆人,传说救人的道。

81、"Rendezvous with India Company and provide a SITREP.Facilitate convoy escort. ─── "与I连会合并向其提供区域情报保证车队快速撤离。

82、A little hunchback came forward and offered to escort me to the office of M. le Censeur, second in charge. ─── 一个小驼背过来主动提出带我去勒桑塞尔先生的办公室,那是第二号人物。

83、The king's escort total 50 men. ─── 国王的警卫队总数达50人。

84、Three months later, in January 1940, HMAS Hobart assisted in escorting the first convoy carrying the Australian Army to the Middle East. ─── 三个月以后,1940年1月,HMAS霍巴特协助了护送第一护航队运载澳大利亚军队去了中东。

85、"If I am well informed, a ship is on its way and will dock on the 28th of October escorting a WFP ship. ─── 如果我得到的消息是正确的话,另一艘船正在前往当地的路上,而且会在10月28号停靠码头护送一艘世界粮食计划署的船只。”

86、He saluted the commander of the escorting partisans and in low, clippped Chinese reported that everything was in order for the crossing. ─── 他向护送队长敬了个礼,然后低声用简洁的汉语报告横越工作都布置好了。

87、All right, I'm ready,' he said finally and went into the parlor, where Butler had taken Hadji Murad and the escorting officer. ─── 好吧,我准备好,他说,终于走进屋,巴特勒曾在阿采取的Murad和护送人员。

88、I remember watching the footage of him meeting Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping escorting his party on a tour to the Great Wall. ─── 我还记得电视上毛泽东主席与惠特拉姆总理会谈、邓小平先生陪他登长城的镜头。

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