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09-09 投稿



evensong 发音

英:['i?v(?)ns??]  美:['ivns??]

英:  美:

evensong 中文意思翻译



evensong 词性/词形变化,evensong变形


evensong 反义词


evensong 同义词

constancy | flatness | sameness | steadiness |equality | consistency | invariability | levelness | symmetry | justice | uniformity

evensong 相似词语短语

1、Stevenson ─── n.史蒂文森(姓氏)

2、love song ─── 情歌

3、eversions ─── n.翻转,外翻

4、evening ─── n.晚上;傍晚;(联欢性的)晚会;后期;adj.在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的;int.晚上好(等于goodevening)

5、eventing ─── n.综合全能马术比赛

6、evensongs ─── n.晚祷,晚课

7、Berenson ─── n.(Berenson)人名;(英)贝伦森;(俄)贝伦松

8、evens out ─── v.使平坦;使均等;变正常

9、Benson ─── n.班森(男子名)

evensong 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The guy you see walking a dog on Sunday morning could be planning to go to evensong. ─── 星期天早上你看见的那个遛狗的家伙也许正计划去做晚祷呢。

2、Yet West End is now as peaceful as evensong. ─── 然而这里现今如晚祷歌一般祥和。

3、Choral evensong still wafts across the ether. ─── 唱诗班的晚祷声仍然在空中回荡。

4、But the constant chorus of the orchards and hedges had shrunk to a casual evensong from a few yet unwearied performers; ─── 不过,果园里树篱间那弦歌不辍的大合唱已削减,只剩下几个不知疲倦的演唱者,偶尔表演一曲黄昏之歌。

5、A Preliminary Exploration on the Music of Matin and Evensong at Xiangji Temple ─── 香积寺朝暮课诵音乐初探

6、Is it necessary to rise at four in the main hall style of singing Evensong? ─── 是否一定要四点起床,在大殿唱念课诵?

7、This is the call of the semantron, a wooden beam struck with a mallet, and a sign that monks should assemble for evensong. ─── 在宗教权力最强的中世纪,希腊分布着数千所修道院。今天,约3000名修道士生活在散布于大陆或高处于岩石岛屿上的200所修道院中。

8、1.Be the day never so long. at length comes evensong. ─── 白日再漫长,终有暮歌时。

9、Be the day never so long, at length comes evensong. ─── 白日在漫长,终有暮歌唱。

10、Yet West End is now as peaceful as evensong. ─── 然而这里现今如晚祷歌一般祥和。

11、Many colleges have their own choirs whose singing wafts from college chapels at evensong or Sunday services, a celestial sound that causes even the staunchest agnostic to stop. ─── 许多学院都有唱诗班。晚祷或星期天做礼拜时,歌声从学院小教堂传出,飘荡在空中。声音犹如来自天国,即使最坚定不信神的人也会驻足聆听。

12、choral evensong ─── 合唱晚祷

13、Be the day never so long, at length comes evensong. ─── 白日在漫长,终有暮歌唱。

14、On the roof above us a thrush sang its hymn of evensong, sweetly registering[3] its joy at being alive. ─── 上方的屋顶上,一只画眉正吟唱着自己的晚祷颂歌,甜美的歌声流露出它对活着的喜悦。

15、Across the hush a fluting thrush, Sings evensong alone. ─── 唱歌的画眉打破了寂静,孤独地唱着晚祷。

16、The longest day at last rings out the evensong. ─── 白日无论如何长,总要完结的。

17、Be the day never so long,at length comes evensong. ─── 白日在漫长,终有暮歌唱。

18、We attended evensong as well as morning service. ─── 我们参加了晚祷和晨祷。

19、The mad old sexton has toll'd evensong an hour too soon. ─── 那发了疯的教堂执事把晚祷钟提前了一个小时。

20、The guy you see walking a dog on Sunday morning could be planning to go to evensong. ─── 星期天早上你看见的那个遛狗的家伙也许正计划去做晚祷呢。

21、This is the call of the semantron, a wooden beam struck with a mallet, and a sign that monks should assemble for evensong. ─── 这是木梁和木槌相撞击的声音,它召集修道士集合晚祷。

22、1. We attended evensong as well as morning service. ─── 我们参加了晚祷和晨祷.



song from a secret garden(家喻户晓)

nocturne(同上~经典 听者肯定熟悉)

sigma(一开始以为是唱诗班童声 后来发现是成熟的女声独唱)



evensong(没有确切的歌词而且词量很少 但不妨听来一试 像是神话仙境的感觉)

dawn of a new century(气势宏大之感)



you raise me up(不知道被各个著名乐队翻唱了多少回了)

greenwave(无以言表 听听看吧)


sleepsong(最喜欢的曲子之一 放松 歌如其名)

raise your voice(像是唱诗班)

其实神秘园的经典曲目有很多 少而精 这些都是我比较喜欢和熟悉的

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