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09-09 投稿


exploration 发音

英:[?ekspl??re??(?)n]  美:[?ekspl??re??(?)n]

英:  美:

exploration 中文意思翻译



exploration 常用词组

exploration and development ─── 勘探与开发

geological exploration ─── 地质勘探;地质勘察;地质勘测

seismic exploration ─── [工程]地震探查

exploration 短语词组

1、exploration drilling ─── [经] 勘探钻井

2、abortive exploration expenditure ─── [经] 无成果勘探支出

3、market exploration ─── [经] 市场探测

4、expert system for mineral exploration ─── [计] 矿物勘探用专家系统

5、exploration costs in extractive industries ─── [经] 采掘工业中的勘探成本

6、offshore exploration ─── [经] 海上勘探, 近海勘探

7、tactual exploration ─── [网络] 触觉探索

8、exploration cost ─── [经] 勘探成本

9、exploration expenditure ─── [经] 勘探费用

10、oil exploration ─── [经] 石油勘探

11、self-exploration n. ─── 自我探索(指对 ─── 自己精神和智力上的潜在能力的省察和分析)

12、research surveying and exploration ─── [经] 研究查勘费

13、exploration engineering ─── 勘探工程

14、exploration risk ─── 勘探风险

15、Exploration of Saturn ─── 探索土星

16、exploration survey ─── 勘探, ─── 勘测

17、Exploration of Jupiter ─── 探索木星

18、exploration operation ─── 勘探作业

19、Exploration of Mars ─── 探索火星

exploration 词性/词形变化,exploration变形


exploration 相似词语短语

1、expiration ─── n.呼气;终结;届期

2、explication ─── n.说明;阐明;展开(花瓣、叶子等的)

3、exprobration ─── 实验

4、exploitation ─── n.开发,开采;利用;广告推销;剥削

5、explanation ─── n.说明,解释;辩解

6、deploration ─── 脱色

7、explorations ─── n.探索;探险(exploration的复数);勘查;[医]探察术

8、explorational ─── 探索的

9、exoration ─── 外渗

exploration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A big program of oil exploration has begun offshore. ─── 一个大规模的石油勘探计划正在近海展开。

2、Nations have been more interested in defense than in space exploration. ─── 各国对防务已经比对探索宇宙更为关心。

3、Application of eTrx. Vista pocket GPS in geophysical exploration. ─── eTrex Vista手持GPS在物探测量中的应用

4、They are undertaking this exploration for science. ─── 他们正在进行一个科学探索。

5、Class C: geophysical exploration; rock ore appraisal and testing. ─── 丙级:地球物理勘查;岩矿鉴定与测试。

6、The tooth was removed via exploration of the submandibu-lar space uneventfully. ─── 因极少见国内外杂志讨论此类病例,特提出报告。

7、Seismic wave field and seismic exploration II. ─── 地震波场与地震勘探2。

8、Arctic exploration; exploration of new theories. ─── 北极探险;新理论的探索

9、Class A: solid mineral exploration. ─── 061775甲级:固体矿产勘查;勘查工程施工。

10、Other developments are ripe for serious exploration. ─── 为进行认真探索的其他条件也告成熟。

11、The experts make a further exploration on this problem. ─── 专家们对这一问题进一步探索。

12、Class A: areal geology survey; solid mineral exploration. ─── 8261219甲级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。

13、Most of them are working for a Norwegian oil company in exploration work. ─── 也有很多工人在挪威石油公司进行勘探工作。

14、Class B: solid mineral exploration. ─── 乙级:固体矿产勘查。

15、Arctic exploration;exploration of new theories. ─── 北极探险;新理论的探索

16、They forgot the beast in the excitement of exploration. ─── 他们沉浸在探险的兴奋之中,把野兽忘记了。

17、Exploration and development petroleum geologists and geophysicists. ─── 勘探开发地质师和地球物理学者。

18、Mex: You'll form an exploration team with me? ─── 你愿意和我一起组建一个探险队?

19、Antarctic exploration begins with Ptolemy. ─── 南极的探险是由普特利姆首先进行的。

20、China National Oil and Gas Exploration Development Co. ─── 中国石油天然气勘探开发公司。

21、A batch of scientific workers with high aspirations embarked on a lifetime journey of exploration and quest. ─── 一批科学工作者怀才抱志,开始了毕生的探索和追寻。

22、One method used in a geophysical exploration is called seismic method . ─── 地球物理勘探的一种方法就是地震法。

23、Class B: remote sensing geology exploration. ─── 乙级:遥感地质勘查。

24、Class B: liquid mineral exploration. ─── 乙级:液体矿产勘查。

25、An Exploration of the Applied Ethics? ─── 什么是应用伦理学?

26、Through years of exploration, we have found a road of poverty alleviation through development by proceeding from China's realities. ─── 经过多年探索,走出了一条符合中国国情的扶贫开发道路。

27、Selection of Papers by Liu Xingcai on Ptroleum Geological Exploration II. ─── 刘兴材石油地质勘探论文报告选集2。

28、These characteristics should be taken into account in hydrocarbon exploration. ─── 因此,油气勘探时,应注意南、北凹陷的含油气系统特点,区别对待。

29、Their team will undertake exploration for oil. ─── 他们队将着手进行石油勘探工作。

30、China mine ,mineral,aera, resources,exploration,prospection will buy helis! ─── 勘探矿区,矿业界,勘探界将可能进口,或买进直升飞机!

31、Class A: establish mineral exploration infrastructure. ─── 8006甲级:勘查工程施工。

32、It had already declined by 24% over the six weeks since the loss of the exploration rig Deepwater Horizon and the start of the spill. ─── 自从钻井平台深水地平线受损石油开始泄漏以来的六周时间里,英国石油股价几乎已经下跌24%。

33、Theoretical Exploration on Sport-Majored Research Course in P.E. ─── 体育专业研究型体育课程的理论探索。

34、"It's the inquisitiveness, the sense of exploration. ─── “这是一种好奇心和探险的欲望。

35、Why not at least try to explor the possibility that there may be a life after? ─── 为何不至少尝试着探索或许真有来世?

36、So the author attempts to do some exploration work in this respect. ─── 因此笔者试图尝试在这方面作一些探索性的工作。

37、A New Exploration in Drainage Design of Residence Toilet. ─── 住宅卫生间排水设计新探。

38、A touristic and personal exploration of people and their faces. ─── 一个旅游者对人与面孔的研究。

39、NET and Streaming Media have done preliminary exploration. ─── NET和流媒体技术作了初步的探索。

40、Class A: geophysical exploration; geochemistry exploration. ─── 6724114甲级:地球物理勘查;地球化学勘查。

41、A day's exploration convinced him that this was not the spot. ─── 经过一天的调查,他确信这儿不是事发现场。

42、In its essentials, the methods of seismic exploration appear quite simple. ─── 在主体上,地震勘探方法似乎十分简单。

43、More importantly from the point of view of space exploration, largeamounts of water were discovered at the bottom of the Cabeus crater. ─── 不过对于空间探索来说更具意义的是,在被撞击的凯布斯月球坑的底部发现了大量的水。

44、Geophysical exploration is a relatively new area of technology . ─── 地球物理勘探是一个较新的技术领域。


46、But lunar exploration has brought up a new objection . ─── 但是对月球的探测带来一个新课题。

47、Class B: geophysical exploration; rock ore appraisal and testing. ─── 乙级:地球物理勘查;岩矿鉴定与岩矿测试。

48、Class A: areal geology survey;solid mineral exploration. ─── 5032801甲级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。

49、But the number of exploration wells plunged by 78%. ─── 但是勘探井的数量却急剧减少了78%。

50、He leaves farthest among the exploration person all. ─── 在所有探险者中他走的最远。

51、The target zones for prospecting include three reservoir-cap rock assemblages of Cenozoic dominated by explor... ─── 中生界与新生界主要是岩性圈闭与构造圈闭,而古生界的主要圈闭是断块潜山圈闭。

52、Men venture their lives in space exploration. ─── 人们冒着生命危险从事太空探索。

53、The intellectual exploration loses its immediacy of action when the sharpness of thought is all that matters. ─── 当思想的敏锐是唯一重要的事情,智力上的探索就失去了它行动的即时性。

54、Prospect of application of Fiber Grating Bragg sensor to petroleum exploration. ─── 光纤布拉格光栅传感器在石油勘探领域应用展望

55、Oryx is a Dallas-based oil and gas exploration and production concern. ─── 奥瑞克斯公司是一家以达拉斯为基地的石油和天然气勘探及生产公司。

56、Risk Management for NASA Programs: Are We Ready for Exploration? ─── NASA项目的风险管理:我们为探测准备好了吗?

57、They decided to make a full exploration of the accident. ─── 他们决定对事故做一次全盘研究。

58、Exploration for the Development of Tour. ─── 南充旅游经济发展初探;

59、Petroleum geology and exploration in turpan-hami basin II. ─── 吐哈盆地油气地质与勘探实践2。

60、SEG Society of Exploration Geophysicists. ─── 勘探地球物理协会。

61、Widespread fishing, exploration for oil and oil leaks also threaten penguins. ─── 大范围地捕鱼,勘探石油和油泄漏也威胁着企鹅。

62、Exploration of Landfill Site Leachate Treatment Technology. ─── 垃圾填埋场渗沥水处理技术探讨。

63、Black and White Invitation Exhibition of Charcoal Drawing Exploration. ─── 参加中关村之光北京油画邀请展,参展作品《静夜无尘》。

64、Class C: hydrogeology survey; liquid mineral exploration. ─── 丙级:水工环地质调查;液体矿产勘查。

65、Geology and exploration work is a comprehensive system engineering. ─── 地勘工作是一项综合性的系统工程。

66、He did not notice, but went his round of exploration. ─── 他没在意,还是四处转悠,东看西看。

67、The tympanic exploration is necessary to be included in tympanoplasty. ─── 凡鼓室成形术,均应行鼓室探查。

68、Class A: solid mineral exploration; gas mineral ex[ploration. ─── 3728218甲级:固体矿产勘查;气体矿产勘查。

69、His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche. ─── 他对那个神话的探索揭示了美国人的心理。

70、Class B: areal geology survey; gas mineral exploration. ─── 乙级:区域地质调查;气体矿产勘查。

71、Class B: areal geology survey; solid mineral exploration. ─── 3855229乙级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。

72、He was dubious about joining the exploration and finally missed the boat. ─── 他对是否参加探险犹豫不决,结果错过了机会。

73、Foreland basins are important areas of exploration for petroleum in China. ─── 前陆盆地是中国重要的油气勘探领域。

74、Class B: areal geology survey; hydrogeology survey; liquid mineral exploration. ─── 乙级:区域地质调查;水工环地质调查;液体矿产勘查。

75、Geochemical exploration is a way for oil and gas prospection. ─── 化探是油气勘查的一种手段。

76、As for the moon exploration he was the first by many. ─── 他是月球探险的第一个人。

77、Bloc 1 is situated in the joint oil exploration area of Sao Tome and Principe and Nigeria. ─── 1号区块位于圣普和尼日利亚的共同开采区。

78、DON QUIXOTE is a novel which is worthy of exploration at any time. ─── 《堂吉诃德》是一部永远值得探索的小说。

79、Class B: solid mineral exploration; geophysical exploration. ─── 乙级:固体矿产勘查;地球物理勘查。

80、Analysis of field statics error in seismic exploration. ─── 地震勘探野外静校正量误差分析

81、Bright spot and AVO techniques p1ay big roles in hydrocarbon exploration. ─── 亮点技术和AVO技术曾使油气勘探工作取得了巨大成功。

82、Class C: geophysical exploration; establish mineral exploration infrastructure. ─── 丙级:地球物理勘查;勘查工程施工。

83、Their country lags behind others in space exploration. ─── 他们国家在宇宙空间探索方面落后于其他国家。

84、Class C: solid mineral exploration; rock ore appraisal and testing. ─── 丙级:固体矿产勘查;岩矿鉴定与岩矿测试。

85、After years of practice and exploration, in the decoration project has accumulated rich experience, continued to expand. ─── 经过多年的实践和探索,在装饰工程中积累了丰富的经验,不断扩大。

86、P.C's Tortuous Exploration of Chinese Political Life after P.R. ─── - 建国后我党对国家政治生活主题的曲折探索 The C.

87、China has earmarked more than $20 billion for oil exploration. ─── 中国已留出二百多亿美元用于石油勘探。

88、Humanity has made great progress in space exploration and medicine. ─── 人类在太空研究和医学上取得了很大进展。

89、Class B: areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration. ─── 2901524乙级:区域地质调查;遥感地质勘查。

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