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09-09 投稿



rapt 发音

英:[r?pt]  美:[r?pt]

英:  美:

rapt 中文意思翻译



rapt 词性/词形变化,rapt变形

副词: raptly |

rapt 短语词组

1、serenely rapt ─── 安详地全神贯注

2、be rapt in ─── 沉迷于…,醉心于…

rapt 相似词语短语

1、apt ─── adj.恰当的;有…倾向的;灵敏的;n.(Apt)人名;(法、波、英)阿普特

2、rap ─── n.轻敲;指责(非正式);说唱乐;交谈(非正式);刑事指控(非正式);名声;一丁点儿;极少;v.抢走;轻敲;敲击致使;使着迷;交谈;说唱

3、Bapt ─── Bapt公司

4、raft ─── n.筏;救生艇;(美)大量;vt.筏运;制成筏;vi.乘筏;n.(Raft)人名;(匈、瑞典)拉夫特

5、Capt ─── abbr.船长,(陆军)上尉,(海军)上校(captain);(CAPT)计算机辅助发音训练系统(computerassistedpronunciationtraining);(CAPT)佳能先进打印技术(CanonAdvancedPrintingTechnology)

6、wrapt ─── v.打包(wrap的过去式及过去分词)

7、rape ─── n.强奸,掠夺;[园艺]油菜;葡萄渣;vt.强奸;掠夺,抢夺;vi.犯强奸罪

8、rant ─── v.咆哮,叫嚷;大声抱怨;夸夸其谈;n.咆哮;激昂的长篇演说;豪言壮语;n.(Rant)(美)兰特(人名)

9、trapt ─── v.(旧时用法)使陷入困境;卡住;收集;把……逼进(trap的过去式和过去分词);n.(Trapt)心灵枷锁(美国摇滚乐队)

rapt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She glanced about her and saw the others gazing at him with rapt attention; ─── 她望望周围,别的人都听得津津有味;

2、Before that she had attracted rather little national attention beyond the rapt circles of the tea-party movement. ─── 而之前,她除了是“茶党”圈子的活跃分子,在全国并未引起更多的注意。

3、The two of them lay rapt and attentive ─── 他们两个趴着愣愣地凝神细听。

4、rapt attention ─── 全神贯注的

5、Mrs. Trenor fixed a rapt eye upon her ─── 特雷诺太太全神贯注地望着她。

6、I forgot all else, I shunned all the world, I gazed in rapt contemplation at the image I had set upon the altar. ─── 我忘掉一切,我躲避大千世界,我神注目夺地凝视着我安放在龛里的偶像。

7、RIDE on the Seoul metro or take a bus around the city's streets and you will see passengers gazing at their mobile phones with rapt attention, earplugs firmly in place. ─── 无论乘坐汉城的地铁或是搭乘巴士在城市的街道上,你都会看到乘客全神贯注地盯着他们的手机,紧紧地塞着耳塞。

8、Two burly Swiss men wrestle in front of a rapt audience during the Unspunnenfest. ─── 在阿尔卑斯山牧羊人节里,两名魁伟的瑞士男人在全神贯注的观众前摔跤。

9、He peered sideways up and gave a long low whistle of call, then paused awhile in rapt attention, his even white teeth glistening here and there with gold points. ─── 他朝上方斜睨,悠长地低声吹了下呼唤的口哨,随后停下来,全神贯注地倾听着。他那口洁白齐整的牙齿有些地方闪射着金光。

10、The dog seemed to pay rapt attention to Burton when he spoke, but responded to Taylor as if she wasn't there. ─── 伯顿讲话的时候,伊恩索就会全神贯注地关注,泰勒讲话时它却毫无反应。

11、Glaucus was the most rapt and the least inclined to break the silence ─── 格劳科斯听得非常入神,很不愿意打破这沉默。

12、Some sit rapt for ten hours straight. ─── 有些粉丝们会全神贯注地持续坐上10个小时。

13、sat completely still, enraptured by the music; listened with rapt admiration; rapt in reverie. ─── 安静地坐着,陶醉于音乐;带着着迷的敬意聆听;痴迷于幻想。

14、He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation. ─── 我费了九牛二虎之力才把她哄出来。

15、I forgot all else, I shunned all the world, I gazed in rapt contemplation at the image I had set upon the altar. ─── 我忘掉一切,我躲避大千世界,我神注目夺地凝视着我安放在龛里的偶像。

16、a rapt audience ─── 听得入神的听众

17、be rapt in wonder ─── 惊异得目瞪口呆

18、At the beginning of her school days, Helen was rapt in classical music. ─── 刚开学时,海伦沉迷于古典音乐。

19、Please stop eating for a moment and pay rapt and worshipful attention. ─── 现在,请稍停用餐,大家全神贯注地、敬畏地听我讲。

20、Rapt When someone is very pleased about something ─── 某人对某事感到非常高兴

21、She sat with a rapt expression reading her book. ─── 她坐在那里全神贯注地读着书。

22、He is rapt with joy. ─── 他欣喜若狂。

23、Sit for hours in rapt joy, I hope never ends ─── 坐下呆上几个小时欣喜若狂,不希望结束

24、Rapt in the contemplation of these scenes, He did not remain beside His parents. ─── 他默想这些景象,不禁心夺神移。不知不觉他已不在父母身边,而只想单独在一处。

25、be wholly absorbed; be rapt ─── 全神贯注

26、I listened, rapt, as professional trainers explained how they taught dolphins to flip and elephants to paint. ─── 我痴迷地聆听着专业驯养员解释他们如何教海豚翻筋斗,教大象学画画。

27、But the so-called "one-lakh car", which Tata Motors unveiled in Delhi to a rapt public on Thursday January 10th, is a product of impatience and chutzpah. ─── 但是1月10日星期二塔塔汽车公司在新德里向期盼已久的消费者揭晓的一款所谓的“10万卢比汽车”却有些鲁莽大胆。

28、be rapt in one's work ─── 专心地工作着

29、I noticed that everyone was watching me with rapt attention. ─── 我注意到大家都在专注地望着我。

30、listen with rapt attention; listen attentively ─── 凝神谛听

31、Listened to the speaker with rapt admiration. ─── 带着着迷的敬意聆听讲演者

32、Everybody listened to his story with rapt attention. ─── 大家听他讲故事,都听得入迷了。

33、But as she stood there rapt with admiration, she accidentally dropped the taper on his arm. ─── 当她正盯着小伙子看的时候,蜡烛从她手中落下,落在了小伙子的手臂上。

34、In the darkened conference room,they falsely assumed that the audience is all concentrating with rapt attention on watching the screen. ─── 在较暗的会议室中,他们误以为大家都在全神贯注的观看屏幕,自己的讲话和动作不会引起任何人的注意。

35、Rapt localssoon began to notice a striking resemblance to the shop's then owner,Pascuala Esparza. ─── 全神贯注的本地人很快开始注意到她与店主帕斯卡拉.依莎贝拉惊人的相似。

36、Holding hands, they dangled their feet over the edge, rapt in beauty. ─── 他们手牵着手,坐在峡谷边缘,双腿荡悠着,陶醉于美景之中。

37、He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; ─── 因为人如果不再感到奇怪,不再表示惊讶,那就和死了一样,和一支掐灭的蜡烛没有不同。

38、Ramon studied Margaret's rapt attention to detail as she worked on the sculpture ─── 拉蒙细心地观察玛格丽特进行雕刻时如何全神贯注,一丝不苟。

39、Powerful male voice in a tide of harmony swirl over a rapt audience. ─── 浑厚有力的男声宛如一波波和声的浪潮,令听众如痴如醉。

40、They watch their T.V. screens in rapt attention as Allen Iverson and Dwayne Wade complete acrobatic behind-the-back passes and impossible lay-ups. ─── 当AllenIverson和DwayneWade完成杂技般的背后传球和令人不可思议的篮板球动作时,他们全神贯注地盯住电视屏幕,不愿放过任何精彩瞬间。

41、He was rapt in admiration of that young lady. ─── 他对这位少女真是崇拜得五体投地。

42、rapt to the seventh heaven ─── 欢天喜地

43、Children listen to the teacher's story in rapt attention. ─── 儿童们以专注的精神倾听老师讲故事。

44、The disgusted gesture with which Jastrow turns his page surprises an uncertain laugh from the rapt audience ─── 杰斯特罗翻讲稿的那种满怀厌恶的手势,意想不到地使凝神细听的听众犹疑不定地笑了起来。

45、He listened to the music with rapt attention. ─── 他屏气凝神地听着音乐.

46、Was rapt in thought all evening. ─── 整晚上都陷入深深的沉思

47、rapt gaze ─── 痴迷的眼神

48、The pilot and flight attendant, who were watching with rapt attention, together ask the co-pilot what he had said to the woman. ─── 机长和乘务员先是看得目瞪口呆,然后便异口同声地问副机长:你对那位女郎说了些什么?

49、He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation. ─── 他把双肘支在膝盖上,双手托着下巴,一言不发的想着什么。

50、On his face lay the intense rapt look of the religious fanatic. ─── 他的脸上明显地呈现出宗教狂热者的那种浓厚的着迷的神情。

51、Glaucus was the most rapt and the least inclined to break the silence . ─── 格劳科斯听得非常入神,很不愿意打破这沉默。

52、Speaking in a converted fish market, before a rapt crowd of French expatriates, he called Britain's capital “one of the biggest French cities”. ─── 在一个经过改造的鱼市场,他站在一群全神贯注倾听演说的法国侨民面前,称英国首都是“法国人最多的城市之一”。

53、They strike me as changed and rapt beyond my sphere ─── 我发现他们变了,着了魔似地,超出了我的范畴。

54、He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. ─── 对这种感情生疏的人,无法停止继续困惑,无法感受到令人欣喜的敬畏;这样的人,算是已经阖眼了,和死了一样。

55、He was rapt in study. ─── 他全神贯注于研究。

56、But when I start talking, I assume that you are sittingperfectly still, rapt. ─── 不过轮到我开始说话的时候,我就想象你正坐得笔直,悉心倾听。

57、rapt in contemplation, thought, devotion, etc ─── 一心一意地沉思、 思考、 奉献等

58、in rapt attention ─── 全神贯注地

59、I forgot all else,I shunned all the world,I gazed in rapt contemplation at the image I had set upon the altar. ─── 我忘记了其他的一切,我避开整个世界,我凝神注视着被我放在神龛里的圣像。

60、The audience is all concentrating with rapt attention on taking notes ─── 人们都在全神贯注地记笔记。

61、She listened with rapt attention. or She was all ears. ─── 她全神贯注地听着。

62、Nim sensed, among his audience, rapt and immediate interest ─── 尼姆意识到听众中顿时产生一种着了迷似的兴趣。

63、She sat with rapt expression reading her book. ─── 她坐着全神贯注地看书。

64、They listen with rapt attention to the holy sermons of the saints and learned Jain scholars arranged during the ten-day festival. ─── 在这十天的盛典中,他们全神贯注地听着圣明之人和知识渊博的耆那修道者安排的神圣的训诫。

65、She is rapt in her work. ─── 她专心致志工作。

66、Do I have everyone's rapt attention? We have a lot to go over today. ─── 每个人都注意了吗?今天要做的事很多。

67、Chuiyan has not yet raised the family, thank-quietly and around fences, hiding in the shadows and watched with rapt attention to all their houses. ─── 家里的炊烟还未升起,谢端悄悄靠近篱笆墙,躲在暗处,全神贯注地看着自己屋里的一切。

68、She listened to the speaker with rapt attention. ─── 她全神贯注地听演讲者讲话。

69、listen with rapt attention ─── 入迷地听

70、Rapt but chilly Obama supporters at a campaign rally at the Widener University in Chester, Pa. (Damon Winter, The New York Times - 2008 ─── 尽管天气寒冷,支持者们还是聚集在宾夕法尼亚州切斯特的威德纳大学全神贯注地听奥巴马演讲。

71、He to whom this emotion is astranger, who can no longer stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. ─── 对于此种情感感到陌生的人而言,在敬畏之中他将无法继续全神贯注,就好象死了般。

72、Children are listening to the story with rapt attention. ─── 孩子们入迷地听着故事。

73、I forgot all else, I shunned all the world, I gazed in rapt contemplation at the image I had set upon the altar ─── 我忘掉一切,我躲避大千世界,我凝视着安放在圣坛的偶像。

74、I haven't been following the conversation with rapt attention. ─── 我没有全神贯注地听他们讲什么。

75、She was terrified and she was rapt. ─── 她吓得魂不守舍。

76、There was a rapt look on his face whenever he looked at his sweetheart. ─── 他看着他的恋人时,总是露出醉人的样子。

77、3. We listened to her amazing story with rapt attention. ─── 我们全神贯注地倾听她讲的惊人故事。

78、He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. ─── 那些失去了这种情感,已不再会惊奇地驻足、敬畏地伫立的人,近乎已死:他们的眼睛已经闭上了。

79、Mazer conducts rehearsals with rapt attention. ─── 梅哲全神贯注的排练神态。

80、I, Wise and Wonderful Father: Children, I have a Paternal Proclamation. Please stop eating for a moment and pay rapt and worshipful attention. ─── 我-睿智的好父亲:孩子们,我要发布一项父亲宣言。现在,请稍停用餐,大家全神贯注地、敬畏地听我讲。

81、She glanced about her and saw the others gazing at him with rapt attention ─── 她望望周围,别的人都听得津津有味

82、To be rapt with joy ─── 欢喜欲狂

83、There was a rapt look on his face whenever he looked at his sweetheart. ─── 他看着他的恋人时,总是露出醉人的样子。

84、In some mountainous countryside of China where the rivulets wanderthrough, the stones on the river-related lands have been rapt withoutrestraint. ─── 在一些水流流经的我国山区农村,河地上的石头被大肆盗取。

85、He was rapt in thought [his work]. ─── 他全神贯注于思索 [埋头工作]。

86、Yet if you gaze at it in rapt contemplation, and gaze still more raptly, then when you reflect on your state of mind, just see -- does the slightest vulgar thought remain? ─── 但你凝神地看着,更凝神地看着,你再反省你的心境,看还有一丝屑的缩念沾滞?

87、Or perhaps you had a particularly good time with some girls where you were on a role telling stories and they all laughed, rapt with attention. ─── 或者你和一些女孩有特别美好的时光,你说故事,女孩们带着微笑全神贯注的听。

88、It encourages the would-be American poet to rely too exclusively on a rapt and bardic intuition ─── 它鼓励未来的美国诗人完全依靠发狂似的诗人的直觉。

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