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09-09 投稿


cogitation 发音

英:[?kɑ?d???te??n]  美:[?k?d???te??n]

英:  美:

cogitation 中文意思翻译



cogitation 词性/词形变化,cogitation变形

动词现在分词: cogitating |名词: cogitator |动词过去式: cogitated |动词第三人称单数: cogitates |动词过去分词: cogitated |

cogitation 短语词组

1、cogitation def ─── 思考定义

2、cogitation cheese ─── 沉思奶酪

3、cogitation root ─── 思维根

4、cogitation meaning ─── 思考意义

5、cogitation mean ─── 思考平均数

6、cogitation antonym ─── 思考反义词

7、cogitation define ─── 思考定义

8、cogitation english ─── 思考英语

cogitation 相似词语短语

1、excogitation ─── n.设计;发明;方案;计划

2、coaptation ─── n.接合,适应;接骨术

3、cogitator ─── n.深思熟虑的人

4、cogitative ─── adj.深思熟虑的;有思考力的

5、cogitating ─── vt.仔细考虑;谋划;vi.思考;考虑

6、citation ─── n.引用,引证;[法]传票;褒扬

7、cavitation ─── n.[流]气穴现象;空穴作用;成穴

8、agitation ─── n.激动;搅动;煽动;烦乱

9、capitation ─── n.人头税;按人收费;每人均摊费

cogitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But these words were not the product of intellectual cogitation; ─── 然而,这些言词并不会产生出智性思考;

2、Cogitation about preparation for setting up the system of reduction of hospital assets ─── 关于建立医院资产减值准备制度的思考

3、When you,the person I had spared no pains to obliterate,once again emerged in front of me,my ability of rational cogitation instantaneously collapsed,willing to be anytime at your service. ─── 当你这个让我不遗余力地想去忘记的人又一次出现在我的面前时,我的理性思考能力瞬间崩溃,心甘情愿地随时为你服务。

4、after much cogitation he rejected the offer. ─── 做了仔细思考之后,他还是拒绝了邀请。

5、100. After some cogitation, accompanied with an intent look at his patron, Mr. Cruncher conceived the luminous idea of replying, 'Agricultural character .' ─── 克朗彻先生思考了一会儿,又仔细地瞧着他的老板,忽然得到一个辉煌的灵感,回答道,“带点农业性质的活儿吧

6、Exploration and Cogitation on Conducting Applicable Undergraduate Education ─── 举办应用型本科教育的探索与思考

7、Countermeasure Cogitation of Harmonious Physician-patient Relationship ─── 和谐医患关系的对策思考

8、After much cogitation I have decided to resign ─── 我经过再叁考虑後决定辞职

9、Artistical living has gradually become the philosophy of Mikoo after cogitation and action. ─── 有了自己的思考和行动以后,便形成了米库现在所倡导的理念:生活艺术化。

10、Cogitation About the Progress of Advanced Professional and Technical Medicinal Education ─── 关于高职高专医学教育发展的思考

11、Chang Chia Hau fairy tale subject for the anti-think, provide the reader to display imagines and cogitation the space. ─── 张嘉骅的童话主题倾向于逆向思考,提供读者发挥想像及思考空间。

12、John McCain, still a respected Republican voice on foreign affairs, called Mr Obama's autumn of cogitation too "leisurely" . ─── 仍然是对外事务上一个受尊敬的共和党声音的麦凯恩将奥巴马秋天的苦思冥想形容为太过“悠闲”。

13、At first, such a complex problem disheartened them. However, they finally worked out the solution after much cogitation. ─── 起初,这个复杂问题使他们感到灰心丧气,但经过仔细思考他们终于研究出了解决办法.

14、The theoretical cognition and reform cogitation about educating the creative ability of students ─── 创新教育的理论认识及实施途径

15、A corporate culture that discourages cogitation may not be one where you'd be comfortable in the long run. ─── 她建议,带上垫板、纸,不但为了做笔记,而且“给自己台词。

16、Cogitation on strengthening the work of extra-Party intellectuals ─── 加强党外知识分子工作的思考

17、After much cogitation, we decided to move to the Bahamas. ─── 经过认真考虑,我们决定搬到巴哈马群岛去。

18、Philosophy Cogitation on Chinese Language Educational Modernization ─── 语文教育现代化的哲学思考

19、After much cogitation I have decided to resign. ─── 我经过再三考虑後决定辞职。

20、of or relating to having capacities for cogitation. ─── 属于或有关深思熟虑能力的。

21、The choice being suitable withdrawal way has also become the question which the venture capitalists must cogitation. ─── 选择适宜的退出方式也就成了风险投资家们必须深思熟虑的问题。

22、* After much cogitation I have decided to resign. ─── 我经过再叁考虑后决定辞职.

23、The existing problems were analyzed from two aspects of cogitation and research. ─── 分析了在含蜡原油低温粘弹性认识上和研究中存在的问题。

24、a solemn literary work that is the product of laborious cogitation . ─── 苦心而成的严肃的文学著作。

25、According to the problems in the cogitation and research, some suggestions are proposed. ─── 就屈服应力认识和研究中存在的问题提出了若干建议。

26、Cogitation and thinking about our college's experience in the past eight years of my career ─── 任职机专八年的反思与认识

27、a solemn literary work that is the product of laborious cogitation ─── 苦心而成的严肃的文学著作

28、Quiet, you savages! Stop your rattling. You're affecting my cogitation. ─── 安静你们这些野蛮人都给我闭嘴你们影响我沉思了

29、of or relating to having capacities for cogitation . ─── 属于或有关深思熟虑能力的。

30、Investigation and Cogitation upon British Design Education ─── 关于英国“设计教育”的调研与思考

31、“Creativity rarely strikes in a flash but more typically results from steady cogitation. ─── ”,用中文讲,大概是“创意并非灵光乍现,更需深思熟虑”。

32、Inclined to or capable of cogitation. ─── 有思考力的倾向于或能够深思熟虑的

33、But these words were not the product of intellectual cogitation; they were rooted in direct experience. ─── 然而,这些言词并不会产生出智性思考;它们是直接扎根在体验里面。

34、After much cogitation , I have decided to resign. ─── 我经过再三考虑决定辞职。

35、1. After much cogitation I have decided to resign. ─── 我经过再三考虑后决定辞职.

36、Cogitation on Tolstoy Utopian thought,the Bible and modern societ y ─── 托尔斯泰乌托邦思想及《圣经》与现代社会之思考

37、Cogitation and Exploration on the Setting of Higher Vocational Education Curriculum System of Computer Applied Technology ─── 高职院校计算机应用技术专业课程体系设置的思考与探索

38、Burke not only is a positive promising political activist, moreover is "only for the substantive free realistic security" the political theoretician which but cogitation. ─── 柏克不仅是一位积极有为的政治活动家,而且是一位“只为实质自由的现实安全”而深思熟虑的政治理论家。

39、According to the problems in the cogitation and research, some suggestions are proposed. ─── 就屈服应力认识和研究中存在的问题提出了若干建议。

40、The act or process of thinking; cogitation. ─── 思考的行为或过程;思索

41、Cogitation to Public Transportation Priority Stratagem ─── 对优先发展城市公共交通战略的思考

42、Chapter 1 we discuss the cogitation of customer value, and we think customer value study is the result of marketing development. ─── 第一章为顾客价值认知,本文认为顾客价值是营销变革的结果,讨论了顾客价值的含义及创造顾客价值的本质。

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