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09-09 投稿



presaged 发音

英:[?pres?d?d]  美:[?pres?d?d]

英:  美:

presaged 中文意思翻译



presaged 词性/词形变化,presaged变形

动词第三人称单数: presages |动词过去式: presaged |动词现在分词: presaging |动词过去分词: presaged |形容词: presageful |

presaged 相似词语短语

1、presager ─── n.预感;前兆(presage的变形)

2、presoaked ─── v.预浸;n.预浸;预浸剂

3、passaged ─── n.一段(文章);走廊;通路;通过;旅程,行程;船费;vi.通过通道;n.(Passage)(美)帕西奇(人名)

4、presided ─── v.主持(preside的过去式)

5、preaged ─── 预装

6、presages ─── v.预示,预兆(尤指不祥之事);预言,预感;n.预示,预兆;预感,预知

7、presale ─── 售前展览;预售

8、presage ─── v.预示,预兆(尤指不祥之事);预言,预感;n.预示,预兆;预感,预知

9、preshaped ─── 预成形

presaged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Traditional healers often finger alleged witches, whom the mob may then kill.Bouts of hysteria, sometimes presaged by apparently magical occurrences, can lead to hundreds of deaths. ─── 传统的郎中大夫经常指摘巫师作崇,之后巫师就会被暴民杀害。

2、"Making use of advanced knowledge of the Behavior of metal arch and truss forms under loading, the structure presaged a revolution in civil engineering and architectural design." ─── 设计方案利用了关于金属拱和桁架在受力(包括风力)情况下发生变化的先进知识,预示了土木工程和建筑设计的一次革命。

3、For many years a war cloud was hovering over Europe. At times sharp clashes, like peals of thunder, presaged the imminent storm. ─── 多年来,欧洲上空战云密布,尖锐的冲突迭起,如隆隆的雷声预示着风暴即将来临。

4、It not only presaged the initial establishing of modern art concepts of the public, but also made a base for modern art market. ─── 它不仅预示着现代大众艺术观念的初步确立,而且为现代艺术市场的建立打下了基础。

5、For many years a war cloud was hovering over Europe.At times sharp clashes, like peals of thunder, presaged the imminent storm ─── 多年来,欧洲上空战云密布,尖锐的冲突迭起,如隆隆的雷声预示着风暴即将来临。

6、He emphasized self-expression, the warm personal note presaged by C. P. E. Bach and Mozart. ─── 他强调自我表现,这种热情的、带有个人色彩的表现足巴赫和莫扎特所预示过的。

7、No one will tell him how he came to be here, what the circumstances were that presaged his memory loss. ─── 没人跟他说过他为什么会在这儿,到底是因为什么导致他的失忆症。

8、Those years presaged some of the worst years in the insurance industry's history, with combined ratios rising from 102 in 1997 to nearly 116 in 2001. ─── 以混合比例从97年的102上涨为06年约116的情况来看,那些年确乎预示着保险产业有史以来最为糟糕的时期。

9、The cautious officer presaged the station's eventual doom, as he feared the Alliance would be able to analyze captured schematics to find an exploitable weakness. ─── 当他担心联军能分析偷得的资料,并找到可利用的弱点时,这位谨慎的军官预言了这战斗基地的下场。

10、It feared the move presaged the loss of privileges; a worry only heightened by rising food and energy prices. ─── 游说团体恐惧此举是法国民众特权损失的不祥之预兆;食物和能源价格的持续攀升进一步引发了他们对此事的忧虑。

11、Obviously, the outcomes of the primaries are presaged in the brains of the candidates. ─── 很显然的初选结果早在候选人的脑部就早已显现出来,候选人应该都早就心知肚明。

12、It feared the move presaged the loss of privileges; ─── 游说团体恐惧此举是法国民众特权损失的不祥之预兆;

13、He emphasized self-expression, the warm personal note presaged by C. P. E. Bach and Mozart. ─── 他强调自我表现,这种热情的、带有个人色彩的表现足巴赫和莫扎特所预示过的。

14、Scott Fullman, director of derivatives investment strategy for WJB Capital Group in New York, said some negative technical indicators on Thursday presaged the market's weakness Monday. ─── 纽约WJB财团的衍生品投资策略部门主管ScottFullman曾表示,周四的一些负面技术指标已经预示了周一市场会走低。

15、The volume of "Poems" which appeared a year previously hardly presaged the disordered work that was to follow. ─── 在《荒原》发表前一年问世的《诗选》绝对不会预示继之而来的是这样一不“杂乱无章”的作品。

16、Bouts of hysteria, sometimes presaged by apparently magical occurrences, can lead to buy gaia online gold hundreds of deaths. ─── 看起来奇异的事件,有时使人变得躁动狂热,这可以造成数百人死亡。

17、He emphasized self-expression,the warm personal note presaged by C. P. E. Bach and Mozart. ─── 他强调自我表现,这种热情的、带有个人色彩的表现是巴赫和莫扎特所预示过的。

18、The shutdown of "Super Girl" was taken as a warning throughout the television industry and presaged the new rules. ─── 叫停“超级女声”节目被视作对整个电视行业的一个警告,也预示着新规定的出台。

19、Two other developments presaged the end of the era of turnpikes and started a transportation revolution that resulted in increased regional specialization and the growth of a national market economy. ─── 两项发展预示着公路收费站时代的结束,并开始了一场交通革命,从而促进了区域专业化和国家市场经济的发展。

20、Holmes's methods presaged many actual techniques for linking physical evidence to the perpetrator of a crime, such as blood testing. ─── 福尔摩斯利用物质证据(physicalevidence,亦称物证)追查犯罪者的方法,例如检验血液,许多后来都成为真实的办案技术。

21、The change presaged the dominance of mounted combat, and increasingly expensive equipment destroyed the venerable ideal of freeman warriors. ─── 这一变化预示着骑马作战的主导地位,日益昂贵的装备摧毁了自由人战士的崇高理想。

22、DISCOVERY in 1977 presaged that something might be wrong with the established view of genomic programming. ─── 1977年的一项发现,预言了目前众人接受的基因运作观点可能有问题。

23、The civil-rights movement presaged a partisan sea-change in American politics. ─── 民权运动预示着美国政党政治将发生巨大的变化。

24、The accelerating erosion of biodiversity, often associated with overfishing, presaged a “global collapse” to the point, in 2048, where all species currently fished would be gone, they said. ─── 他们说,经常与过度捕捞有关的生物品种的加速衰减,预示“全球灭绝”到2048年将达到这样的程度,到那时,现在被捕捞的所有物种都将灭绝。

25、We have presaged the open letter may bring potential impact.If you don’t have ability to achieve this objective presently, then your steady silence and your no disturbance is our utmost support. ─── 我们已经预感到了这封公开信可能带来的影响.如果您目前没有达到这个目的能力,那么您坚定的静默和对我们不打扰就是对我们最大的支持.

26、Nothing had presaged the dreadful fate about to befall him. ─── 没有一丝先兆预示他就要厄运临头。

27、"It is a little like da Vinci and the helicopter, " he says, referring to the artist's famous sketches that presaged later inventions. ─── 他说:“这有点儿像达?芬奇和直升机。”——这儿他提到了画家预言以后发明的著名素描。

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