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09-09 投稿


imitative 发音

英:[??m?te?t?v]  美:[??m?t?t?v]

英:  美:

imitative 中文意思翻译



imitative 短语词组

1、imitative electronic deception ─── [网络] 模仿电子欺骗

2、imitative colour ─── 模仿色

3、imitative behavior ─── 模仿行为

4、imitative word ─── 象声词

5、imitative insanity ─── [医] 模仿性精神病

6、imitative ability ─── 模仿能力

7、imitative words invented words ─── 模仿词发明词

8、be imitative of sb ─── 仿效某人

9、imitative deception ─── [电] 摸拟欺骗

10、Imitative Communications Deception ─── 模仿性通信欺骗

11、electronic imitative deception ─── [网络] 电子模仿欺骗

12、imitative words are words ─── 模仿词就是词语

13、be imitative of ─── 模仿, 仿效

14、imitative synkinesis ─── [医] 模仿性联带运动

15、imitative arts ─── 模仿艺术

16、imitative pricing ─── 模仿价格

17、Imitative Electromagnetic Deception ─── 模仿电磁欺骗

18、imitative words ─── 模仿词

19、imitative chorea ─── [医] 摹仿性舞蹈病

imitative 同义词

commonplace | echoic |derivative | onomatopoetic | counterfeit | false | unoriginal | secondhand | fake | second-hand | onomatopoeical | onomatopoeic | artificial | trite

imitative 反义词


imitative 词性/词形变化,imitative变形

名词: imitativeness |副词: imita-tively |

imitative 相似词语短语

1、comitative ─── n.随伴格;adj.随伴格的

2、irritative ─── adj.刺激的;刺激性的;使发怒的

3、imputative ─── adj.归罪于…的;好责难他人的

4、initiative ─── n.主动权;积极性;首创精神;新方案;倡议;adj.初步的,基础的

5、limitative ─── adj.限制的

6、incitative ─── 煽动的

7、imitatively ─── adv.模仿地;伪造地

8、visitative ─── 来访者

9、similative ─── 相似的

imitative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He applied his imitative powers to everything, and, like Giotto, when young, he drew on his slate sheep, houses, and trees. ─── 他的模仿能力本来就很强,象琪奥托小时候一样,他也在他的石板上画起羊呀,房屋呀,树林呀来。

2、diode Imitative device ─── 二极管仿效器

3、Mechanism Analysis and Empirical Study of Second Mover Advantage of Imitative Innovation ─── 仿效创新的后发优势机理分析与实证研究

4、imitative synkinesis ─── [医] 模仿性联带运动

5、Like most mass media,radio in the United State is imitative . ─── 像大多数大众媒体,广播节目在美国也(存在)彼此抄袭(的现象)。

6、But if you become aware, with your whole being, of the futility of imitation, the futility of conformity, then your action will not be imitative, hampered, bound. ─── 但是,如果你全身心的意识到,模仿无用,顺从无用,那么你的行为将不会是模仿的、受限的、有边界的。

7、be imitative of ─── v. 模仿仿效

8、The two different learning modes, imitative learning mode and purposeful learning mode, are analyzed from the conditions, evolution and economic efficiency. ─── 从发生条件、演化均衡以及经济效率等方面对两种学习模式,即模仿学习模式与有目的学习模式,进行分析对比。

9、not echoic or imitative of sound. ─── 不是拟声的或者不是对声音的模仿。

10、Abstract: In this paper, the measuring of the main parameters as slub length, slub multiple and slub pitch and their imitative design method are described. ─── 摘 要:介绍了竹节纱竹节长度、粗度、竹节间距等主要规格参数的测定与仿样设计方法。

11、As an important manner in criminal investigation and solving the cases, imitative portrait becomes more and more important and it already has been an effective measure of striking criminals. ─── 摘要目前在我国的刑事侦查破案中,摹拟画像技术正发挥着越来越重要的作用,已成为打击犯罪的一种有效手段。

12、Meanwhile, the imitative works of Huaben show out the disgusting monks and farce of Buddhism, dispelling the holy and philosophy of Buddhism. ─── 同时,拟话本还呈现给读者恶俗的僧众及闹剧化的佛门场景,消除了佛教原本具有的神圣性和哲理性。

13、Babies of eight to twelve months are generally highly imitative. ─── 八至十二个月大的婴儿一般具有很高的模仿能力。

14、In order to build up the possibility of passing some candidates do imitative exercises privately by writing the theses about current issues. ─── 为了加大登科的把握性,一些考生私下模拟考试,撰写针对现实问题的策论。

15、The Great Depression ended this imitative surge in which the universal bank appeared to triumph. ─── 正当全能银行模式似乎要大获全胜的时候,大萧条终结了这一波模仿浪潮。

16、After all,his strong volition and fortitude spirit worth our to respect and imitative. ─── 总而言之,他坚强的意志和不屈不挠的精神值得我们崇拜和仿效。

17、His work has been criticized for being imitative and shallow. ─── 他的作品被批评为抄袭而且肤浅。

18、Used for a purpose, the imitative instinct may, like any other instinct, become a factor in the development of effective action. ─── 模仿的本能,如果为了一个目的加以运用,也许能和任何其他本能一样,成为发展有效的行动的一个因素。

19、It is imitative of Nietzsche's masterpiece Also Sprach Zarathustra, both in content and form. ─── 它在思想内容和艺术形式两方面都体现出了明显的受尼采影响的痕迹;

20、Imitative SAE1548 steel ─── 仿SAE1548钢

21、Climate Cool is a part of the British Council's global imitative - International Climate Champions (ICC) programme. ─── “气候酷派”是英国文化协会开展的全球大型活动“国际气候先锋”(ICC)的一部分。

22、According to the existing situation of the western enterprises, imitative innovation is a practical choice. ─── 从西部企业存在的实际状况看,模仿创新是一种比较现实的选择。

23、Author pass on the Buddism view by the imitative works of Huaben, the view of karma、heil、repent have constituted the whole understanding that common people for buddism. ─── 创作者借助拟话本传达了部分佛教观念,其中的果报、地狱、做法事忏罪的观念构成了普通人对于佛教的世俗理解。

24、His style of public speaking is imitative of the prime minister. ─── 他的演讲风格是模仿首相的。

25、the toxicant effect is mainly manifested as slight constrain of central nervous system and the imitative effect on the dermal mucosa. ─── 它主要通过呼吸道、皮肤、消化道等进入人体,其毒作用主要表现为对中枢神经系统的轻度抑制作用,对皮肤粘膜的刺激作用。

26、People in remote ages collocated semantic imitative words and fake semantic imitative words which actually belong to rhetoric wording and phrasing on the basis of grammatical wording and phrasing. ─── 上古时期,人们已利用这种组合方式创造仿词和伪仿词。它们是在语法造词基础上的修辞造词,即关涉到语法层面也关涉到修辞层面。

27、To the iodine induced stress corrosion of zirconium alloys cladding , a lot of imitative tests of in-pile and out-of-pile had been done. ─── 为了系统的研究应力腐蚀裂纹生长与应力强度因子、腐蚀介质浓度、温度及材料状况的依赖关系。

28、In this paper, the measuring of the main parameters as slub length, slub multiple and slub pitch and their imitative design method are described. ─── 摘要介绍了竹节纱竹节长度、粗度、竹节间距等主要规格参数的测定与仿样设计方法。

29、Study on acid dyeing of imitative suede cloth ─── 人造麂皮酸性染料染色

30、A Staged Progress in Physical Organic and Free-radical Chemistry of Imitative Bio-systems ─── 拟生物体系的物理有机和自由基化学研究取得突出的阶段性进展

31、Mr Todt said the imitative is part of joint effort with the European Commission to promote cars powered by alternative fuels. ─── 托德表示,他们的努力是欧洲委员会推广替代燃料汽车的联合行动的一部分。

32、In imitative counterpoint, two or more voices enter at different times, and (especially when entering) each voice repeats some version of the same melodic element. ─── 在“对位”的概念被人们提出之前,应用对位法原理的音乐作品早已存在。

33、The Relationship between Imitative Technological Innovation and Core Competence ─── 仿效技术创新与企业核心能力

34、Guo P F, Han Y S.An imitative full-stress genetic algorithm for structural optimization with discrete variables [J].Engineering Mechanics,2003,20(2):95-99. ─── [2]郭鹏飞,韩英仕.离散变量结构优化设计的拟满应力遗传算法 [J].工程力学,2003,20(2):95-99.

35、Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style. ─── 正统,不论是什么颜色的,好象就要求没有生命的模仿的风格。

36、Keywords ChemLab;Chemical Experiment;Technique of Computer;imitative experiment platform; ─── 化学实验;计算机技术;实验模拟平台;

37、Design and Implementation of a Robot that is Imitative of Spider with Eight Legs ─── 八足蜘蛛仿生机器人的设计与实现

38、Carol studied the woman. She was imitative as a glass diamond. ─── 卡罗尔仔细打量一下眼前这个女人,她简直虚假透顶,明明是一块玻璃,硬要冒充一颗钻石。

39、Once it is painfully acquired by processes that can be imitative intellective, or a combination of both , spoken language becomes as much of a reflex action as driving a car. ─── 一次程序痛苦地获得哪一可能是喜模仿的智能,否则两者的 , 口语的语言一个组合当做驾驶一辆汽车变成如许多的一个反射的行动.

40、With these toys, their play tends to be more imitative than imaginative. ─── 有了这些玩具,他们游戏时就更倾向于模仿而不是想象。

41、A Study on the Imitative Questions Posed in Exploratory Teaching and Learning ─── 探究教学的模拟问题研究

42、Keywords imitative prismatic stand;contour curve;pantograph function; ─── 拟棱台;轮廓曲线;缩放功能;


44、Role demonstrate is a method of study by give examples and imitative with role demonstrate of teacher.The student may find some knowledge of specialized behind in clinical work. ─── 摘要角色示范是临床工作中通过举例、模仿来学习的一种方式,通过老师的角色示范,学生可以发现隐蔽在临床工作中的专业知识。

45、Burns is the very type of a most original force in letters, he was of all men the most imitative. ─── 伯恩斯可以说是文学上最富有独创性的代表人物,他又偏偏是最善于模仿的。

46、(2) Imitative Songs.a low voice imitates the melody of a high voice, and they overlap. ─── (2)模仿织体。即低声部以自由模仿上声部的旋律而构成双声的迭置。

47、The imitative instinct is so strong that the young devote themselves to conforming to the patterns set by others and reproducing them in their own scheme of behavior. ─── 儿童的模仿本能很强,他们努力按照别人所树立的模式,在他们自己的行为系统中照样重做。

48、And with these toys, their play tends to be more imitative than imaginative. ─── 使用这些玩具,使孩子们的游戏趋向于模仿而缺乏想像力。

49、imitative chorea ─── [医] 摹仿性舞蹈病

50、Keywords imitative gild;electroplating without using cyanide;Cu-Zn-Sn ternary alloy; ─── 仿金;无氰电镀;铜锌锡三元合金;

51、Bandura. (1965). Influence of model's reinforcement contingencies on the acquisition of imitative responses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. ─── 何荣桂、王绪溢、徐蕙君(1998年6月)。网际网路教学活动设计。资讯与教育杂志第65期。

52、He writes in a very individual way, ie an original way, not derived or imitative. ─── 他的写作方法别具一格(有独创方式,不沿袭或模仿他人)。

53、Gradually it acquired experience, becoming a complementary rather than an imitative force. ─── 它逐渐获得经验,成了一个互补的、不是模仿的力量。

54、In music, the Baroque applies to the final period of dominance of imitative counterpoint. ─── 在音乐上,巴洛克后期的主要风格是使用模仿的对位法。

55、Imitative counterpoint has spawned a number of devices that composers have turned to in order to give their works both mathematical rigor and expressive range. ─── 在这篇类似教材的论文中,作者介绍了将给出旋律以对位法编排的方法。

56、Studies on the Identification and Antagonistic Properties in the Imitative Gastroenteric Environment in a Cholesterol Reducing Lactic Acid Bacteria ─── 一株降胆固醇乳酸菌的鉴定及其在模拟胃肠环境中抗性的研究

57、Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style. ─── 政治正统,不管带有何种色彩,都要求一种呆板的,仿造式的格调。

58、Virtual machine is an imitative computer by using imitative way of softwae.To develop OS software by means of it can shorten the developing period and reduce the difficulties of development. ─── 摘要虚拟机是使用软件模拟的方法在电脑上模拟出来的计算机,利用它来开发OS软件能显著地缩短开发周期,降低开发难度。

59、imit){ print "[input type=submIT name=next_action width=100 value="Previous"n"]; ─── 作者:佚名技巧来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2005-12-29

60、Peiping Imitative Prints, Dr SYS &Martyrs, a set of 18 each, unissued except Martyr 8c, NG, scarce, VF ─── 1941年北京伪华北发行仿版孙中山像、烈士像邮票十八枚全,除烈士像8分外均未发行,未贴,全套较少见,上品

61、imitative of an archaic style or manner. ─── 对古老的风格或者样式的模仿。

62、imit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism. ─── 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。

63、Method By ways of the methods of alalogy,the methods of reviewed investigation and the imitative ecological experiments. ─── 方法采用回顾性调查法、类比法和模拟生态实验等方法。

64、Tending to imitate; imitative. ─── 好模仿的有模仿倾向的;模仿的

65、Additionally, we propose some conditions and suggestions necessary for "Yuchai" imitative technology innovation by analyzing the operation mechanism of "Yuchai" imitative technology innovation. ─── 另外,从玉柴仿效技术创新的运行机制 分析得出玉柴进行仿效技术创新所需的条件的建议。

66、The most unhappily negative effect may be the creation of an environment in which people who frequently suggest imitative practices get viewed as being somehow inferior or less worthy. ─── 最令人遗憾的负面效应可能会形成这样一种环境,那些经常建议模仿的建议被视为毫无价值的下策。

67、Imitative Test on the Output Compensation Ability of Long-staple Cotton with the Different Density after Suffering Injury in the Bud Period ─── 不同密度长绒棉蕾期受害后的产量补偿能力模拟试验

68、Analysis of flowing state of aluminum plate in cast-rolling process with imitative flow function ─── 拟流函数法分析铝板铸轧过程的流动状态

69、Comparing the digital geomagnetic total intensity data with the imitative one ─── 成都地磁台地磁总强度数字与模拟资料对比

70、Resembling, imitative of, or suggestive of a woman. ─── 像女子的像女子的,模仿女子的,或使人联想女子的


72、Introduction of a Practical Imitative Equipment Outside Routine X-ray Console ─── 介绍一种实用的常规X线机控制台外设模拟装置

73、Comparison of the yearly cycle cosine curve imitative parameters of the clinical features of liver cancer at different longitude and latitude ─── 不同经纬度肝癌临床特征年周期余弦曲线拟合参数对比

74、113 cases of pernio were treated by "Imitative Human Wave Therapeutie Apparatus." Common effect rate were 97.3%. ─── 以“模拟人体波长治疗仪”治疗冻疮113例,总有效率97.3%,以冻疮软膏治疗对照组的总有效率为51.92%,证明此治疗仪冶疗冻疮的效果较优。

75、Children are very imitative. ─── 儿童的模仿能力特强。


77、Neither the human imitative instinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater. ─── 人类的模仿本能,还是对幻想的嗜好本身,都不会单独成为独立的戏剧形式。

78、Multimedia technology was adopted to illustrate hardware experimental principle and simulate experimental process.It can transform dull experiment into varied and colurful imitative pictures. ─── 摘要利用计算机多媒体技术讲解实验原理、模拟计算机硬件实验过程及结果,使枯燥的计算机硬件原理实验变成形式多样的模拟画面。

79、According to imitative training, directive training, comprehensive training, details training, memorial training, these practical trainings to improve ethnic students' ability of communication. ─── 摘要通过模仿性训练、指导性训练、理解性训练、细节性训练、记忆性训练来提高民族学生的语言运用能力。

80、The company provides ML composites and imitative ceramics such as tableware and household utensils. ─── 公司向国内外用户提供ml复合新材料以及用其生产的日用餐具、用器具等仿瓷制品。

81、imitative music ─── 拟声音乐

82、imitative full stress design ─── 拟满应力设计

83、Comparison of Yearly Cycle Cosine Curve Imitative Parameters of the Laboratory Blood of Liver Cancer at Three Different Longitude and Latitude ─── 三个不同经纬度地区肝癌血液检验年周期余弦曲线拟合参数对比

84、in a competitively imitative manner. ─── 以经得起竞争的模仿的方式。

85、the imitative works of text of a story ─── 拟话本

86、Great Slenderness Ratio Imitative Projectile Mode Analysis and Theories Calculation ─── 大长细比模拟弹模态分析与计算

87、These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior. ─── 这些理论家认为语言是模仿的、习得的行为。

88、1 Imitative words are words that sound like the thing or action they stand for. ─── 1。拟声词是发音像它们所代表的意思的词。

89、is when in one of the parts in imitative counterpoint the notes are reduced in duration compared to the rate at which they were sounded when introduced. ─── 时至今日,对位法原理仍然是调性音乐的基础,也是作曲的必修课。

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