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09-09 投稿


niche 发音

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niche 中文意思翻译



niche 网络释义

n. 壁龛;合适的职业;[亦称作 niche market]【商业】有利可图的市场(或形势等)vt. 放入壁龛

niche 词性/词形变化,niche变形

动词过去分词: niched |动词现在分词: niching |动词过去式: niched |动词第三人称单数: niches |

niche 短语词组

1、niche sign ─── [医] 龛影, 豪德克氏征(一种穿孔性胃溃疡的X线征)

2、multidimensional niche ─── 多维龛, ─── 多维小生境

3、ecological niche ─── [动]生态位

4、niche cells ─── [医] 肺泡细胞, 肺细胞

5、habitat niche ─── 生境 ─── 生态位

6、ecologic niche ─── 生态位; ─── 生态棚; ─── 生态境; ─── 生态区位

7、realized niche ─── 实际生态位

8、Barclay's niche ─── [医] 巴克莱氏龛(十二指肠溃疡X线像)

9、conical wall niche ─── 新月形壁穴,锥形凹壁

10、enamel niche ─── [医] 釉隙

11、amyloid plaque niche ─── 淀粉样斑块生态位

12、have a niche in the temple of fame v. ─── 留芳百世

13、splayed niche ─── 八字形壁龛

14、statue niche ─── 雕像龛

15、decorative niche ─── 装饰小众

16、buttress niche ─── 扶壁壁龛

17、hyperspace niche ─── 超空间小众

18、trophic niche ─── 营养龛; ─── 营养小生态

19、Haudek's niche ─── [医] 豪德克氏龛(见于胃溃疡穿孔)

niche 特殊用法

1、equivalent functional niche ─── 等功能龛, 等功能小生境

2、meander niche ─── 【地质】曲流壁龛

3、ecological niche ─── 生态龛位

4、snow niche ─── 【地质】雪蚀龛, 雪蚀凹地

5、multidimensional niche ─── 多维龛, 多维小生境

niche 习惯用语

1、find the right niche for oneself ─── 适得其所

2、a niche in the temple of fame ─── 流芳百世, 不朽的名誉

niche 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The blue line represents income from those products in the low volume niche market category. ─── 兰色的线条表示的是来自量小的利基市场类的产品收入。

2、They pool their buying power or become independent franchises, and they often serve specialized or "niche" markets. ─── 他们把各自的购买力集中起来使用,或变成独立的特许经销商,常常为一些特殊的或所谓“壁龛”市场服务。

3、Yield advantage in intercropping could be attributed to the change of interspecific nutrient niche. ─── 不同种植方式下土壤剖面中硝酸盐累积量趋势表现为蚕豆单作>小麦、蚕豆问作>小麦单作。

4、Fig. 1 Comparison of climatic niche for upper limit (A) and lower limit (B) of world beech species. ─── 图1全球水青冈分布上限(A)和下限(B)的气候生态位比较。

5、They often focus on a niche market and rely on a stable customer base which provides regular income flows. ─── 他们往往集中发展专门市场,依赖稳定的客户基础提供经常收入。

6、The difficult question is how to find that profitable niche and protect it. ─── 这个难题是:如何找到有利可图的利基市场并加以保护。

7、The third is strengthening medical academic journals interactive communication, trying to construct the best ecology niche. ─── 加强医学学术期刊的互动传播,营造最佳生态位;

8、Selection of Spatial Niche of Anopophora glabripennis Occurred in Salix spp. ─── 光肩星天牛寄主空间生态位选择性研究。

9、Experts say that's a unique case, but it illustrates the power that DVDs have to tap niche markets. ─── 专家说这是从来没有过的事情,但是它却证明了DVD可以影响细分市场的力量。

10、Just think, dear girl, of the niche you'll be losing.Armand will never be able to make it up to you. ─── 亲爱的孩子,您考虑一下您失去的地位,这个地位阿尔芒是永远也不能给您的。

11、The niche of SRB is a key factor in the sulfate wastewater treatment in acidogenic-desulfate reactor. ─── 利用产酸-硫酸盐还原反应器对高浓度硫酸盐废水进行处理时,硫酸盐还原菌的生态位是该系统的核心问题。

12、Holidays in the Antarctic is a niche market . ─── 南极假日游是一个利基市

13、The Company also produces containerboard and corrugated products for niche markets in the US and Canada. ─── 公司还为美国和加拿大的特定市场生产硬板纸和瓦楞纸。

14、All that technology that has made niche content so much more accessible has also proved handy for pushing blockbusters. ─── 那些让细分内容简单易取的科技手段在推广流行佳作方面同样非常适用。

15、Companies that practice niche marketing make different products for each market segment and then create different advertising campaigns. ─── 公司为每一个划分后的市场提供不同的产品进行针对性营销,然后策划出不同的广告活动。

16、The really talented among women would always make their own niche. ─── 妇女中真正有才能的人总是各得其所。

17、Tang says the success of Shanghai Tang is owed to finding a business market niche. ─── Tang说上海唐氏的成功归功于市场环境。

18、You'll want to try to include the name of the niche you're targeting in the domain name itself if you can and if it's not too long. ─── 您想尝试把名下的小生您针对域名本身,如果你可以,如果不是太长了。

19、Perhaps one could roughly state that the concept of the genetic system is the counterpart of the concept of the ecological niche. ─── 人们可能会粗略地说,遗传系统的概念是生态小生境概念的副本。

20、Similarly with the NC,as technology evolves,it will find its special niche in the marketplace,no matter how big or small the portion may be. ─── NC也一样,随着技术的进步,NC也将在市场上找到特定的位置,不管这部分市场有多大或多小。

21、It takes guts for foreigners to come here to carve a niche for themselves. ─── 外来人才敢于赤手空拳来新加坡闯天下,固然需要极大的勇气;

22、Within each niche, were white stucco reliefs of gods and goddesses. ─── 在每个壁龛里面,放有用白色灰泥做成的男女神像。

23、Manufacturers have to find another niche product, or another market in which to sell their existing product. ─── 制造商们不得不寻找另一个利基产品,或市场来销售现有产品。

24、He found a niche for himself. ─── 他找到了适当的栖身处所 [适得其所] 。

25、He found the right niche for himself. ─── 他发现了一个适合他的职位。

26、He's been working as a journalist for many years but I think he's found that his true niche is travel writing. ─── 他做记者已经好多年了,我想他终于发现他真正适合的是写游记小说。

27、They spotted a niche in the market, with no serious competition. ─── 他们看到市场上一个竞争不激烈的商机。

28、Rexx occupies a useful ecological niche between the relative crudeness of shell scripting and the cumbersome formality of full systems languages. ─── 在相对粗糙的shell脚本和笨重的拘泥形式的完全系统语言的夹缝之中,Rexx有其用武之地。

29、XAPI neatly falls into a niche between some of the better known specifications. ─── XAPI巧妙地在这些广为人知的规范的空隙之间扎了根。

30、A position is a "niche" in the marketplace. ─── 发展空间就是自己在市场中的位置。

31、But sometimes parents need to nudge their kids to help them find their niche. ─── 但有时父母需要敦促孩子,帮助他们找到正确的位置。

32、Cabell touched another control, and the module returned to its niche. ─── 卡贝尔按下另一个按纽,模块收了回去。

33、Niche relationships between Betula platyphylla and main understory herbages in forest-steppe ecotone of Daxingan-ling Mountains. ─── 大兴安岭森林草原过渡带白桦及主要草本植物生态位关系的研究。

34、The internet has features that make it ideal for niche marketing. ─── 互联网的特点使其成为利基市场的理想工具。

35、She finally found her right niche after several job-hopping . ─── 几次跳槽后,她终于找到了最适合他的位置。

36、This kind of insole is still a niche and new market in China. ─── 因为大家都深有体会,高跟鞋虽然美丽,可是代价实在太大。

37、Almost every religious family has a small sutra recitation hall or a niche for a Buddhist statue. ─── 信教者家中几乎都设有小经堂或佛龛。

38、Understanding the niche in which the product resides gives it a relevant differentiated benefit (RDB). ─── 了解产品居住的适当位置给它一个相关的被区分的好处(RDB)。

39、He picks up and drops hobbies in the span of weeks ; what can he do to find his niche? ─── 他几星期内,尝试放弃多项兴趣;这样三心二意,他要作什麽才能找到专长领域呢?

40、He's cut out a niche for himself(= found a suitable job)in journalism. ─── 他在新闻界找到了一份适合自己的工作。

41、Nanotubes may be introduced commercially in the next few years -- first in niche applications and then perhaps in devices where silicon and nanotubes are mixed. ─── 在今后几年中,纳管可能实现商品化,首先是范围很窄的专业应用,然后可能在硅与纳管混合的器件中应用。

42、But I think Active Record has quite a large niche and will improve as the mappings supported by Active Record improve. ─── 但是,我认为活动记录有相当大的应用范围,而且会随着活动记录支持的映射的提高而提高。

43、Embedded nonvolatile memory is one of the strategic niche technology platforms offered by Hua Hong NEC. ─── 华虹NEC小生境技术平台的战略之一就是内嵌的非挥发性内存。

44、He eventually found his niche in sports journalism. ─── 最后他在体育新闻界找到了理想的工作。

45、What about the niche sites for gamers like Blue's News or ShugaShack,which sprang up from the 3-D action gaming communities? ─── 哪个站点受玩家欢迎呢? 例如Blue's News 或者ShugaShack,哪个在3D射击游戏方面更出挑呢?

46、Here are two of these products aim for small niche market: 80% keyboard and left-hander keyboard. ─── 不过出现了两种小众市场的产品:一个是80%键盘,一个是左手键盘。

47、In one niche, Hypnos, the bat-winged god of sleep, casts a stony stare. ─── 在其中一个壁龛里,长着蝙蝠翅膀的睡神露出冷漠的眼神。

48、He did so, for instance, in the holograph of himself that stood in the niche in the wall behind him. ─── 他做到了,比如说在他身后墙上壁龛中的那幅他自己的全息像里就是这样。

49、Funeral video are a niche market, we just got a touchy family. ─── 丧葬摄影是有市场的,我们只是碰上了一家敏感的人而已。

50、A niche is a small, but profitable, segment of the market where there is demand for your product. ─── 定位的市场是很小的,但也是有利可图的,是市场上对你的产品有需求的那一部分。

51、Uncorrelated hedge funds tend to have niche strategies and there is a limit to the amount they can invest. ─── 不相关的对冲基金倾向于采用适当的策略并对其可以投资的资金量设定限制。

52、Claude. Ambition, and intelligence led him to carve out a niche. ─── 克劳德或许不过是个骗子,他的虚荣、野心和才智使他在。

53、Favouring a light lance and mace, they fill the niche between light and heavy cavalry. ─── 他们装备轻型骑枪和狼牙棒,战力介于轻型和重型骑兵之间。

54、At least when you're starting out, you probably won't even be able to work solely on the niche you prefer. ─── 至少当你刚开始时,你甚至可能无法只在自己先前选择的小众领域内工作。

55、Historians have remarked that here Darwin anticipated the modern concept of an ecological niche. ─── 历史学家们说,在这里,达尔文表现了对生态位现代概念的期待。

56、Similarly with the NC, as technology evolves, it will find its special niche in the marketplace, no matter how big or small the portion may be. ─── NC也一样,随着技术的进步,NC也将在市场上找到特定的位置,不管这部分市场有多大或多校

57、One year ago, the patient has had gastrointestinal series examination revealed niche in the lesser curvature of the stomach. ─── 1年前,病人曾接受胃肠系列X线检查,发现胃小有龛影。

58、"I think it's becoming less of a mass-market item and kind of a niche product that caters to a small but loyal following, " he said. ─── “我认为它正在变成一种只供忠实小众受用的非主流产品,”他说。

59、A linden-tree showed its crest above the niche, and the wall was covered with ivy on the side of the Rue Polonceau. ─── 一棵菩提树的枝桠从斜壁的顶上伸出来,靠波隆梭街一面的墙上盖满了常春藤。

60、Trophic niche of flea in the southern slope of the Himalaya Mountains. ─── 喜马拉雅山南坡蚤类营养生态位的研究。

61、With these materials and with the aid of my trowel I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche. ─── 在铲子的帮助下,我兴高采烈的将这些材料堵在壁龛的缺口。

62、The 1973 oil crisisended that dream and the Concorde was relegated to a niche service thatceased operations in 2003. ─── 1973年的石油危机终止了那场梦想,协和也只得到了很少的业务,并于2003年停止运营。

63、The colleges have found their niche all over the world. ─── 孔子学院全球生根。

64、A niche near the altar of a church for keeping sacred vessels and vestments. ─── 圣器壁龛教堂圣坛附近存放圣器、祭衣的壁龛

65、Covalence is the number one producer domestically of trash bags, duct tape and niche laminated and coated products. ─── 共价是最重要的生产在国内的垃圾袋,胶带和特殊层压及涂层产品。

66、C++ has probably reached his highwater mark, and it now will hold steady or decline, the combination of C and Java leaves no long-term niche for C++. ─── C++大概已达到它的顶点,现在将维持稳定或下降,C语言和Java的结合不会再为C留下长期的位置。

67、They have moved from the plains into a niche where they are not exactly best suited -- the air is thin. ─── 他们从平原移居到一个生境,那里空气稀薄,严格说来那里不是最适合他们居住的地方。

68、Three kinds of louse call Homo sapiens their home, but each occupies a different niche on the human body. ─── 三种虱子以智人为居,每个占据人类身体的一个特殊部位。

69、This is a stupa niche from the Sui Dynasty. ─── 你看这是隋代的塔龛。

70、Claude was probably a humbug, whose vanity, ambition, and intelligence led him to carve out a niche as the wickedest man in the world; there is always room for a sadist at the top. ─── 克劳德或许不过是个骗子,他的虚荣、野心和才智使他在世上恶人中争得魁首之名:有残忍癖,总能爬上顶端。

71、I think we have found a niche in the toy market. ─── 我认为我们已经在玩具市场找到了领地。

72、The priest's grey nimbus in a niche where he dressed discreetly. ─── 壁龛里是神父的一圈灰色光晕,他正在那儿细心地穿上衣服[132]。

73、Claude was probably a humbug, whose vanity, ambition, and intelligence led him to carve out a niche. ─── 克劳德或许不过是个骗子,他的虚荣、野心和才智使他在世上恶人中争得魁首之名:有残忍癖,总能爬上顶端。

74、Holiday in the Antarctic is a niche market . ─── 南极假日游是一个利基市场。

75、Repackage for a niche market and watch cash pile into your bank account. ─── 包装为利基市场,看桩现金装进银行帐户.

76、The niche covered by this series is the interphase between ethnomedicine and modern 'Materia medica'. ─── 它所覆盖的话题是民族药物与现代药物之间的界面。

77、Once you choose your niche, decide how you'll personally exploit it. ─── 一旦你选定了你的职业定位,你就要决定怎样发展。

78、In music industry, small companies could only profit from niche market. ─── 在音乐产业,小公司只能从利基市场中获利。

79、What market category or niche could our industry better service? ─── 哪些类或市场利基产业可以更好的服务?

80、The firm's roots and most of its profits lay in making memory chips; Intel's microprocessor group was just a small niche. ─── 内存条制造是英特尔公司的根基所在,公司大部分盈利都来自那里。英特尔的微处理器部只是小打小闹。

81、Review websites in your niche on Alexa to try to take some of their traffic by including a reference back to your site. ─── 在alexa等网站目录中提供自己以及同类站点的相关介绍。

82、Your article can be about anything that excites your niche community. ─── 你的文章中可以包含那些能够激起你身边的小团体兴趣的内容。

83、Make friends with expert bloggers in your niche. ─── 在你的领域与专家交朋友。

84、It is especially important for entrepreneurs and small businesses to establish a well-defined niche in which they can enjoy a competitive edge. ─── 奠定良好的利益基础所在,在其中确立竞争优势,这对企业经营者和中小型公司而言特别重要。

85、The auctions were held during a domain conference in June that attracts some of the biggest players in this niche business. ─── 在拍卖会举行的一次会议域六月吸引一些最大的球员,在这样的定位业务。

86、These movies usually rely upon critical praise or niche marketing to garner an audience. ─── 为了获得观众,影片通常依赖于关键性的称赞和定位好的市场。

87、He's cut out a niche for himself in politics. ─── 他已跻身于政界.

88、It set up its brand name and gained the scale advantages in niche market of the camion and 15T-trucks. ─── ABC公司在过去的发展中,通过自身的努力与外部的机遇,逐步确立了产品优势、融资优势、细分市场优势,ABC公司在军车与15T以上细分市场已经形成了品牌与规模优势。

89、In this article, keystone enterprises of typical communities were identified by measuring the niche of enterprise. ─── 另外,采用“物种生态关联度”计算方法对典型企业群落的生态、产业关联度进行了测算。




这个问题非常有意思,我觉得“天地”可以译为“The heavens and the earth”。

“天地”这个词,应该说的是我们所处的最大范围的空间,在nkjv版的《圣经》里,第一句话就是“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”一般来说,准确的翻译就是“起初,神创造天地。”

只要用“The heavens and the earth”,一般说英语的人就会准确地明白这是“天地”的意思。至于nkjv的权威性以及为什么heaven用复数,这里就不讨论了。

当然,如果这里的“天地”指的是“天地君亲师”的那个“天地”,那就应当译为“The god(or gods)who created the heavens and the earth”。

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