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09-09 投稿



defacing 发音

英:[d??fe?s??]  美:[d??fe?s??]

英:  美:

defacing 中文意思翻译



defacing 词性/词形变化,defacing变形

形容词: defaceable |动词第三人称单数: defaces |动词现在分词: defacing |动词过去式: defaced |动词过去分词: defaced |名词: defacement |

defacing 短语词组

1、cased of defacing public property ─── [法] 毁坏公共财产案

2、offence of defacing public property ─── [法] 毁坏公共财产罪

defacing 相似词语短语

1、defatting ─── v.(使)脱脂,减脂(defat的现在分词)

2、defecting ─── n.缺点,缺陷;不足之处;vi.变节;叛变

3、refacing ─── n.重修面;光面;v.重磨;表面重磨(reface的现在分词)

4、deforcing ─── vt.强占,霸占

5、defanging ─── v.拔去……的尖牙;使无害,使无效

6、defaming ─── v.(使)丢脸;破坏(某人)的名誉,诽谤;指控,控告(defame的现在分词)

7、defoaming ─── adj.消去泡沫的;v.消去…的泡沫(defoam的ing形式)

8、defeating ─── 战胜(defeat的现在分词)

9、deflating ─── [金融]紧缩通货

defacing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、used to divide lands without defacing the landscape. ─── 用来分离土地而不丑化土地。

2、"Posting, defacing or removing notices on the Company Bulletin Board without Company approval" ─── 未经公司允许擅自张贴、毁损或移走公司公告栏上的通知

3、The first scenario involves a fairly common form of external attack known as Web site defacing . ─── 第一种方案涉及一种很常见的外部攻击形式,称为网站涂改。

4、defacing public property ─── 毁坏公物

5、Now there are some interesting points to be made about kids defacing property. ─── 现在关于孩子损毁物产有一些有趣的观点。

6、"Destroying, defacing, or theft of property of fellow employee or Company" ─── 破坏、毁损或偷盗其它员工或公司的财产

7、You see it was much more complex than just "defacing, " there are many ways writers "deface" things. ─── 你可以看见它不再只是“损毁”,有许多方法,创作家可以“损毁”事物。

8、Today, there's a law against defacing the Roman amphitheater. ─── 今天有法律反对对罗马竞技场乱涂乱画。

9、You two, scram!You're defacing city property. ─── |你们两个 滚开!

10、alert han-lers to the whiff of the aerosol spray paint cans used in defacing public property. ─── 雪梨,德通社 -- 要训练狗狗协助逮捕涂鸦画家是一件容易的事。经训练的狗狗可以嗅出用来涂污公共财产的喷漆罐中气溶胶的气味并警示牵犬师。

11、9. PS ? You may continue to send me the VW magazine if you like. I love defacing and then burning the VW logo. ─── 哈哈,这段粪的比较厉害:“你(大众)如果高兴,可以继续给我发大众的杂志,我会非常高兴的把它们揉了然后把上面的大众标志烧了。”收藏指正

12、The cars hit head-on, thereby dismembering and (literally) defacing the girls in one car. ─── 第一组女孩子的撞车场景就是一个很好的例子。

13、The fetish sometimes manifests itself in the defacing of statues or pictures of attractive people, especially celebrities. ─── 有时玷污狂会在丑化魅力人物尤其是名流的雕像或照片中来表现自己。

14、Chinese movie star Chow Yun-Fat's role has been slashed in half by censors in China for vilifying and defacing the Chinese and insulting Singapore. ─── 中国影星周润发所饰演的角色因在影片中对中国人的辱骂和丑化以及对新加坡人的污蔑而被审查人员削减了近一半。

15、Defacing a milk carton is punishable by a $10 fine. ─── 损坏牛奶盒的外观可处以10美元的罚款。

16、Students found mutilating or defacing Library materials such as books, newspapers and serials will be severly penalized. ─── 严禁涂污或撕毁任何馆藏(例如书籍、报纸、杂志)。

17、offence of defacing public property ─── 毁坏公共财物罪

18、Some have involved defacing Estonian websites, replacing the pages with Russian propaganda or bogus apologies. ─── 有些人开始参与为爱沙尼亚的网站换肤,有的则将网站中的网页用俄罗斯的宣传资料或是伪造的歉条替代。

19、a ditch with one side being a retaining wall; used to divide lands without defacing the landscape. ─── 一条一面是护岸的墙的沟渠;用来分离土地而不丑化土地。

20、What is there to stop people with bad intentions, or just bias, altering, defacing or deleting content? ─── 怎样阻止不怀好意的人,或持有偏见的人篡改、丑化或删除内容呢?

21、book defacing ─── 图书污损

22、When I have seen by Time's fell hand defac'd The rich-proud cost of outworn buried age;When sometime lofty towers I see down-raz'd, And brass eternal slave to mortal rage; ─── 免责申明:酷酷英语网转载信息,其目的在于传播更多信息,并不意味着赞同其中的观点、描述和立场。

23、Portland, officials said taggers from other communities were defacing their property. ─── 波特兰的官员说,来自其他社区的涂鸦者正损坏他们房子的外貌。

24、4. No defacing, scripting, or smearing on desks, white/black boards, walls or other school properties. Violations will lead to suspension or expulsion. ─── 不在课桌、黑板、墙壁及校内任何地方涂写,更不可书写不文明的语句。若有违反,将予以停课和退学处理。

25、Most of his friends spent their free hours defacing each other's Web sites and playing Quake over the Internet; Ian had higher aspirations. ─── 他的大部分朋友喜欢花时间弄乱别人的网站,或者在互联网上玩雷神之锤,Ian则有更高的追求。

26、When the PSP was released in the US in early 2005, Sony ran into some troubles with its graffiti-themed ads, drawing fire from some for defacing public property. ─── 当PSP于2005年年初在美国发售时,索尼公司就因其涂鸦主题的广告而惹上了一些麻烦,遭到某些人士的抨击,被指毁坏公物。

27、defacing library book ─── 书刊污损

28、Avoid defacing headliner inside the vehicle . ─── 避免污损头条新闻车内。

29、The light is about to be turned on and you shall witness the defacing of darkness from your realm. ─── 光明即将开启,你将见证黑暗从你们的界域磨灭而去。

30、The first scenario involves a fairly common form of external attack known as Web site defacing. ─── 第一种方案涉及一种很常见的外部攻击形式,称为网站涂改。

31、Swiss man has gone on trial in Thailand on charges of insult ing the King by alleged ly defacing his portrait s with black paint. ─── 一名瑞士男子向多幅泰国国王肖像喷洒黑色油漆并因此受到污辱国王的指控,该男子目前正在泰国受审。

32、cased of defacing public property ─── [法] 毁坏公共财产案

33、PS ? You may continue to send me the VW magazine if you like. I love defacing and then burning the VW logo. ─── 哈哈,这段粪的比较厉害:“你(大众)如果高兴,可以继续给我发大众的杂志,我会非常高兴的把它们揉了然后把上面的大众标志烧了。”

34、However, with the open access system, misbehaviors, such as stealing book, tearing page, defacing and misplacing books, frequently increase correspondingly with readers' free enjoyment in libraries. ─── 但是,伴随着开架借阅,读者在图书馆享受自由权的同时,各种违章行为也相应增加,如窃书、撕页、污损、乱架等现象时有发生。

35、The course goes thru a cemetery in a tea field. To avoid defacing the tombs, less marks than necessary have been painted. ─── 路线在一处茶园会穿过一片墓地,此处以示尊敬,没有路标。

36、3. He vainly tried to mark the defacing stain out. ─── 他试图除去有损外观的污迹,但没有成功。

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