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09-09 投稿



subdominant 发音

英:[s?b?dɑ?m?n?nt]  美:[s?b?d?m?n?nt]

英:  美:

subdominant 中文意思翻译




subdominant 网络释义

adj. 占第二位优势的n. 次属音

subdominant 短语词组

1、subdominant species ─── 亚优势种

2、subdominant organism ─── 亚显性有机体

subdominant 相似词语短语

1、superdominant ─── n.上属音

2、dominant ─── adj.显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的;n.显性

3、subdominants ─── adj.占第二位优势的;n.次属音

4、overdominant ─── adj.超显性的

5、codominant ─── adj.[遗]共显性的,[遗]等显性的

6、nondominant ─── adj.非显性的

7、superdominants ─── n.上属音

8、predominant ─── adj.主要的;卓越的;支配的;有力的;有影响的

9、semidominant ─── 半显性的

subdominant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Development Methods for the Teaching of Composition Writing: the Unity of Dominant And Subdominant Contents ─── 写作教学发展方向:显性与隐性内容的统一

2、added will be a major seventh in the case of triads on the tonic and subdominant, and a minor seventh in the case of other degrees of the diatonic major scale. ─── 所增加的七音在主音和下属音三和弦的情况下成为大七和弦,在自然大音阶的其他音的情况下成为小七和弦。

3、Self-control in children refers to their ability to suppress a dominant response and perform a subdominant response. ─── 儿童自我控制指的是儿童对优势反应的抑制和劣势反应的唤起的能力。

4、Sufficient ammonia source is required during starter-making and different ammonia source has subdominant effects on microbial metabolism. ─── 制曲时必须有足够的氮源。不同氮源对微生物繁殖代谢起到一定的支配作用。

5、The chords are numbered with Roman Numerals: I, IV and V( that's1,4 and5) these chords are also called the Tonic, Subdominant and the Dominant. ─── 和弦(声级数)用罗马数字来表示的:I,iv和V(表1级和弦,4级和弦和5级和弦)这三个和弦也被分别叫做,主和弦,下属和弦和属和弦。

6、Whole-brain functional magnetic resonance imaging of human brain during voluntary movements of dominant and subdominant hands ─── 利手和非利手随意运动的全脑功能磁共振成像

7、The subdominant male in a pride of lions. ─── 狮群中仅次于狮王的一头雄狮。

8、There's usually no problem identifying a dominant male, the problem is telling a female and a subdominant male apart, as the characteristics aren't as developed in a subdominant male. ─── 但通常没有问题,找出一个显性雄性,但问题是在讲述一个女病人及隐性男性外,作为特征不发达国家作为一个集合男性.

9、When playing “ crossed harp”, use a harmonica tuned to the subdominant of the key of the piece you are playing . ─── 当直接吹奏法用一支口琴变成与你现在正演奏的一样是相同的调。

10、Effortful Control is the ability to activate a dominant response and inhibit a subdominant response according to the aim of the task. ─── “主动控制”是个体根据任务需要,抑制优势反应,激活非优势反应的能力。

11、Sufficient ammonia source is required during starter-making and different ammonia source has subdominant effects on microbial metabolism. ─── 制曲时必须有足够的氮源。不同氮源对微生物繁殖代谢起到一定的支配作用。

12、The Logic of the Gradual Financial Reform in China: From Assemblage of "Subdominant Option" to Optimum ─── 我国金融业渐进式改革的逻辑:以"次优选择"的集合达到最优

13、"The dominant seventh chord, in the key of C, is built on G. The chord notes would then be G- B - D - F. The subdominant chord, in the key of C, is built on the fourth note of the scale, or F. This chord is F - a - C. " ─── C调的属七和弦,它的根音就是G,构成这个和弦的音是G-B-D-F。C调的下属和弦,它的根音是F,是音阶上的第四个音。这个和弦是这样构成的:F-a-C

14、subdominant epitope ─── 次优势表位

15、The chords are numbered with Roman Numerals: I, IV and V ( that's 1, 4 and 5) these chords are also called the Tonic, Subdominant and the Dominant. ─── 和弦用罗马数字表示就是:I,IV和V(1,4和5)。这三个和弦也叫做主和弦,下属和弦和属和弦。

16、Similarly the subdominant, as part of the dominant seventh chord, has a tendency to move to the mediant. ─── 下属音也是如此,下属音作为属音七和弦的一部分,倾向于移向中音。

17、The results showed that the dominant species had more anatomic plasticity than subdominant species. ─── 结果表明,优势种叶片解剖可塑性显著大于亚优势种。

18、Subdominant, submediant and tonic together form the subdominant triad. ─── 下属音,下中音和主音共同构成下属音三和弦。

19、The Logic of the Gradual Financial Reform in China: From Assemblage of "Subdominant Option" to Optimum ─── 我国金融业渐进式改革的逻辑:以“次优选择”的集合达到最优

20、If a subdominant male should be lucky enough to get a female visitor, and spawn, the alpha male will do everything he can to sabotage successful rearing of the clutch. ─── 之后,首先产生一个正常蓄水变化可能是所有触发器下,所以比较容易得到,如果你沮丧的各项工作,参与了上述程序,只有一男将阿尔法男A组,而他将是唯一一位获准滋生.

21、subdominant species ─── 亚优势种

22、You'll have the best luck keeping only one adult male, and if your colony is larger, a second, subdominant male who will eventually replace the alpha-male. ─── 运气好的话,首先会又一条统治地位的成鱼长大,不过,再往后,也许会有仅次于它的另一条鱼取代它的地位。

23、Harmful dominant and subdominant species were ascertained in the district, while some measures arid suggestions ere recommended for preventing and controlling these seeds. ─── 指出了一些危害严重的优势种和亚优势种,并提出了一些防除麦田杂草的措施和建议。

24、A total of 42 families were collected in the whole sampling period.Among these, Carabidae and Staphylinidae were dominant, while Anthicidae, Eumolpidae and Lathridiidae were subdominant. ─── 整个采样周期共采集甲虫标本42科, 其中步甲科和隐翅虫科为优势科, 蚁形甲科、肖叶甲科和薪甲科为亚优势科。

25、the syllable naming the fourth (subdominant) note of the diatonic scale in solmization. ─── 阶名唱法中大音阶中的第四个音节。

26、The submediant is the sixth degree of the scale and is midway between the subdominant or lower dominant and the tonic. ─── 下中音是第六级音,在下属音和主音之间。

27、When playing “ crossed harp”, use a harmonica tuned to the subdominant of the key of the piece you are playing .In other words, for a tune in the key of G ,use aC harmonica ,etc. ─── 当用“交叉法”演奏,用一支口琴把你所演奏的位置变成主和弦的调(主音),换语话,用C调口琴演奏出G调(这是真正你想要的G调),以此类推。

28、the subdominant male in a pride of lions. ─── 狮群中仅次于狮王的一头雄狮

29、Development Methods for the Teaching of Composition Writing: the Unity of Dominant And Subdominant Contents ─── 写作教学发展方向:显性与隐性内容的统一

30、Starting from the tonic or key-note, the scale degrees in ascending order are: tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone or leading note, tonic. ─── 始自主音,调式上行顺序为:主音,上主音,中音,下属音,属音,下中音,导音,主音。

31、The submediant is the sixth degree of the scale and is midway between the subdominant or lower dominant and the tonic. Subdominant, submediant and tonic together form the subdominant triad. ─── 下中音是第六级音,在下属音和主音之间。下属音,下中音和主音共同构成下属音三和弦。

32、subdominant organism ─── 亚优势种生物,次优势种生物

33、Green bristlegrass was dominant species,and fat hen and cockspur grass were subdominant species. ─── 研究区内有野生草本植物25种,其中优势种群是狗尾草种群,亚优势种群为灰菜、稗草种群。

34、Starting from the tonic or key-note, the scale degrees in descending order are: tonic, leading tone or leading note, submediant, dominant, subdominant, mediant, supertonic, tonic. ─── 始自主音,调式下行顺序为:主音,导音,下中音,属音,下属音,中音,上主音,主音。

35、The dominant seventh chord pattern consists of the dominant, leading tone (leading note), supertonic and subdominant. ─── 属七和弦模式包括属音,主音,上主音和下属音。

36、The seventh so added will be a major seventh in the case of triads on the tonic and subdominant, and a minor seventh in the case of other degrees of the diatonic major scale. ─── 所增加的七音在主音和下属音三和弦的情况下成为大七和弦,在自然大音阶的其他音的情况下成为小七和弦。

37、Self-control in children refers to their ability to suppress a dominant response and perform a subdominant response. ─── 儿童自我控制指的是儿童对优势反应的抑制和劣势反应的唤起的能力。

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