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09-09 投稿


valerian 发音

英:[v??l?ri?n]  美:[v??l??ri?n]

英:  美:

valerian 中文意思翻译




valerian 网络释义

n. 缬草属植物(自其根茎采制之镇静剂)

valerian 短语词组

1、Valerian (emperor) ─── 缬(帝)

2、valerian family ─── [植物]败酱科 (Valerianaceae)

3、common valerian un. ─── 缬草 [网络] 常见 ─── 缬草

4、red valerian ─── [网络] 红缬草;红色缬草

5、Greek valerian ─── [医] 花葱

6、Valerian (herb) ─── 缬草(herb)

7、valerian American ─── [医] 美缬草, 毛杓兰根

8、valerian extract ─── [医] 缬草浸膏

9、oil of valerian ─── [化] 缬草油

10、valerian fluidextract ─── [医] 缬草流浸膏

valerian 相似词语短语

1、valerianic ─── 缬草

2、valeric ─── adj.颉草的

3、Valerian ─── 《星际特工:千星之城》(一部科幻电影)

4、valerians ─── n.缬草;n.(Valerian)《星际特工:千星之城》(电影名)

5、Adlerian ─── adj.阿德勒的,阿德勒学说的

6、malarian ─── 马来语

7、Valeria ─── 瓦莱里娅(人名)

8、psalterian ─── 诗篇

9、Mahlerian ─── 马勒式

valerian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This site introduces several Healthy Herbs,including Willow,Valerian,Wort,Ginkgo,Ginger,and Echinacea. ─── 该网站介绍了几种健康草药,包括柳树、颉草、麦芽汁、银杏、姜、和海胆亚目。

2、Great Future of Valerian in Utilization ─── 缬草开发前景广阔

3、At those times, certain herbs have been found useful by our channels to help treat these symptoms, including Valerian Root, Passion Flower and Kava Kava. ─── 对那些时刻,我们的通道发现有几种药草能帮助治疗这些症状,包括缬草根,西番莲和卡法根。

4、Investigate the benefits of chamomile, valerian, kava, passionflower, skullcap, catnip, or hops. ─── 研究表明野菊花,缬草,卡法草,西番莲,黄苓,樟脑草,啤酒花都很有用处。(加菲猫

5、If you're trying valerian, the suggested dose for the concentrated form is equal to two to three grams of the root a day. ─── 如果你愿意尝试下缬草,建议的剂量控制为平均2至3克,每天。

6、valerian oil ─── 缬草油

7、Valerian Extract (Valeriana officinalis), which research has shown to promote relaxation of the smooth muscle of the uterus. ─── 缬草提取物(缬草),其中有研究表明,以促进减轻平滑肌的子宫紧张。

8、Effect of Valerian Extract on L-type Calcium Current and Action Potential in Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes ─── 缬草单萜氧化物对兔单个心室肌细胞L-型钙电流的影响

9、Greek valerian ─── [医] 花葱

10、Pure natural plant extract valerian grass - roots, non - toxic side effects. ─── 纯天然植物缬草根中提取,无毒副作用。

11、If that happens to you, take valerian during the day. ─── 如果你是这10%,那就在白天吃好了。

12、A widely cultivated valerian (Valeriana officinalis) having clusters of small, fragrant, purplish, pink, or white flowers and strong-smelling rhizomes formerly used in medicine. ─── 缬草:一种广泛培育的缬草属植物(缬草缬草属),具有紫色、粉红色或白色的成小束且芳香的花和常用于药物的带有刺激气味的下茎

13、Keywords Valerian;Diabetic nephropathy;Oxidative stress;Protein kinase C; ─── 关键词缬草;糖尿病肾病;氧化性应激;蛋白激酶C;

14、I suggest that you use valerian in its tincture or solid extract form to stem the stench. ─── 我建议你还是将缬草用作固体装饰或用其他形式提取出来,以防臭味。

15、Valerocalm is a herbal product in soft gelatin capsules containing Valerian root extract, Hop strobiles extract and Passiflora extract. ─── 缬草 是一种含有缬草提取物、啤酒花孢子叶球提取物和西番莲提取物的明胶胶囊草药产品。

16、Study on the Common Valerian Cultivation Technique ─── 缬草栽培技术研究

17、Valerian is a safe and effective sedative with reliable results for most kids. ─── 缬草是安全有效的镇静剂,对大多数儿童很有效。

18、valerian extract ─── [医] 缬草浸膏

19、Keywords Valerian;Myocardium;Reperfusion injury;Rabbit; ─── 缬草;心肌;再灌注损伤;家兔;

20、Valerian Root will assist one in embracing one's life dance in the moment and as it is. ─── 缬草将协助你按照当下本来的样子融入当下的生命之舞。

21、The meeting is a trap and Valerian ends up in enemy hands, along with the commander of his personal guard, Marcus Metellus Aquila, and ten of his most valiant and trusted men. ─── 这次会议是一个陷阱,缬草结束了在敌人手中,随着指挥员的他的个人卫队,马库斯 , 他最勇敢和值得信赖的男人。

22、Indian valerian oil ─── 印度缬草油

23、valerian phenol ─── 缬草酚

24、ConsumerLab.com determined the quality and quantity of valerian contained in many of the products available today. ─── 这个消费者网站测定的包含镇静剂的数量和质量,是现在许多产品都采用的。

25、But don't combine valerian with alcohol or mood-regulating drugs. ─── 但是注意不要和酒混在一起,也不要和成品剂混在一起。

26、St John's Wort for mild depression, irritability and mood swings plus Valerian and Passionflower to help promote a restful nights rest. ─── 圣约翰草有助于轻度抑郁,易怒,情绪波动,缬草和西番莲麦汁,帮助促进宁静的夜间休息。

27、valerian tincture ─── 缬草酊

28、Valerian ring mosaic virus ─── 缬草环花叶病毒

29、Ganoderma Extract Powder, Ganoderma Lucidium Spore-Pollen, Schizandra Fruit Powder Extract, Zizyphus Jujuba, Valerian Root Extract ─── 灵芝浸膏粉,灵芝孢子粉,五味子果粉提取物,大枣,缬草提取根

30、Research on the Control of Weeds in Common Valerian ─── 缬草田杂草防除技术的研究

31、oil of valerian ─── [化] 缬草油

32、If you're trying valerian, the suggested dose for the concentrated form is equal to two to three grams of the root a day. ─── 如果你愿意尝试下缬草,建议的剂量控制为平均2至3克,每天。

33、valerian American ─── [医] 美缬草, 毛杓兰根

34、The volatile components of Valerian Oil which is usually used as flavor for tobacco were identified by GC /FTIR /FID and GC /MS. ─── 采用气红联用(GC/FTIR/FID)和气质联用(GC/MS)的方法,对烟用精油-缬草油挥发成分进行分析。

35、An Experimental Study of Valerian Extract Combating Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury ─── 缬草提取物抗心肌缺血再灌注损伤的实验研究

36、And, as Shives says of melatonin, valerian, and similar substances, "Nobody's regulating this stuff. ─── 而且谢福思还提到褪黑素、缬草和相似物质,“没有人对这些原料加以规定。”

37、Valerian is one of the most common sleep remedies for insomnia. ─── 缬草是治疗不眠症的最常见的补眠措施之一。

38、Results: The valerian can obviously increase the mouse sleep rate, reduces mouse's independent active number of times. ─── 结果:缬草能显著增加小鼠睡眠率,减少小鼠的自主活动次数。

39、Valerian extract a tranquilizing, antispasmodic and analgesic, microcirculation, against myocardial ischemia and acute myocardial infarction narrow scope, Anti-pulmonary edema, antidepressants, anti-bacterial and anti-tumor effects. ─── 缬草提取物具有镇静安神、解痉镇痛、改善微循环、抗心肌缺血及缩小急性心肌梗死范围、抗肺水肿、抗抑郁、抗肿瘤和抗菌等作用。

40、3.Nighttime teas and the herb valerian also have been shown to aid sleep. ─── 夜茶和颉草植物镇静剂也有助睡眠。

41、Batik, is China's ancient folklore textile crafts, the ancient Chinese called wax Valerian, and "folder Valerian" "able to tie" and called China's three major ancient printing techniques. ─── 蜡染,是我国古老的民间传说纺织印染手工艺,中国古代称为蜡缬,与“夹缬”“绞缬”并称为我国古代三大印花技艺。

42、Christian prelate and martyr who led Christians in North Africa during persecution by the Roman emperors Decius and Valerian. ─── 基督教主教和殉教者,在受罗马皇帝德西乌斯和卫莱拉迫害期间,他曾在北非领导基督教徒。

43、valerian fluidextract ─── [医] 缬草流浸膏

44、Upon a biological level, Valerian Root assists in the relaxation of the muscular structure so that the structure and function of all body parts is sustained. ─── 在一个生物性水平上,缬草协助肌肉结构的放松,以便身体所有的结构与功能都能被维系。

45、Keywords valerian oil;gas chromatography;gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; ─── 缬草油;气一质联用分析;气相色谱分析;

46、Numerous studies have found that valerian improves deep sleep, speed of falling asleep, and overall quality of sleep. ─── 大量研究已经发现缬草改善深度睡眠,提高入睡的速度和睡眠的整体质量。

47、Passion Flower and Valerian Root two others.One can muscle test and utilize the tinctures from such herbs as needed before bedtime in order to create more restful sleep. ─── 你可以肌肉测试并在睡前按需使用这类药草所制成的酊剂,以产生安宁的睡眠效果。

48、Valerian, a popular herb used as a sedative and calming agent, "can help people with sleep problems," Dr. Tod Cooperman, president of ConsumerLab.com said in a statement. ─── 这个消费者网站的总裁塔德·库伯曼博士在文章中表述:草本镇静剂是广泛用于止痛和镇静的草药,“能帮助人们改善睡眠问题。”

49、edible valerian ─── 食用缬草

50、Try a herbal remedy. Herbs recommended for relaxation and to combat sleeplessness include chamomile, passionflower, valerian and St. John's wort. ─── 尝试草本疗法。您或许想试试一些具纾缓作用的草本植物如黄金菊、西番莲、缬草或金丝桃,以减轻间歇性失眠。

51、Valerian is one of the most common sleep remedies for insomnia. ─── 缬草是治疗不眠症的最常见的补眠措施之一。

52、Nighttime teas and the herb valerian also have been shown to aid sleep.If you experience insomnia (inability to fall asleep), see a sleep specialist. ─── 要对医生彻底说明其他任何你可能有的健康问题,这一点非常重要。

53、Japanese valerian rhizome ─── 缬草

54、Study of valerian on propagation characteristic ─── 缬草繁殖生物学研究

55、Cooperman's advice: "If you use valerian, choosing a product that passed ConsumerLab.com's testing should improve your odds of it being effective and free of contaminants." ─── 库伯曼提出了如下忠告:“如果你选用草药镇静剂,请用消费者网站检测通过的产品,这样才能保证你的疗效和免受污染。”

56、Keywords valerian;V. pseudofficinalis;Valeriana L.;Intraspecific variation;Pharmacognosy;Taxonomy;Resources;Chemical component;Essential oil;Sedative and hyponotic action;CE;HPLC;AFLP;ITS; ─── 缬草;缬草属;种内变异;生药学;分类;资源;化学成分;挥发油;镇静催眠;CE;HPLC;AFLP;ITS;

57、Relationship Between Effect of Valerian Extract on Metabolism of Lipid and Treatment for Gallbladder Gallstone ─── 缬草提取物对类脂质代谢的影响与对胆囊结石治疗作用的关系

58、We noticed that there will be new heros from Terran and Protoss, for example: Valerian Mengsk and Selendis. ─── 问:我们注意到,无论是人类还是星灵都新加了一批新的英雄,例如:瓦雷里安蒙斯克以及赛兰蒂斯。

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