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09-09 投稿



impounding 发音

英:[?m?pa?nd??]  美:[?m?pa?nd??]

英:  美:

impounding 中文意思翻译



impounding 短语词组

1、impounding reservoir ─── [化] 蓄水池

2、impounding schemes ─── 蓄水方案

3、impounding fee ─── [法] 车辆扣留费

4、impounding pond ─── 蓄水池

5、impounding pump ─── 蓄水泵

6、impounding of goods ─── 扣押货物

7、impounding of property seized ─── [经] 没收已查获的财产

8、impounding dock ─── 蓄水码头

9、impounding dam ─── 蓄水坝

10、impounding water reservoir ─── [医] 蓄水池, 蓄水库

11、impounding lake ─── 蓄水湖

12、impounding scheme ─── 蓄水方案

impounding 词性/词形变化,impounding变形

动词过去式: impounded |动词第三人称单数: impounds |动词现在分词: impounding |动词过去分词: impounded |名词: impoundage |

impounding 相似词语短语

1、compounding ─── v.(使)恶化;由……构成;(使)混合;混合(成分);以复利计算;和解(重罪);(通过互让)了解(compound现在分词)

2、compoundings ─── v.(使)恶化;由……构成;(使)混合;混合(成分);以复利计算;和解(重罪);(通过互让)了解(compound现在分词)

3、impending ─── adj.即将发生的;迫切的;悬挂的;v.迫近;悬空(impend的现在分词)

4、embounding ─── 具体化

5、dumfounding ─── v.使说不出话来;使惊讶(等于dumbfound)

6、imponing ─── vt.把…押下作赌注

7、pounding ─── n.重击;重击声;(非正式)大败;有节奏的跳动;遭重创的情景;adj.巨大的;重重的;v.捣碎;向……猛打;重敲;彻底击败(对手);把(动物)关进官设畜栏(pound的现在分词)

8、mounding ─── n.肌耸起;v.把…拢成堆(mound的现在分词形式)

9、expounding ─── v.详细说明(expound的现在分词形式)

impounding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、14. I'll need to write you a ticket and impound your vehicle. ─── 我必须开罚单给你,并且扣留你的车子。


3、(3) Lift the ban on the bookshops which have been closed down in various places, and rescind the order for impounding anti-Japanese books and news papers in post offices. ─── 三、启封各地被封书店,解除扣寄各地抗战书报的命令;

4、The monitored data and operation log since impounding are carefully analyzed. ─── 分析蓄水后的监测资料和相关运行记录,可明显看出减压井的工作效果。

5、impound stray cattle ─── 将走失的牛关入栏中

6、LU Ting-hao,GAO Gui-quan,CHEN Jian.Effective stress method of stress and deformation for soil-rock fill dam after water impounding[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics,2005,26(2):247-250. ─── [5]卢廷浩,高贵全,陈剑.蓄水后土石坝应力变形有效应力算法[J].岩土力学,2005,26(2):247-250.

7、Threat on Bank of Hanjiang River due to the Impounding Water of TGP and Its Countermeasures ─── 三峡水库蓄水对汉江堤防安全的威胁及防御对策

8、On top of the fees, it cost O'Neil an additional $400 to retrieve his minivan from the impound lot. ─── 为此,奥尼尔花了400刀才取回了车。

9、The NHA says an idea that is ready for field testing would use tidal or river currents to generate electricity without impounding water behind a dam. ─── 国家水力发电协会表示,利用潮汐或河水流动发电、而不需大坝蓄水的构想,已进入田野测试阶段。


11、Bonn has also told Damascus it did not intend to impound the tanks and expressed a desire to settle the issue cordially. ─── 德国也向叙利亚表示,他们并不想扣押坦克,并表达了想妥善解决事端的真诚愿望。

12、Optimization of limited water level in flood season and impounding scheme for reservoir in Three Gorges Project ─── 三峡水库动态汛限水位与蓄水时机选定的优化设计

13、Only deposition in river reach from Chenglingji to Wuhan after impounding of TGR? ─── 三峡水库运行后城汉河段会只淤不冲吗?

14、Initial impounding ─── 初期蓄水

15、impounding water of TGP ─── 三峡水库蓄水

16、3. If you leave your car there, the police will impound it. ─── 如果你把汽车停放在那儿,警察就会把它扣押。

17、After the Three Gorges Reservoir impounding, reservoir water level fluctuation and rainfall infiltration have become the major factors that affect the stability of landslide. ─── 摘要三峡水库蓄水后,库水位涨落和降雨入渗是导致滑坡的主要因素。

18、"the impounding and removal of vehicles, the storage of such vehicles, and prescribing charges therefor;" ─── 扣押、搬移及存放车辆并规定其收费;

19、Water level has risen considerably since the impounding of the Three-Gorges Reservoir in year 2003 and that might cause serious geologic hazards, including landslides. ─── 摘要三峡水库2003年建成蓄水后,库区水位大幅度升高,可能引起多处滑坡等地质灾害。

20、Meshif is an honorable man, but I fear that he is growing impatient with me about impounding his ship. ─── 马席夫是一个十分正直的人,但是我害怕他对于我拘留他的船而越来越没耐性。

21、impound floodwater ─── 拦蓄洪水

22、With the impounding of Three Gorges Project, study on this problem became urgent. ─── 随着三峡工程完工蓄水,这方面的研究显得愈加迫切。

23、It is a problem that to what extent the seismogenic environment will be affected by reservoir impounding and whether the delimiting scheme of potential focus and the seismic risk analysis should be adjusted. ─── 摘要三峡水库蓄水对库首区孕震环境影响有多大,是否需要对潜在震源的划分方案及现行地震危险性分析方法做出调整、改进,是一个亟待解决的问题。

24、" If you leave your car beside the town hall, the police will impound it" ─── "如果你把汽车停放在市政大厅旁边,警察就会把它扣押。"

25、Capture and impound stray dogs. ─── 把迷路的狗抓住并且关在圈中

26、As a key parameter coordinating flood control and impounding, the limited level of reservoirs during the flood season is a crucial factor of flood resources utilization. ─── 摘要汛限水位是协调水库运行管理中防洪与兴利矛盾的关键参数之一,也是实现洪水资源安全利用的重要指标。

27、impounding of property seized ─── [经] 没收已查获的财产

28、An earthquake in Wulong possibly induced by Jiangkou reservoir impounding is analyzed by using finite element method. ─── 摘要本文利用有限元方法计算了武隆江口水库蓄水后可能引起的水库诱发地震。

29、There are no key-ways made in the upper longitudinal joints in Fengman Dam and no grouting before impounding. ─── 丰满大坝纵缝上部未设键槽,蓄水前又未灌浆;水平施工缝结合不好,坝体还有各种裂缝,对整体性有一定的影响。

30、In most cases, the waste materials were transported to impounding areas located on privately owned land. ─── 很多情况下,废弃的化学物品会被运到私有土地上的贮物地。

31、The controlled water level of impounding scheme in September is a good method to decrease the risk of super flood in the impoundment period ahead of design schedule. ─── 但随着水库运用时间的增加,泥沙淤积将造成大量库容损失,9月分旬控制水位确定时必须要考虑泥沙淤积的影响。

32、the Trade and Industry Bureau and the Local Police Department of ChangPing District forcibly broke into the Chinese restaurant sublet by Cai, impound his properties without any legal documents. ─── 昌平区工商局及当地公安机关的工作人员在没有任何法律手续的前提下,强行闯进蔡所承包的中餐厅,强行要扣押搬走财物,并对蔡的人身使用强制措施。

33、Analysis on the Discharge Change at Yichang of Impounding Water ahead of Schedule of the Three Gorges Reservoir ─── 三峡提前蓄水后宜昌流量变化分析

34、The Authority or an authorized officer may impound or remove any vehicle which is on a restricted road in contravention of arestriction imposed under section 25A or a refusal of entry imposed under section 25A (3); ─── 委员会或获授权人员可扣留或移走以下任何车辆:违反根据第25A条第(2)款所规定之限制,或根据第25A条第(3)款所规定之不准驶入指示而在限制驶入道路上之车辆;

35、impounding net Various stationary or mobile net capturing fish by confinement, e.g. cast nets. ─── 围堵网藉由限制鱼来捕鱼的各种不同的静止或移动的网,例如抛网。

36、We have to impound your vehicle. ─── 我们必需扣留你的车子。

37、Water level has risen considerably since the impounding of the Three-GorgesReservoir in year 2003 and that might cause serious geologic hazards, includinglandslides. ─── 三峡水库2003年建成蓄水后,库区水位大幅度升高,可能引起多处滑坡等地质灾害。

38、impound goods, property, belongings, etc ─── 扣留货物、 财产、 财物等.

39、(ZHOU Xinhua,WANG Mingyuan.Back analysis of deformation and research on stress and strain of Maopingxi dam with asphalt concrete core wall of TGP during the impounding stages[R]. ─── [12] 周欣华,汪明元. 三峡水利枢纽工程茅坪溪沥青砼心墙防护坝变形反分析及蓄水期应力变形研究[R]. 武汉:长江科学院,2006.

40、impounding fee ─── [法] 车辆扣留费

41、impounding water reservoir ─── [医] 蓄水池, 蓄水库

42、So that upstream anti-seepage layer and mortar bar at the back were made before impounding. ─── 因此,蓄水前在上游面做了防渗层,并在背面做了“砂浆棒”。

43、In most cases, the waste materials were transported to impounding areas located on privately owned land. ─── 很多情况下,废弃的化学物品会被运到私有土地上的贮物地。

44、At same time, ensure safety all, under prerequisite reservoir impounding opportunity this drought。 ─── 同,各确保水库安全前提下,抓住机蓄水,利于今年抗旱。

45、"Impound or seal up the taxpayer's taxable commodities, goods or other property, the value of which is equivalent to the amount of tax payable. ─── 不缴纳的,税务机关可以扣押其价值相当于应纳税款的商品、货物。

46、to impound someone's property ─── 扣押某人的财产

47、In this region, Maqu wetland eulogized as "Impounding water reservoir of the Yellow River" is tending to become dry up. ─── 该区曾被誉为“黄河蓄水池”的玛曲湿地趋于干涸,生态环境变得十分脆弱。


49、On ground of raised beds, an impermeable cover is utilized to impound the steam ─── 在地面上高位栽培床用不透气的覆盖物把蒸气盖住。

50、If you leave your car beside the town hall,the police will impound it. ─── 如果你把汽车停放在市政大厅旁边,警察就会把它扣押。

51、control impounding scheme ─── 分旬控制蓄水方案

52、In fact he carries a British passport, although the Austrian authorities impound it when he is in their country. ─── 其实他持有英国护照,尽管当他在奥地利时这本护照曾经被当局扣押。

53、impounding of reservoir ─── 库水位上升

54、Introduction of the Program "Effects on Seismic Environment Caused by Impounding of the Three Gorge Reservoir and Studies of Disaster Alarm" ─── "三峡工程蓄水后地震环境影响及灾害预警研究"项目成果介绍

55、Key words: plant; impound; roof; waterproofing; puncture protection ─── 关键词:种植;蓄水;屋面;防水;防穿刺

56、Procter & Gamble is asking that Fruit of the Earth be ordered to stop distributing the infringing products and to notify its retailers to impound or return all products. ─── 宝洁公司是要求果实地球责令停止发行侵权产品,并通知其零售商扣押或归还所有产品。

57、"If you leave your car beside the town hall, the police will impound it." ─── "如果你把汽车停放在市政大厅旁边,警察就会把它扣押。"


59、Beginning from collecting slope shape, the paper concludes deformed landslides after impounding in Xiangxi River valley in the Three Gorges Reservoir. ─── 摘要本文从坡形采集人手,对三峡库区香溪河段蓄水后发生变形的滑坡进行归纳统计。

60、Periodic impounding and draining of the water reservoir would be implemented after the projects were in service. ─── 在水库工程运营后,将按计划进行周期蓄、排水。

61、L.G. Tham,C.F. Lee. Unsaturated seepage analysis for a reservoir landslide during impounding[A]Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes(Volume 1)[C], 2008 . ─── 丁金华,年玉花.泄洪雾化降雨对水布垭大岩淌滑坡地下水分布的影响研究[A]第一届中国水利水电岩土力学与工程学术讨论会论文集(上册)[C],2006.

62、Article 29 When impounding commodities, goods or other property, the tax authorities must issue a receipt for the items impounded. ─── 第二十九条税务机关扣押商品、货物或者其他财产时,必须开付收据;

63、Impounding disputed electoral ballots. ─── 扣押有争议的选票

64、Introduction of the Program "Effects on Seismic Environment Caused by Impounding of the Three Gorge Reservoir and Studies of Disaster Alarm" ─── “三峡工程蓄水后地震环境影响及灾害预警研究”项目成果介绍

65、The atomic energy agency could be made responsible for the impounding, storage, and protection of the contributed fissionable and other materials. ─── 原子能代理处能够为滤网、储蓄、捐献可裂变物质保护和其他能源负责。

66、Layout of Dongfeng Hydropower Station and Observation and Analysis of Arch Dam Character in the Early Impounding Stage ─── 东风水电站枢纽布置及初期蓄水拱坝性态观测分析

67、The dog catcher must notify dogs of impounding by posting, for three consecutive days, a notice on a tree in the city park and along a public road running through said park. ─── 捕狗人必须连续三天在市公园的树上及沿著穿越该公园的公用道路上张贴告示来通知狗只要捕捉牠们。

68、(Chen Shujun.Numerical modeling of tectonic stress field in the head area of the three gorges before and after reservoir impounding and studies on the seismic risk[Ph.D.Thesis][D]. ─── [13] 陈蜀俊. 三峡库首区蓄水前后构造应力场数值模拟及地震危险性研究[博士学位论文][D]. 武汉:中国地质大学,2005.

69、On ground of raised beds, an impermeable cover is utilized to impound the steam. ─── 在地面上高位栽培床用不透气的覆盖物把蒸气盖

70、Banks and other creditors enjoy higher priority in impounding mortgages or other securities from insolvent debtors. ─── 已作为银行贷款等债权的抵押物或者其他担保物的财产,银行和其他债权人享有就该抵押物或者其他担保物优先受偿的权利。

71、impounding on steps ─── 分期蓄水

72、The results show that tiltmeter has responded to reservoir impounding, especially in the detail layers of long period. ─── 结果显示:水管倾斜仪对蓄水效应有较好的响应,主要在数据的长趋势项(周期稍长的细节层)有反映;

73、The controlling conditions that determine the scale are: source rock、source bed、hypergene alteration、impounding structure and the reservation of the oxidation zone. ─── 决定其规模远景的控制条件是:矿源岩、矿源层、表生改造、储矿构造和氧化带保留程度五大因素。

74、Keywords Three Gorges Reservoir;Xiangxi Bay;Initial impounding;Physicochemical factors;Eutrophication; ─── 三峡水库;香溪河库湾;初期蓄水;理化因子;富营养化;

75、to build a dam to impound water ─── 建造水坝蓄水

76、to impound stray horses ─── 把走失的马关在圈中

77、The lessee brought proceedings in the Irish courts seeking a declaration that the Minister had not been empowered to impound the aircraft. ─── 承租人向爱尔兰法院提起诉讼,要求宣布上述部长没有被授权扣押那架飞机。

78、"Impound or seal up the taxpayer's taxable commodities, goods or other property, the value of which is equivalent to the amount of tax payable." ─── 扣押、查封纳税人的价值相当于应纳税款的商品、货物或者其他财产。

79、Establish the Impounding Reservoir of the Human Resources for the Sustainable Development of the Enterprise ─── 建立企业可持续发展的人力资源蓄水池

80、Agent Self distracts a worker at an impound lot so that Michael and Lincoln can steal an ambulance. The brothers fight over Linc telling Sara about their mother. ─── 在国安局特工赛尔夫与一个停车场工人周旋的时候,迈可兄弟成功的偷走了一部被没收的救护车,兄弟俩为林肯向莎拉告知他们母亲在盛年就病死一事争执了一番。

81、impound: v. ─── 扣押,保管。

82、Keywords Three Gorges Reservoir;impound;phytoplankton;quantity;structure; ─── 三峡水库;蓄水;浮游植物;水力条件;

83、It is not essential to build a storage or impounding reservoir if the water can be stored in the ground. ─── 如果能将水储存在地下,就没有必要建造水库或蓄水池。

84、Some states only charge a fine (often in the thousands) or impound your car, but many will include jail time. ─── 有些国家只收取罚款(通常在数千名),或扣押你的车,但许多人将包括坐牢。

85、Beginning from collecting slope shape,the paper concludes deformed landslides after impounding in Xiangxi River valley in the Three Gorges Reservoir. ─── 本文从坡形采集入手,对三峡库区香溪河段蓄水后发生变形的滑坡进行归纳统计。

86、Waterproof Construction of Articulated Unit Rectangle Impounding Basin of Gujiao Power Plant ─── 古交电厂单元组合式矩形蓄水池的防水施工

87、ahead impounding water ─── 提前蓄水

88、[Parked in underground impound garage in down town by bridge. ─── ] 这辆车的顶棚一直是关闭的, 且不受伤害,但被撞击后会打开。

89、Periodic impounding and draining of the water reservoir would be implemented after the projects were in service. ─── 摘要在水库工程运营后,将按计划进行周期蓄、排水。

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