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09-09 投稿


convalesce 发音

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convalesce 中文意思翻译



convalesce 网络释义

vi. 渐愈;渐渐康复

convalesce 词性/词形变化,convalesce变形

动词现在分词: convalescing |动词过去分词: convalesced |动词过去式: convalesced |动词第三人称单数: convalesces |

convalesce 短语词组

1、convalesce adj ─── 疗养

2、convalesce meaning ─── 疗养意义

3、convalesce sentence ─── 疗养期

4、convalesce definition ─── 康复定义

5、convalesce define ─── 康复定义

6、convalesce defined ─── 康复定义

7、convalesce band ─── 疗养带

8、convalesce mean ─── 恢复期平均数

convalesce 相似词语短语

1、convalesced ─── vi.渐愈;渐渐康复

2、convalescence ─── n.恢复期,康复期;逐渐康复

3、convalescency ─── 疗养

4、coalesce ─── vi.合并;结合;联合;vt.使…联合;使…合并

5、convalesces ─── vi.渐愈;渐渐康复

6、convalescent ─── adj.康复的;恢复期的;n.恢复中的病人;康复的人

7、reconvalesce ─── 恢复

8、reconvalesced ─── 重新估价

9、convalescents ─── adj.康复的;恢复期的;n.恢复中的病人;康复的人

convalesce 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She go to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital ─── 她经过住院治疗後, 前往海滨养病

2、Keywords convalesce element analysis debate value of practice; ─── 疗养因子;分析;探讨;应用价值;

3、World economics' disease on first cannot convalesce, China's sneeze also with difficulty stops. ─── 世界经济的疾病一日不能痊愈,中国的喷嚏也难以停止。

4、Therefore, I now am let Liu Xiang convalesce, the wholly-absorbed restoration, treats like the effect only then can be obvious. ─── 所以,我现在就是让刘翔静养,专心恢复,这样治疗的效果才会明显。

5、The own basket official disclosure this time sprains is not serious, after Yi Jianlian rests slightly, may convalesce. ─── 篮网官方透露这次扭伤并不严重,易建联稍加休息后就可以痊愈。

6、Conelusions Nutrition support is important for surgical critical patients with malnutrition, due to their unique metabolic characteristics, affecting their convalesce and prognosis. ─── 结论由于外科危重病人存在独特的代谢特点,大部分病人存在营养不良,故营养支持对外科危重病人至关重要,直接影响病人的康复和预后。

7、Objectives To discuss the situation of the sc en ery in golden in yantai.Make a further exploitation of convalescent resources to promote the convalesce to develop rapidly. ─── 目的探讨烟台海滨黄金海岸景观情况,进一步发掘疗养景观资源,促进疗养事业迅速发展。

8、Bandusena will be able to convalesce in the house and the wife and children no longer need to worry about rainy days. ─── 身躯瘦弱的妻子,也知道这一刻有多难得。自从先生罹患肺癌后,家里经济雪上加霜,要维修这破旧不堪的房屋、根本不可能。

9、Although no new images of him have been published since early June, newspaper articles continue to be published under his name and officials insist he continues to convalesce. ─── 虽然七月初以来就再也没有他的新照片公布,报纸文章还一如既往地以他的名义发表,官员们仍然坚持他在逐渐康复。

10、She was advised by her doctor to remain in the west where she had gone to convalesce ─── 她已去西部疗养以恢复健康,医生劝她继续呆在那儿。

11、Finally: This group hospital treatment 315 examples,the outpatient service 318 examples,attain 1 time hang the line to convalesce,the surgery 1 success ratio and curing rate is 100%. ─── 结果:本组住院治疗315例,门诊治疗318例,均获1次挂线痊愈,手术1次成功率和治愈率均为100%。

12、convalesce concept ─── 静养观

13、This island was a perfect place to convalesce, given that it was the stresses of city life that had brought on his illness. ─── 这个岛绝对是他养病的好地方。尤其是城市生活所带来的疾病。

14、Forever could not convalesce. ─── 永远痊愈不了。

15、rest quietly to recuperate; convalesce ─── 静养

16、Conclusion Correct rehabilitated nursing and discharging guide contribute to patients convalesce and improvement of live quality. ─── 结论正确的康复护理及出院指导有助于患者功能康复及生活质量的提高。

17、The own basket official disclosure this time sprains is not serious, after Yi Jianlian rests slightly, may convalesce. ─── 篮网官方透露这次扭伤并不严重,易建联稍加休息后就可以痊愈。

18、Convalescent people are comparatively sensitive when they convalesce in a new surrounding. ─── 疗养员入院疗养,来到了一个新的环境,心理比较敏感。

19、After a while Alice returned from the hospital to convalesce. ─── 过了一阵子,艾莉丝出了院身子也渐渐复原。

20、Method the hand function are evaluated by the theory and technology of clinical medicine , forensic medicine and convalesce medicine. ─── 方法运用临床医学、康复医学、法医学理论和技术对伤者手部功能进行评价,评定其伤残。

21、Conclusion: The comprehensive convalesce has an excellent effect on the patients with aged diabetes. ─── 结论:综合疗养对老年糖尿病患者的康复有显著的促进作用。

22、Keywords shadowboxing train;smoking to wash by Chinese Medicine;ankle fractures;stiff;convalesce; ─── 太极拳训练;中药熏洗;踝关节骨折;僵硬;康复;

23、It is said that Yi Jianlian's foot wound is located “first-level sprains” (sprains mildly), only needs to convalesce instantly. ─── 据称易建联的脚伤被定位“一级扭伤”(轻度扭伤),只需要静养即刻。

24、12. This island was a perfect place to convalesce, given that it was the stresses of city life that had brought on his illness. (conj. ─── 这个岛绝对是他养病的好地方。尤其是城市生活所带来的疾病。

25、Anxiously should attack suddenly passes the internal organs, alleviates fever, 凉血, the disintoxicating, for wants, to eat food 50 medicinal preparations, the various cards convalesce. ─── 急应攻实通腑,清热凉血解毒为要、进食50余剂,诸证痊愈。

26、convalesce after an illness ─── 病后逐渐复元

27、Suffering from cerebrovascular disease Rantzau want to buy a villa this convalesce, but the surrounding neighbors construction, and property management companies are ignored. ─── 身患脑血管病的曹先生买了一套别墅本想静养,但周围邻居大兴土木,而物业管理公司却置之不理。

28、3.Never forget the old enmity the human, his wound forever with difficulty will heal; Although that is originally may convalesce. ─── 一个念念不忘旧仇的人,他的伤口将永远难以愈合;尽管那本来是可以痊愈的.

29、Forever could not convalesce. ─── 永远痊愈不了。

30、3. to convalesce (v. ─── ) 康复;

31、Convalesce: get over an illness or shock ─── 渐渐康复

32、When does Mai the knee injury convalesce, and doctors did not know including Mai, when Badier is wounded and sick restores enters the stage did not have the timetable. ─── 麦迪膝伤什么时间痊愈,包括麦迪自己及医生都不晓得,巴蒂尔伤病什么时间恢复出场还没有时间表。

33、Convalescent people are comparatively sensitive when they convalesce in a new surrounding. ─── 疗养员入院疗养,来到了一个新的环境,心理比较敏感。

34、TIME will convalesce your scar slowly ─── 时间让你的伤痕慢慢痊愈

35、He was calling to ask me where he should convalesce in the event of his being injured, there in Texas or at home in Pennsylvania. ─── 他在电话中还问我,如果他负了伤,是该在得克萨斯州还是在宾夕法尼亚州的家中养伤。”

36、She goes to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital. ─── 她经过住院治疗后,前往海滨养病。

37、Results: Besides 1 case death, because of the allergic initiation throat dropsy induce the breath difficulty and the the primary heavy disease, other cases convalesce leaves the hospital. ─── 结果:除1例过敏引发喉头水肿者因呼吸困难及原发病较重抢救无效死亡外,其余病例均痊愈出院。

38、She go to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital. ─── 她经过住院治疗後,前往海滨养病。

39、She went to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital ─── 她经过住院治疗後,前往海滨养病

40、The best thing for him now is to go back home, where he can calmly convalesce and rehabilitate. ─── 现在对他来说最好的事情就是可以回家。在家他可以静静地疗养以及康复。”

41、In the spring of 2000, Rantzau sudden brain haemorrhage, paralysis of limbs, the doctor told him that he must convalesce. ─── 2000年春天,曹先生突发脑干出血,四肢瘫痪,医生嘱咐他一定要静养。

42、The usage of environmental health preservation of TCM in rehabil itation medicine mainly reflects on convalesce. ─── 其在康复医学中的应用主要体现在疗养方面。

43、The State develops social welfare undertakings, build public welfare facilities to provide the conditions for the workers to rest, convalesce and recuperate. ─── 国家发展社会福利事业,兴建公共福利设施,为劳动者休息、休养和疗养提供条件。

44、The club arranges him this weekend to keep the Turin to convalesce. ─── 俱乐部安排他本周末留在都灵静养。

45、Results All cases of illness convalesce leaves the hospital. ─── 结果所有病例均痊愈出院。

46、It is said that Yi Jianlian's foot wound is located " first- level sprains" (sprains mildly), only needs to convalesce instantly. ─── 据称易建联的脚伤被定位“一级扭伤”(轻度扭伤),只需要静养即刻。

47、Although separates several days later eczema manifests suddenly once more, so long as but spreads Miao Lingjie in the trouble place the skin frost, the second day will convalesce. ─── 虽然隔几天之后湿疹再次发作,但只要在患处涂上一点苗岭洁肤霜,第二天就会痊愈。

48、He is so busy that he will not take the time he needs to convalesce after his operation ─── 他太忙,手术后都不愿花时间休息让身体完全恢复健康。

49、Zhuangzi's convalesce concept is the source said later Taoist health,the health of the Taoist school has a great impact on future generations. ─── 庄子的静养观是后来的道教养生说的源头,对后代的道家养生学派有着很大影响。

50、She went to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital. ─── 她经过住院治疗后,前往海滨养病。

51、It is said in Miyazawa Hui Jiu is fast gets down thinly with this method, the result apositia, underwent many year treatments only then to convalesce. ─── 这就是所谓的“生理期减肥法”,运用月经后1周,情绪较稳定,而代谢速度较快时,突击减肥。

52、to convalesce through care, rest, and nourishment ─── 调养

53、wound cicatrization demand time treats slowly, but love wound has no way to convalesce. ─── 伤口的愈合需要时间去慢慢治疗,但是爱情的伤口是没法痊愈的。

54、The rest has this sickness rest not to need to be too intense, so long as to the hospital arrogant related treatment, may convalesce. ─── 息有此病的息者不必过于紧张,只要到医院傲相关的治疗,就可以痊愈。

55、World economics ' disease on first cannot convalesce, China 's sneeze also with difficulty stops. ─── 世界经济的疾病一日不能痊愈,中国的喷嚏也难以停止。

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